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Kata ganti menyatakan milik atau kepunyaan.
Poss. Adjective Poss. Pronoun
my mine
PRONOUN their (+) noun theirs
(–) noun
his his
Pronoun adalah kata ganti orang atau benda.
I. PERSONAL PRONOUN Possessive Adjective
Kata ganti keterangan untuk orang atau benda sebagai Posisinya sebagai subject dan object
subject atau object. Contoh:
Subject Object  Ana takes my book.
I Me  My cat eats your food.
You You  Your dog barks my uncle.
We Us
They Them Possessive Pronoun
She Her Posisinya sebagai object dan kalau sebagai subject
He Him hanya boleh di kalimat ke-2
It It Contoh:
 I lost my pen. May I borrow yours?
(1) Subject  My pen is black, yours is blue.
Diletakkan sebelum Vb/Aux  X : What has made these tourist
Subject Vb/ Aux resorts so unattractive now?
Y: The poor maintenance of their
 I am a student.
 He goes to school.
 We are happy.
Kata ganti orang untuk menggantikan diri sendiri.
Subject Reflexive
(2) Object
Diletakkan setelah Vb/Aux I myself
You yourself/ selves
Vb/ Aux Object
We ourselves
They themselves
 I kiss her.
She herself
 It is me.
He himself
 It will be him.
It It self
Note: (1) Menekankan subject (S)
Subject + I = we  us Contoh:
Subject + you = you  you  I my self do the job.
Subject + Subject = they  them  Ana cooks the food herself.
Contoh:  We go there our selves.
 Both my brother and I refused to sign the (2) Subject = Object
petition no body could force us to do it. Subject melakukan pekerjaan oleh dirinya sendiri.
 Anita and I missed the morning flight, this Contoh:
made us late for our friend’s wedding.  Tono kills himself.
 Mother bought two statues for me and herself.

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IV. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN 3. Let the students solve _____ own problem.
Kata ganti penunjuk, yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan (A) their
tunggal atau (singular) dan jamak (plural) (B) themselves
Tunggal (singular) Jamak (plural) (C) them
This These (D) theirselves
That Noun (sg) Those Noun (pl) (E) theirs

4. The man killed ____ because his girlfriend betrayed.

Contoh: (A) herself
 He made contacts to many persons while on duty. (B) themselves
These made him get the virus. (C) himself
 Patients who were immediately taken care could (D) ourselves
survive while those were not should die. (E) yourself

V. INDEFINITE PRONOUN 5. Let the boys explain it ____.

Kata ganti tidak tentu: (A) himself
Some body / some one (B) herself
Every body / every one (C) him
Vb/Aux (sg)
Any body / any one (D) themselves
No body / no one (E) them
Jika diganti menjadi 6. Since we left the village, something ___ happened.
 Subject berubah menjadi they (A) have (D) be
 Object berubah menjadi them (B) were (E) has
Contoh: (C) are
 No body comes, they may forget.
 Everybody has to bring their ID cards if they want 7. The students are working on _____ own work.
to enter the room. (A) their (D) ours
Something (B) they (E) theirs
Everything Vb/Aux (sg) (C) our
Nothing 8. _____ are fresh and beautiful. They must be watered
Jika diganti menjadi everyday.
Subject atau object menjadi it (A) This flower (D) That flower
Contoh: (B) That flowers (E) These flowers
 Everything is ok, isn’t it? (C) These flowers
 Everything has changed, hasn’t it? 9. Both my brother and I refuse to sign the petition.
Nobody could force ____ to do it.
1. My mother and ____ met a strange boy yesterday, that’s (B) them (E) you
why we were very surprised. (C) us
(A) me (B) my (C) I (D) myself (E) mine
10. ___ works in foreign company.
2. “There are so many young girls living around your (1) They
dormitory.” (2) One of my friends
“Don’t you know ____?” (3) Mother and I
(A) her (D) nobody (4) He
(B) themselves (E) anything
(C) them

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01. Pembahasan: Reflexive pronoun
Personal pronoun I  myself
I You  yourself
You  your selves
They He  himself
We Vb/aux They  themselves
She We  ourselves
It They killed themselves.
↳ subject The man kill himself
Students develop the knowledge and skills they need He
to... Jawaban : C
My mother and I met a strange boy…
Vb 05. Pembahasan:
Jawaban : C Reflexive pronoun
I  my self
02. Pembahasan: They  themselves
Personal pronoun We  our selves
Subject Object
I Me Note: they boys  they
You You
They Them Subject: the boys  themselves
We Us (they)
She Her Let the boys explain it themselves.
He Him Jawaban : D
It It
Posisi setelah kata kerja: 06. Pembahasan:
Indefinite pronoun
Vb/Aux + Object
Don’t you know them? Anything
+ Vb/aux (sg)
Vb obj Everything
Jawaban : E Nothing
03. Pembahasan:
Possessive pronoun Something  vb/aux (sg)
I  my Jawaban : E
You  your
They  their 07. Pembahasan:
Posisi: sebelum kata benda (noun) Possessive pronoun
Poss. Adj + Noun
Your + noun (kata benda)
Note: Her
The students, the girls  they His
Let the students solve their own problem.
noun Posisi : sebelum kata benda
Jawaban : C Poss. Adj + Noun

are working on my own work


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Jawaban : A D. their
E. theirs
08. Pembahasan:
3. When Franklin Roosevelt became very ill, his wife began to
Demonstrative pronoun
take a more active role in politics, and many people believed
that ________ and the president shared his responsibilities
This + noun (sg) A. she
That B. her
These + noun (pl) C. herself
Those D. hers
E. she’s
These flowers are fresh and beautiful
plural 4. After ___ parents passed away, Haposan lived ___
A. his, his self
Jawaban : E
B. his, him self
C. he, by himself
09. Pembahasan: D. him , by himself
Personal pronoun E. his, by himself
Posisi : setelah kata kerja 5. The Education Act requires that school boards provide, or
Note: purchase from another board, special education programs
Both my brother and I = We and services for ______ exceptional pupils.
Mother and I = We A. its
B. his
We  us
C. her
Nobody could force + object
D. their
Vb E. it’s
Jawaban : C
6. Your involvement in the school council gives ______ the
10. Pembahasan: opportunity to strengthen that partnership, and to be part of
Personal pronoun a dedicated team.
Subject A. you
B. your
C. his
Subject (he/she/it)  Vb/Aux (sg)
D. her
↳ orang ketiga tunggal E. their
He works in foreign company.
One of my friends works in foreign company. 7. Ontario schools are offering expanded programs to ensure
Jawaban: C every child, no matter ______ learning style, succeeds.
A. their
C. its
1. Promoting ____ good and services, the salesmen also bid an
D. whose
opportunity to earn some profit.
E. his or her
A. they
B. their
8. His 17-year career at this institute provided ______ with a
C. its
thorough understanding of the nuclear industry in Canada.
D. it’s
A. his
E. it
B. it
C. he
2. Students develop the knowledge and skills ______ need to
D. him
make informed choices for their education, career, and life
E. them
outside school.
A. them
B. they
C. he

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9. Although Margaret Mead had several assistants during her Budi, describing himself as a former “killer”
long investigation of Samoa, the bulk research was done by teacher, said he used to regard slapping and pinching as
___ alone. common in disciplining students.
A. herself
“Now, we give priority to counseling rather than
B. she
just punishing problematic students,” Budi said, referring to
C. her
D. hers
consultation hours provided once a week for student.
E. she’s SMAN 103 currently has four teachers who have
counseling hours, with five intern teachers assisting them.
10. The Expressionistic artist was concerned not with reality of “Those teachers rarely helped students with counseling
subject matter but with ___ inner nature and the emotions that before, but lately they provide more time on a weekly basis
it aroused. for the activity, which is a good thing,” said 15-years-old Sari,
A. it has one of 840 students at SMAN 103.
B. its
Asked about the benefit of the counseling, second
C. what its
year student Sari acknowledged she was not used to sharing
D. it is
E. it her private thoughts with others, including teachers, but the
service was helpful for some of her troubled friends.
Budi said he has been trying for years to change his
UM-UGM 2008 rather militaristic approach in the classroom.
“Your biggest enemy is yourself,” This idea is being “Now, I don’t want to have obedient student just
explored by teachers as they and their students deal with the because they are afraid of me.”
issue of bullying. However, he said some student tended to do as
“The hardest thing is to control our own emotions they pleased it they were not punished harshly. “I’m still
because some teachers, like myself, are used to the stern looking for a solution, but of course I don’t want to go back
approach in disciplining students,” vice principal of SMAN to my old ways of teaching.”
103 state high school in East Jakarta, Budi Muntoro, told The Source: The Jakarta Post, November 28,
Jakarta Post on Wednesday. 2007
Most people do not realize that at some stage,
adults – parent and teachers – unconsciously teach bullying 01. In Paragraph 7, the word “it” refers to ….
to children, especially in the way they use violence in A. Violence
education. B. Psychological aspects
“About 50 percent of teachers might be guilty of C. Bullying
bullying at some point,” said Budi. SMAN 103 is one of three D. Physical violence
public high schools in Jakarta taking part in a pilot project E. Geography
on bullying prevention.
Teachers and principals from the school 02. The pronoun “them” in paragraph 11 refers to
participated in a workshop on bullying hosted by the Semai which of the following?
Jiwa Amini Foundation in September. The workshop was A. Problematic students who need counseling.
attended by 57 SMAN 103 teachers. B. Five intern teachers who assist other teachers.
“Previously, I thought bullying was only physical C. Parents whose children get punishment.
violence. But now I realize that is also involves psychological D. Teachers who have counseling hours.
aspects,” said Budi who teaches geography. E. Some of the 840 students at SMAN 103.
“So, the violence is not just physical but it can also
be in the form of verbal and non-verbal expressions,” said the
43-year-old teacher.
Budi, who has been teaching for 23 years, now tries
to watch his words. “I never thought before that calling
students by their nicknames was bullying,” he said.

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TOPIK : MISCELLANY MATERIALS For example, if we are speaking of water that has been
spilled on the table, there can be one drop (singular) or two
or more drops (plural) of water on the table. The word drop in
this example is a count noun because we can count the
THE OTHER number of drops. Therefore, according to the rules applying
to count nouns, the word drop would use the
articles a or the.
In English there are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are
However, if we are speaking of water in general spilled on the
used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of
table, it would not be appropriate to count one water or two
adjective. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to
waters -- there would simply be water on the table. Water is
indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader.
a noncount noun. Therefore, according to the rules applying
The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is
to noncount nouns, the word water would use no
general or when its identity is not known. There are certain
article or the, but not a.
situations in which a noun takes no article.
Following are the three specific rules which explain the use
As a guide, the following definitions and table summarize the
of definite and indefinite articles.
basic use of articles. Continue reading for a more detailed
Rule #1 - Specific identity not known: Use the indefinite
explanation of the rules and for examples of how and when
article a or an only with a singular count noun whose
to apply them.
specific identity is not known to the reader. Use a before
Definite article
nouns that begin with a consonant sound, and use an before
the (before a singular or plural noun)
nouns that begin with a vowel sound.
Indefinite article
 Use the article a or an to indicate any non-specified
a (before a singular noun beginning with a consonant sound)
member of a group or category.
an (before a singular noun beginning with a vowel sound)
I think an animal is in the garage
Count nouns - refers to items that can be counted and are
That man is a scoundrel.
either singular or plural
We are looking for an apartment.
Non-count nouns - refers to items that are not counted and
 Use the article a or an to indicate one in number (as
are always singular
opposed to more than one).
COUNT NON- I own a cat and two dogs.
NOUNS COUNT  Use the article a before a consonant sound, and
NOUNS use an before a vowel sound.
a boy, an apple
Rule #1 a, an (no article)
◊ Sometimes an adjective comes between the article and
Specific identity not
an unhappy boy, a red apple
Rule #2 the the  The plural form of a or an is some. Use some to indicate
Specific identity an unspecified, limited amount (but more than one).
known an apple, some apples
Rule #2 - Specific identity known: Use the definite
Rule #3 (no (no article) article the with any noun (whether singular or plural, count
All things or things article) or noncount) when the specific identity of the noun is known
in general to the reader, as in the following situations:
 Use the article the when a particular noun has already
For the purposes of understanding how articles are used, it been mentioned previously.
is important to know that nouns can be either count (can be I ate an apple yesterday. The apple was juicy and delicious.
counted) or noncount (indefinite in quantity and cannot be  Use the article the when an adjective, phrase, or clause
counted). In addition, count nouns are either singular (one) describing the noun clarifies or restricts its identity.
or plural (more than one). Noncount nouns are always The boy sitting next to me raised his hand.
in singular form. Thank you for the advice you gave me.
 Use the article the when the noun refers to something or
someone that is unique.

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the theory of relativity the Gobi Desert
the 2003 federal budget the United Arab Emirates
Rule #3 - All things or things in general: Use no article with the Sacramento River
plural count nouns or any noncount nouns used to the Aleutians
mean all or in general. ◊ Do not use the with: streets, parks, cities, states, counties,
Trees are beautiful in the fall. (All trees are beautiful in the most countries, continents, bays, single lakes, single
fall.) mountains, islands
He was asking for advice. (He was asking for advice in Japan
general.) Chico
I do not like coffee. (I do not like all coffee in general.) Mt. Everest
San Francisco Bay
Additional Information Regarding the Use of Articles
 When indicating an unspecified, limited amount of Examples of the Use of Articles
a count or noncount noun, use some. I do not want a gun in my house (any gun).
My cousin was seeking some advice from a counselor (not The gun is in his closet (implies there is a specific gun).
advice in general or advice about everything, but a limited I am afraid of guns (all guns in general).
amount of advice). She sent me a postcard from Italy (an unspecific postcard -
I would love some coffee right now (not coffee in general, but not a letter, not an e-mail).
a limited amount of coffee). It's the postcard that I have in my office (one specific
We might get rain tomorrow. Some rain would be good for the postcard).
crops (a certain amount of rain, as opposed to rain in Getting postcards makes me want to travel (any postcard in
general). general).
There are some drops of water on the table (a limited number, I have a dog (one dog).
but more than one drop). The dog is very friendly (the dog that I have already
 Noncount nouns are those which usually cannot be mentioned).
counted. Following are some common examples: Dogs make great pets (dogs in general).
◊ Certain food and drink items: bacon, beef, bread, broccoli, Greta needs furniture in her apartment (furniture is a
butter, cabbage, candy, cauliflower, celery, cereal, cheese, noncount noun).
chicken, chocolate, coffee, corn, cream, fish, flour, fruit, ice She is going to select the furniture that she needs (the
cream, lettuce, meat, milk, oil, pasta, rice, salt, spinach, specific furniture that she needs).
sugar, tea, water, wine, yogurt She hopes to find some furniture this weekend (an
◊ Certain nonfood substances: air, cement, coal, dirt, unspecified, limited amount of furniture).
gasoline, gold, paper, petroleum, plastic, rain, silver, snow, We are going to see the Statue of Liberty this weekend (the
soap, steel, wood, wool only Statue of Liberty).
◊ Most abstract nouns: advice, anger, beauty, confidence,
courage, employment, fun, happiness, health, honesty, Other, others, the other or another?
information, intelligence, knowledge, love, poverty, Other
satisfaction, truth, wealth Other means ‘additional or extra’, or ‘alternative’, or ‘different
◊ Areas of study: history, math, biology, etc. types of’.
◊ Sports: soccer, football, baseball, hockey, etc. Other as a determiner
◊ Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Russian, English, etc. We can use other with singular uncountable nouns and with
◊ Other: clothing, equipment, furniture, homework, jewelry, plural nouns:
luggage, lumber, machinery, mail, money, news, poetry, The embassy website has general information about
pollution, research, scenery, traffic, transportation, violence, visas. Other travel information can be obtained by calling the
weather, work freephone number. (additional or extra information)
 Geographical names are confusing because some require Some music calms people; other music has the opposite
the and some do not. effect. (different types of music)
◊ Use the with: united countries, large regions, deserts, What other books by Charles Dickens have you read, apart
peninsulas, oceans, seas, gulfs, canals, rivers, mountain from ‘Oliver Twist’? (additional or extra books)
ranges, groups of islands

