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Chapter 3.

Making Schools Inclusive

1. What is the difference between mainstreaming and inclusion? Answer in terms of
philosophy, teaching practices, services available, and student placement.

-There are some huge difference between the two terms, and they address two
unique ways of thinking. In mainstreaming, understudies with extraordinary
requirements are set in the specialized curriculum study hall and go to overall
schooling homeroom for explicit scholastic classes (social examinations, perusing,
and so forth) or nonacademic classes (craftsmanship, actual instruction, and so on)
Supports could possibly be brought into the homeroom.

To decide if mainstreaming or consideration would be the most ideal position for an

exceptional necessities understudy, you ought to apply the idea of the most un-
prohibitive climate (LRE) to the circumstance. Least prohibitive climate is a
legitimate term applied in Public Law 94-142, The Education for All Handicapped
Children Act of 1975, which necessitates that understudies with in capacities should
be put in customary study halls with their non disabled peers, to the degree that their
capacities permit.

While taking into account which study hall program to carry out for your understudies
with learning in capacities make sure to evaluate the homeroom and individual
uncommon necessities of the understudies. Converse with your child instructor and
educational system to look further into the particular projects they proposition and
how you can be involved.

2. What is differentiation? How different are accommodations from modifications?

When should we accommodate and when do we modify?

- Differentiation is the method used by the instructors for instructions in which they
will systematically approach the curriculum to suffice the learning needs and
maximize the student’s full learning capacity. There is a huge difference between
accommodations and modifications, I will categorize it by Classroom instruction,
Classroom tests, Standardized testing, PE, music, and art class.

First, Classroom instruction. Facilities can assist kids with learning similar
material as their friends. This permits them to meet similar assumptions.

An understudy with dyslexia, for instance, may pay attention to a sound

rendition of a book. Yet, its as yet unchanged book that the remainder of the
class is perusing. Moreover, an understudy who experiences difficulty
centering may get situated close to the instructor, yet at the same time needs
to do all the standard class tasks.

Modifications, Children who are a long ways behind their companions might
require changes to the educational plan they’re learning. These are called

For instance, an understudy could be allocated more limited or more

straightforward understanding tasks, or schoolwork that is unique in relation to
the remainder of the class. Children who get changes are not relied upon to
get familiar with similar material as their colleagues.

Second, Classroom Tests. Accommodation for testing can be not the same as
those utilized for instructing.

For instance, utilizing spellcheck may assist an understudy with composing

challenges take notes during class. In any case, it wouldn’t be proper during a
week by week spelling test. Simultaneously, this understudy may profit from
having additional opportunity to finish the spelling test or utilizing a console if
the actual demonstration of composing is troublesome.

Modifications, in testing regularly imply that an understudy covers less material

or material that is less perplexing.

For instance, a spelling test might require the class to concentrate on 20

words. Be that as it may, an understudy with alterations may just need to
concentrate on 10 of them. Or on the other hand there may be two distinct
arrangements of spelling words. With an alteration, what the understudy is
tried on is unique.

Third, Standardized testing. Statewide tests permit a few accommodations like

additional time or stepping through an examination on a PC. Its best in case
these are similar facilities a kid uses to take class tests

A few understudies take what’s called a substitute evaluation. This state test
incorporates modifications to the ordinary test. Questions may be less or not
cover similar material as the standard tests. Additionally, the outcomes are
deciphered in an unexpected way. Before you consent to an other appraisal,
discover what the effect will be on your child’s scholarly and work future.
Lastly, PE, music, and art class. Accommodations for exceptional classes like
PE, music, and workmanship can be useful for certain children.

These are like facilities in the study hall. Children may get additional
opportunity to figure out how to play an instrument. Or on the other hand they
might be permitted to finish a workmanship project in an alternate

Modifications, Here and there, a task in a class like PE, music, or

workmanship is irrational for your kid. At the point when this occurs, an
adjustment might be made.

