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Urban Morphology ( 2000 ) 4( 2 ), 63-77 63

Institutions and urban form:

the example of universities
Peter J . Larkham
School of Planning, University of Central England , Perry Barr,
Birmingham, B 42 2SU , UK.
E- mail: peter.larkham @ uk

Revised manuscript received 7 August 2000

Abstract. Urban morphologists have made much of the role of institutions

in shaping urban form. Universities in particular are sizeable landholders,
with common aims, but which have resulted in very different outcomes in the
urban landscape. Morphological concepts are applied to the timing , location
and form of foundations. Three models of university development are
suggested : the campus, colonization , and dispersed. Campus universities in
particular present problems for traditional urban morphological analysis.

Key Words: universities, campuses, colonization , planning , design ,

urban landscapes

The contribution of large institutions to the institutions with a Royal Charter. Many are
shaping of the urban landscape has long been sufficiently long-established that commem-
recognized. This is particularly so in orative histories are available. Steadman
locations - especially urban fringes - and at ( 1997, pp . 56-7) usefully suggests the scale
times in economic cycles - often slumps - in of their contribution to the non -domestic
which the large financial resources available building stock of England and Wales,
to institutions allow the purchase of large occupying some 14 km 2 of floor area. There
sites for their extensive land uses is also a long tradition of scholarly study of
( Whitehand , 1992, pp. 86- 124). This paper universities, ranging from their social and
explores some of the urban impacts of economic history ( Bender, 1988 ) to
university sites. In particular, the stage in the architectural and urban design ( Dober, 1996;
economic / building cycle, which may Brentano, 1994 ), and estate management and
determine the availability and cost of sites, planning (Stroud , 1995 ). Remarks on their
the physical location of sites relative to urban morphological impact are readily
centres, and the appearance of sites and generalizable to other educational institutions
buildings in terms of planning and such as colleges of further and higher
architecture, are introduced as context for education and , perhaps, to schools. More
three models of university growth and recent urban forms, such as business parks,
development . also demonstrate some similar characteristics.
Universities have been selected because, in The potential for international comparisons is
the United Kingdom at least, statistical also high .
returns are readily available on such In the categorizations of urban form and

ISSN 1027-4278 © International Seminar on Urban Form , 2000

64 Universities and urban form

function that were popular in the 1950s and sites.

earlier, the category of the ‘university town ’ A full building cycle for the United
is sometimes found . Such towns have been Kingdom has not been formulated , either in
the subject of study ( Gilbert, 1961 ). Yet the terms of chronological completeness from the
question of what constituted a university start of the industrial period or of the various
town remained thorny . Evidently it was not types of building - including housebuilding,
simply a town that possessed a university . institutions, public buildings and so on that
Indeed , some have held that Cambridge is the are all subject to building cycles. Whitehand
only such town (Cambridgeshire County ( 1987a , Figure 2.5 ) does show non -residential
Council , 1952, p. 1 ). The reason why there building for the United Kingdom between
are so few specific ‘ university towns’ is 1875 and 1939, of some relevance to the
because the university, as we now know it, is activities of universities since the formation
a relatively recent phenomenon: the majority of the ‘ red- brick ’ civic universities. In
arose in the late- nineteenth century . Instead comparison, the dates of university
of towns growing up to serve the university, foundation ( by date of their Royal Charter)
the university was merely an adjunct - and , are during the downward portions of cycles
originally , often a very small one - to large in 1900-08 and 1926 ( Reading, the only
industrial cities. So the university town per inter- war Charter ).
se, as explored by Gilbert ( 1961 ), has now There is some relationship between
largely been replaced by towns in which university foundation and interest rate ( a
higher educational institutions play a part - variable used in examining building cycles )
even a large part , and possibly played by in the post- war period in the United
multiple institutions - but not a dominant Kingdom . The 1948- 1958 foundations came
one. In these cases, the interplay between the after a decade when interest was capped at 4
university and the city is likely to become per cent ( partly owing to the war), during a
even more complex . rise to a 6 per cent peak in 1958. The 1960s
foundations were at a time of fluctuation
between 6 and 8 per cent, but ceased just
The university and economic cycles before the oil crisis rise to 12 per cent . The
creations of 1991 -93 were the ‘ promotions’
A key element relating university of former polytechnics, part of the expansion
developments to wider economic and social of mass higher education during a recession
trends affecting urban form has been their (cf . Ainley , 1994, pp. 11 -17 ).
place in the building cycle. Morphologically , Thus, although morphologically a number
universities and other institutions have been of universities have classic fringe-belt sites
seen as requiring extensive sites. It is ( for example Birmingham , Glasgow,
hypothesized that these have generally been Newcastle upon Tyne and Reading; and ,
acquired more readily during slumps in further afield , Stockholm and Munster), the
economic and building cycles, when land relationship with the building cycle shows a
costs are relatively low - particularly at the time- lag. At least in part this is a result of
urban fringe (Whitehand , 1987a, 1992). the lengthy process by which a university
Bristol University, for example, was advised proposal is developed and finds acceptance,
to ‘ build during a recession ’ , but was government funding is sought and agreed , a
reluctant to use capital and thus missed the site is identified , and a Charter is granted .
opportunity (Carleton , 1984, p. 138). In At the level of individual projects, rather
some cases sites have been donated by than whole universities, the influences of
municipalities ( as with the University of East
building and economic cycles are very
Anglia) or individuals ( Birmingham ), but
even these donations are not wholly removed significant. For example, even when a uni-
from impacts of the building cycle on the versity makes a substantial investment in
valuation and potential other uses of such development proposals, they may not be
Universities and urban form 65

