A Guide To Understanding "State-of-the-Art" Basic Research Techniques in Anesthesiology

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Basic Science

E   Narrative Review Article

A Guide to Understanding “State-of-the-Art” Basic

Research Techniques in Anesthesiology
Detlef Obal, MD, PhD, DESA,*† Shaogen Wu, MD, PhD,* Andrew McKinstry-Wu, MD,‡ and
Vivianne L. Tawfik, MD, PhD*

Perioperative medicine is changing from a “protocol-based” approach to a progressively person-

alized care model. New molecular techniques and comprehensive perioperative medical records
allow for detection of patient-specific phenotypes that may better explain, or even predict, a
patient’s response to perioperative stress and anesthetic care. Basic science technology has
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significantly evolved in recent years with the advent of powerful approaches that have transla-
tional relevance. It is incumbent on us as a primarily clinical specialty to have an in-depth under-
standing of rapidly evolving underlying basic science techniques to incorporate such approaches
into our own research, critically interpret the literature, and improve future anesthesia patient
care. This review focuses on 3 important and most likely practice-changing basic science tech-
niques: next-generation sequencing (NGS), clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic
repeat (CRISPR) modulations, and inducible pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Each technique will
be described, potential advantages and limitations discussed, open questions and challenges
addressed, and future developments outlined. We hope to provide insight for practicing physi-
cians when confronted with basic science articles and encourage investigators to apply “state-
of-the-art” technology to their future experiments.  (Anesth Analg 2020;131:450–63)

2D = 2 dimensional; AMPAR = α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptor; AstrC
= astrocytes; Cas = CRISPR-associated proteins; cDNA = complementary DNA; CFB = cardiac
fibroblasts; CM = cardiomyocytes; c-Myc =  cMYC oncogene; CPM = counts per million reads
mapped; CRISPR = clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat; crRNA = CRISPR
RNA sequence; DEG = differentially expressed genes; dNTP = deoxynucleoside triphosphate; DSB
= double-stranded DNA break; dsDNA = double-stranded DNA; EC = endothelial cell; EGFR =
epithelial growth factor receptor; EHT = engineered heart tissue; ESC = embryonic stem cell; FACS
= fluorescence-activated cell sorting; FDR = false discovery rate; FFPE = formalin-fixed paraffin-
embedded; FPKM = fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads; GO = Gene
Ontology; GSEA = gene set enrichment analyses; HDR = homology-directed DNA repair; hESC =
human embryonic stem cell; hiPSC = human iPSC-derived cell; hiPSC-CM = human iPSC-derived
cardiomyocyte; hiPSC-NC = human iPSC-derived neuronal cells; iPSC = inducible pluripotent stem
cell; KEGG = Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; Klf4 = Krüppel-like factor 4; LCM = laser-
capture microdissection; LoxP = 34 bp sequence where Cre recombinase binds; MG = microglia
cells; nCas9 = Cas9 nickase; Neuro = neurons; NGG = 3 bp sequence with any nucleotide (N)
followed by 2 guanines (GG); NGS = next-generation sequencing; NHEJ = nonhomologous end
joining; Oct2/4 =  octamer-binding transcription factor 2 and 4; OligoD = oligodendroglia cells;
PAMs = protospacer adjacent motifs; PeriC = pia cells; PGC-1α = peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor-𝛾-coactivator 1-α; QC = quality control; RNA-seq = RNA sequencing; RPKM = reads per
kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads; rtTA = reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator;
scRNA-seq = single-cell RNA sequencing; sgRNA = single-guide RNA; SIRS = systemic inflammatory
response syndrome; Sox2 = SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 transcription factor; TALEN =
transcription activator-like effector nucleases; tet = tetracycline; TPM = transcripts per million; TRE
= tetracycline-responsive element

resources, as well as grant funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
From the *Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, and Pain Medicine,  Grant K08NS094547 (V.L.T.), K08GM123317 (A.M.-W.), and the Rita Allen
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California; †Department Foundation Award in Pain (V.L.T.).
of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, and Pain Medicine and Cardiovascular
Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California; and The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
‡Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Portions of the content of this review have been presented in seminar format on
Pennsylvania. Monday, May 20, 2019 at the IARS annual meeting in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Accepted for publication March 4, 2020. Listen to this Article of the Month podcast and more from OpenAnesthesia.org®
Funding: D.O. was supported by a Seed Grant of the Stanford CV Institute by visiting http://journals.lww.com/anesthesia-analgesia/pages/default.aspx.
and the Transdisciplinary Initiatives Program (TIP) of the Stanford Maternal Reprints will not be available from the authors.
& Child Health Research Institute, institutional and/or departmental
Address correspondence to Detlef Obal, MD, PhD, DESA, Department of
Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford University, 300
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004801 Pasteur Dr, Palo Alto, CA 94305. Address e-mail to obal@stanford.edu.

