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9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection

Sep 16 at 9am
Sep 16 at 7:30am - Sep 16 at 9am
about 2 hours
Time Limit
90 Minutes

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1
77 minutes 98 out of 200

Correct answers are hidden.

Score for this quiz:

98 out of 200
Submitted Sep 16 at 8:47am
This attempt took 77 minutes.

Question 1 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following would be classified as an organizational


Talented management

Excellent employees

Government regulation

Increasing product demand

Low debt 1/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

Typical opportunities are increasing demand, emerging markets,

and demographics. Managers or individual firms have limited
opportunities to influence such external environmental factors;
however, in recent years notable exceptions have been new
technologies such as Apple using the iPod to create a market to
sell music.

Question 2 2
/ 2 pts

At each gate a(n) _______ is made.






At each gate a decision is made. This may be preceded by

assessment, evaluation, analysis and judgement, but ultimately all
of this translates into a decision about whether to continue,
whether to cancel, whether to revise and resubmit, etc.

Question 3 2
/ 2 pts

A project screening matrix typically contains all of the following EXCEPT 2/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

costs to complete each project.

weights assigned to specific criteria.

All of these are typically contained.

specific criteria.

the list of available projects.

Screening matrices should contain both financial and nonfinancial

criteria that align with organization strategy. Weights are assigned
to these criteria based on how well they align with strategy.
Available projects are included in the matrix for comparison.

Question 4 2
/ 2 pts

An operational project is one that

must be completed.

is completed to meet regulatory compliance.

supports an organizations’ long-run mission.

always is extremely relevant to the strategic vision of the organization.

can improve organizational performance. 3/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

There is no real purpose for an operational project other than to

improve performance.

Question 5 0
/ 2 pts

The purpose of the management system that spans the lifetime of any
project is _____.

ensure the project remains on schedule

ensure the project stays within both budget and schedule

ensure the project is worthwhile and is contributing to the goals and
strategy of the organization

All of these alternatives are correct

ensure the project stays within budget

The purpose of the project management system known as the

phase gate model is to make certain the project is worthwhile and
is contributing to the goals and strategy of the organization.

Question 6 2
/ 2 pts

The strategic activity that focuses on what needs to be accomplished is 4/35
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reflection and inquiry into the organization’s history of past projects.

implement strategies through projects.

analyze and formulate strategies.

review and define the organizational mission.

set objectives to achieve strategy.

Without the appropriate analysis and creation of a strategy, no

direction will be set. Without a strategic direction, the organization
cannot know how to prioritize the work to be accomplished in any
efficient manner.

Question 7 2
/ 2 pts

Why do project managers need to understand their organization's mission

and strategy?

To reduce project duration and increase the number of projects

So they can make appropriate decisions and adjustments and be effective
project advocates

It is only important for senior management to understand the organization's
mission and strategy

To get their job done and increase opportunities for promotion 5/35
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So that they can make sure the customer is satisfied

There are two main reasons why project managers need to

understand their organization's mission and strategy. The first
reason is so they can make appropriate decisions and
adjustments. For example, how a project manager would respond
to a suggestion to modify the design of a product to enhance
performance will vary depending upon whether his company
strives to be a product leader through innovation or to achieve
operational excellence through low cost solutions. The second
reason project managers need to understand their organization's
strategy is so that they can be effective project advocates. Project
managers have to be able to demonstrate to senior management
how their project contributes to their firm's mission.

Question 8 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of effective






Specific 6/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

Characteristics of effective objectives are that they are specific,

measurable, assignable, realistic and related to time.

Question 9 2
/ 2 pts

When it comes to project prioritization, senior management is responsible


setting the course for the organization.

determining the priority of each project.

developing a culture where everyone contributes to the goals of the

All of the these choices are correct.

directing the organization to a strong future position.

Senior management has ultimate responsibility for prioritizing each

and every project, for directing the organization to a strong future
position, for developing a culture where everyone contributes to
the goals of the organization.