implemented for financial , political or wider especially during periods of urban and
economic reasons . King ’ s College London , campus expansion ( Groenendijk , 1998).
for example, gradually acquired several house Some universities have been developed ab
leases in the 1950s for a projected biological initio with a substantial degree of physical
science development ; nevertheless a range of separation , taking advantage of particularly
factors, including cost and ‘ the unfavourable cheap and extensive sites (e.g . Keele ). Some
economic climate and its effect on the such institutions have tended to suffer in
University building programme ' delayed terms of accessibility , particularly by public
development until the mid 1960s. Even then, transport ; and in terms of students’
lack of money curtailed the development: perceptions of access to urban ( largely
‘evidence of the original intention can be recreational ) facilities . Although , clearly ,
seen in the unfinished ending to the present they do have impacts on neighbouring towns,
building ’ (Huelin , 1978, p. 205). these tend to be indirect.
Leeds, in contrast , gradually acquired The spatial relationship of university and
properties in the inter- war period in the city has long been a focus of debate.
context of Communities have not always welcomed
large numbers of students, nor their
an economic depression , falling rents, many colonization of residential property (a form of
empty houses ... and therefore a fair chance ‘ reverse gentrification ’ ). However, in many
of obtaining vacant possession of any cases the residential community has grown
purchase at least as soon as funds could be up around a university site, as at Hull and
gathered for rebuilding ... In the occasional Birmingham . But cities in aggregate have
brush with a speculator the University could
welcomed the concept of the university . So
call his bluff since it was rarely in a hurry
( Beresford , 1975, p. 135).
where is the university located ? Central or
peripheral ? Isolated or an integral part of the
Thus position in the economic cycle has a city ?
significant effect upon the foundation of Leeds was established on its inner urban
universities and their subsequent abilities to site from the 1870s but , as this small site was
develop their estates and expand the range of becoming cramped despite piecemeal
their activities and their size. additional purchases, the suggestion arose
several times in the 1920s of moving the
entire University out of the city , and selling
Location of the university in the city the old site for commercial or residential
development. Even the first Secretary of the
The location of any university within any city United Kingdom ’ s University Grants
is important not only for symbolic reasons Committee ( UGC ) had inquired whether the
( the perception and marketing of the city , as University had thought of using the great
well as landmarks in the urban landscape) but stately house of Temple Newsham .
also for practical reasons such as activity However, the University management decided
patterns ( Joint Unit for Planning Research , that a central site was vital because
1974 ). Clearly , not all universities have the
same spatial or developmental relationships a University site must be near the railway
with the towns in which they lie. Some, stations; it must be ‘accessible from the
clearly , have moved as their city has working class quarters of Leeds and
developed - as did New York University on therefore suitable for evening instruction ’ ; it
Manhattan Island (Frusciano and Pettit , must be accessible to business men ‘who
help us with Committees at mid -day ’, and
1997 ). In other cases, for example in the
it must be close to the medical school
Netherlands, combinations of national , local ( Beresford , 1975, pp. 136- 137 ).
and internal university politics and complex
funding regimes have determined locations, The example of Warwick does show
66 Universities and urban form

