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Mixed-up (2020)

Pastel on Pastel Board (18” X 24”)

1. Painting
a. What does the label tell you about the artwork? Explain your answer.
The label that tell me this art is about shapes because shapes are everywhere and all objects have
shape.Might include a line in order to achieve this, or it might not: for example, shapes created with
collages are defined by the edges of contrasting material.

b. Identify all elements used by the artist in creating this work of art. Explain how the artist used each
Shape is a flat area surrounded by edges or an outline. Artists use all kinds of shapes. Geometric shapes
are precise and regular, like squares, rectangles, and triangles.

Dog (8 inches) Brass

2. Sculpture
a. What does the label tell you about the artwork? Explain your answer.
The label that tells me about this artwork is a dog made in brass, color brown and he’s sitting on top of
the green fabric.

b. Explain the process involved in creating this art work and enumerate the strengths and weaknesses of the
material used by the artist.
The process involved in creating this artwork is brass and paint, strengths that used in this art, the artist
is a dog lover, and his weakness is unfinished work doing this artwork that’s why it’s is incomplete
without the eyes etc.

Letran Gate
Muralla Street, Intramuros Manila
3. Architecture
a. What type of constructions are employed by the structure as indicated by the arrows? Explain each one.
The constructions are employed by the structure as indicated by the arrow is an old brick that being
renovated and repaint.

b. Identify the materials that were used in construction and enumerate the strengths and weaknesses of each
The strength is that the bricks is beings used with the cement mounted in the construction.Letran
construction was inspired by the old design of colegio san juan letran.Weakness is that I don’t really
know how strong the foundation that the bricks was being mounted.
4. Literature
a. Francisco Balagtas’ Florante at Laura belongs to what literary genre? Explain.
Folarante at Laura belongs to epic poetry genre literature

b. Give your own summary of the plot of Florante at Laura. (150 words)
The story begins with a description of a dark, dangerous, deserted forest in the kingdom of Albania, that
is inhabited by serpents, basilisks, hyenas, and tigers.The two couples return to Albania where they are
warmly welcomed. Flerida and Aladdin agree to be baptized as Christians. Both couples are wed and
Florante and Laura rule over Albania with justice, peace, and harmony. When Sultan Ali-Adab dies,
Aladdin and Flerida return to Persia and they rule over the people happily.

5. Performing Arts
a. In the movie “High School Musicale”, identify the art forms used and briefly described how each is
It seems that the art forms used that I can describe is the stage itself. It is obviously shown that the
movie is a musical or a theatre musical.

b. What aspects in the art forms contributed to the success of the movie in terms of how it impacted the
audience? Explain your answer.
The aspects in the art forms contributed to the success of the movie in terms of how it impacted the
audience is that the color of the alpahhabets with glittering effects and the different and wonderful

6. Art History (Asia)

a. Give a short history of the image shown above.
At the moment of full realization, all veils of mixed feelings and stiff ideas dissolved and Buddha
experienced the all-encompassing here and now. All separation in time and space disappeared. Past,
present, and future, near and far, melted into one radiant state of intuitive bliss. He became timeless,
all-pervading awareness. Through every cell in his body he knew and was everything. He became
Buddha, the Awakened One.

b. How did this image become a reflection of the culture of most countries of Asia?
People of all castes and professions, from kings to courtesans, were drawn to him. He answered their
questions, always pointing towards that which is ultimately real. Throughout his life, Buddha
encouraged his students to question his teachings and confirm them through their own experience. This
non-dogmatic attitude still characterizes Buddhism today.

7. Art History (Philippines)

a. Identify three cultures that have greatly influenced the history of Philippine arts and support each with
descriptions of artworks found in the country.
The artwork of this picture is sarimanok is derived from the totem bird of the Maranaos called Itotoro, a
medium to the spirit world via its unseen twin spirit bird called Inikadowa. There are three major
cultures that impacted the Filipino culture heavily: Chinese, Spanish, and American. History played a
critical role in the evolution of Filipino cultural life affecting their character and how they think and act.

b. Based on the lesson, discuss the differences between a GAMABA Award and a National Artist Award? Give
at least two categories for each.
National Artists (ONA) is the highest state honor given to Philippine practitioners of the classical western
arts, Gamaba is conferred on practitioners of traditional arts who mostly come from the indigenous
cultural communities. The latter are otherwise called “national folk artists.

Untitled (2017)
8. Contemporary Art
a. Identify the elements of contemporary art employed by the artwork. Explain.
The elements and principles of this contemporary art are line, shape, color, and
texture.The visual building blocks of art and design used by artists to express
ideas or emotions in art.

b. When appreciating a work of art, what other indications, aside from the year the work was created, would
provide you with clues that the artwork is contemporary? Explain.
When appreciating a work of art is most art aim toward these two equally important goals: to involve
students in the act of self-expression through the production of art, and to provide opportunities for
students to acquire an appreciation of art.

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