Question 10 2
/ 2 pts

People within an organization working on multiple efforts concurrently is

an indicator of 7/35
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optimized processes.

project prioritization

shrewd scheduling.

too many projects taken on at once.

completely allocated staff.

Human beings are notoriously bad at multi-tasking. Research has

shown that those who claim to be very good at multitasking are
actually worse at it.

Question 11 2
/ 2 pts

A SWOT analysis provides the Project Manager with

an identifiable strategic alternative and potential critical issues facing the

a direct linkage to goals.

potential critical issues facing the organization.

a direct linkage to goals and an identifiable strategic alternative.

an identifiable strategic alternative. 8/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

This simple, but challenging tool can be important in the initial

guidance and on-going management of a project.

Question 12 2
/ 2 pts

A project selection process that is strongly linked to strategy results in

more projects.

better utilization of the organization's resources.

stronger core competencies.

a larger and more diverse organization.

the most profit.

Without integration of projects with the strategic plan, resources

are poorly utilized. Conversely, organizations that have a link of
projects to strategy have more cooperation across the
organization, perform better on projects and tend to have fewer

Question 13 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following problems refers to lack of understanding and

consensus of organization strategy among top and middle-level
managers? This also can result when top management formulates
strategy and leaves implementation to functional managers. 9/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

Employee turnover

Organization politics


Resource conflicts

Implementation gap

The implementation gap refers to the lack of understanding and

consensus of organization strategy among top and middle-level

Question 14 2
/ 2 pts

________ change infrequently and may require revision only when the
nature of the business changes or shifts.

Mission statements



Vision statements

Lessons learned 10/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

Mission statements change infrequently; however, when the nature

of the business changes or shifts, a revised mission statement
may be required.

Question 15 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is NOT true when managing a portfolio system?

It involves monitoring and adjusting criteria to reflect the strategic focus of
the organization.

It does not require a constant effort.

Within a small organization it can be managed by a small group of key

The qualities of a particular project are assessed within the context of
existing projects.

It requires input from senior management.

Managing a project portfolio system requires a constant effort in

order to make sure selection criteria reflect the strategic focus of
the organization. 11/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

Question 16 2
/ 2 pts

Project Priority Systems can resolve

internal political issues.

over-sharing of resources.

lack of consensus and understanding among top and middle managers.

All of the these alternatives are correct.

what to do next.

Project prioritization can give an objective viewpoint into some of

the very subjective activities within an organization.

Question 17 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is NOT true for strategic management?

It involves responding to changes in the external market and allocating
scarce resources to improve a competitive position.

It supports consistency of action at every level of the organization.

It should be done once every few years just before developing the
operating plan. 12/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

It develops an integrated and coordinated long-term plan of action.

It positions the firm to meet the needs of its customers.

Two major dimensions of strategic management are responding to

changes in the external environment and allocating scarce
resources of the firm to improve its competitive position. Constant
scanning of the external environment for changes is a major
requirement for survival in a dynamic competitive environment.

Question 18 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is true of multi-weighted scoring models?

Will include quantitative criteria.

Each criterion is assigned a weight.

Will include qualitative criteria.

All of these are true.

Projects with higher scores are considered more desirable. 13/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

A weighted scoring model typically uses several weighted

selection criteria to evaluate project proposals. Weighted scoring
models will generally include qualitative and/or quantitative criteria.
Each selection criterion is assigned a weight. Scores are assigned
to each criterion for the project, based on its importance to the
project being evaluated. The weights and scores are multiplied to
get a total weighted score for the project. Using these multiple
screening criteria, projects can then be compared using the
weighted score. Projects with higher weighted scores are
considered better.

Question 19 2
/ 2 pts

Project managers who understand the role that their project plays in
accomplishing the organization's strategy will be inclined to do all of the
following EXCEPT

be able to focus on problems or solutions if the project is a low priority

demonstrate to senior management how their project contributes to the
firm's mission.

explain to stakeholders why certain project objectives and priorities are

be able to respond appropriately to delays and/or questions about product
design. 14/35
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explain to team members why certain project objectives and priorities are

Project managers who understand the role that their project plays
in accomplishing the organization's strategy will not be inclined to
waste time focusing on problems that are a low priority in regard to
achieving the organization's strategy.