conflict in the minds of the promoters within highest ideals of education and beckon to
the City of Coventry . Its main promoter and would- be donors’ ( Brentano, 1994, p. 7).
publicist , Henry Rees, advocated a site on the American models, particularly Jefferson ’ s
west of the City at its boundary . A key local ‘academical village’ at Virginia ( 1817 ), so
politician , on the other hand , preferred a site different from the monastic quadrangles of
on the Leicester road . The City ' s Director of European universities, were influential
Education felt that the site proposed by Rees elsewhere, Witwatersrand University ( 1919 )
was possible, but T would prefer one a little being an example ( Muller, 1989).
farther west and closer to the Training Formal layouts are seen in the United
College - this would be more level ’ . The Kingdom , particularly in the early stages of
City Architect felt that ‘ideally a university campus universities such as Birmingham and
should be in the city centre. But your site Nottingham . Yet there is little here of the
has potential ’ ; although he did later support formal grandeur of many planned campuses,
the acquisition of a much more expensive, for example at Western Australia ( Figure
and smaller, 7 -acre city centre site ( all quoted 1 A ), despite its changes over time to a
in Rees, 1989, pp. 10- 11 ). crowded axial layout ( Figure IB, C )
When the city fringe site was approved , ( Stephenson and Stephenson , 1966 ) . On non -
and UGC support and funding was campus sites, as gradual land acquisition and
forthcoming, one of the fledgling university ’s finance permitted , there were many grandiose
first actions was to colonize other sites: plans to create formality ; as with the
purchasing additional residential properties on architectural competition at Leeds in 1926,
the adjoining Kenilworth Road ( noted for its where the winning entry proposed the
sizeable houses in extensive plots behind replacement of an assortment of buildings
thick tree belts ) for the Vice-Chancellor’ s and hoardings on a prominent street comer
‘temporary residence ( used as such for 23
by a formal classical building, portico and
years ) and for a Mathematics Institute ( Rees, tower ( Figure 2 ). Generally in the United
1989, pp. 83-4, 93). Kingdom , however, a classical style was not
so closely associated with learning. Many
imposing university buildings of the mid - to
Appearance and style: planning and
late- nineteenth century were in robust Gothic
architecture ( those by Alfred Waterhouse at Manchester
and Leeds, for example ): universities, their
Incontestably , universities are unique open-air
fund - raisers and donors were by no means
museums of ideas expressing wider trends in
unaffected by the ‘ battle of the styles’ at that
planning ( Lang, 1994); it has even been said
time ( Mordaunt Crook , 1989).
that ‘a university campus is a laboratory for
In the post- war period , universities still
urban design ’ (Jos6 Luis Sert , quoted in
required symbolic landmarks; although
Turner, 1984, p. 271 ). In their layout,
architectural fashion had turned to the
universities often used ideas derived from the
Modern style, and new materials, including
beaux-arts or ‘city beautiful concepts in

reinforced concrete, plate glass and structural

planning and landscape ( Freestone, 2000). This gave new
steel , were common ,
New campuses and universities were being
buildings and campuses particularly for new
designed in the nineteenth century , at the
universities, a very different character and
time when such theories of planning and
appearance. In terms of layout , new planning
design were becoming widely used. In the
paradigms had overtaken the beaux -arts
United States at least , the appeal of this
ideals ( see Figure 1 C ), and a form of utopian
formality has been characterized as
orderliness, urbanity and dependence on the idealism was reflected in much campus
new philanthropy ( Turner, 1985, p. 167 ). design ( Muthesius, 2000). Qualities of open
Again in America, the classical architectural space have increasingly been given
style was common , seeming ‘to embody the prominence, as at Melbourne: where ‘ we
Universities and urban form 67


Figure 1 . The University of Western

Australia: ( A ) the beaux arts 1914
plan by H . Desbrowe- Annear; ( B )
the axial 1927 plan by L.
Wilkinson; (C ) G . Stephenson's
1962 plan, note the complete ring
road. Adapted from Stephenson
and Stephenson (1966).
68 Universities and urban form


* 4

Figure 2. The competition - winning scheme for Leeds by T. A . Lodge, 1926.