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This one’s too big. Do you have it in other sizes? (alternative We use another with singular nouns:
sizes) Would you like another cup of coffee?
If we use other before a singular countable noun, we must You’ve met Linda, but I have another sister who you haven’t
use another determiner before it: met, called Margaret.
I don’t like the red one. I prefer the other colour. I don’t like this place. Is there another café around here we
Not: I prefer other colour. could go to? (alternative or different)
Jeremy is at university; our other son is still at school. Another as a pronoun
He got 100% in the final examination. No other student has We can use another as a pronoun:
ever achieved that. The applications are examined by one committee, then passed
There’s one other thing we need to discuss before we finish. on to another.
Warning: Other, others, the other or another: typical errors
Other as a determiner does not have a plural form:  When other is a determiner, it does not have a plural form:
Mandy and Charlotte stayed behind. The other girls went These boxes are for books. The other boxes are for clothes.
home. Not: The others boxes …
Not: The others girls …  When other as a pronoun refers to more than one person
See also: or thing, it takes the plural form, others:
 Determiners (the, my, some, this) Some scientists think we should reduce the number of flights
Other as a pronoun to prevent global warming; others disagree.
We can use other as a pronoun. As a pronoun, other has Not: … other disagree.
a plural form, others:  Other must have a determiner before it when it comes in
We have to solve this problem, more than any other, today. front of a singular countable noun. If the noun is indefinite
I’ll attach two photos to this email and I’ll (e.g. a book, a woman, an idea), we use another:
send others tomorrow. I’ve posted the first package. What shall I do with that
The other other package?
The other as a determiner Not: What shall I do with other package?
The other with a singular noun means the second of two After a month in Bolivia, I was ready to move
things or people, or the opposite of a set of two: to another country.
This computer here is new. The other computer is about five Not: … to move to other country.
years old.  We write another as one word:
A: Do you know the Indian restaurant in Palmer Street? There is another car park a little further down the same street.
B: Yes. Not: There is an other car park …
A: Well, the gift shop is on the other side of the street, directly  Another is singular. We don’t use it with plural nouns:
opposite. (the opposite side) Other interesting places to visit include the old harbour and
The other with a plural noun means the remaining people or the castle.
things in a group or set: Not: Another interesting places to visit …
Joel and Karen are here, but where are the other kids? (the
remaining people in a group)
Where are the other two dinner plates? I can only find
four. (the remaining things in a set – here six plates)
The other as a pronoun
We can use the other as a pronoun, especially to refer back
to something which has been mentioned already in the
He had his hat in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other.
She has two kittens, one is black and the other is all white.
When we use the indefinite article an before other, we write
it as one word: another. Another means ‘one more’ or ‘an
additional or extra’, or ‘an alternative or different’.
Another as a determiner

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TOPIK : NOUN & NOUN PHRASE (B) Jenis kata benda berdasarkan jumlah
Dibedakan menjadi countable dan countable noun.
(benda dapat dihitung) (benda tidak dapat
Book, books, house, Water, oil, sugar,
Noun adalah suatu kata benda yang bisa berupa tunggal
table, tables, cupboard, sand, flour, money,
yang disebut dengan singular dan bisa berupa jamak
chair, pen, pencil, etc. ink, salt, etc.
yang disebut dengan plural. Benda bisa berupa cair,
padat, gas, bahkan fenomena alam.
Contoh: Posisi/ letak Noun
Book, table, water, tea, milk, bread, sugar, climate, dll. (1) Setelah determiner
Benda bisa dibedakan berdasarkan pembentukan atau A/An
berdasarkan jumlah. The
My, your NOUN
(A) Jenis kata benda berdasarkan pembentukan Many, much
Verb + ment little
Improve  improvement Contoh:
Establish  establishment Any bring the umbrella.
Verb + ance, ence Shinta gave me many books.
Appear  appearance
Confide  confidence (2) Setelah adjective/kata sifat
Verb + ion, tion Adj + Noun
Evaluate  evaluation Contoh:
Create  creation  Anita brings the large book.
Verb + al  My sister is having her lunch in dining room.
Survive  survival  I look a beautiful girl standing on the corner.
Propose  proposal
Verb + ure, ture II. NOUN PHRASES
Depart  departure Noun phrases atau frase kata benda merupakan
Fail  failure kelompok kata yang berfungsi sebagai benda. Frase ini
Adj + ness terdiri dari sebuah kata utama (noun head) dan satu
Happy  happiness atau lebih kata yang berfungsi sebagai penjelas noun
Dark  darkness head tersebut.
Adj + ity Frase kata benda bisa berupa:
Able  ability  Determiner yang meliputi:
Possble  possibility 1. Articles: a book, an umbrella, the man
Noun + ship 2. Quantitives: some books, many peole.
Friend  friendship 3. Possesive: my teacher, your darling, his book.
Relation  relationship 4. Demonstrative: this table, these books
Noun + hood  Numeral, yaitu kata benda yang menunjukkan
Brother  brotherhood jumlah
Child  childhood One title, two men, first floor.
 Epitet, yaitu kata sifat digabung dengan benda.
Selain dengan mengetahui derivational affix, terdapat Adjective + noun
beberapa ciri umum kata benda yang dapat digunakan Opini : nice book, delicious food.
untuk membedakan kata benda tersebut dari jenis kata Size : large room, small box
lainnya seperti penambahan –s/-es untuk jamak, selain Age : old people, young sister.
itu bisa juga dilihat dari determiner seperti awalan a, an, Temperature : hot climate, cold night.
the, many, much, dan sebagainya. Color : red book, yellow card.

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Origin : American people. 05. Customers’______ is very important to service business.
Material : silver box (A) satisfied
Participle : painted house (B) satisfactory
(C) satisfy
 Classifying (D) satisfactorily
Classifying merupakan gerund (ving) yang (E) satisfaction
fungsinya penjelas kata benda.
Contoh: dining room, counting machine, walking 06. The ______ is trying to reduce smoking by putting
stick. warning on cigarette packs..
 Noun + prep + noun (A) govern
The book on the table (B) governs
The table on the floor (C) to govern
 Participle + noun (D) government
Hidden treasure (E) governmentful
Sleeping baby
Walking water 07. _____ are fresh and beautiful. They must be watered
SOAL PENGANTAR (D) This flower
01. After the_____ he will leave for the mountains. (E) That flowers
(A) Preparements (F) These flowers
(B) Preparator (G) That flower
(C) Preparations (H) These flowers
(D) Prepareful
(E) Prepared 08. Do you have___ minutes? I’d like to ask you a few
questions, I need____ more information.
02. The star throws of its outer layers in an active____ and (A) little – few
its core collapses. (B) a little – a few
(A) explode (C) a few – a little
(B) exploded (D) few – few
(C) exploding (E) little – little
(D) explosive
(E) explosion 09. Like planets, cities have gravity. The bigger they are, the
more powerful the______
03. I lost my hand book at the seminar. (A) attract
The noun phrase above is formed by_______ (B) attraction
(A) Verb + noun (C) attractive
(B) Adjective + noun (D) attracts
(C) Noun + noun (E) to attract
(D) Noun + adjective
(E) Vb-ing + noun 10. Because of this dangerous characteristic, the United
states cancelled____ for the home use of carbon
04. In order not to wake up the sleeping child, he walked tetrachloride in 1970.
tiptoed into the house. (A) permission (D) permitted
The noun phrase is a/an _______form. (B) permissible (E) permitting
(A) active (C) permissive
(B) passive
(C) instruction
(D) indirect
(E) direct

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01. Pembahasan: 06. Pembahasan:
Noun after article Noun after article
a/an a/an
the the
this Noun this Noun
those those
of of
After the preparations he will leave for the mountains. The government is trying to reduce smoking by putting
Jawaban : C warning on cigarette packs.
Jawaban: D
02. Pembahasan:
Adjective of quality before noun 07. Pembahasan:
Adjective + noun Demonstrative pronoun
The star throws of its outer layers in an active explosion The
and its core collapses This + noun (sg)
Jawaban : E That
These + noun (pl)
03. Pembahasan; Those
Noun phrase menurut pembentukannya: These flowers are fresh and beautiful
Adj + Noun plural
Gerund + Noun Jawaban : E
Participle + Noun
Noun + participle 08. Pembahasan:
Hand book Countable noun menggunakan few / a few.
Noun + noun a few  sedikit (cukup)
Jawaban : C few  sedikit (tidak cukup)
a few minutes
04. Pembahasan: a little information
Active: Jawaban : C
Present Participle + Noun
(Vbing) 09. Pembahasan:
Passive: Noun after article
Past participle + Noun a/an
(Vb3) the
Contoh : this Noun
Broken heart (P) those
Breaking news (A) of
Jawaban: A Like planets, cities have gravity. The bigger they are, the
more powerful the attraction
05. Pembahasan: Jawaban : B
Noun phrase menurut pembentukannya:
Adj + Noun 10. Pembahasan:
Gerund + Noun Adjective of quality before noun
Participle + Noun Past participle + noun
Noun + participle
Penyelesaian : the United states cancelled permission for the home
Customers’ satisfaction is very important…. use of carbon tetrachloride in 1970.
Adj Noun Jawaban: A
Jawaban: E

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SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN 07. The victims of the earthquake showed their____ to the
01. ____ are very beautiful. local government officials fot their help
(A) this flower (A) appreciate
(B) that flower (B) appreciable
(C) those flower (C) appreciation
(D) a flower (D) appreciably
(E) these flowers (E) appreciative

02. The _____of human resources is increasing in Indonesia 08. And a little ____can actually help by making you more
(A) develop alert and focused.
(B) developed (A) nerve
(C) develops (B) nervously
(D) to develop (C) nervousness
(E) development (D) nervous
(E) be nervous
03. “What makes you sad about the current reform
movement in Indonesia?” 09. Treatment of a cold is aimed primarily at relieving
“it’s_____ on Indonesia economy” symptoms, by the use of a____ of medications.
(A) bad effect (A) variety
(B) effect bad (B) various
(C) effects bad (C) variable
(D) bad effecting (D) variant
(E) effective bad (E) varied

04. Agnes monica is very proud so she has_____ 10. When it was raining, I bring ____umbrella, hen I gave
(A) many friends ____umbrella to my sister.
(B) little friends (A) a ---- an
(C) much friends (B) an ---- a
(D) few friends (C) the ---- a
(E) a little friends (D) an ---- the
(E) a ----- the
05. All of the students have made _____
(A) decide
(B) decision
(C) decided
(D) to decide
(E) deciding

06. The lights out of order so I can’t read in the _____

(A) dark
(B) darks
(C) darkness
(D) darkly
(E) be dark

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TOPIK : TENSES - 1 S + is/ am/ are + Ving


Time signal
CONTINUOUS - at this moment
- at this time
Tenses merupakan perubahan bentuk kata kerja (Verb) oleh - at this present
karena adanya perubahan keterangan waktu (Adverb Of
Time). Contoh:
 They are having breakfast now.
I. SIMPLE PRESENT  She is taking a bath right now.
Bentuk kalimat yang menunjukkan suatu kejadian  He is running at campus at this present.
yang :  My parents are going to the party right now.
- Terjadi pada masa kini/sekarang  They are sleeping at this time.
- Berulang – ulang/ kebiasaan rutin
- Merupakan kebenaran umum (general truth) III. PRESENT PERFECT
Kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang sudah selesai
Patterns : dilakukan sekarang
Verbal sentence Pattern
S + Verb – 1( s/es) S + have/ has +V3/Been

Non- verbal sentence : Time signal

- For, since + time
S + is/am/are + Adj /Noun/Adv - Since + S. Past (kalimat)
Time signal  I have lived here since I was born.
- Every week  I have been a teacher since 1989.
- today  She has slept for 10 hours.
- once a week  He value of the Setiawan’s house has doubled in
- twice in a day the last four years.
- three times in a week
Pemakaian Adverb of frequency juga dapat menjadi stop
+ kalimat present
ciri dari Simple Present Tense, yaitu: finish
Always, ever, frequent, often, usually, etc not anymore
Contoh: Rina has slept for three hours .
 He always goes to the church every Sunday. Means: She is not sleeping anymore.
 She drinks water every morning.
 My father is a man.
 The sun rises in the east.
 The earth moves around the sun.


Kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang sedang
berlangsung sekarang
Pattern :

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Kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang sudah (E) am studying
dilakukan dan masih berlangsung hingga sekarang.
Pattern : 02. Angle : may I borrow your pen?
Etha : I’m sorry, but I _____ it now.
S + Have/ has + Been + Ving (A) was using
(B) use
Time signal (C) used
Since + time (D) am using
For (E) will use
Since + S. Past (S + Vb2)
03. A : “When do you go to Yogyakarta?”
B : I will go next Friday. In fact, I ___ in
Contoh: Jakarta for five years
 She has been living here since 1970. (A) am living
 I have been writing three letters since yesterday. (B) was living
 They have been working in that company for five (C) have been living
years. (D) had been living
 Since he was nine, he has been playing football. (E) am going to live
 Since I was there, she has been going to another
city. 04. Dimas : Andi, what _____ for?
Andi : Oh, I try to find my watch.
Meaning (A) were you looking
Still, (B) do you look
Continue + kalimat present (C) have you look
Keep (D) are you looking
(E) did you look
05. X : ____ many people come here every
 She has been sleeping for two hours.
Means : she is still sleeping
Y : I don’t know exactly
(A) Are there
Note :
(B) Were there
Have/has lived
(C) Was there
Have/has taught
(D) There are
Have/has worked
(E) There were
↳ Meaning
Still, 06. Yunny has been studying English for four years. It
Continue + kalimat present means ____
Keep (A) She doesn’t study English anymore
(B) She is still studying English now
Contoh: (C) She wants to study English
 She has worked there for three years. (D) She wants to study another subject
Means: She continues working there. (E) She finished studying English

SOAL PENGANTAR 07. Nothing ___ since we left the place.

01. Dina : Your English skill is very good. (A) has been changed
Leo : Thanks, I ____ it for eight years. (B) is changed
(A) had studied (C) will be changed
(B) have studied (D) was changed
(C) studied (E) would be changed

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08. Vika : Is your brother sleeping? ↳ present continuous

Jihan : Yes, he ___ for three hours. Jawaban : D
(A) is sleeping
(B) sleeps 03. Pembahasan:
(C) sleep Present perfect continuous
(D) has been sleeping Since/ For + waktu (for eight hours)
(E) have been sleeping (Kalimat lain  Present )
↳ present perfect
09. The quality of the shoes and the shock ___ not very have / has + V3/been (Pres. Perfect)
↳ present perfect cont.
(A) is
have/has+been+Vb-ing(Prest Perfect Cont)
(B) it is
In fact, I have been living for five years.
(C) to be
(D) they are
Jawaban : C
(E) are
04. Pembahasan:
10. Tono : Why don’t you come early? I
Present continuous
___ for two hours
right now
Nora : I am sorry
(A) will wait
at five o’clock
(B) will be waiting
at this present
(C) have been waiting
(D) had waited is/am/are + Vb-ing
(E) wait ↳ present continuous
Jawaban : D
01. Pembahasan: 05. Pembahasan:
Present perfect Simpe present
Since/ For + waktu (for eight hours) every day
(Kalimat lain  Present ) every night
↳ present perfect twice a week
have / has + V3/been (Pres. Perfect) three times a year
↳ present perfect cont. ↳ Vb1 / is,am,are
have/has + been+Vb-ing (Prest Perf Cont) She / he / it + Vb1
I have studied it for eight years Jawaban: A
But I am using it now
06. Pembahasan:
Jawaban : B Meaning present perfect cont.
Have / has + been + Vb-ing
02. Pembahasan: ↳ still (present)
Present continuous : ↳ continue + Vb-ing
right now
↳ keep + Vb-ing
Jawaban: B
at 5 o’clock
at 10 pm / am
at this present
is/am/are + Vb-ing

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07. Pembahasan:
Present perfect SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN
Since + kalimat past (S + Vb2 + was/were) 1. Corona ... a luminous envelope of plasma that
↳ have / has + V3/been surrounds the sun and other celestial bodies.
(Present perfect) A. is D. was
↳ have / has + been + Vb-ing B. has been E. being
(pres perfect cont) C. are
Nothing has been changed since we left.
2. Since prehistoric times, artists ____ paints on surfaces
Jawaban : A in ways that express their ideas about people and the
08. Pembahasan: A. arranged D. are arranging
Present perfect continuous B. have arranged E. had arranged
Since/ For + waktu (for eight hours) C. had arranging
(Kalimat lain  Present )
↳ present perfect 3. Mother____the food by the time the children come
have / has + V3/been (Pres. Perfect) home.
A. cooks D. cooked
↳ present perfect cont.
B. will cook E. has cooked
have/has + been + Vb-ing (Prest Perft Cont)
C. will have cooked
He has been sleeping for three hours.