Question 20 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following terms is often used to denote a project that a

powerful, high-ranking official is advocating?

Special undertaking

Strategic ploy

Political necessity

Pet project

Sacred cow

The term "sacred cow" is often used to denote a project that a

powerful, high-ranking official is advocating.

Question 21 2
/ 2 pts 15/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

When creating a selection model, it is important to

assure the objectivity of the model.

keep it secret from those submitting project proposals.

make certain the units used in the model are not inconsistent.

make it mathematically complex so it cannot be "gamed".

not use it as the final determination for project selection.

The selection model should only exist to assist those in making a

final determination.

Question 22 2
/ 2 pts

The __________ financial model measures the current value of all cash
inflows using management's minimum desired rate of return.

None of these alternatives are correct




CABB 16/35
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The Net Present Value (NPV) model uses management's minimum

desired rate of return to compute the present value of all net cash

Question 23 2
/ 2 pts

The assessment of the external and internal environments is called

_______ analysis.






The keys are to attempt to forecast fundamental industry changes

and stay in a proactive mode rather than a reactive one. This
assessment of the external and internal environments is known as
the SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

Question 24 2
/ 2 pts

________ translate the organization's strategy into specific, concrete, and

measurable terms. 17/35
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Mission statements


Vision statements


Lessons learned

Objectives translate the organization strategy into specific,

concrete, measurable terms. Organizational objectives set targets
for all levels of the organization.

Question 25 2
/ 2 pts

Three possible outcomes emanate from each gate. They are ____.

proceed, cancel, or revise and submit

allocate resources, reduce resources, cancel

reduce scope, kill, increase scope

encourage, discourage, pass

continue, kill, enhance

A gate can lead to three possible outcomes: go (proceed),

kill(cancel) or recycle (revise and resubmit). 18/35
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Question 26 2
/ 2 pts

The following are responsibilities of the governance team when managing

a portfolio system EXCEPT

evaluating the progress of the projects in the portfolio.

constant scanning of the external environment to determine if
organizational selection criteria need to be changed.

communicating which projects are approved.

publishing the priority of every project and ensuring the process is open
and free of power politics.

deciding how organizational resources are allocated among the different
types of projects.

Deciding how they wish to balance the available organizational

resources among the different types of projects is the responsibility
of senior management along with providing guidance in
establishing selection criteria that strongly align with the current
organization strategies.

Question 27 2
/ 2 pts

Projects are usually classified into all but one of the following categories.
Which one is NOT one of the typical classifications? 19/35
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All of these are typical classifications.


Compliance and emergency


Political necessity

Many organizations find they have three different kinds of projects

in their portfolio: compliance and emergency (must do),
operational, and strategic projects.

Question 28 2
/ 2 pts

Project proposals are employed when _____and are used to make


a project concept fails to gain acceptance, project cost and scheduling

a high-level organization official wishes to submit a proposal, project

a high-level organization official wishes to submit a proposal, project cost
and scheduling

a project idea is considered worthwhile, project selection

a project concept fails to get acceptance, project cost estimation 20/35
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Projects begin in the head of a person who has an idea for a

project that he believes is worth investing the time and effort to
submit a formal proposal. Then a formal proposal is written by that
person. The proposal undergoes a rigorous selection process that
results in either acceptance or rejection.

Question 29 2
/ 2 pts

The process of assessing "what we are" and deciding and implementing

"what we intend to be and how we are going to get there" is

mission assessment

goal and objective clarity

reflection and inquiry

vision and mission setting

strategic management

Strategic management is the process of assessing what we are,

what we intend to be and how we are going to get there. It consists
of constant scanning of the external environment and allocating
resources of the firm to improve its competitive position.

Question 30 2
/ 2 pts 21/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

The management system that spans the lifetime of the project is called
the ____.

project lifetime model

phase gate model

lifetime cycle model

lifetime model

lifetime phase exit model

A structure is needed to manage each project over its lifetime.