consider the spaces between buildings to be particular point in time than able to cope
as important as the buildings themselves, with university growth .
possessing their own qualities of scale, The 100 or so universities now existing in
proportion and character as well as providing the United Kingdom have very different
settings for architecture’ ( Ancher Mortlock et histories but, in addition to the arguable
al., 1970, p. 29). ‘Prima donna architectural ‘university town ' model consisting of at most
statements’ have been given less prominence Cambridge, Oxford and St Andrews, three
in many new developments, such as on other main models usefully explore the
Witwatersrand ’s West Campus, where the ‘town -gown ' relationship in terms of urban
university ‘ places emphasis on the intrinsic form . These models are based on responses
and traditional nature of the university rather from a stratified sample of some 20
than the changing character of popular universities, to which requests were sent for
transient movements in contemporary information on their landholdings and
architecture ' ( Muller, 1985, p . 13). histories , The models are not wholly
exclusive. There are occasions when an
institution initially conforming to one model
Models of growth and form then moves towards another .
The simplest models of university growth and
form identified symmetrical , formal schemes The campus model
on level sites, and irregular schemes on
rugged sites ( Klauder and Wise, 1929). Educational institutions have often been
Freestone, reviewing the Australian separate in many ways from their towns:
experience, lists no less than 10 forms: some for ideological reasons, prominent
Oxbridge, academic village, romantic, amongst which is Jefferson ' s academical
campus beautiful , university in - town , village, but mostly for managerial and
utilitarian campus, Modernist master plan , financial reasons - although as Groenendijk
university community , green campus, and ( 1998 ) suggests the ‘ balance of power ' can
post-modern campus ( Freestone, 2000). All change over time. Some such universities
such models have strengths and weaknesses, have occupied existing low - density
but most seem more descriptive of form at a development , such as the extensive grounds
Universities and urban form 69

of a large mansion ( for example at Reading). E. Ingress Bell: on returning to his office
Others have sought undeveloped land at the after presenting the design , Webb is alleged
( then ) urban fringe ( Birmingham ), confirming to have triumphantly cried ‘they ’ ve
the morphological behaviour of large swallowed the lot !’ ( Fellows, 1995, p. 121 ).
institutions already discussed . What they did not swallow was his
The physical development of both types of proposed doubling of the semi-circle after the
site was at first facilitated by the extensive First World War. However, the Calthorpes
land available, and made visually attractive had donated additional land , and apparently
by existing mature landscaping ( as at had suggested the concept of an axial plan
Nottingham, perhaps a Repton landscape: ( Whitehand , 1987 b , p. 30 ). Only a tree- lined
Fawcett and Jackson , 1998). However, these processional route with more gatehouses was
physically distinct and separate sites built from this scheme .
inevitably become too constrained , and at After the Second World War, the axial
some point the universities are forced to route was swept away by a new architect ,
expand into the surrounding urban structure Verner Rees, who proposed a quadrangle
and to seek new sites to meet their various faced by a new library and symmetrical
requirements. This is particularly true of teaching blocks. This was accepted with little
more central urban sites, which are often very debate despite the Calthorpes’ condition of
small ( owing to high land values ) and their land donation that the avenue be
originally assembled by piecemeal purchase maintained , The Calthorpes, however,
of plots that came on to the open property acquiesced in the revision . These plans were
market (cf Leeds: Beresford , 1975). The not implemented , but the quadrangle and
campus model is morphologically interesting library were retained in a new ‘ master-plan *

not solely for its location and development by Casson and Conder. This resulted in a
within a restricted site, but for its later new university ring road , the closing ( to
development , when it may take on the form vehicles at least ) of University Road , the
of the colonization model . final severing of the tree- lined processional
avenue ( Figure 3), and
The University of Birmingham , Edgbaston what has resulted ... is a menagerie of
cubist buildings using a vast variety of
The University of Birmingham has, as a case materials. Beside them , Webb ' s scheme
study , the benefit of existing research into its looks humane , controlled and unified , and
form , planning and architectural history not the least bit anarchic or pompous
( Fellows, 1995, pp . 121 -6; Whitehand , ( Fellows, 1995, p. 126 ).
1987 b, 1992, pp . 113-23). Developing from
Mason College, which was on a city -centre The main University site has thus always
site, the University received its Charter in been kept as private as possible. The
1900 and began a move out to Edgbaston , University has resisted proposals for
then on the urban fringe . An extensive site encroaching upon its control of its campus:
had been made available by the aristocratic including compulsory purchase of some of
Calthorpe family . The initial buildings, the sports field for a much - needed local
originally planned in a tight semi -circle, by -pass, and extension of conservation
included teaching blocks, a Great Hall , clock control through the ‘ listing ’ of buildings and
tower and library . They were set back from the extension of the Edgbaston conservation
the public road , guarded by walls and area.
gate- houses, giving an air of almost monastic Off the main campus, the University has
seclusion but in a sub- Byzantine style and developed additional significant sites, ranging
with a 300-foot clock tower, modelled on that from extensive playing fields on the current
of Siena . This design was by the prominent urban fringe to several large residential
London - based architects Sir Aston Webb and campuses on the sites of former large houses.
70 Universities and urban form