4. ‘When do you plan to get married?”

Jawaban: D
A. I finish D. I finished
09. Pembahasan:
B. I am finishing E. I have been finished
Simple present
C. I had finished
I/We Vb1/am
You Vb1/are
5. Berta : Can I have your report soon?
They, we Vb1/are
Jono : Sure, I______it before you go to the meeting.
She Vb1 + es/s/is
A. finish D. will finished
He Vb1 + es/s/is
B. will have finished E. am going to finish
It Vb1 + es/s/is
C. am finishing
The quality  it  is
Jawaban: A
6. Tony is going return to Aceh as soon as he ____ is
university diploma’s degree.
10. Pembahasan:
A. gets D. will get
Present perfect cont.
B. would get E. got
Since/ For + waktu (for eight hours)
C. getting
(Kalimat lain  Present)
↳ present perfect 7. By the time you get back, we ... care of everything.
have / has + V3/been (Pres. Perfect) A. take
↳ present perfect cont. B. will take
have/has + been+Vb-ing (Pres. Perf. Cont) C. will be taking
D. will have taken
I have been waiting for two hours. E. will have been taking

Jawaban : C

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8. `Could you please book me on the next flight to Mexico 14. Honey is the only form of naturally occurring sugar that
City? 'I'm sorry, sir. Our airline … to Mexico City." … to be refined.
A. will not fly A. does not
B. wasn't able to fly B. does not have
C. has not been flying C. not having
D. doesn't fly D. has not
E. did not fly E. did not have

9. As soon as the midfielder ... the ball, the striker will 15. The family ____ with the neighbor since the tragedy.
shoot it to the goal. A. had rarely engaging
A. pass B. had rarely engaged
B. passes C. has rarely engaging
C. passed D. has rarely engaged
D. will pass E. had been engaged
E. has passed

10. Since the 1994 FIFA World Cup, FIFA ... an anthem
composed by the German composer.
A. adopt
B. adopts
C. adopted
D. has adopted
E. was adopting

11. The emerging fashion designer ... her career in the world
of fashion by setting up her line this year.
A. build
B. builds
C. has build
D. is built
E. is building

12. Because the river … steadily since Sunday, the residents

of the area have been advised to prepare for flood
A. rose
B. had risen
C. is rising
D. had been rising
E. has risen

13. I started school when I was five years old. I _____

student for seventeen years now.
A. am
B. am being
C. have been
D. am to be
E. had been

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TOPIK : TENSES - 2 Time Signal :

Past Time
- at this present
- at this time
PAST CONTINUOUS - this morning
- at this moment
PAST PERFECT - yesterday
- a.m.
- p.m.
- last ___
- o’clock
Tenses merupakan perubahan bentuk kata kerja (Verb) oleh - ___ ago
karena adanya perubahan keterangan waktu (Adverb Of - last year
Time).  They were studying Mathematics at nine o’clock
I. SIMPLE PAST  She was sleeping at this time last saturday night.
Bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang telah  The students were reading novel at this present
lampau / lalu. yesterday.
Pattern  The girl was writing a love letter at 10. a.m. last
Verbal sentence week.
S  Verb2  I was dreaming of him last Saturday night at eight
Non-verbal sentence p.m.
S  was/ were  Adj/ Noun Note :
Time Signal : When + Simple Past, Simple Past
- yesterday When + Simple Past, Past Continuous
- this morning When + Simple Past, Past Perfect/Cont
- last morning
- just now Contoh:
- last ____  When I came here, she was taking a bath.
- ____ ago  She was sleeping when I read this novel.
 My friend took some photos of Bali when he went
Contoh: there for a vacation.
 She went to coffee – shop last night.
 They didn’t know English at all last year. III. PAST PERFECT
 The man visited me yesterday. Bentuk kalimat yang sudah selesai dilakukan pada
 Me dearest boyfriend came to my house last masa lampau saat kejadian lain terjadi.
Thursday. Pattern
 Did she know you ? S  had V3 / been
 My mother cooked some cakes just now. Time signal
 Mr. Sarmento sang a nice song since last week he Since
 time
fell in love. For
 The students were sad because their teacher Meaning
hadn’t come yet for a week. Stopped,
Finished, Kalimat Past
Kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang sedang
berlangsung di waktu tertentu pada masa lampau. Contoh:
Pattern :  She had studied so hard since last night but she
S  was / were  Ving didn’t pass the test.
 They had been here for such a long time because
they waited their relatives.
 When I came here, she had waited me for two

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 Mr. Sarmento had sung a nice song since last week (C) has been watching
he fell in love. (D) had been watching
 The students were sad because their teacher (E) was watching
hadn’t come yet for a week.
3. Andry ____ in Bogor for five years before he got a job in
Bentuk kalimat yang sudah dilakukan tetapi masih (B) studies
berlangsung hingga waktu tertentu dimasa lampau. (C) has been studying
Pattern : (D) had been studying
(E) was studying
S  had  been  Ving
Time signal 4. The bus came after I _____ for about twenty minutes.
Since (A) have been waiting
 time
For (B) have waited
Meaning (C) had been waiting
Still (D) was waiting
Kept Kalimat Past (E) waited
Examples : 5. Donni : “Did you meet Harry,
 The man had been singing for three hours when I yesterday?”
came. Angga : Yes, I met him while I ___ the
 Shinta had been eating chocolate since last night street.
but she never felt tired. (A) was crossed
 Suci had been writing three letters to her boyfriend (B) cross
since yesterday but she wasn’t tired. (C) crossed
 The boys had been swimming for three minutes (D) was crossing
when his mother came to call him. (E) had crossed
Note :
When + Simple Past, Simple Past 6. The beautiful singer ___ us her miracle choice last week.
When + Simple Past, Past Continuous (A) will show
When + Simple Past, Past Perfect/Cont (B) have shown
After + Past Perf, S. Past (C) have showed
Before + S.Past, Past Perfect (D) showed
(E) show
1. Bimo : When did you clean your 7. I ___ the street when the accident happened.
room? (A) am walking down
Adit : I ___ my room when you went (B) was walking down
to the mail. (C) have walked down
(A) cleaned (D) will walk down
(B) was cleaning (E) walk down
(C) am cleaning
(D) is cleaned 8. Rina had waited for me since two hours ago.
(E) clean It means that she ___
(A) was still waiting for me
2. At 2 p.m. yesterday we ____ television. (B) didn’t wait for me anymore
(A) will watch (C) wanted to wait for me
(B) are watching (D) waited for me
(E) continued waiting

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Before : He got
9. She _____ for me for two hours but I didn’t know about S. Past
it. had been studying Jawaban : D
(A) was waiting
(B) waited 04. Pembahasan:
(C) will wait Past perf. continuous
(D) had been waiting S. Past after past perfect continuous
(E) has waited (Vb2) (had + V3 / been)
(had + been + Vb-ing)
10. All the students ___ the class for an hour when the The bus came after I
teacher came in. (simple past)
(A) had left ↳ past perfect cont Jawaban : C
(B) left
(C) have been leaving 05. Pembahasan:
(D) will left Past continuous
(E) leave When/While + S. Past (Vb2)
↳ S. Past (kej. 2)
01. Pembahasan: ↳ Past continuous (bersamaan)
Past continuous (was/were+vb-ing)
When/While + S. Past (Vb2) ↳ Past perfect / cont (kej. 1)
↳ S. Past (kej. 2) (Had + Vb2 / been)
(Vb2) (had +been + Vb-ing)
↳ Past continuous (bersamaan) I met him while I was crossing
(was/were+vb-ing) ↳ past continuous Jawaban : D
↳ Past perfect / cont (kej. 1)
(Had + V3/been) 06. Pembahasan:
(had +been+Vb-ing) Simple past
When you went (Vb2) last week
↳ Was cleaning Jawaban : B last night
02. Pembahasan: five years ago
Past continuous ↳ Vb2
at 2 pm yesterday (S. Past)
at this time last week The singer showed us last week. Jawaban : D
at 4 o’clock two days ago
07. Pembahasan:
was/were + Vb-ing Past continuous
↳ simple past When/While + S. Past (Vb2)
at 2 pm yesterday ↳ S. Past (kej. 2)
↳ was watching Vb2
(past continuous) Jawaban : E ↳ Past continuous (bersamaan)
03. Pembahasan:
↳ Past perfect / cont (kej. 1)
Past perfect continuous
(Had + V3 / been)
Past perfect/Continuous before S. Past
(had +been + Vb-ing)
When the accident happened
(Had + V3 / been)
(S. Past)
(had + been + Vb-ing)
↳ past cont (jawab) Jawaban : B

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08. Pembahasan: 3. _____ discussed before the director proposed it.
Meaning past perfect A. The economic crisis had been
(Had + V3) B. The economic crisis was
↳ not anymore (past) C. The economic crisis being
Stopped + Vb-ing D. The economic crisis has already been
Finished + Vb-ing E. The economic crisis is already
Had waited for me
↳ didn’t wait for me anymore Jawaban : B 4. A taxi driver who witnessed the accident took my
injured brother to the hospital and then ____ my
09. Pembahasan: parents.
Since / for + waktu A. call D. to call
(for two hours) B. called E. was calling
↳ Had + Vb3 / been C. calling
(past perfect) Kalimat lain
↳ Had been Vb-ing 5. The children____ by the time their parents got home.
(past perfect cont) (past) A. Slept D. Was sleeping
She had been waiting for two hours. Jawaban : D B. Has slept E. Have slept
C. Had slept

10. Pembahasan: 6. Professor Curie and I worked at that time in the

Past continuous laboratory of the school of Physics and Chemistry
When/While + S. Past (Vb2) where Professor Curie ______ his lectures.
↳ S. Past (kej. 2) A. is holding D. was holding
Vb2 B. to hold E. held
↳ Past continuous (bersamaan) C. has held
↳ Past perfect / cont (kej. 1) 7. `When did you realize you had lost your purse?
(Had + Vb2 / been) 'When I money to pay the bus fare.'
(had +been + Vb-ing) A. was needing D. have needed
When the teacher came in B. needed E. am needing
(Past) C. had needed
↳ all the students had left
(Past perf) Jawaban : A 8. The vegetables ____ this morning by my mother was
bought in the market yesterday.
SOAL-SOAL LATIHAN A. which cooked D. that cooked
1. I ____ the street when it began to rain. B. which is cooked E. cooked
A. am walking down C. cooking
B. have walked down
C. have been walking down 9. The Titanic ____ four days when a huge iceberg was
D. was walking down suddenly spotted.
E. walk down A. sailed D. was sailing
B. has sailed E. had been sailing
2. The team____along the river-bank when they C. sailing
accidentally found a big cave.
A. were walking D. Are walking 10. Michael Jackson, who was a king of pop___ in 2008.
B. will walk E. walked A. was died D. was dead
C. walks B. was death E. dead
C. death

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TOPIK : TENSES - 3  She will be teaching English at eight o’clock

 I will be reading the magazine at this time
FUTURE PERFECT  My family will be arriving in Marryland, USA at nine
FUTURE PERFECT o’clock next week.
CONTINUOUS  At this moment next month, they will be giving the
answer of our question.
Tenses merupakan perubahan bentuk kata kerja (Verb) oleh
karena adanya perubahan keterangan waktu (Adverb Of III. PRESENT FUTURE PERFECT
Time). Bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang akan
selesai dilakukan pada masa yang akan datang.
Bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang akan will
terjadi pada masa yang akan datang. S  have  been
Time Signal
will by tomorrow, by then
S  Inf / Be
shall by the end of this week
Time Signal by the time + s present
– tommorow Contoh:
– next day  She will have got married with the old man by the
– two days later time she comes back here.
– soon  I will have taught English by the end of this year.
– tonight  Shinta will have got a new job by next year.
Note  I will have got a better job by the time I get married.
Dalam tenses Simple Future dapat dipakai rumus :  He will have studied abroad by the end of this
S  is/ am/ are  goingto inf/be month.
 I’m going to get married next October. IV. PRESENT FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS
 She will have a tour to Parapat next holiday. Bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang akan
 I shall be here soon. dilakukan dan masih akan terus berlangsung sampai
 He will take the money if I give it to her. sekarang.
 They are going to continue their studying into Pattern :
S+ + Have + Been + V-ing
Bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang
Time Signal
sedang berlangsung pada masa yang akan datang.
- by tomorrow, by then
- by the end of time
S  be  Ving - by the time + S.Present
Time Signal Future Time  She will have been getting married with the old man
- at this time
by the time she comes back here.
- at this moment – tomorrow  I will have been teaching English by the end of this
- at this present – next day year.
- o’clock – few days later  Shintia will have been getting a new baby by next
- p.m. , a.m. – tonight month.
Contoh:  I will have been studying Mathematics by the time
she arrives here.

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 He will have been studying abroad by the end of (C) went
this month. (D) is going
Note (E) will be going
Bila kata “ all ” diikuti oleh future time maka tense
yang digunakan adalah Present Future Perfect 06. Tati : “May I borrow your new novel?”
Continous. Lina : “Yes, but next monday, because I
Contoh: ___ reading it by then.”
 She will have been sleeping in hospital all this (A) would finish
week. (B) am finishing
 They will have been singing in the concert all this (C) have finished
day. (D) will be finishing
(E) will have finished
SOAL PENGANTAR 07. By the end of this year. I ____ English for two weeks.
01. Ronald : When will you write the (A) will study
letter? (B) have been studying
Riris : I _____ it tomorrow. (C) had been studying
(A) will write (D) must have studied
(B) would write (E) will have been studying
(C) had written
(D) written 08. At 9 p.m tomorrow we ___ television.
(E) wrote (A) are watching
(B) was watching
02. At 6 o’clock in the morning tomorrow, I ___ a bath (C) will watch
(A) are having (D) will be watching
(B) was having (E) watch
(C) have
(D) will have 09. By the time Ridwan gets the Uyde Park Building, the
(E) will be having President ___ his secret.
(A) will have finished
03. Risky : “____ your task by this week?” (B) will finish
Eli : “Yes, I will have done it.” (C) had finished
(A) Will you do (D) have finished
(B) Will you be done (E) finish
(C) Will you have done
(D) Shall be doing 10. The farmers will have harvested all the crops, by the
(E) Shall you do time the students ____ the rice field.
(A) got
04. Aldi : “I _____ the students exchange (B) will get
program next year” (C) get
Obane : “That’s good idea” (D) have got
(A) join (E) will be getting
(B) joined
(C) will join
(D) have joined
(E) will be joining

05. Susan: “My mother ___ to London next week.”

Sani : “So, you will be alone Susan.”
(A) will go
(B) go

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 170
PEMBAHASAN SOAL PENGANTAR ↳ will / shall + inf/be
01. Pembahasan:
Simple future
Simple future
My mother will go to London next week.
Jawaban: A
next week
06. Pembahasan:
Present future perfect
↳ will / shall + inf/be
By + waktu
Simple future by tomorrow
I will write it tomorrow Jawaban: A by next week
by tonight
02. Pembahasan: by then
Future continuous ↳ will have + V3/been
at 6 oclock + tomorrow
Present future perfect.
at 5 pm / am + next week
Jawaban: E
at this time + tonight
↳ will / shall + be + vb-ing
07. Pembahasan:
Present future perfect continuus
Future continuous
By + waktu
I will be having a bath Jawaban: E
by the end of ___
by tomorrow
03. Pembahasan:
by tonight
Present continuous Perfect
↳ will have + been + Vb-ing
by + waktu
by tomorrow Present future perfect continuous
by this week
by the end of this week By the end of this year. I will have been studying English.
Jawaban: E
↳ will have + V3/been
Present future perfect 08. Pembahasan:
Will you have done your tasks by this week? Future continuous
Jawaban: C at 6 oclock + tomorrow
at 5 pm / am + next week
04. Pembahasan: at this time + tonight
Simple future ↳ will / shall + + be + vb-ing
next year
Future continuous
At 9.p.m tomorrow we will be watching television.
Jawaban: D
↳ will / shall + inf/be
09. Pembahasan:
Simple future Jawaban: C Present future perfect
By + waktu
05. Pembahasan: by tomorrow
Simple future by next week
next year by tonight
tomorrow by then
tonight ↳ will have + V3/been