That structure is the phase gate model.

Question 31 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is NOT true about organizational politics?

Politics exist in every organization.

Politics can influence project selection.

Politics can have a significant influence on which projects receive funding.

Politics can play a role in the aspirations behind projects.

Project managers should not engage in organizational politics. 22/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

Many would argue that project management and politics should

not mix. A more proactive response would be that projects and
politics invariably mix. Effective project managers recognize that
any significant project has political ramifications within an
organization no matter how large or small.

Question 32 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is NOT one of the traditional components found in

mission statements?

Major products and services

Geographic domain


Contribution to society

Target customers and markets

Traditional components found in mission statements are major

products and services, target customers and markets, and
geographical domain. In addition, statements frequently include
organizational philosophy, key technologies, public image, and
contribution to society.

Question 33 2
/ 2 pts 23/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

When a prioritization team is balancing projects, they consider all factors

except for

Resource demand.

All of these alternatives are correct.

Leadership style.

Type of project.


Leadership style is how the manager manages; it only has

relevance if it does not assist the project meet its goals.

Question 34 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following would be classified as an organizational external


Poor product quality

Excellent employees

High labor costs

Slowing of the economy

Declining facilities 24/35
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Examples of perceived external threats could be a slowing of the

economy, a maturing life cycle, exchange rates, or government

Question 35 2
/ 2 pts

Typically, a project sponsor is

key to support a project to its’ completion and a lower-level staff member.

key to support a project to its' completion.

a lower-level staff member.

instrumental in approving a project.

instrumental in approving a project and key to support a project to its'

The project sponsor has the ability to provide budget support and
organizational support to the project being accomplished.

Question 36 2
/ 2 pts

Examples of nonfinancial criteria include all of the following EXCEPT

reducing dependency on unreliable suppliers. 25/35
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making it difficult for competitors to enter the market.

preventing government intervention and regulation.

calculating the time it will take to recover the project investment.

capturing a larger market share.

The payback model measures the time it will take to recover the
project investment. It is considered a financial criterion.

Question 37 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is NOT true about an organization's strategy?

Only top management must understand strategy.

Strategy is implemented through projects.

Project selection should be clearly aligned with strategy.

Project management plays a key role in supporting strategy.

Strategy determines how an organization will compete.

Strategy was considered to be under the purview of senior

management, but this is old school thinking. Projects and project
management play a key role in supporting strategic goals. It is vital
for project managers to think and act strategically. 26/35
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Question 38 2
/ 2 pts

How strategies will be realized, given available resources, is answered

through __________.

resource allocation




strategy formulation

Implementation answers the question of how strategies will be

realized, given available resources. The conceptual framework for
strategy implementation lacks the structure and discipline found in
strategy formulation.

Question 39 2
/ 2 pts

One who endorses and lends political support for the completion of a
specific project is known as the

Project lead.

Sacred cow.

Project manager.

CEO. 27/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

Project sponsor.

Project sponsors play a significant role in the selection and

successful implementation of product innovation projects. Project
sponsors are typically high-ranking managers who endorse and
lend political support for the completion of a project.

Question 40 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the absence of a

project portfolio system?

Organizational politics

Resource conflicts

Lack of funding

Implementation gap


A project portfolio system can go a long way to reduce the impact

the implementation gap, organization politics, resource conflicts
and multitasking.

Question 41 2
/ 2 pts 28/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

All of the following are symptoms of organizations struggling with strategy

disconnect and unclear priorities EXCEPT

not enough projects within the portfolio to make a profit.

inadequate resources.

frequent conflicts between managers.

people are working on multiple projects and feel inefficient.

confused employees regarding which projects are more important.

Frequent conflicts between managers, inadequate resources,

confused employees and multitasking are all symptoms of
organizations struggling with strategy disconnect and unclear
priorities. Typically these organizations are also completing
projects with low priority which results in a portfolio that consists of
too many projects that do not align with organizational strategy.