Vice-Chancellor’s official residence. Most

recently , with the expansion in student
numbers ( doubled since 1988) additional sites
have been found and existing sites extended .
The early stages of the campus
demonstrate gradual intensification of use.
The original site, and the later additional
donation , were sufficiently large to cope with
even unforeseen expansions for over six
decades, whilst still retaining a degree of
open space for sports use, car parking and
landscaping. Later, processes of intensifi-
cation and colonization occurred . These were
ad hoc, being incremental changes made
possible by the fortuitous appearance of
suitable sites on the open market, and the
availability of funding to purchase and
develop these in addition to developing on
previously open sites within the existing
landholding. Changing fashions in planning
and architecture are clearly represented in the
re- planning of the campus ( as ring roads and
vehicular circulation replaced symmetry and
vistas: see Figure 3C ), the current
pedestrianisation of a major entrance , and in
award - winning ( and now ‘ listable’ ) buildings.

The colonization model

Other universities were not so fortunate as to

acquire - or to be given - such extensive
fringe landholdings. They may have had
cores which were developed on the then
urban fringe, as did Birmingham , but their
limited sites led them to adopt a colonization
model from a comparatively early date. Only
when incremental purchases eventually
amassed substantial landholdings were
Figure 3. The University of Birmingham : large-scale purpose- built developments
( A ) early layout by Aston Webb and
possible: and , in these cases, there was a
Ingress Bell; (B ) proposal by V.O. Rees, need for close co-operation with the local
1945; ( C) proposal by H. Casson and N . planning authority as facilitator ( in providing
Conder, 1957. Reproduced from the requisite permissions) and, possibly , as
Whitehand ( 1992, pp. 114, 119, 122 ). enabler ( in compulsory purchases and site
consolidation ). Here, too, the morphological
Individual architect -designed houses in some frame of the existing street network has
streets adjoining the main campus have been become far more of an issue than it was in
purchased as they have come on to the Birmingham ’s case , Surrounding road
market, and have been used for small networks may need modification to cope with
research centres or residences, including the university - related traffic and parking; while
Universities and urban form 71

streets within what emerges as a de facto the south side of the city , in 1873 (Charlton ,
campus may be closed to public vehicular - 1951 ).
or even , as far as possible, pedestrian - The original building, set back from
access. Such extreme colonization involves Oxford Road , was fronted by a museum in
a considerable degree of privatization of 1888 and a formal hall in 1902, thus forming
formerly public spaces. Such spaces are an enclosed quadrangle . Extensions in this
often simply earmarked for future largely residential area continued , with the
development , and are poorly landscaped or 1894 Medical School replacing a street block
maintained . of 21 houses. By 1900 neighbouring blocks
The colonization model has the added were being colonized , and the first street -
implication that buildings are acquired and Eagle Street - had been closed by the
converted for educational use, often persisting extension to the Engineering building in
for many years before their sites are 1909. Coupland Street was bridged by the
redeveloped. As already discussed , the Museum extension of 1912 and , with the
availability of finance determines both ‘ land- construction of the Dental School ( which
banking ’ and the timing of redevelopment. opened in 1940) ceased to have any non -
In Leeds, Beresford notes that university property frontages and became, de
facto if not in law, private. Lime Grove,
complaints frequently made of the where the imposing classical Arts Building
unsuitability of converted houses may have had replaced 10 substantial houses in 1919,
been justified in the case of science was similarly wholly university -developed by
departments with specialised equipment , but 1937 ( Figure 4 ).
for many arts purposes a converted house
lacks little (except perhaps prestige and
economical communication with its
neighbours) ... In material terms, which
Leeds could not ignore, converted houses
provided the opportunity for piecemeal
expansion at the pace of funds that were
growing only slowly : first by renting and
then by purchase ( Beresford , 1975 , pp. 140-
141 ).