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 171
Present future perfect. 5. Don’t ring at the same time tomorrow, I___ my lunch.
The President will have been finished his speech. A. will have
Jawaban: A B. am having
C. will be having
10. Pembahasan: D. am going to have
Simple present E. have
by the time + subject + Vb1
↳ present future perfect / continuous 6. A company will not ___ if its employees are unhappy.
A. prosper
The farmers will have harvested all the crops, by the B. prospers
time the students get the rice field. C. prosperous
Jawaban : C D. prosperity
E. prospering
1. 'Anwar was promoted as a president of your company 7. If I am elected as president, I ____ everyone has an
last week; wasn't he? acces to inexpensive health insurance.
'I'm glad he was; He____ in this company for years.' A. make sure
A. had worked B. have mades ure
B. would work C. made sure
C. has been working D. making sure
D. worked E. will make sure
E. was working
8. Levin : Will you be free at 4?
2. `Could you tell brother to meet me at the library Alvin : Sure, the meeting ___ by that time.
tomorrow? `Sure, I ____ him.' A. finish
A. am telling B. will finish
B. will be telling C. will be finishing
C. will tell D. will have finished
D. would have told E. will have been finished
E. be telling
9. Sari_____to school with her friends at 6.30 a.m
3. Daru : What are you going to do after leaving the tomorrow
college? A. Walks
Dimas : Well, I don't want to be jobless. So I'm ____ B. is going to walk
getting a job soon. C. will be walking
A. planning D. will have walked
B. intending
C. thinking of 10. The man is going to buy a new car when his money
D. would like ____.
E. going to A. return
B. returns
4. Yusniar : “I plan to see ‘the ghost’ with Tina.” C. returned
Supriadi : “When ____ it?” D. is returned
A. have you seen E. are returned
B. are you going to see?
C. did you want to see
D. were you going to see
E. do you see

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 172

TOPIK : PASSIVE VOICE - All of contestants are being selected by the Jury
- It must have been taken by someone
B. Passive to Infinitive
REFLEXIVE PRONOUN Dalam kalimat aktif, beberapa kata kerja seperti want,
DEMONSTRATIVE like, love, need, require di ikuti oleh to + inf. Cara
PRONOUN membentuk kalimat passif dari kalimat aktif sepert ini
INDEFINITE PRONOUN adalah dengan menambah be setelah to dan mengubah
infinitif menjadi V3
Passive Voice Adalah kalimat pasif dimana objek dikena Want 
pekerjaan kalimat pasif. bisa dibentuk dari kalimat aktif  Tobe V3
Re quire 
dengan syarat kata kerja transitif (punya objek). Secara Love  ing

umum semua tenses ada bentuk pasifnya dan bentuk umum Like 
pasif adalah
Contoh :
S  Tobe V3  By  O - Active: This class needs to evaluates
the progress
A. Passive Tenses - Passive: The progress of this class needs
1. Simple Present to be evaluated.
S  TOBE1  P3  By  O - Active: I want you to keep my secret.
Active: Lia writes the article. - Passive: I want my secret to be kept by
Passive: The article is written by Lia. you.
2. Simple Past
S  TOBE2  P3  By  O C. Passive Gerund
Active: He asked me to sit Dalam kalimat aktif, beberapa kata menggunakan
Passive: I was asked to sit by him preposition atau prepositional phrase diikuti oleh V-ing.
3. Continuous Tense Cara membentuk kalimat pasif dari kalimat aktif seperti
S  TOBE 12  P3  By  O ini adalah dengan menambahkan being dan mengubah
Ving menjadi V3.
Active: Eva is disturbing me.
After 
Passive: I am being disturbed by Eva.
Before 
4. Simple Future Tense
From 
S  MODAL BE  P3  By  O 
Look for  being  V3
Active: We can sing that kind of songs.
Look at 
Passive: that kind of songs can be sung by us. 
Object to
5. Perfect Tense 
Keep for 
S  Been  P3  By  O Contoh:
Active: Desma has heard the gossip. After being selected as a member of the team, Ani felt
Passive: The gossip has been heard by Desma. happy.
Rina is afraid of being left by Mr smith.
6. Modal Perfect
S  MODAL Have  Been P3  By  O Bentuk kalimat passive interrogative
Active: They will have paid me by tomorrow. A. yes/no question menggunakan Tobe
Passive: I will have been paid by them by tomorrow. Tobe S  V3
Contoh : Active: do they want coffee?
- The room is cleaned by a maid everyday Passive: is coffee wanted by them?
- The mosque was built in 1870
- The author had died before the book was published

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 173
B. Yes/no question menggunakan modals
Modal S  be V3 07. The very beautiful dress ____ before its launching.
(A) sells (D) has sold
(B) sold (E) has been sold
Active : can the boy help me ?
(C) is selling
Passive: can I be helped by the boy?
Bentuk kalimat passive menggunakan WH-Question
WH  Question to be S  V3

Contoh: 08. X : Is the new edition of the book

Active: Why do you choose this gown? available?
Passive: why is this gown chosen (by you)? Y : Yes, it ___ in almost book stores.
(A) display (D) has displayed
SOAL PENGANTAR (B) displays (E) had displayed
01. Every year the education system of the school ___ by the (C) is displayed
(A) revise (D) is revised 09. Each of the room needs ___ because it looks old.
(B) revises (E) was revised (A) to paint (D) to painting
(C) is revising (B) paints (E) to be painted
(C) painting
02. X : Is my car ready ?
Y : I’m sorry sir it ____ 10. The work ____ by Tono.
(A) is still being repaired (D) will still repair (A) is quickly do (D) is done quickly
(B) is still repairing (E) has been repaired (B) is quickly done (E) is done quick
(C) still repairs (C) is quickly to do

03. A : Last night someone broke into our PEMBAHASAN SOAL PENGANTAR
house? 01. Pembahasan:
B : _________ ? Passive tenses
(A) What was being taken (D) Was what taken Benda _____
(B) What to take (E) What taking (it) _____ by + S
(C) What was taken ______ as/to + S
04. Anita is waiting her birthday party because she ____ a Tobe V3
new watch. Dalam kalimat terdapat “every year” berarti simple
(A) promises (D) to promise present
(B) promised (E) has been promised Every year the education system of the school is revised
(C) has been promising by the team
Jawaban: D
02. Pembahasan:
05. The old painting isn’t there. It must ____ away.
Passive tenses
(A) move (D) have moved
Benda _____
(B) to move (E) have been moved
(it) _____ by + S
(C) be move
______as/to + S
06. X : Can we visit the old temple Tobe V3
tomorrow? Dalam kalimat menginginkan sedang diperbaiki berarti
Y : Not, yet it ___ by some experts. present continuous
(A) renovates (D) was renovated I’m sorry sir it is still being repaired
(B) renovated (E) is being renovated Jawaban: A
(C) is renovating

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03. Pembahasan: Tobe V3
Passive- WH_question
Dalam kalimat menginginkan present perfect
Q words tobe V3 The very beautiful dress has been sold before its
Dalam kalimat mengunakan ”last night” berarti launching
menginginkan simple past. Jawaban: E
A : Last night someone broke into our
house ? 08. Pembahasan:
B : What was taken? Passive tenses
Jawaban: C Benda _____
(it) _____ by + S
04. Pembahasan: ______as/to + S
Passive- tenses Tobe V3
S  have/ has been V3 Dalam kalimat menginginkan simple present
Dalam kalimat menginginkan present perfect. it is displayed in almost book stores
Anita is waiting her birthday party because she has been Jawaban: C
promised a new watch
Jawaban: E 09. Pembahasan:
Need 
05. Pembahasan: Want 
Passive tenses Passive to -inf : Re quire  Tobe V3
Benda _____ Love  ing

(it) _____ by + S Like 
______as/to + S Each of the room needs to be painted because it looks
Tobe V3 old
Dalam kalimat menginginkan modal perfect Jawaban : E
The old painting wasn’t there. It must have been moved
Jawaban: E 10. Pembahasan:
Passive tenses
06. Pembahasan: Benda _____
Passive tenses (it) _____ by + S
Benda _____ ______as/to + S
(it) _____ by + S Tobe V3
______as/to + S Dalam kalimat digabungkan dengan manner, maka
Tobe V3 Adverb frequency berada di antara “to be’” dan “V3”
Dalam kalimat menginginkan present continuous
X : Can we visit the old temple The work is quickly done by Tono
tomorrow? Jawaban: E
Y : Not, yet it is being renovated by
some experts SOAL SOAL LATIHAN
Jawaban: E 1. Since the 1960’s, however, several sophisticated
recording techniques and experimental designs ____
07. Pembahasan: A. have devised
Passive tenses B. have been devised
Benda _____ C. had devised
(it) _____ by + S D. had been devised
______as/to + S E. devised

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 175
2. Each of the amino acids ____ to a particular sequence 8. The picture is not here anymore it must ______ away
of three links in a molecule of RNA. A. take
A. attracts B. taken
B. attracted C. be taken
C. is attracted D. have taken
D. are attracted E. had taken
E. is attracting
9. He does’t want _____ by a doctor because she is afraid
3. It ____ that dinosaurs were cold-blooded creature like A. to check
Reptile. B. checked
A. is previously believed C. to be checked
B. believed previously D. checks
C. was believed previously E. check
D. was previously believed
E. previously believed 10. The house ____ before being sold.
A. painted
4. Of the 22 amino acids, nine ____ essential amino acids B. had painted
that must ___ in your diet on a regular basis in order to C. to paint
maintain normal health. D. had been painted
A. are designating, include E. had been painting
B. designate, included
C. are designated, included
D. are designated, be include
E. are designated, be included

5. The Navajo Indians of the southwestern United States

____ for their sand painting, also called dry painting.
A. Noted
B. Are noted
C. To be noted
D. Have noted
E. Being noted

6. The front door was opened, someone must entered our

house last night
“Oh dear,_____?”
A. is anything taken
B. was anything taken
C. did anything taken
D. have anything taken
E. had anything taken

7. “Can we get tickets for the second show of the

“I think they ____”
A. are sold out
B. sold to be sold out
C. sold ou
D. be sold out
E. are selling out

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 176
TOPIK : DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH Tergantung siapa bicara kepada siapa.
NB :
Kalau ada I, me, my, mine, myself, berarti Subject
Kalau ada You, You, Your, Yours,
REFLEXIVE PRONOUN Yourself berarti object.

Direct speech adalah Kalimat langsung yaitu kalimat yang told S  Vb / aux  C
S  (O)( that) 
diucapkan si pembicara secara langsung yang dalam answered reported word
penulisannya menggunakan quotation mark atau tanda exp lained
petik. Sebaliknya indirect speech atau kalimat tidak
langsung yaitu kalimat yang tidak diucapkan secara Contoh :
langsung dan dalam penulisannya tidak menggunakan Anto says : I am hungry
tanda petik. Anto said (that) he was hungry
Fahmah says,”he is the best student in this class.”(direct Rina told Tono : “I sent you letter yesterday.”
speech) Rina told Tono (that) she had sent her letter the day before.
Fahmah says that he is the best student in this class
(indirect speech) NB :
Kalau general truth tenses tidak berubah
Direct – indirect speech (reported speech) dibagi menjadi Misal :
dua bagian yaitu reporting sentence (kalimat yang The man says : The sun rises at the east.
melaporkan) dan reported sentence (kalimat yang The man said (that) the sun rises at the east.
dilaporkan). Dari contoh di atas, “Fahma says” disebut
reporting sentence dan he is the best student in this class B. INTEROGATIVE (?)
disebut sebagai reported sentence. asked if
Dalam indirect speech terjadi perubahan yaitu : S wondered  O  whether  S  Vb / Aux
wanted to know Q. Word
S. Present  S. Past - He said to me : Did you go to school yesterday?
Pres. Cont  Past. Cont  He asked me if I had gone to school the previous day
Pres. Fut  Past. Fut. - Teacher asks me: Can you do the home work alone?
Pres. Perfect  Past. Perfect  Teacher asked me whether I could do the home work
PERUBAHAN WAKTU DAN TEMPAT - Where do you live? The boy asks Mira
DIRECT INDIRECT  The boy wanted to know where Mira lived
Here  There - How does Anto get here?
This  That  The man asked me how Anto got there
Now  Then
Today  That day C. IMPERATIVE
Yesterday  The day before 𝐕𝐛𝟐 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐟 (+)
Last ___  The previous ___ 𝐒+ +𝐎+
𝐛𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐟 (−)
Tomorrow  The day after Contoh :
Next ___  The following ___ - She shouted: Don’t go there!
 She shouted not to go there

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 177
- The old man said: Open your book page 20! 06. Other advised me : Don’t waste your time on watching
 The old man said to open my book page 20 TV!
- Don’t cry baby! The boy said She advised me ____
 The boy told not to cry baby (A) Don’t waste my time on watching TV
(B) Don’t waste your time on watching TV
SOAL PENGANTAR (C) Don’t waste her time on watching TV
01. The man said : We have tried to save him but we fail. (D) Not to waste my time on watching TV
The man said that ____ but they failed. (E) Not to waste your time on watching TV
(A) we had tried to saved him
(B) we have to tried to saved him 07. She yelled to get out of her room
(C) they had tried to save him The direct speech is ___
(D) they have tried to save him (A) She yelled: get out of her room!
(E) they had tried to save them (B) She yelled: get out of my room!
(C) She yelled: to get out of her room!
02. The man answered that he didn’t clean that room that (D) She yelled: to get out of my room!
day. (E) She yelled: getting out of her room!
The direct is said: _____
(A) I don’t clean that room the day before 08. The girl answered that she didn’t bring that book that
(B) I don’t clean that room today. day.
(C) I don’t clean this room yesterday. The direct is said: _____
(D) I don’t clean this room today. (A) I don’t bring that book the day before
(E) I don’t clean that room the day before (B) I don’t bring that book today.
(C) I don’t bring this book yesterday.
03. The man asks me : can you go with me tonight? (D) I don’t bring this book today.
The man asked me ____ (E) I don’t bring that book the day before
(A) If I could go with me tonight
(B) If I could go with him that night 09. Teacher said to me : You have to finish your work
(C) If I can go with him tonight yourself today.
(D) If I can go with him that night So we can say that teacher said to me that ____
(E) If I could go with me that night (A) I had to finish my work myself that day.
(B) I have to finish your work myself that day
04. Dina asks me : When will you be at home? (C) I had to finish my work yourself that day
Dina wanted to know _____ (D) I had to finish my work myself today
(A) When I will be at home (E) I have to finish my work myself today
(B) When I would be at home
(C) When would be I home 10. The man said to us : Adi didn’t understand the topic.
(D) When would she be at home The indirect is that the man said to us that ____
(E) When she would be at home (A) Adi didn’t understand the topic
(B) Adi hadn’t understood the topic
05. Teacher wondered if I could finish the task alone. We (C) Adi hasn’t understand the topic
can say teacher asked me ____ (D) Adi doesn’t understand the topic
(A) If I can finish the task alone? (E) Adi wouldn’t understand the topic
(B) Do you can finish the task alone?
(C) Can I finish the task alone?
(D) Could I finish the task alone?
(E) Can you finish the task alone?