Question 42 2
/ 2 pts

Jack’s organization has many projects ongoing concurrently. He finds

himself starting and stopping work on one task to go and work on another
task, and then return to the work on the original task. Jack is experiencing

poor scheduling.

excess work burden.

flexible tasking. 29/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management



Resource sharing also leads to multitasking. Multitasking involves

starting and stopping work on one task to go and work on another
project, and then returning to the work on the original task. People
working on several tasks concurrently are far less efficient,
especially where conceptual or physical shutdown and startup are

Question 43 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is the correct order for the strategic management

Strategies, mission, objectives, projects

Objectives, projects, mission, strategies

Mission, strategies, objectives, projects

Projects, mission, strategies, objectives

Objectives, mission, strategies, projects

Once the mission statement has been written, strategies are

formulated. After this, objectives are developed to achieve the
strategy and finally strategies are implemented through projects. 30/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

Question 44 2
/ 2 pts

Project selection criteria are typically classified as

short-term and long-term.

financial and nonfinancial.

cost and schedule.

strategic and tactical.

required and optional.

Although there are many criteria for selecting projects, selection

criteria are typically identified as financial and nonfinancial.

Question 45 2
/ 2 pts

The first part of the management system that spans the lifetime of the
project is called the ____.

project phase exit

project selection process

project gate process

project exit process

project kill process 31/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

The first part of any project management system is the project

selection process. This part will likely involve more than one gate,
but always the first two or more gates.

Question 46 2
/ 2 pts

If a preliminary proposal is approved, then ____.

a project manager and staff are assigned to develop a more
comprehensive implementation plan

the project is funded and formal detailed planning begins

the project is funded and execution begins

the project is allocated limited resources

the project is funded or shelved awaiting funding

If the preliminary proposal is approved, then a project manager

and staff are assigned to develop a more comprehensive
implementation plan. The preliminary proposal is revised and

Question 47 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following questions does the organization's mission

statement answer? 32/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

All of these are answered by the mission statement.

What do we want to become?

How do we operate in the existing environment?

What are our long-term goals and objectives?

What are our long-term strategies?

The mission identifies "what we want to become," or the raison

d'être. Mission statements identify the scope of the organization in
terms of its product or service. They communicate and identify the
purpose of the organization to stakeholders.

Question 48 2
/ 2 pts

Which of the following is NOT one of the requirements for successful

implementation of strategies through projects?

Motivation of project contributors

Prioritizing of projects

Adequate planning and control systems

Quality management

Allocation of resources 33/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

First, completing tasks requires allocation of resources. Resources

typically represent funds, people, management talents,
technological skills, and equipment. Frequently, implementation of
projects is treated as an "addendum" rather than an integral part of
the strategic management process. However, multiple objectives
place conflicting demands on organizational resources. Second,
implementation requires a formal and informal organization that
complements and supports strategy and projects. Authority,
responsibility, and performance all depend on organization
structure and culture. Third, planning and control systems must be
in place to be certain project activities necessary to ensure
strategies are effectively performed. Fourth, motivating project
contributors will be a major factor for achieving project success.
Finally, areas receiving more attention in recent years are portfolio
management and prioritizing projects.

Question 49 2
/ 2 pts

Regardless of the criteria differences among different types of projects,

typically the most important criterion for project selection is

how the project will balance risk within the project portfolio.




the project's fit to the organization strategy. 34/35
9/16/21, 8:49 AM M2-Quiz-Organization Strategy and Project Selection: BMA_4102 : Project Management

The project's fit to the organization strategy is the most important

criterion for project selection. This criterion should be consistent
across all types of projects and carry a high priority relative to
other criteria.

Question 50 2
/ 2 pts

In order to formulate strategies that align with the mission, some of the
activities the organization will need to perform are

assess internal strengths and weaknesses.

analyze competitors.

All of these should be considered when formulating strategies.

examine the external environment.

know their core competencies.

Strategy formulation includes assessment of the internal and

external environments.

Quiz Score:
98 out of 200 35/35

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