However, the size and quality of the

buildings surrounding a university might be
a determining factor: north of Leeds, it was
felt that the back- to- back houses ‘could not
be used as a temporary home for departments
in the period ( taught by experience to be a
long one ) before redevelopment’ ( Beresford ,
1975, p. 144 ) even if their slum condition
allowed cheaper purchase.

The University of Manchester and the

Manchester Educational Precinct

Manchester traces its history to 1851 and

Figure 4. The University of Manchester :
Owens College, in a Georgian house in Quay
the colonization of residential areas and
Street in the city centre. New premises, in
street closures to 1950. Redrawn from
robust Gothic style and designed by
Waterhouse, were opened in Oxford Road , on
Charlton ( 1951 ) .
72 Universities and urban form

The large-scale land purchases and ( formerly very public ) streets were to be
redevelopments were a result of the 1960s landscaped or, in several cases, built over.
expansion of student numbers. Existing The final scheme, originally due for
university buildings were redeveloped and completion in the mid-1980s, was to
considerably extended - including vertically encompass six major street blocks and be
- and a range of converted residential some 2.2km in length. All minor roads were
property , which had housed teaching to be closed and virtually all traffic relegated
departments since the early 1920s, were to peripheral car parks. Oxford Road was to
replaced with purpose- built education remain as a road through the heart of the
buildings. Several streets of terrace houses ‘campus’, which would be bounded by two

were swept away , including Leamington major radial routes and crossed by two major
Street , Blossom Street and Wright Street; annular routes.
virtually the only remainder being the relict This grandiose scheme was never fully
feature of a former chapel on Wright Street, completed , although numerous individual
purchased as a library extension in 1949, now buildings and part of the pedestrian link
marooned between a general teaching were. Some sites remain vacant to this day ;
building and John Rylands University others are still occupied by the rare remaining
Library . nineteenth -century houses ( all in university -
The Manchester Education Precinct was a related use).
creation of the 1960s which lingered into the However, whilst funding constraints might
1970s ( Figure 5) , and elements of the vision , have killed this scheme, a new version has
although never completed , survive in physical arisen in the Manchester Higher Education
form to the present day . Significant transport Project , covering 300 acres ( about one- third
improvements were envisaged , allowing the of the area of the City Centre Local Plan
closure of smaller roads and thus contributing area ). With the inclusion of Manchester
significantly to the creation of a major Metropolitan University , the precinct’s
educational campus and allowing construction student population is some 64,000. The new
of many substantial new buildings. Also plan addresses key shortcomings of the
important was the separation of pedestrians previously - proposed ‘precinct’, including ‘ the
and vehicles, as far as possible, by a first minimum contribution that most buildings
floor- level walkway . This was made to animating the street- level
environment ' which ‘resulted in an
fundamental to the integration of the increasingly unattractive and unfriendly
separate buildings within a comprehensive precinct character’ . Improved landscaping ,
whole, the clearest example of this pedestrian routes, traffic management and
[comprising ] the sequence of continuous associated developments would create a new
buildings in the University area extending unified image . This will deliberately be ‘a
from Maths, through Computer, Church and
new place marketing strategy ’ (Cannings,
Chaplaincy , Precinct Centre to the Business
School (Joint Committee, 1974, p. 43).
1998 ).
The University has also been active since
These walkways were to be open to public the early 1880s in colonizing a formerly
use, although they were not public rights of private walled suburb, Victoria Park , 1.5km
way . south of the University , immediately
Various smaller streets, relics of the adjoining the failed precinct scheme (Spiers,
original early - nineteenth century layout of 1976; Charlton , 1951 , pp. 50-51 ); this is now
this area for residential use, were to be closed a conservation area. Senior academics,
‘to reduce extraneous east/ west through including at least one Vice-Chancellor, have
traffic ’ (Joint Committee, 1974, p. 13). lived here. The period 1900- 1914 marked
Creeping purchase had removed all non - the major incursion of university and other
educational uses, and these newly -privatized institutional buildings into this suburb
§. =


