Loki-God of Liminality

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Hey y'all!

Today I'm going to talk about this concept that has been rattling around in my head for
a while now-the idea that Loki could be a deity of liminality.

Quick Note: this post is all my original thoughts and ideas about this concept. I will provide
evidence to further my argument, but this post is largely UPG and should be read as such.

First, let's go over some known details about Loki.

Loki, (meaning "fire", "knot or tangle") is the Norse trickster god of chaos, fire, and mischief.
Although his parents are thought to be giants, he is recognized as a member of the Aesir tribe of
gods. He is also a shapeshifter , and has taken many forms, including that of animals and women.

Alternatively, Loki is predicted to fight against the gods at Ragnarok, and will die at the hands of
Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard.

There are several myths which involve Loki. One especially famous story, the one detailing how
Sif received her gold-metal hairhttps://www.storynory.com/sif-and-her-golden-hair/, starts with
Loki intentionally stirring up trouble, only later to fix the problems he created.

Liminality is described as "occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold."
The boundary or threshold in question can be metaphorical or physical. Some other examples of
liminal deities include Cernunnos, Hecate, Persephone, Janus, Terminus, and Osiris.

Loki, throughout Norse lore and tradition, walks several lines in between opposite concepts of
boundaries. He walks the line between good and evil, as he is recognized as a member of the
gods despite acting against them at Ragnarok. He is also both the cause of strife among the gods
(in the story of Sif's hair) and the ultimate solution to the problem.

He also walks the line between man and animal, and man and women. His ability of shifting
gender provides him to have both masculine and feminine energies.In society, gender has
historically provided boundaries and rules upon both men and women, and in witchcraft these
energies are often cited as equal but opposite. By encapsulating both, he walks yet another line
between two boundaries. In addition, his balance act between man and animal provides yet
another aspect of liminality: the line between anarchy and society, civilization and wilderness.

In conclusion, Loki can be recognized as a deity of liminality, and as a deity of those in-between
spaces and gray areas that are so prevalent in our minds and societies. Loki at once embodies
good and evil, man and women, cause and solution, and man and animal.
Thank you for reading!! Feel free to comment with your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you!

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