For instance, the PE educator may lessen the quantity of laps an understudy
needs to run. The music instructor probably won't need a youngster to figure
out how to understand music.

3. Explain the process of UDL.

- In the process of making a Universal Design for Learning there are three main key
points: Multiple means of representation in which the students must be givem
various ways of acquiring information and knowledge, Multiple means of expression
learners must be provided with alternatives for demonstrating what they know, and
lastly Multiple means of engagement where we tap into the learner’s interests, that
offers appropriate challenges, and increases motivation.

The UDL standard of Multiple means of representation can be met through the
buying a scope of books including enormous print, simple read designs, digital
books, recordings with captions and gesture based communication, material books
and braille books. These various roads empower a more prominent number of
understudies to get to writing.

Multiple means of expression gives roads to an assortment of approaches for

understudies to communicate their comprehension of the text rather than the
standard read out loud. These methodologies could be through gesture based
communication, applications like Proloquo2go, video, pretend, prepackaged games
and storyboards.

Multiple means of engagement implies that a scope of understudy interests and

foundations ought to be consolidated inside the texts to connect with understudies.
Penell, Wollack and Koppenhaver (2017) express that children’s writing will in
general portray a limited portrayal of characters. This can confine understudies who
neglect to see themselves addressed inside writing, and it sends incredible
messages regarding who has a place and who doesn’t. Joining quality writing into
the school library is essential. Notwithstanding, many books that have characters
with in capacities can be belittling or are composed to clarify the idea of a handicap
rather than depicting understudies with inability in a positive way. These books can
neutralize the reason of comprehensive practice that is at the core of UDL. Penell,
Wollack and Koppenhaver (2017) list books that are conscious and comprehensive
of understudies with incapacity that ought to be accessible in all school libraries.

4. Explain differentiation

- A scenario in which best explains differentiation is grouping learners dependent on

their singular availability or to complete one another is one way of achieving process
differentiation. One more is fluctuating the manner in which ideas are educated
through visual, hear-able, or sensation illustrations, for instance. Item separation
applies to the kinds of tasks understudies make.


1. UDL is a classroom practice that ensures the participation and achievement of all
types of learners and where the teacher assumes diversity and uniqueness for all
students in the classroom. Given this, create a plan for UDL. Assume that you are a
Grade 2 math teacher teaching subtraction. Your class is composed of 35 students. Of
the 35, one has an official diagnosis of ADHD and you suspect that another might have
a math learning disability,

- If I am a Grade 2 math teacher that is teaching subtraction and my class is composed

of 35 students, one is officially diagnosed of ADHD and I suspect one might have a
math learning disability I would use Simple and Intuitive practices in which the both
parties can understand. With no discrimination intended I would group the class into two
where the Upper group is the students identified as normal learners and the lower group
where in my assessment resulted into the learners with a slower phase of learning
including the one that is diagnosed with ADHD. In that way I can pinpoint and adjust my
strategies to use enable for them to experience the effective ways of learning.

2. Think about your current school and the extent to which it uses inclusive practices.
Using Booths and Ainscow's (2002) three dimensions--creating inclusive cultures,
evolving inclusive practices, and producing inclusive policies list down your school's
current practices that support inclusive education

- Upon reading Booths and Ainscow’s three dimensions of inclusive education, here are
my school’s current practices that supports inclusive education base on my own

1. Teaching processes are taught through reporting, essays, graphic organizers.

2. Online sessions or synchronous classes are composed of recitation in which the
students and the teacher are exchanging ideas about the certain topics.
3. The school also highlighted the reading of books, enable for us to be knowledgeable
about the lessons tackled.
4. There are also poster making, and creative materials that stimulates brain functioning
to think of a concept.
5. And lastly, Using technology for everything to utilize our technology literacy.


Making sure to follow the UDL framework, create a semi-detailed lesson plan good for a
day of that particular week for a subject and topic of your choice in the Junior High
School level.

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