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 178
PEMBAHASAN SOAL PENGANTAR She advised me not to waste my time on watching TV.
01. Pembahasan : Jawaban: D
Reported Speech Affirmative
said 07. Pembahasan :
told Reported Speech Imperative
S  (O)( that)  S  Vb / aux  C
answered S + Vb2 + (O) + to infinitive (+)
exp lained Bebas not to infinitive (–)
The man said that they had tried to save him but they She yelled : get out of my room!
failed. Jawaban: B
Jawaban: C
08. Pembahasan :
02. Pembahasan : Reported Speech Affirmative
Reported Speech Affirmative said
said told
told S  (O)( that)  S  Vb / aux  C
S  (O)( that)  S  Vb / aux  C answered
answered exp lained
exp lained
The man said : I don’t clean this room today. The man said : I don’t bring this book today.
Jawaban: D Jawaban: D
09. Dasar Teori :
03. Pembahasan: Reported Speech Affirmative
Reported Speech Interrogative said
asked if told
S wondered  O  whether  S  Vb / Aux S  (O)( that)  S  Vb / aux  C
wanted to know Q. Word exp lained
The man asked me if I could go with him that night. Teacher said to me : You have to finish your work
Jawaban : B yourself today =
Teacher said to me that I had to finish my work myself
04. Pembahasan: that day.
Reported Speech Interrogative Jawaban: A
asked if
S wondered  O  whether  S  Vb / Aux 10. Dasar Teori :
wanted to know Q. Word Reported Speech Affirmative
Dina wanted to know when I would be at home. told
Jawaban: B S  (O)( that)  S  Vb / aux  C
exp lained
05. Pembahasan: Them man said to us : Adi didn’t understand the topic =
Reported Speech Interrogative
the man said to us that Adi hadn’t understood the topic.
asked if
Jawaban: B
S wondered  O  whether  S  Vb / Aux
wanted to know Q. Word

Teacher asked me : Can you finish the task alone?

Jawaban: E

06. Pembahasan:
Reported Speech Imperative
S + Vb2 + (O) + to infinitive (+)
Bebas not to infinitive (–)

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 179
SOAL LATIHAN D. She asked me whether she borrowed my pencil.
1. The man asked me, “Did they eat out together E. She asked me whether she could borrowed her
yesterday?” pencil for a moment.
The man asked me ___
A. If they had eaten out together the day before. 7. They shouted: Don’t sleep here !
B. If they had eaten out together yesterday. A. They shouted not sleep here
C. If they has eaten out together the day before. B. They shouted don’t sleep here
D. If they ate out together the day before. C. They shouted not sleep there
E. If they had eaten out together now. D. They shouted not to sleep there
E. They shouted not to don’t sleep here
2. “Don’t turn off the light now.”
A. He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time. 8. She said that I had made some mistakes the day before.
B. He told me not to turn off the light at that time. The direct is ____
C. He told me don’t turn off the light at that time. A. She says : you made some mistakes yesterday
D. He told me to turn off the light at that time. B. She says : you made some mistakes yesterday
E. He told me not to turns off the light at that time. C. She says : I made some mistakes yesterday
D. She says : I make some mistakes yesterday
3. “What’s your passion?” E. She says : She makes some mistakes yesterday
A. She wanted to know what is my passion.
B. She wanted to know what my passion was. 9. He wanted to know ____
C. She wanted to know what was my passion. A. where I came from
D. She wanted to know what my passion. B. where I come from
E. She wanted to know that my passion is. C. where I do come from
D. where do I come from
4. “I begin to understand the concept of biodiversity.” E. where did I come from
A. He said that he began to understood the concept
of Biodiversity. 10. He explained the man that Ana was not guilty.
B. He said tha taht he begun to understand the The direct is _____
concept of Biodiversity. A. he explained the man : ‘Ana was not guilty’.
C. He said that he began to understand the concept B. he explained the man : Ana had not been guilty
of Biodiversity. C. he explained the man : Ana is not guilty
D. He wanted to know if he began to understand the D. he explains the man : Ana is not being guilty
concept of Biodiversity. E. he explains the man : Ana will not be guilty
E. He asked me that he began to understand the
concept of Biodiversity. 11. Tony asks Tina: Where does the wind blow?
The indirect speech is Tony asked Tina ____
5. “Your friend has just left.” A. where did the wind blow
A. He told me that my friend left. B. where does the wind blow
B. He told me that my friend leaving. C. where the wind blows
C. He told me that my friend has just left. D. where the wind blew
D. He told me that your friend had just left. E. where the wind had blown
E. He told me that my friend had just left.
12. The police wonder if the thief could enter the locked
6. “Can I borrow your pencil for a moment?” house. We can say : The police asks the thief, _____
A. She asked me whether she can borrow my pencil A. can you enter the locked house?
for a moment. B. could you enter the locked house?
B. She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil C. can I enter the locked house?
for a moment. D. I can enter the locked house?
C. She asked me if she can borrow my pencil for a E. you could enter the locked house?

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 180
13. Will your mother allow you to go ?
Andi asked the little girl:
We can make the indirect speech is ___
A. Andi asked the little girl if her mother would allow
her to go
B. Andi asked the little whether her mother would
allow you to go
C. Andi asked the little girl if her mother will allow her
to go
D. Andi asked the little girl whether
E. Andi asked the little girl if my mother would allow
you to go

14. The man wanted to know “where do you live?’” We can

say ____
A. The man wanted to know where I lived
B. The man wanted where I live
C. The man wanted to know where I did live
D. The man wanted to know where I living
E. The man wanted to know where I do live

15. “Get out of my room!” She yelled

A. She yelled to get out my room
B. She yelled to get out my room
C. She yelled to get out of her room
D. She yelled to get out of her room
E. She yelled gets out of her room


BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 181


Yaitu pengandaian yang tidak mungkin dapat
diwujudkan di masa lalu.
If clause:
Past Perfect (S + had + V3/been)
CONDITIONAL Main clause:
Conditional adalah kalimat pengandaian yang ditandai
Past Future Perfect
dengan hadirnya kata jika/apabila, yang umumnya
(S + would/could + have+V3/been)
dinyatakan dengan kata if.
Meaning :
Conditional mempunyai tiga tipe, yaitu: S. Past (makna bertentangan)
Open conditional (Type I), Improbale conditional (Type II),
Imposible conditional (Type III) Contoh:
 If he had been here, he could have helped me.
Yaitu pengandaian yang mungkin dapat diwujudkan He wasn’t here so he couldn’t help me.
dimasa yang akan datang.
If clause : CATATAN :
S. Present (S + Vb1) Penghilangan If dapat terjadi pada tipe ke 2 dan 3
yaitu :
Main clause : - If + S + were  were + S
Pres. Future (S + will/shall + inf) - If + S + had + V3 had + S + V3

Meaning : Combination Form

Possible (ly) Yaitu bentuk kombinasi antara :
Probable (ly) Kalimat pres/
If clause : Past Perfect
Maybe Main clause : Past Future Perfect
pres. future
Perhaps ATAU
If clause : Simple Past
Contoh: Main clause : Past Future
If he comes, he will help me.
It means: it’s possible that he will come. Maka meaning tetap berpedoman pada rumus/ bentuk
semula (tipe pada rumus/bentuk semula (tipe ke 2 dan
Yaitu pengandaian di masa lampau yang tidak dapat Contoh:
diwujudkan sekarang.  If I were here.
If clause: Were I here.
S.Past (S + Vb2/were)  If he had slept here.
Had he slept here.
Main clause :  Had I realized that Rino was a bad driver, I would not
Past Future (S + would/could + inf/be) have lent him my car.
Note :
Meaning : Unless = if not
Simple Present (makna bertentangan) You would not win unless I helped you = you would not
If he were here, he would help me. win if I did not help you.
It means : he isn’t here

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 182
SOAL PENGANTAR 07. Had Tom known that she were here, he ___ to see her.
01. If you use a city map, you _____ your way. (A) would come
(A) are not losing (B) will come
(B) did not lose (C) would have come
(C) will not lose (D) come
(D) have not lost (E) came
(E) would not lose
08. If she _____ late, the teacher would have been angry with
02. My younger brother thinks that everybody can become her.
an astronaut. He often asks himself. What ____ if I were (A) come
an astronaut. (B) comes
(A) do I do (C) had come
(B) will I do (D) would come
(C) would I do (E) would have come
(D) am I doing
(E) am I going to do 09. They would have attended the meeting if they had taken
the first bus.
03. If Tom had known she were here, he would have come It means that ____.
to see her. (A) They didn’t like the meeting
It means Tom _____ she was here. (B) The first bus was late
(A) doesn’t know (C) The meeting was canceled
(B) didn’t know (D) They didn’t take the first bus
(C) hasn’t known (E) They took the first bus
(D) hadn’t know
(E) wouldn’t have known 10. What would you do if you had much money?
____ a trip to Europe.
04. If they ____ her arrival tomorrow, they would be very (A) I took
busy today. (B) Me took
(A) knew (C) I will take
(B) would know (D) I would take
(C) have known (E) I would have taken
(D) had known
01. Pembahasan:
05. If I _____ more time I would have checked my paper Conditional type I
again. If clause  main clause
(A) had had If + S. Present Simple Future
(B) have had (is, am, are) (will/shall+ Inf/be)
(C) had
(D) have If you use a city map, you will not lose
(E) will have Vb1 S. Future
your way.
06. X : Don’t you want to apply for a job advertised Jawaban: C
in the Jakarta past?
Y : If I ____ the qualification ___ I for the job. 02. Pembahasan:
(A) had – applied Conditional type II
(B) had – would apply If clause  main clause
(C) would have – applied If + S. Past Past Future
(D) have – would apply (Vb2/were) (would/could+ Inf/be)
(E) had – will apply

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 183
What would I do if I were an astronaut (Had+V3/been) (would have+ V3/been)
Past future S. past
Jawaban: C Had Tom known she were here, he would have come to
see her.
03. Pembahasan: Jawaban : C
Means conditional type III
If clause  main clause 08. Pembahasan:
If + Past perfect Past Future perfect Means conditional type III
(Had+V3/been) (would have+ V3/been) If clause  main clause
If + Past perfect Past Future perfect
If Tom had known she were here, … (Had+V3/been) (would have+ V3/been)
↳ means: Tom didn’t know
Jawaban: B If she had come late, the teacher
past perfect
04. Pembahasan: would have been angry.
Conditional type II past future perfect
If clause  main clause Jawaban: C
If + S. Past Past Future
(Vb2/were) (would/could+ Inf/be) 09. Pembahasan:
Means conditional type III
If they knew her arrival, they would be Berlawanan (S. Past)
Vb2 past future
They would have attended the meeting if they had taken
very busy.
the first bus.
Jawaban: A
Means: – Didn’t attend the meeting
– Didn’t take the first bus
05. Pembahasan:
Jawaban : D
Means conditional type III
If clause  main clause
10. Pembahasan:
If + Past perfect Past Future perfect
Conditional type II
(Had+V3/been) (would have+ V3/been)
If clause  main clause
If + S. Past Past Future
If I had had more time,
(Vb2/were) (would/could+ Inf/be)
past perfect
I would have checked my paper.
If you had much money, I would take a trip.
past future perfect
Vb2 past future
Jawaban: A
Jawaban : D
06. Pembahasan:
Conditional type II
1. ____ for your carelessness, the team would have been
If clause  main clause
safe in the jungle.
If + S. Past Past Future
(Vb2/were) (would/could+ Inf/be) A. Had it been
B. Had it not been
If I had the qualification, I would apply the job. C. Has it been
Jawaban : B D. Has it not been
E. Were it
07. Pembahasan:
Means conditional type III
If clause  main clause
If + Past perfect Past Future perfect

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 184
2. ______, He would have been able to pass the exam. 7. Aldo : Did you attend the meeting last Monday?
A. If he studied hard Fery : I would if I had been invited.
B. If he were studying to a greater degree The underlined utterance means …
C. If he studies more A. Fery didn’t attend the meeting
D. If he had studied more B. Fery plans to attend the meeting
E. Were he studying hard C. Fery knew about the meeting and he attended the
3. If it _______more humid in the desert of southwest, the D. Fery was not invited to the meeting but he came
hot temperature would be unbearable. E. Feri is not invited to the meeting
A. Be
B. were 8. Fortunately you assisted to push the car. If you hadn’t
C. Is helped him, he … with you.
D. will be A. will get angry
E. Was B. would have gotten angry
C. should angry
4. “How was your test?” D. would get angry
“Not very good.” I ______ much better if I had not E. will angry
misread the directions for the last section.”
A. might do 9. If I had a lot of time, I would study English everyday.
B. could have done From this sentence we know that_____
C. must have done A. I have a lot of time, so I study English.
D. would do B. I studied English because I had a lot of time.
E. should do C. I want to study English because I have a lot of
5. Had he handed in the application, He ______ last week. D. I don’t study English, because I don’t have a lot of
A. Would be allowed to join the interview test. time.
B. Was being allowed to join the interview test. E. I would like to study English, but I don’t have
C. Would have been allowed to join the interview much time
D. He will have been allowed to join me interview 10. If Maria had obeyed her mother’s advice to accept the
test. scholarship, she would have graduated from famous
E. He was allowed to join the interview test. university. We can conclude that _____
A. Maria was trying to obey her mother in order to
6. If we had known that she had planned to arrive today, make her mother happy, but she failed.
we could have met her at the station. It means ___ B. Maria don’t accept the scholarship, so her mother
A. We knew that she had planned to arrive today so is sad
we met at the station. C. Maria didn’t obey her mother. That is why she
B. We didn’t know that she had planned to arrive didn’t graduate from famous university.
today, however we met her at the station D. Her mother forced Maria to take the scholarship,
C. We knew that she had planned to arrive today so Maria graduated from famous university.
although we didn’t meet her at the station E. Maria accepted the scholarship and she has
D. We didn‟t know that she had planned to arrive graduated.
today so we didn‟t meet her at the station
E. We knew that she had planned to arrive today,
therefore we met her at the station

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Modal yang menyatakan kewajiban/ keharusan.
(1) Kewajiban/keharusan
Have to
Modals adalah bagian dari auxiliary yang berfungsi untuk Inf + C
Has to
menambah arti tertentu di dalam suatu kalimat.
Had to
can, could, may, might, will, must, etc.
Wajib/harus mengerjakan sesuatu, kalau tidak
dikerjakan ada sanksinya.
Modal yang menyatakan kemampuan Contoh:
Pola :  I must go to school because today is
S + can/could + Inf/be + C examination.
 We have to finish painting the wall because
Contoh: father will be angry if we don’t.
 I can swim fast.
 He could lift the rock when he was young. (2) Seharusnya /anjuran
 We can solve the code well. Pola :
Means: should
S + tobe-1/tobe-2 + able to + inf + C ought to
S+ + Inf + C
Hanya berupa anjuran/ nasehat yang kalau tidak
 I can swim fast.
dikerjakan biasanya tidak ada sanksinya.
Means: I am able to swim fast.
 He could lift the rock.
 To prevent accident, parents shouldn’t allow
Means: He was able to lift the rock.
their children to play near the well.
 Marni should visit her grandparent every week.
 You should advise him every morning.
Modal yang menyatakan izin. Artinya seseorang
mengizinkan orang lain mengerjakan sesuatu.
Modal yang menyatakan kemungkinan yang akan
can/ may terjadi saat ini atau pada masa yang akan datang.
S + could/ might + Inf + C (1) Pasti
Pola :
Contoh: S + must + Inf/be + C
 You can go now.
 Because of the rain, you may stay here. Contoh:
Means:  Ricky has 5 cars and 5 big houses. He must be
tobe 1 allowed rich.
   Ryan has studied hard for a month. He must
tobe 2 permitted
S+ to inf + C pass the test tomorrow.
Means :
Contoh: Menggunakan kata:
 You can go now. sure
Means: You are allowed to go now. certain kalimat present
 Because of the rain, I might stay here yesterday. conclude
Means: I was permitted to stay there yesterday. Contoh:
He must be rich

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Means : (2) Mungkin telah
 I am sure he is rich. Pola :
 I am certain he is rich . may
 I conclude he is rich. might
S+ + have + V3/been
(2) Mungkin Contoh:
Pola : Her room was still dirty. She might have had no
may time to clean it.
S+ + inf /be + C Means:
Contoh: Menggunakan kata:
Anto is not at home. He may go to Yanti’s house. Perhaps
Because your grandpa is too old, he may forget Possible (ly)
kalimat past
your name. Probable (ly)
Means: May be
Menggunakan kata : Contoh:
Perhaps Your grandpa might have forgotten your name.
Possible (ly) Means:
kalimat present
Probable (ly) Perhaps your grandpa forgot your name.
Contoh: (3) Seharusnya telah
Anto is not at home. He may go to Yanti’s house. Pola :
Means: S + should + have + V3/Been
 Perhaps he goes to the Yanti’s house.
 He probably goes to the Yanti’s house. Contoh:
She failed the test. She should have studied harder.
Modal untuk menarik kesimpulan dari sebuah kejadian Means:
(1) Pasti telah Kalimat berlawanan dalam bentuk past.
Pola : Contoh:
S + must + have + V3/been She should have studied hard.
Contoh: She didn’t study hard.
 He told me a lot about India. He must have
lived there for a long time. SOAL PENGANTAR
 Andi got good mark in English. He must have 01. He was my brother class mate.
studied hard yesterday. He ___ around twenty years old now.
(A) should have been
Means: (B) must have been
Menggunakan kata: (C) could be
sure (D) would be
certain kalimat past (E) ought to be
Contoh: 02. We were late for our friend’s wedding.
He must have studied hard. We ___ earlier.
Means: (A) could go
 I am sure he studied hard. (B) might go
 I am certain he studied hard. (C) should have gone
 I conclude he studied hard. (D) must have gone
(E) may have gone