Figure 5. The Manchester Education Precinct ( incorporating the University of

Manchester, UMIST [ University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology],
Manchester Polytechnic, Royal Northern College of Music, and Manchester Royal
Infirmary ). Adapted from Joint Committee ( 1974 ). u>
74 Universities and urban form

(Spiers, 1976, pp. 57-58). Halls of residence Polytechnic , is typical . It traces its history to
have been constructed in the extensive the Polytechnic Institute ( 1843). In 1971 the
grounds of nineteenth -century villas, some of Polytechnic was created as an amalgamation
which remain . of institutions, with sites at Gosta Green
( adjoining Aston University ), Margaret Street
in Birmingham ’ s city centre , Perry Barr north
The dispersed model of the city centre, and Vittoria Street in the
Jewellery Quarter. In 1975 three further
A new type of institution arose in the United colleges were merged with the Polytechnic,
Kingdom during the late-twentieth century bringing to its land holding a large site in
with the promotion of the polytechnics to Edgbaston , west of the city centre, and two
university status. An early example was the other sites no longer used . In 1988
elevation of Battersea Polytechnic and its Bournville College of Art , occupying two
physical relocation - in part since its site was buildings in Bournville , south - west of the city
wanted for comprehensive clearance and centre, merged with the Faculty of Art and
redevelopment to Guildford , as the Design ( UCE, undated ).
University of Surrey ( Douglas, 1991 ). This This complex history has resulted in a
trend was intensified in 1992 with the diverse spread of buildings and sites. Many
elevation of all other polytechnics. For much are fringe- belt sites, The Bournville
of their history, the polytechnics had been buildings are held on short leases, are ‘ listed ’ ,
managed by local education authorities: this and are in need of major refurbishment . The
close relationship with the city expedited the Edgbaston buildings are largely of the 1960s
finding of sites, facilitated planning and 1970s and in need of attention , to the
approvals, and gave technical and extent that it would be more economical to
professional architectural and planning demolish and rebuild one of the halls of
support . But , since many polytechnics were residence on this site. The buildings in
created from former colleges, they often Margaret Street , Vittoria Street and Gosta
acquired a portfolio of scattered teaching Green have undergone refurbishments, in the
sites, and buildings of very different ages and two former cases costing in excess of £ lm
conditions. They also experienced a severe each . Considerable work has also been
shortage of student residences, since the great undertaken to some of the purpose- built
majority of former college students had been 1970s buildings on the Perry Barr site .
local. The Perry Barr campus holds the major
The task before these new universities was central facilities, in buildings designed by the
the building of an institution and identity City Architect in the 1970s around a
from fragmented precursor organizations, landscaped quadrangle, and the 1966
often with fragmented landholdings. This buildings of the former North Birmingham
task coincided with the pressures of Technical College , The area is
increasing student numbers of both full - time predominantly industrial , and is next to major
and part -time students, increased stringency roads and a railway line. Former industrial
in central government funding , an economic buildings on the site were gradually cleared ,
slump that made local donations unlikely, and and the resulting car park finally landscaped
pressure from the funding body to make in the early 1990s: the local pub, however,
more efficient use of property and to develop remains isolated in this car park , on a spur
estate management strategies. road that now forms the main campus
An active policy of site acquisition is
The University of Central England
being followed , most particularly for student
In these respects, the University of Central accommodation - two sites of some 800 flats
England ( UCE), formerly Birmingham have recently been built - and sports
Universities and urban form 75

