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University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester

Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming

Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

Lec 1 : Programming Fundamentals I

 variables
 input/output , comments
 operations
 pointer I
 if & if else
 switch
 for, while & do-while
 arrays

Lec 2 : Programming Fundamentals II

1. Practical – coding
2. Pointer & Dynamic Arrays
3. Function


1. Write a program which will reverse digits of an integer number:

before int n= 873274; after n (472378)

2. Write a program which will sort digits of an integer number:

before int n= 873274; after n = 234778 )
initial values

3. Write a program to find which two neighboring digits are even in an array?
Ex: 40,24 ,5,8,19 ,5, 10, 8,86,13
Sol: (40,24) , (10, 8) , (8,86)

4. Write a program which will remove any given number from an integer ar-
int [ ]arr=Remove( {4,3,5,3,6,5,4,5} , 3); after arr ({4,5,6,5,4,5})

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 1
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

Dynamic Array

A dynamic array is quite similar to a regular array, but its size is modifiable
during program runtime. Dynamic Array elements occupy a contiguous block
of memory.

using namespace std;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of items:" << "\n";
cin >>n;
int *arr = new int[n];

cout << "Enter " << n << " items" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

cout << "Item " << i << " :" ;
cin >> arr[i];

cout << "You entered: ";

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << arr[i] << " ";
return 0;

address values
arr+0 *(arr+0) is 55 arr[i] is equivalent to *(arr+i)
arr+1 *(arr+1) is 33 So
arr+2 *(arr+2) is 22 instead-of cin>>arr[i]
arr+3 *(arr+3) is 11 you can use cin>>*(arr+i)
arr+4 *(arr+4) is 44
Arr+5 or Arr+(n-1) *(arr+5) is 66

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 2
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

using namespace std;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter the number of items:" << "\n";
cin >>n;
int *arr = new int[n];

cout << "Enter " << n << " items" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

cout << "Item " << i << " :" ;
cin >>*(arr+i);

cout << "You entered: ";

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << *(arr+i) << " ";
return 0;
to free memory delete []arr;

2D Dynamic Array

int **arr;
int **arr = new int*[R]; or arr= new int*[R]; //creating
Where R is the number or rows , And C is
for(int i=0;i <rows; i++) the number or columns. R & C are inte-
gers , can be set in runtime
arr[i]=new int[C];
//set the length of ith row

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 3
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

using namespace std;
int main() {
int rows ,columns;
cout << "Enter the number of rows:";
cin >>rows;

cout << "Enter the number of columns:";


//int arr[rows][columns];
int **arr = new int*[rows];
for(int i=0;i <rows; i++)
arr[i]=new int[columns];

for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
cout << "Enter a number :";

cout << "You entered: \n";

for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
to de-allocate the dynamically allocated 2D
{ array using delete operator is as follows
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
{ for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
cout <<arr[i][j]<<" "; {
delete [] arr[i]; // release ith row
} }
cout<<endl; delete [] arr; // release row

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 4
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

return 0;

in 2D Dynamic array the number of items can be vary from row to another.
int **arr = new int*[3]; //3 rows
arr[0] =new int[10]; //10 items
arr[1] =new int[5]; // 5 items
arr[2] =new int[3]; //3 items

int rows ,columns;

cout << "Enter the number of rows:";
cin >>rows;
int **arr = new int*[rows];
int *lengths = new int[rows];
for(int i=0;i <rows; i++)
cout << "Enter the number of columns for row "<<i<<":";
arr[i]=new int[columns];

for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < lengths[i]; j++)
cout << "Enter a number :";

cout << "You entered: \n";

for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < lengths[i]; j++)
cout <<arr[i][j]<<" ";

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 5
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021


using namespace std;
int main() {
int len;
cout << "Enter the array size:";
cin >>len;
int *arr=new int[len];
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
cout << "Enter Value "<<i<<" : ";
cout << "Values : ";
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
cout << *(arr+i)<<" ";

int remove_value;
cout << "Which value you want to remove:";
cin >>remove_value;
int count=0;
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)

int index=0;
int *temp=new int[len-count];
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 6
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

If you remove this line delete [ ]arr;
delete []arr;
arr=temp; It will cause Memory Leak
A memory leak is the loss of available memory space
cout << "Values : "; that occurs when dynamic data is allocated but never
Example :
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) int* ptr = new int;
{ *ptr = 8;
cout << *(arr+i)<<" "; int* ptr2 = new int;
} *ptr2 = -5;
cout<<endl; ptr = ptr2;
return 0;


1- write a program to fill a dynamic array with all prime integers between Min
and Max;

2- create a 2D dynamic array

fill the first row with the letters(character) of your name
fill the second row with the letters(character) of your father name
fill the 3rd row with the letters(character) of your mother name
the find the most frequent character in the array.

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 7
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

Function or Method

A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called. data can be
passed into a function, these data , known as parameters. Functions are used to
perform certain actions, and they are important for reusing code: Define the
code once, and use it many times.

Why to Use Methods?

 Better Structured Program and More Readable Code

 Avoid Duplicated Code
 Code Reuse


Function Format
type name ( parameter1, parameter2, ...) { statements }

Type of data the will be returned by the function

it could be any datatype ( int , double ,bool ,….etc.)

The name of the function (functions should be carefully named )

GetAverage for example is a good name for a function that retrieve the
average of student .
A name like GetA is not clear for such function

Parameters: represents the information that pass/give to the function . Each

parameter consists of a data type specifier followed by an identifier, The differ-
ent parameters are separated by commas. , Parameters should be carefully

Statements is the function's body. It is a block of statements surrounded by

braces{ }.

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 8
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021


void SayHi10Times( )
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

Function type : void it means this function will not return anything

name : SayHi10Times

parameters: no parameters ( )

and the body (statements) of function is

for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

function that sum two numbers and print out the result

void Sum(int x, int y)


int s=x+y; //s is called local variable


Note the list of Parameters : int x, int y

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 9
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

to write a function that find and return the maximum number between any 2
numbers, here we can easily determine the input and output of this

input is 2 numbers : the parameters

output is a number : the type of function

best name for describing this function is Max

so the function name is Max

int Max( int n1 , int n2 )

if(n1 > n2)
return n1;
return n2;
when the return type of function is set to any type then the function must end
with return statement
return statement ( return a specified value ,and terminate the function)
Note the error in the following function:
bool isEven(int number)

if(number%2==0) //is even

return true;
//here if the number is not even what is the return value

complete program in the next page
using namespace std;

bool isEven(int number)


Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 10
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

return true;
return false;

int main() {
int N=5;
bool b= isEven(N); // here is calling the function
if( b==true){

cout<<" N is even ";

cout<<" N is odd ";

return 0;

Note, Ho the value the produce by function is used in main , through storing it
in a local variable b. it also can be used as

if( isEven(N){
cout<<" N is even ";
else {
cout<<" N is odd ";

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 11
University of Zakho Semester : 3rd Semester
Faculty of Science Course:Object Oriented Programming
Department of Computer Science Academic Year :2020-2021

Function Notes:

Wahab Kh. Arabo Page 12

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