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03. “The lady looked busy last week” 08. A : Look at the man standing outside
“She must have had many assignments from her the window on the fifteenth floor of the building.
manager” B : He ____ crazy
It means that ___. A : I agree. Only a nut would go
(A) the lady had many assignments from her manager. something like that.
(B) I’m sure the lady has many assignments from her (A) must have been
manager (B) could have been
(C) maybe the lady had many assignments from her (C) might be
manager (D) will be
(D) there’s no possibility for the lady to have many (E) must be
assignments from her manager
(E) I’m sure the lady had many assignments from her 09. He brought so many presents for me.
manager He ___ much money for it.
(A) ought to spend
04. He has been attending the English Conversation for six (B) would have spent
months. (C) must have spent
His English must be very fluent now. (D) should be spending
The underlined words mean : (E) might be spending
(A) I am sure that he speaks English fluently.
(B) It is possible that he speak English fluently. 10. X : I’m trying to be a good host. I’ve
(C) I expect he speaks English fluently. offered Alice a glass of water, cup of coffee or tea,
(D) He must be speaks English fluently. a soft drink. She doesn’t want anything.
(E) I doubt he speaks English fluently. Y : He ___ thirsty
(A) must not be (D) could not have
05. Her room was still very dirty. She ___ had no time to been
clean it. (B) could not be (E) should not be
(A) would have (C) must not have been
(B) might have
(D) should have 01. Pembahasan :
(E) could be Logical conclusion
He was my brother classmate.
06. “Perhaps, your grandpa forgets your name, in other ↳ He must have been around twenty
words we can say. (pasti sudah)
“He ___ your name “ years old now. Jawaban: B
(A) might forget
(B) should have forgotten 02. Pembahasan :
(C) would forget Logical conclusion
(D) must have forgotten ↳ menginginkan past
(E) will forget We were late for our friend’s wedding.
We should have gone earlier.
07. You treated him very well. You ___ him. seharusnya telah Jawaban: C
(A) ever loved him
(B) must be love him
(C) must have ever loved
(D) should love
(E) could love

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03. Pembahasan : Jawaban : A
Meaning :
07. Pembahasan :
Must have + V3
Logical conclusion
↳ means: pasti
↳ menginginkan past
 sure (ly)
You treated him very well.
 certain (ly) Kalimat past
You must have ever loved him.
 conclude
(pasti pernah)
“She must have had many assignments from her
Jawaban : C
↳ I’m sure the lady had many
08. Pembahasan :
assignments from her manager Jawaban : E
↳ menginginkan kepastian
A : Look at the man standing outside
04. Pembahasan :
the window on the fifteenth floor of the building.
B : He must be crazy
Must + inf/be (pasti)
↳ means: pasti A : I agree. Only a nut would go something like that.
 sure (ly) Jawaban: E
 certain (ly) Kalimat present
 conclude 09. Pembahasan :
His English must be very fluent now. Logical conclusion
↳ I am sure that he speaks English fluently. ↳ menginginkan past
present He brought so many presents for me.
Jawaban : A He must have spent Much money for it
(pasti telah)
05. Pembahasan : Jawaban: C
Logical conclusion
↳ menginginkan past 10. Pembahasan :
Her room was still very dirty. Posibility : kepastian
She might have had no time to clean it. I’m trying to be a good host. I’ve offered Alice a glass of
(mungkin telah) water, cup of
Jawaban : B coffee or tea, a soft drink.
(menyatakan kepastian)
06. Pembahasan : ↳ He must not be thirsty
Meaning: Jawaban : A
 inf/be
↳ means: mungkin
 may be
 perhaps Kalimat present
 probable (ly)
 possible (ly)
“Perhaps, your grandpa forgets your
name, in other words we can say.

“He might have been your name “


BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 189
SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN 7. ’Does Anto know that Myrna had an accident
1. The theory of continent drift assumes that there______ yesterday?’
long term climatic change in many areas during the ’I don’t think so. We _____ as soon as we were informed.’
past. A. may have told him
A. must have been B. should have told him
B. must be C. had to tell him
C. must have D. must have to told him
D. must E. had better tell him
E. must have be
8. ’I wonder where my reading glasses are.
2. He went by bus, but he ____ by car. Have you seen them?’
A. might of gone ’No, I haven’t. You ____ left them in the office.’
B. should gone A. should have
C. could have gone B. should be having
D. ought have gone C. must be having
E. may have go D. could have
E. ought to have
3. Mom and Dad just left for the airport twenty minutes
ago, so they____there yet. 9. ’I ran through the red light and I got fined by the traffic
A. can’t have gotten policeman.’
B. shouldn’t have gotten ’Oh, you ____ more careful.’
C. had better have gotten A. must have been
D. could have gotten B. could be
E. may have forgotten C. might have been
D. may be
4. Since the company doesn’t charge a late fee until after E. should have been
the sixteenth, you ___ pay until a day or two before
that. 10. ”With the increase of gasoline prices, many people
A. shouldn’t cannot afford to use their own cars.”
B. must’n ”They ___ public transport, then.”
C. needn’t A. must have used
D. can’t B. would use
E. won’t C. could have used
D. may have used
5. The light is out in her room; she ... E. had better use
A. must go to bed
B. must have gone to bed
C. must gone to bed
D. must be gone to bed
E. may have gone

6. You ____ unplug the toaster before you try to clean it.
A. have better to
B. have better to
C. better to
D. had better
E. should

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 190

Terletak setelah kata depan
on,it , at,by 
from, of , for 
before, after 
PHRASE Poss adj  Ving
with, without 
 GERUND about , etc 
Gerund adalah kata kerja VBing yang berfungsi sebagai Example:
kata benda (noun). - She left me without saying any words
Adapun posisi gerund dalam kalimat antara lain : - After showing his pass card, He was allowed
I. AS SUBJECT : Pada awal kalimat to enter the building.
𝑽𝒃. 𝑰𝒏𝒈 + (𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓)
Contoh : Setelah frase kata depan
- Walking all the way home makes us tired Sorry for 
- Swimming is good for your health 
Angry with 
II. AS OBJECT : Terletak setelah kata kerja tertentu
Object to 
Mind, admit, 
Enjoy, delay Happy about  Ving

Deny, avoid Afraid of  Poss adj  Ving
Appreciate, VBing Interest in 

Go, risk, pos adj + ving Excuse for 
Imagine, Look forward to 
Keep, finish
Contoh :
Stop, continue
- I am sorry for breaking your heart
Contoh :
- My parents are happy about my winning in the
- The robber denied stealing the Jewelry
first prize in essay contest.
- She really appreciates his giving to her on her
Start , Stop 
Begin  Terletak setelah tobe

Consider  Ving
Contoh :
 (sudah)
Re member  My hobby is swimming (as complement)

Love , Like  To Inf Swimming is my hobby (as subject)
Dislike  Bandingkan dengan Vb.Ing yang berfungsi sebagai
 (belum )
Hate, Continue  continuous.
Forget , Pr efer 
Contoh :
- She didn’t come to my party because I forgot
to invite her.
(belum dilakukan)
- I don’t remember giving her my photograph
(sudah dilakukan)
I have given her my photograph but I forget about

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 191
SOAL PENGANTAR 09. “Why was the teacher angry with John?”
01. Finishing all the activities ____ much time and energy. “He kept on ___ when the teacher told him to stop”
(A) need (D) needed (A) written (D) to writing
(B) needs (E) it needs (B) writing (E) to be writing
(C) is needing (C) to write

02. Ani : Mom, can I play football? 10. I have had you keep ___ my wife as long as you can.
Mother : Honey. Your grandmother advised ____ (A) watch (D) watching
football because it is for boys. (B) watches (E) watched
(A) play (D) no to play (C) to watch
(B) not play (E) to play
01. Pembahasan :
03. According to the latest issues many students Gerund as subject
interested___internet seriously. aux
(A) learn (D) to learning VB.ING + (Singular)
(B) learning (E) in learning
(C) to learn Finishing all the activities needs much time and energy.
Jawaban: B
04. The students denied ____ although the teacher forces
them to admit it. 02. Pembahasan :
(A) cheat (D) to cheating Gerund as object
(B) cheating (E) cheats After VB :
(C) to cheat Avoid Deny Enjoy
Advise Delay Keep VBing
05. Christ Jhon was very proud of_____ by his mother. Mind Prevent Postpone
(A) supporting (D) been supported Go Find Risk
(B) is supported (E) supported Consider
(C) being supported Grandmother advised not playing football.
Jawaban: C
06. It was cold and rainy yesterday, so we postponed ____
the botanical gardens. 03. Pembahasan :
(A) visit (D) visiting Phrasal word
(B) visited (E) to visit Look forward to
(C) visits Object to
Interested in VB.ING
07. A : What did you do last Saturday ? Afraid of
B : I went _____ Proud of
(A) swimming (D) am swimming Happy about
(B) swam (E) to swim
The students interested in learning internet seriously.
(C) was swimming
Jawaban : E
08. My mother object to ____ late
(A) come (D) came 04. Pembahasan :
(B) coming (E) is coming Gerund as object
(C) my coming After VB :
Avoid Deny Enjoy
Advise Delay Keep
Mind Prevent Postpone
Go Find Risk

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Consider 09. Pembahasan :
Phrasal word
The student denied cheating
Look forward to
Jawaban: B
Object to
Interested in VB.ING
05. Pembahasan :
Afraid of
Phrasal word
Proud of
Look forward to
Happy about
Object to
“He kept on writing when the teacher told him to stop”
Interested in VB.ING
Jawaban : B
Afraid of
Proud of
10. Pembahasan :
Happy about
Gerund as object
Christ Jhon was very proud of being supported by his
After VB :
mother (passive gerund) Jawaban : C
Avoid Deny Enjoy
Advise Delay Keep
06. Pembahasan : VBing
Mind Prevent Postpone
Gerund as object
Go Find Risk
After VB :
Avoid Deny Enjoy
I have had you keep watching my wife as long as you
Advise Delay Keep VBing can.
Mind Prevent Postpone
Jawaban: D
Go Find Risk
We postponed visiting the botanical gardens.
1. Protect yourself and othersf from infection by ____
Jawaban: D
your hands or ____ and alcohol based rub frequently
and not touching your face.
07. Pembahasan :
A. washing, touching
Gerund as object
B. washing, being touched
After VB :
C. washing, touch
Avoid Deny Enjoy
D. being washed, touching
Advise Delay Keep VBing E. washing, touched
Mind Prevent Postpone
Go Find Risk
2. In 1908 Olive Campbell started ____ folk songs by a
rural people i the Southern Appalachian mountains
I went swimming. Jawaban: A
near her home.
A. wrote down
08. Pembahasan :
B. writing down
Phrasal word
C. to write down
Look forward to
D. write down
Object to
E. writes down
Interested in VB.ING
Afraid of
3. Effective speaking and proficient writing ____ as
Proud of
requirements for a professor to achieve tenure.
Happy about
A. is generally seen
My mother object to my coming late. Jawaban : C
B. are generally seen
C. are generally seen
D. is generally seen
E. seen generally

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4. Indonesian ____ soup with rice. 10. “What was he punished for?”
A. accustomed to eat “ ____ others to break school rules.”
B. are accustomed to eating A. When he persuaded
C. have the custom to eat B. In order to persuade
D. are customing in drinking C. To persuade
A. is accustomed D. Persuading
E. By persuading
5. Some people have been succesful in ____ their
migraines with supplements of B-vitamins particularly
B6 and niacin.
A. being treated
B. treated
C. treating
D. is treating
E. treats

6. The environmental group hopes ______ the forest to its

original condition by the end of the decade.
A. to restore
B. having restored
C. to be restored
D. to have been restored
E. being restored

7. ______ a new language can be very interesting.

A. learn
B. learned
C. learning
D. to learning
E. being learned

8. Henry Ford revolutionized production management by

_____ into small steps on a moving line.
A. breaking assembly auto down
B. breaking down auto assembly
C. broken down auto assembly
D. he broke down auto assembly
E. auto assembly breaking down

9. “Where is Budi?
“Oh !. I completely forgot _____ him.
A. to invite
B. not inviting
C. invite
D. not to invite
E. inviting

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TOPIK : ADJECTIVE 2. Before Noun


Sad boy, rich man, pretty woman, beautiful view,
ADJECTIVE OF POSSESIVE useful tool, active students, different theory.
Tobe + Adjective
ADJECTIVE  He was lazy
Adalah kata sifat yang menerangkan benda yang diletakkan  It will be nice
sebelum atau setelah kata benda.  She has been beautiful
I. ADJECTIVE OF QUALITY  We are naughty
Kata sifat yang menerangkan mutu kualitas. Kata sifat  You were interesting
ini terdiri dari kata sifat asli dan bentukan. 4. After certain verb
- Asli (certain verb)
Contoh: sad, good, bad, happy, etc Cut
- Bentukan Make + O + Adj
ful : beautiful, careful, useful Cause
less : careless, useless, meaningless Paint
ic/tic : islamic, generic Contoh:
al : national, logical  You make me sad.
ive : active, productive, attractive  He painted the wall colorful.
ish : childish, selfish  The Carpenter cuts the tree short.
ous : dangerous, jealous
ble : possible, comfortable II. ADJECTIVE DISTRIBUTIVE
nt : different, important Adalah kata sifat pembagi yakni: each, either. Neither,
y : sandy, cloudy, salty both, all, some, many, etc
ly : friendly, weekly 1. Each
ing : interesting, developing Either
ed : educated, interested Neither +Noun (sg) + Vb/aux (sg)
Posisi Adjective of Quality One
1. After linking verb Every
Seem Contoh:
Become  Each girl brings handkerchief.
Look  Every boy makes new painting.
Appear Adjective
 None car is sold there.
Happen  Either house was painted.
Sound 2. Each
Feel Either
Taste Neither +of+Noun(pl)+Vb/Aux (sg)
Contoh: One
 Ana and Ani are twin but they look different. Contoh:
 The song sounds so sad.  The house has many room each of them is put
 They become angry with the lady. a fan.
 Adi and Ari are from the same village but the  Neither of us can speak French.
are not relative.  None of them gets modal.
 Rina became sad because her father was died. NB : Neither bermakna negative

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3. All, most A lot
Many, some +Noun(Pl)+Vb/Aux (Pl) (3). Some  all noun
Both, several Any
 A lot of houses are burnt at the region.
 All boys are there.
 Some water is in the pool.
 Many students stay there.
 Both books were cheaply sold.
 Few cars run faster.
adalah kata sifat penunjuk untuk benda yang jauh (that)
dan yang dekat (this).
4. All, most
this dan that digunakan untuk benda tunggal (singular)
Many, some +of(Pl)+Vb/Aux(pl)
these dan those digunakan untuk benda jamak (plural)
Both, several
 This book is yours.
 Those books are mine.
 Many of tables are moved there.
 These cakes are delicious.
 Both of teachers feel angry with me.
 Most of students get bad mark.
 Some of books have been revised. SOAL PENGANTAR
01. Compact discs are light and easy to carry. Beside that it
Adalah kata sifat menyatakan milik, yakni : (A) practice (D) practise
my her (B) practically (E) practical
your his + Noun (C) practician
our its Vb-ing
their 02. Dody has very ____ mind, he will make a good scientist.
Contoh: (A) analize (D) analysis
 Your cat is there. (B) analyst (E) analytically
 Our cars have been sold at the exhibition. (C) analytical
 My car hits your house.
 We are sorry for our mistakes. 03. Shinta and Frida are sisters, but they look very ____
(A) differs (D) differently
IV. ADJECTIVE OF QUANTITY (B) differential (E) different
Adalah kata sifat menyatakan jumlah (C) difference
(1).  countable noun 04. Careless dumping of ____ waste into the Ciliwung river
has caused serious water pollution.
Contoh: (A) industry (D) industrialized
 Many cars are sold there. (B) industrialist (E) industrialize
 Few students fail the test. (C) industrial
 Many girls dance the dance.
 Few teacher refuse the rule. 05. Special vacation rates for air plane tickets make travel
Much more ____ for tourist.
(2).  uncountabl e noun
Little (A) attractive (D) attraction
Contoh: (B) attract (E) attracted
 Much money is saved in that bank. (C) attractively
 I just have little sugar.
 Much ink is there.