facilities. Again , the new acquisitions are a part . This is so in terms of population ,
fringe- belt sites. with the recent increase in higher education
A substantial review of the University ’s attendance in many countries; in economic
estate resulted in an estate management terms, with student spending and the place of
strategy ( UCE, 1997), including a 10-year the university as a major employer; and in
plan for development , refurbishment and purely morphological terms, with the
acquisitions. This plan is complicated by the extensive land - holdings of universities, either
dispersal of sites, the projections of student as discrete campuses often located in fringe
numbers requiring teaching and accommod - belts, or individual properties scattered
ation , and the poor state and short leases of through the urban fabric. Universities may
some of the buildings. There is a particular not be trend -setters in design , but they are
focus on the Perry Barr site and its environs conscious of image ; and they tend to apply
and , although substantial new teaching or high design values to some ( if not all ) of
administrative buildings are not planned , their purpose- built structures, forming local
thought has been given to forming or and regional landmarks - Birmingham ’ s 300-
considerably improving the main entrance to foot campanile , or Bristol ’s Wills Building ,
the campus . Architectural and urban design for example .
ideas to draw students, visitors and members Secondly, universities are long- lived
of the public into the campus have been institutions. The institution is a single,
discussed . These envisage much smaller- coherent entity , with purposeful estate
scale changes than the major university management and planning strategies (even if
constructions early in this century , but are these change over time, and have been
equally products of contemporary ideas in the relatively recently formalized in the United
built environment professions. Kingdom ). The persistence of the urban
In contrast , other new UCE buildings are forms thus created may be greater than , for
equally deliberately using contemporary example, that of business parks and retail
postmodern vernacular styles and traditional malls, the longevity of which remains to be
materials in an attempt to blend with their proven .
surroundings - admittedly rather difficult in Thirdly , almost invariably , universities
Perry Barr, with its mixture of late- nineteenth grow over time. Not only does this have
century terraces and industrial buildings . consequences for built form in the intensi-
Thus UCE typifies the dispersed fication of building coverage on previously
university , with sites scattered across the city, open campuses, or in the colonization for
and is developing a property management university functions of previously residential
system to rationalize space use, to bring or commercial property, but the timing of the
property up to contemporary standards, and growth - itself heavily influenced by the
to develop new sites and buildings. Even so, economic cycle - heavily influences the
the physical identity of the main Perry Ban- adoption of particular fashions in
campus, and its ‘landmarking’ , are seen as architectural style, materials or indeed of
important ( UCE, 1997 ). planning and layout . In the colonization
model , growth results in the occupation of
property, the closure of streets and the
Universities and urban form
increasing privatization of urban space.
Fourthly , this growth may result in a
Those aspects of university development and
university developing from one model into
planning that have been discussed here , and
another. Many campus universities may
the crude ( but seemingly widely applicable )
grouping into three ‘ models' , have clear develop colonization trends, as did Birm -
implications for the study of urban form . ingham , while some dispersed new univer-
First, universities have very significant sities may seek to rationalize their land -
impacts upon the towns of which they form holding and build new campuses. Under-
76 Universities and urban form

standing the complexities of development regimes and pressures to use space more
requires that account is taken of this flexibly and intensively ( Pearce, 1992).
‘switching’ between the simple models. This issue of how institutions might be
These points highlight the importance of studied , and indeed of the applicability of
universities as contributors to the changing common concepts and terms for description
urban landscape of many towns, and their and study , is not confined to universities.
relevance as an urban ‘type’ for Other institutions educational , health
morphological study . Even if the ‘ university service , municipal and others - raise similar
town ’ hardly exists at the start of the twenty - issues relating to urban form and growth .
first century , the university in the town is of Many recent elements of built form are of a
increasing social and economic importance, scale or type very different to those typical of
and physical presence. the European historic town in which concepts
Lastly , there are particular problems posed of urban morphology were developed in the
by the very scale and layout of universities - mid - twentieth century. The proliferation of
particularly campuses - for the morphologist. office, business, industrial and retail sites -
Although a campus, such as that at often called ‘ parks’ or ‘campuses’ -
Nottingham, may be a plan unit , it is much illustrates this . In these areas, too, there is a
more difficult to conceptualize the creeping ‘disengagement of the street , lot and
opportunism of a colonizing model. The building’ forms (Scheer and Petkov, 1998, p.
common division of an urban fabric into 308). ‘Constructed space no longer
streets, plots and buildings often breaks corresponds to the plot. There is no longer a
down . There are ‘streets’ in the sense of clear relation between one building and
linear places predominantly for vehicular another, and between buildings and streets or
movement . But most movement is open spaces’ (Levy , 1999, p. 81 ) . Following
pedestrian , and most pedestrian movement is Levy’s concluding comments, we are likely
separated , on a network of formal (and to need new morphological approaches or
informal ) paths more akin to post- war New tools in order to deal with these new , large-
Town planning in the United Kingdom than scale urban places.
to traditional urban forms. The streets do not
define urban blocks or plot series, particularly
as there is hardly a street network or
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either in the original campus design or education in the 1990s ( Lawrence and Wishart ,
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a university 1874 - 1974 to commemorate the
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university . Clearly there are individual and
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Universities and urban form 77

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