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06. Anita is very proud, so she has ____ friends in her class. 03. Pembahasan:
(A) many (D) little Adjective Quality
(B) much (E) a little Linking verbs
(C) few Seem
07. The manager think Ita is a very ____ secretary because Become
she always does her work well. Look
(A) reliable (D) rely Appear Adjective
(B) reliance (E) reliable Happen
(C) reliability Sound
08. Small pox is a ______ disease, beside that it is Taste
contagious They look very different
(D) danger (D) to be danger Linking vb adj
(E) dangerous (E) will danger Jawaban : E
(F) dangerously
04. Pembahasan:
09. The class has a lot of rooms, each of the class ____ Adjective of quality before noun
equipped by a chairman. Adjective + noun
(A) are (B) is (C) have (D) were (E)
to be Careless dumping of industrial waste.
Adj Noun
10. Intan and Rina are not from the same town but they are Jawaban : C
05. Pembahasan:
(A) relate (D) relativity
Adjective Verb tertentu
(B) relative (E) relativeness
(C) relation
Make + Obj + adj
01. Pembahasan:
Adjective of quality after tobe
Make travel more attractive for tourist
Tobe + Adj Vb obj Adj
Jawaban : A
Beside that is more practical
tobe adjective
06. Pembahasan:
Jawaban : E
Adjective quantity
_____ friends
02. Pembahasan:
Count noun
Adjective of quality before noun
Adjective + noun Few
Dody has very analytical mind
Adj noun
Proud  few
Jawaban : C

She has few friends

Count noun
Jawaban : C

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07. Pembahasan: 3. A list of key beliefs of world class performers is the
Adjective of quality before noun important material in coaching mental ____.
… Ita is a very reliable secretary. A. tough D. toughful
Adj noun Jawaban : A B. toughment E. toughness
C. toughly
08. Pembahasan:
Adjective of quality before noun 4. _____ can solve the algorithm test, even Bowo, the
Adjective + noun cleverest student in our school.
A. Everyone D. No one
Small pox is a dangerous disease B. Somebody E . All
Adj noun Jawaban : B C. Anyone

09. Pembahasan: 5. His suggestion sounds ____, so we decide to

Adjective distributive put it in our proposal.
Each A. logic D. logical
Either B. logics E. logically
of + noun (Pl)
Neither C. logicly
None 6. The_____accountant feels exhausted when he gets
↳ Vb/aux (Sg)
A. Overwork D. Overworks
Each of the class is equipped by a chairman. B. Overworked E. Overworking
sg C. Overwork’s
Jawaban : B
7. The result has been a ____ body of ____ data on the
10. Pembahasan: stages of language acquisition from birth until puberty.
Adjective of quality after tobe A. growing, rely D. growing, reliable
Tobe + Adj B. grown, reliable E. grown, rely
C. growing, relibly

… but they are relative 8. Earlier in the year, the researcher found ____, which
tobe adj Jawaban : B they determined is over 6 million years ago.
A. a fossil extremely large
SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN B. a extremely large fossil
1. The flowering of African American talent in literature, C. a large extremely fossil
music, and art in the 1920’s in New York City became D. an extremely fossil large
____ as the Harlem Renaissance. E. an extremely large fossil
A. to know
B. knowing 9. She is so proud, that’s why she has ___ friends.
C. known A. a few D. a little
D. knows B. few E. little
E. is known C. many

2. I found the mathematic problem to be ... 10. Every chapter, page, and even word ____ edited by them
A. exceedingly difficult A. has been D. have been
B. real difficult B. been E. to be
C. rather difficultly C. being
D. very much difficult
E. difficulty

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 198

TOPIK : ADVERB - never, seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly

bentuk (-)
Posisi/letak adverb of frequency adalah :
Sebelum verb atau setelah auxiliary.
TIME  I always do my homework on time.
ADVERB OF DEGREE  She never says goodbye to me.
ADVERB  He seldom visited me when I was in my village.
Adverb adalah kata keterangan yang berfungsi sebagai  She frequently comes to my house.
penjelas kata kerja (Verb), Adjective (kata sifat) dan Adverb  They often visit me.
(kata keterangan).
Kata keterangan yang menerangkan cara bagaimana Kata keterangan yang menyatakan keterangan tempat
suatu pekerjaan dilakukan. dan waktu.
Bentuknya : Posisi/letak adverb of place and time adalah :
- Adj + ly  Adverb - Place : di akhir kalimat
Contoh: Contoh:
nicely, slowly, cleverly, sharply, quickly, etc. In the morning, at noon, tomorrow, every time,
- Adj = Adv (H E L F) yesterday, last night, last week, etc.
hard, high, early, low, late, long, far, fast. - Time : di awal dan di akhir kalimat
- Adj  Adv Contoh:
Good  Well In the class, at home, in the house, here, there,
Posisi/letak adverb of manner adalah : over there, over here, etc.
(a) Setelah dan sebelum verb Contoh:
 Yesterday, he came to my house to tell something.
Verb + adverb
 He told me everything in the library last week.
Adverb + Verb  Last night, they visited me in my house.
 They lived in the class.
Contoh:  She always comes here every week.
 She walks slowly
 She well finishes it IV. ADVERB OF DEGREE
 They look at me strangely Kata keterangan yang menyatakan level / tingkat, yaitu
 He dances sexily :
 He strongly advised me to get married soon. So  begitu
(b) Diantara tobe dan V3 Too  terlalu
+ Adj/ Adv
Very  sangat
Tobe + Adverb + V3
Quite  cukup
Contoh: Adj/Adv + Enough  cukup
 My house has been beautifully decorated. 1. So + Adj/Adv + that clause
 The news is well reported. 2. Too + Adj/Adv + to inf
 The song has been nicely sung. 3. Adj/Adv + enough
 They talk slowly because the situation is not
conducive yet. Contoh:
 He read the newspaper fast. - He is too weak to lift that box.
II. ADVERB OF FREQUENCY - He explained the lesson slowly enough, so I could
Kata keterangan yang menyatakan “tingkat understand it all.
keseringan” yaitu : - They are so kind that I love them all.
- always, usually, often, ever, frequently - She talks so fast that I can’t understand it.
bentuk (+) - The man looks too tired to walk alone in the street.

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01. The company’s new product was ___ advertised on TV. 09. Sonia shouted ____ therefore everybody looked at her.
(F) nation (D) nationalize (A) hysterically and loudly (D) by hysterical and
(G) national (E) nationalization loud
(H) nationally (B) hysterical and loudly (E) hysterically and
02. My uncle ____ advised me to take English lessons. (C) hysterical and loud
(A) strength (D) strongly
(B) strong (E) strengthened 10. All of students don’t understand what she is talking
(C) strengthening about because he speaks ____.
(A) too fastly (D) too fast
03. Which of the following sentences is CORRECT! (B) fastly (E) fast enough
(A) Early the farmer left home in the morning. (C) quite fastly
(B) The farmer left home in the morning early.
(C) The farmer left home early in the morning. PEMBAHASAN SOAL PENGANTAR
(D) The farmer in the morning left home early. 01. Pembahasan :
(E) In the morning the farmer left early home. Adverb of manner
Between to be and V3
04. Indonesian Batik is ____ recognized.
To be ___ V3
(A) international (D) internationally

(B) internationalized (E) internationalizing
(C) internationalization
New product was nationally advertised
tobe adv V3
05. My father does his job ____ so he gets promotion.
on TV.
(A) careless (D) carefully
Jawaban: C
(B) careful (E) carefulness
(C) carelessly
02. Pembahasan:
Adverb of manner
06. He always drives his car ___ so that he never gets any
Before V2
(A) careless (D) fast
____ V2
(B) slow (E) careful 

(C) carefully Adv

07. The town is ready for the championship. My uncle strongly advised me to take English lessons.
Everything has been _____ prepared. (adv) (V2)
(A) complete (D) completing Jawaban: D
(B) completed (E) completedness
(C) completely 03. Pembahasan:
Word order:
08. “Tuti came home very last night” S+A+F+V+O+M+P+T
“Where did Budiman take her to?” T+A+S+F+V+O+M+P
(A) She took him to the movies last night
(B) He look her last night to the movies
(C) Last night, she took him to the movies The farmers left home early in the
(D) He took her to the movies last night S V O M
(E) He took her last night to the movies morning.
Jawaban: C

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04. Pembahasan: 08. Pembahasan :
Adverb of manner Word order:
Between to be and V3 S+A+F+V+O+M+P+T
To be ____ V3

Jawaban: A

Indonesian Batik is internationally

09. Pembahasan:
tobe adv
Adverb of manner
After verb
Jawaban: D Vb + (O) ____

05. Pembahasan: Adv
Adverb of manner
Sonia shouted hysterically and loudly
After verb
Vb adv
Jawaban: A
Vb + (O) ____

10. Pembahasan:
My father does his job carefully so he gets… Adverb of manner
vb O adv After verb
Jawaban: D Vb + (O) ____

06. Pembahasan:
Adverb of manner Because he speaks too fast
After verb Vb Adj
Jawaban: D
Vb + (O) ____

01. Every body shocked because the girl shouted ___
A. loudly and hysterically
He always drives his car carefully so
B. loudly and hysterical
Vb Adv
C. loud and hysterically
that he …
D. loud and hysterical
Jawaban: C
E. loudly hysterical

07. Pembahasan:
02. The ___ occuring insecticides are known as pyrethrums.
Adverb of manner
A. nature
Between to be and V3
B. natures
C. natural
To be ____ V3
 D. naturally
Adv E. naturalize

Everything has been completely prepared.

to be adv V3
Jawaban: C

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03. The man has been ___ by the organization. 09. Choose the correct sentence!
A. trained well A. Mother for me and herself bought dolls in Bali last
B. good trained week.
C. well trained B. Mother bought dolls for me and her self in Bali last
D. good train week.
E. trained well C. Last week, in Bali mother bought dolls for me and
04. Studies conducted over the past 25 years have shown D. Last week, mother bought in Bali dolls for me and
that placebos ___ relieved symptoms in an average of herself.
patients tested. E. Mother bought dolls for me and hers last week in
A. satisfy Bali.
B. satisfaction
C. satisfying 10. Angiosperms inhabit _____ diverse environments and
D. satisfactory may be found wherever high plants can survive.
E. satisfactorily A. Relate
B. Relation
05. The presiden decided to discuss the problem ____ with C. Relative
all the members of the parliement. D. Relatively
A. Secret E. Unrelatively
B. Secretion
D. Secreted 1. I am sure he is not the man in charge of the sales
E. Secretedly department. But now, he ________
A. Acts as if he is the sales manager.
06. The boy looks forward to his mother ___ and then he B. Acted as if he were the sales manager.
starts to cry ____ C. Is acting as if he would be the sales manager.
A. sadly – loudly D. Would have acted as if he had been the sales
B. sad – loudly manager.
C. sadly – loud E. Acts as if he were the sales manager.
D. sad – loud
E. with sad – loudly 2. I wish I could go home soon, but I must work over time.
From the sentence above we can conclude that
07. For Nuri performed at the door with “Pocong Cloth”, the _________
guests in the room yelled ___ A. I could go home.
A. too longly B. I can't go home.
B. too long C. I will go home soon.
C. very longly D. I could not go home.
D. with longly E. I must work overtime at home.
E. so longly
3. If only you had been here last night, your uncle must
08. I don’t know the lady well because I ____ meet her. have given you some money. This sentence means
A. always __________
B. usually A. You were here last night and your uncle gave you
C. often some money.
D. never B. You were given some money because you were
E. seldom here last night.
C. You were not here last night, so you didn't get
D. You are here now and you get money.
E. You are here and you do not get money.

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 202
9. Yohan : Why are you so sad, Olivia?
4. "Tita, are you going to see the dentist this afternoon?" Olivia : Well, my business went bankrupt.
"I wish I didn't have to." Yohan : I wish you ____ disappointed with your failure.
We may conclude that __________to the dentist. A. are not
A. She doesn't have to go. B. were not
B. She needs to go. C. haven't been
C. She is not going this afternoon. D. won't be
D. She has gone. E. can't be
E. She didn’t go.
10. I met a beautiful girl in the party last night.
5. Last night, a boy screamed and ran as if Hee … a ghost. I wished I had known her, so I could ask her to
A. saw accompany me.
B. has seen The underlined sentence means....
C. had seen A. I didn't know her
D. was seeing B. I knew her very well
E. seeing C. I have known her for a long time
D. I want to know her
6. We know that they are having several problems. But E. I had known her
they keep it to themself. We wish they …. to us about it
A. had not talked
B. talked
C. did not talked
D. talk
E. would talk
7. I wish somebody answered my call. The phone is been
ringing for about three minutes.
The underlined sentence means…
A. Nobody answers the phone
B. The phone would be answered
C. Somebody had answered the call
D. The phone has starter ringing
E. Somebody will answer my phone.

8. I wish we were living in a world with no war or dispite

between countries.
The sentence means ____
A. we are living in a peaceful world
B. we were living in a peaceful world
C. we are not living in a peaceful world
D. we have been living in peaceful world but we
didn't realize it
E. we plan to live in a peaceful world

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TOPIK : DEPENDENT CLAUSE  That Bali is a beautiful island, it is recognized

all over the world.
Pemakaian Tenses untuk Noun Clause
I. NOUN CLAUSE Main Clause  Noun Clause
Noun Clause adalah anak kalimat yang menggunakan - Present Tense  bebas tensesnya
Question Words (kata-kata tanya) sebagai penghubung - Past Tenses  Past tenses
dan berfungsi sebagai Noun (kata benda)
Bentuk Umum : Contoh:
Question Words 1. She didn’t know what she would do.
If / Wheter  S  Vb / Aux 2. I don’t say that he is a lyier.
That 3. The students hadn’t believed whether the teacher
Question Words : 8 W + 1 H come or not.
Why (mengapa) 4. He doesn’t understand why I loved him.
When (ketika)
Where (dimana) II. ADVERB CLAUSE
Who (siapa) adalah anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai
Whom (siapa) keterangan dengan menggunakan kata penghubung.
Which (yang mana) Adapun adverb clause akan terbagi atas:
What (apa)  Adverb clause of Reason
Whose (milik siapa)  Adverb clause of Purpose
How (bagaimana) : How many, How much, How often,  Adverb clause of Cossession
Etc  Adverb clause of Manner
 Adverb clause of Condition
(1) As Subject (sebagai subjek)  Adverb clause of Place / Time
Posisi : sebelum verb / aux
NC Verb/ Aux Object 01. Adverb Clause Of Reason
Anak kalimat yang menerangkan alasan (reason)
yang menggunakan conjunction (kata
 What he’d done was still a mystery.
 Where you’ve been is something I don’t know.
 Who you are doesn’t make me disappointed. Because
As  VbIng
 Clause
  (S Vb / Aux) Becauseof 
(2) As complement (sebagai pelengkap) Since  Noun
Posisi : setelah to be For 

S  ToBe  NounClause Contoh:
Contoh:  She came late this morning
 She is whom I’m waiting for. because there was a traffic jam.
 He was whom she needed.  She came late this morning because of
 That is what I want. a traffic jam.
 I went to bed earlier last night because I was
(3) As Object (sebagai objek) sleepy.
Posisi : setelah verb/aux  Since He doesn’t love me anymore,
S  Verb/ Aux NounClause  He leaves me alone to find somebody else.

 She likes what wear I what today.
 They didn’t understand what I had said.
 My father doesn’t know where the man lives.

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 204
02. Adverb Clause Of Purpose 05. Adverb clause of Condition
Anak kalimat yang menerangkan tujuan (purpose) Anak kalimat yang menerangkan syarat (condition)
yang menggunakan conjunction (kata yang menggunakan conjunction (kata
penghubung). penghubung) natara lain :
So that If Clause
+ clause (S + vb/Aux) +
In order that If only (S  Vb/aux)
In order to + inf Unles
Contoh:  You can pass the exam if you study hard.
 She studied hard so that she could pass the  Unless you study hard, you can’t pass the
exam. exam.
 She studied hard in order to pass the exam.
 The girls brought their umbrellas so that they 06. Adverb clause of Place / Time
ight not get wet when they arrived at school. Anak kalimat yang menerangkan tempat/ waktu
Conjunction kata penghubung yang digunakan :
03. Adverb clause of Consession Time
Anak kalimat yang menerangkan pertentangan - When
(consession) yang meng-gunakan conjuction (kata - Before Clause
hubung). - After (S  Vb/aux)
But/yet - While
Eventhough Clause Place
Though (S  Vb/aux) - where Clause
However - wherever +
(S  Vb/aux)
Nevertheless - some where
Inspite of + Noun / Vb-ing
despite Contoh:
Contoh:  I saw an old friend of mine. Budi when
 How were you doing your exam ? I was walking into the post office this morning.
Not very well even though I studied hard for it.  The twins can’t he separated. You will
 Was there any violence during last week’s certainly find Ani where you meet Ana.
demonstration ?
No even though there were thousand of SOAL PENGANTAR
demonstrators. 01. They didn’t understand ______.
 Jeni could do the difficult job given to her (A) What will they do
although she was still a small girl. (B) What they will do
(C) What they had done
04. Adverb Clause Of Manner (D) What they have done
Anak kalimat yang menerangkan cara (manner) (E) What had they done
yang menggunakan conjunction :
As if Clause 02. You’ll have to call me early in the morning ___ I will have
As though + left for work.
(S  Vb/aux)
As (A) however
Contoh: (B) otherwise moreover
 He acts as if he loved the girl very much. (C) furthermore
 Mr. Badra left the room as if he had been (D) consequently
forced to do so. (E) morever
 She walks to the blackboard confidently as
though she could answers the question.

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03. Sulianti doesn’t know ______ 10. My sister didn’t know ____.
(1) why does he come (A) where he lives
(2) why he comes (B) where he lived
(3) why had he come (C) where did he live
(4) why he’d come (D) where was he living
(E) where does he live
04. Who you are doesn’t make me confused.
The sentence is a noun clause as ______. PEMBAHASAN SOAL PENGANTAR
(A) object 01. Pembahasan :
(B) complement Noun clause as object :
(C) subject Q. Words 
 Vb
(D) after to be If / Wether  S 
(E) subject and object That 
They didn’t understand what they had done.
05. Mr. Anto doesn’t know _____. past past
(A) how many books I need Jawaban: C
(B) how many books do I need
(C) how many books did I need
(D) how many books are I need
02. Pembahasan :
(E) I need how many books
Adjective clause
06. _______ Andi seldom attends classes, he is always one If, unless, as long as, on condition that,
of the best students in the class consequently
(A) Whenever Consequently : oleh karena itu
(B) Since However : bagaimanapun/namun
(C) Because Moreover : lagipula
(D) Although Furthermore : lagipula
(E) If Jawaban : D

07. Shanti understood _____ 03. Pembahasan :

(A) why does Mr. Sarmento love her Noun clause as object:
(B) why did Mr. Sarmento love her Q. Words 
(C) why hade Mr. Sarmento love her  Vb
If / Wether  S 
(D) why Mr. Sarmento had love her Aux
That 
(E) why Mr. Sarmento has her
Sulianti doesn’t know why he comes.
why he’d come.
08. _____ is still a mystery.
Jawaban: C
(A) Who he is (D) Who was he
(B) Who is he (E) Who he’d been
04. Pembahasan :
(C) Who he was
Noun clause before Vb
09. My uncle doesn’t earn much ___, he sends his children NounClause Vb/ Aux
to collage. Who you are doesn’t make me confused.
(A) however (D) hence (subject) (verb)
(B) and (E) so Jawaban: C
(C) therefore
05. Pembahasan :
Mr. Anto doesn’t know how many books I need
(present) ( question words) (S) (Vb)
Jawaban: A

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06. Pembahasan : SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN
Adverb clause of cossession 01. I don’t remember ___ last year.
, even though
, though
, even if, while (A) what did I give her for her bithday
Whenever : kapan pun (B) I gave her what for her birthday
Since : karena (C) for her birhtday what did I give her
Because : karena (D) what for her birthday I gave her
Although : meskipun (E) what I gave her for her birthday
If : jika
Jawaban: D 02. Iwan wanted to know ___.
(A) from whom did Ari hear the news?
07. Pembahasan : (B) the news Ari heard from whom
Shanti understood why Mr. Sarmento had loved her. (C) who did Ari hear the news from?
(past) (QW) (subject) past (D) from whom Ari heard the news
Jawaban: D (E) Ari heard the news from whom?

08. Pembahasan : 03. Do all citizen know ___ ?

Noun clause as object : (A) what are their rights
(B) their rights what are they
Q. Words 
 Vb (C) what their rights are
If / Wether  S 
That 
Aux (D) what are their rights
(E) are what their rights
Who he is, is still a mystery.
Jawaban: A 04. Since the tourist had a map, he knew ___.
(A) where was the bus terminal
09. Pembahasan : (B) the bus terminal was there
Adverb clause of cossesion (C) whether the bus terminal was there
But,yet,still,however,nevertheless (D) was the bus terminal there
However : bagaimanapun/namun (E) where the bus terminal was
And : dan
Therefore : oleh karena itu 05. ___ annoys her teacher very much.
Hence : maka dari itu (A) Why does Ratu always come late
So : jadi (B) Ratu always come late
Jawaban: C (C) If Ratu always come late
(D) That Ratu always comes late
10. Pembahasan : (E) Whether does Ratu always come late
Noun clause as object :
06. ’I hear your son is going hiking again.’
Q. Words 
 Vb ’Oh yes; I just don’t understand ___ so much.’
If / Wether  S 
Aux (A) why he likes it
That 
(B) he likes it
My sister didn’t know didn’t know (C) that he likes it
(past) (D) why does he like it
where he lived. (E) does he like it
(QW) (S) (past)
Jawaban: B

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 207
07. ’What is annoying your mother so much?’ 13. The farmers exterminate rodents in their farmland
’___ in the bedroom.’ ______ they damage the crops.
(A) My father is smoking A. if (D) though
(B) It is my father who smokes B. however (E) as
(C) My father smokes C. thus
(D) The smoking of my father
(E) My father’s smoking 14. ______ the global economy crisis, many labors lost their
08. ____ Michael Douglas a good actor is his ability to play A. Because of (D) B. Because
the role of different characters so well. C. Despite (E) D. In spite of
(A) that makes (D) whether making E. Moreover
(B) what makes (E) this is made
(C) in order to make 15. ____ the hamster’s basic diet is vegetarian, some
hamster also eat insects.
09. ”What about eating out? I don’t feel like cooking dinner.’ A. Despite (D) Allthough
’OK. Just let me know ___.’ B. Regardless of (E) Consequently
(A) where do you want to go C. Thus
(B) where you want to go
(C) whether you want to go 16. The farmers exterminate rodents in their farmland ____
(D) how do you want to go they damage the crops.
(E) why you want to go A. when (D) if
B. though (E) however
10. ’How could Juli afford to go abroad at least twice a C. as
’I am also wondering ___.’ 17. The play performed by Theater EMWE was good, ____ it
(A) that she has earned her living could have been improved by adding the sound
(B) what she was earning living for effects.
(C) why does she earn her living? A. thus (D) and
(D) how she earns her living B. but (E) or
(E) does she earn a living C. nor

11. Learning to play a musical instrument often motivates 18. Vegetarians diets need a combination of corn and
a child to be disciplined and focused, ______ it can beans ____ provide most of them.
impart a feeling of social worth. A. so that (D) in order that
A. because (D) and B. in order to (E) thus
B. so (E) moreover C. and
C. while
19. A solar eclipse happens ___ the moon passes in front
12. Although a number of voters have given their ballots in of the sun.
the city election, the supervisor of elections A. when (D) as
temporarily ended the election ____ malfunction in the B. despite (E) furthermore
voting mechanism. C. moreover
A. although (D) despite
B. because (E) because of 20. _____ the students showed they had reached the
C. thus materials so thoroughly, the instructor decided not to
administer an exam.
A. because (D) thus
B. in addition (E) thus
C. moreover

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 208

TOPIK : ADJECTIVE CLAUSE  The boy whose bike is new is punished by our
 I give candy to the little girl whose dress is
 Menerangkan induk kalimat ATAU OBJEK HEWAN/BENDA
 Menggantikan induk kalimat
S/O + which + Vb/S/Aux
Anak kalimat yang berfungsi menerangkan induk  She admires the flower which I buy.
kalimat. Dalam hal ini yang diterangkan adalah subjek  The bird which sings very beautiful is my bird.
dan objek dalam kalimat.  We put away the dog which my father gave to
Adjective clause ditandai dengan penggunaan relative me.
pronoun yaitu who, whom, whose, which, of which, when,  The book which you bought last night was Harry
where, that. Potter.
Subjek atau objek yang diterangkan oleh adjective
clause bisa berupa manusia, hewan atau benda. S/O + of which + Noun + Vb/Aux


ATAU OBJEK MANUSIA  He repaired the radio of which cable is short.
 The car of which tires are broken is painted
S/O + Who + Vb/Aux again.

Who: menerangkan siapa subjek. Where/in which + S + Vb/Aux

 The little boy who wins the game gets medal. digunakan untuk menerangkan tempat
 We accused the man who stood there stole the Contoh:
book.  This is the hotel where I have stayed for a week.
 The man who loves my sister loses his wallet.  My father works in a bank in which you save your
 I know the boy who painted the wall. money.

When/on which + S + Vb/Aux

S/O + Whom + S + Vb/Aux
digunakan untuk menerangkan waktu
Whom: menerangkan siapa objek
 It’s the time on which we start the game.
 The teacher whom Ana saw yesterday got
 August is the month when we celebrate our
accident this morning.
independence day.
 I like the lady whom you talked to in the café
 The lady whom Andi got money from is Mrs.
Dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan who, whom dan which
 We apologized with the man whom we made
 We saw the lady (whom/that) you went with yesterday.
S/O+ Whose + Noun + Vb/Aux  The house (which/that) Andi bought last week was
Whose: Menerangkan kepunyaan.
 The doctor (who/that) injects you is Mr. Hadi.
 The child whose mother is a nurse cries loudly.
 They help a girl whose father is a cop.

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 209
01. The man ___ wrote about the explosion was an 01. Pembahasan :
eyewitness. (Adjective clause  person)
(A) whom (B) who (C) which (D) where (E)  Who + Vb/aux
whose  Whom + Subject
 Whose + Noun
02. I don’t like to watch the movies ___ have unhappy The man who wrote about … Jawaban: B
endings. Person Verb
(A) who (B) in which (C) which (D) what (E)
there 02. Pembahasan :
(Adjective Clause  thing)
03. I recently went back to the town ___ I was born. aux/ Vb
 which +
(A) which (B) whose (C) whom (D) in which (E) subject
who  of which + noun
to watch the movies which have
04. This is the best picture of my baby ___ I have ever taken. thing verb
(A) whom (B) of which (C) where (D) which (E) Jawaban : C
03. Pembahasan :
05. Jackline was a young writer ___ novel won the first prize (Adjective Clause  place)
in the national competition. aux/ Vb
 where +
(A) when (B) which (C) whose (D) in which (E) subject
whom aux/ Vb
 in which +
06. I know the man to ___ Tom is talking now. back to the town in which I was Jawaban: D
(A) who (B) whose (C) which (D) in which (E) Place
04. Pembahasan :
07. The red rose ___ he gave to me last night, I put in the (Adjective Clause  thing)
vase. aux/ Vb
 which +
(A) whose (B) which (C) of which (D) who (E) subject
when  of which + noun
The best picture of my baby which I have
08. This is the museum ___ the painting of Monalisa will be thing subj
exhibited tomorrow. Jawaban: A
(1) who (2) where (3) which (4) in 05. Pembahasan :
which (Adjective clause  person)
 Who + Vb/aux
09. The students are collecting money, food and clothes for  Whom + Subject
people ___ house were destroyed in the fire last week.  Whose + Noun
(A) whose (B) who (C) whom (D) in which (E) Jackline was a young writer whose novel
which person noun
Jawaban: C
10. I’ve lost the piece of paper ___ I wrote Ida’s address.
(A) which (B) in which (C) whose (D) where (E)

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 210
06. Pembahasan : SOAL – SOAL LATIHAN
(Adjective clause  person) 1. Oral reefs areas ____ small fish live and take shelter are
 Who + Vb/aux damaged now.
 Whom + Subject A. which
 Whose + Noun B. of whose
The man to whom Tom is talking now C. in where
person subj D. in which
Jawaban: E E. of which

07. Pembahasan : 2. Angiosperms inhabit relatively diverse environments

(Adjective Clause  thing) and may be found ____ high plants can survive.
aux / Vb A. there
 which +
subject B. wherever
 of which + noun C. somewhere
The red rose which he gave to me Jawaban: B D. then
thing subj E. where

08. Pembahasan : 3. The spiral threads of a spider’s web house sticky

(Adjective Clause  place) substance on them ____ insects.
aux/ Vb A. traps
 where +
subject B. trap its
aux/ Vb C. which traps
 in which +
subject D. which is trap
This is the museum where the painting of E. which it traps
place in which
Jawaban: C 4. Children ___ are hyperactive may benefit from
eliminating food additives.
09. Pembahasan : A. who
(Adjective clause  person) B. which
 Who + Vb/aux C. in which
 Whom + Subject D. when
 Whose + Noun E. whom
For people whose house were Jawaban: A
person noun 5. In English, there are many different kinds of
expressions ____ people use to give a name to anything
10. Pembahasan : ___ name is unknown or momentarily forgotten.
(Adjective Clause  thing) A. that, which
aux / Vb B. of which, which
 which +
subject C. which, which
 of which + noun D. that, of which
the piece of paper which I wrote Ida’s address E. which, when
thing subj
Jawaban: A 6. Thomas Alfa Edison, the famous American inventor,
was the person ___ was interested in taking ‘moving
pictures’ to the next step.
A. whom
B. whose
C. which
D. that
E. on which

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 211
12. Natural selection is defined as the process ____ the
7. The media of paleontologist ___ study prehistoric life is course of evaluation by preserving those traits best
often of field or workers camped in the desert in the adapted for an organism’s survival.
hot sun, carefully picking away at the rock A. to which directs
surrounduing a large dinosaur bone. B. of which directs
A. who C. directs it
B. whom D. that directs
C. which E. that directs it
D. at which
E. on which 13. For each enzyme reaction there is an optimum
temperature ____ maximum efficiency is achieved.
8. It was abraham lincoln ____ made thanks giving of A. who
official holiday in the united states. B. which
A. who C. of which
B. whom D. on which
C. whose E. whose
D. which
E. of which 14. Lyndon B. Johnson was the only United States
president _____ oath of office was administered by a
9. Professionals painters ___ mix their own medium woman Judge Sarah Tilghman Hughes.
usually have their own trademark methods of mixing A. who
materials ___ art experts recognize as part of an B. whom
artist’s creative work. C. on whom
A. whom, that D. whose
B. who, that E. to whom
C. who, who
D. who, in which 15. Charles Bullfinch was the architect _____ designed the
E. that, on which original red brick core of the State House in Boston.
A. who
10. Cherokees who had struggled for months to learn B. whom
English lettering in school ____ the new system in days. C. which
A. picked up D. of which
B. picking up E. whose
C. who picked up
D. which picked up
E. which picks up

11. Few examples of the original climax forest which

consisted mostly of broad leaves trees such as maple,
birch, and oak, ____ today.
A. survive
B. survived
C. that survive
D. that survived
E. who survived

BIMBEL TALENTA : Rumah Belajar Para Talenta Muda Indonesia KELAS 12 IPA | Hal. 212

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