450 www.anesthesia-analgesia.org August 2020 • Volume 131 • Number 2

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EE Narrative Review Article

NEXT-GENERATION SEQUENCING FOR The majority of RNA-seq first requires the prepara-
UNDERSTANDING CELL-SPECIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS tion of a complementary DNA (cDNA) library for
TO YOUR DISEASE OF INTEREST stability. The selection of a specific protocol for sub-
In 1977, Sanger et al1 developed a sequencing tech- sequent library construction depends on the purpose
nique based on the incorporation of terminal dide- of the study (eg, a ribosomal RNA depletion protocol
oxynucleotides that expedited the sequencing of short allows detection of long noncoding RNAs that lack
DNA segments. “Sanger sequencing” has been widely poly-A tails).7 In general, library preparation involves
used to identify gene mutations as direct causes or random fragmentation of the cDNA sample into
susceptibility factors associated with the development shorter segments that can be reliably sequenced then
of genetic disorders; however, sequencing occurs 1 followed by ligation of specialized 3′ and 5′ adapters
DNA fragment at a time, limiting scalability. During that barcode samples and bind to the NGS flow cell
the past decade, next-generation sequencing (NGS) (see below).8
approaches using sample multiplexing (multiple
samples in 1 sequencing run) have been developed Next-Generation Sequencing
that allow for high-throughput screens for genomic Out of the many types of NGS techniques in the mar-
mutations and quantification of gene expression in ket,9 the most popular one is termed “sequencing by
tissue or cells from a disease of interest.2 Unlike previ- synthesis.”10 Generally speaking, each library, con-
ous assays, NGS techniques directly read sequences sisting of cDNA fragments labeled with adapters, is
of a pool of gene fragments allowing for the detec- loaded onto a specialized flow cell with several lanes
tion of novel transcripts, providing unbiased and where amplification and sequencing will take place.
comprehensive genomic coverage.3 As a result, NGS Along each lane, there are millions of complementary
approaches have truly revolutionized discovery in a oligonucleotides that anchor the libraries to the flow
huge variety of science fields (see Figure 1). cell. Once the fragments have attached, a phase called
cluster generation begins to form millions of “DNA
DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE colonies.” Next, primers and DNA polymerase start
RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is the dominant NGS adding 1 fluorescently tagged deoxynucleoside tri-
approach used in basic and clinical research. In this phosphate (dNTP) base,11 and in each round of syn-
review, we will focus on RNA-seq to illustrate the thesis, the sequencer records the base added to each
workflow of an NGS-based approach and discuss its fragment on the flow cell in parallel.
advantages and limitations. The overall workflow There are 3 major configurations of NGS which
consists of 4 parts: (1) preparation of samples, (2) should be carefully chosen depending on the study
library construction, (3) NGS, and (4) bioinformatic purpose: read length, strand specificity, and sequencing
analysis. depth. Read length refers to how many nucleotides can
be read from a given library fragment. Longer reads can
Preparation of Samples increase the specificity but depend on sequencer type
The starting materials for RNA-seq study are diverse and may cost more.9 Paired-end sequencing allows for
including fresh clinical samples, laser-capture micro- both ends of the DNA fragment to be sequenced and
dissection (LCM)–excised sections from formalin-fixed can increase precision at splicing junctions,12 repeti-
paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue, or cells obtained tive areas of the genome, or other difficult-to-sequence
using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). segments. Strand specificity refers to sequencing that
A standard protocol for tissue collection and RNA retains the orientation of the transcripts from 5′ to 3′
purification is critical for successful transcriptomic end. This technique further increases the accuracy of
profiling because the degradation of RNA can intro- the results by ensuring that reads are mapped to the
duce biological bias.4 Collecting fresh tissue or cells correct gene and not a similar gene going in the oppo-
in a commercially available RNA stabilization solu- site direction.13 Sequencing depth refers to how many
tion is a practical way to prevent RNA degradation. reads (fragments) are sequenced per sample. A total
Newer “single-cell” approaches dissociate tissue into read depth of 10 to 30 million reads per sample is con-
single-cell suspensions that allow the transcriptome of sidered “deep” enough for the coverage of larger tran-
individual cells to be determined. However, these pro- scriptomes such as human or mouse to ensure that low
tocols can also cause cellular stress and transcriptomic abundant transcripts are detected.9
changes,5,6 a fact that must be taken into account when
designing and interpreting such studies. Bioinformatic Analysis
The output of the NGS process will be millions of
Library Construction sequences that are generated, processed, and assigned
This step converts the sample into a sequencing library to each sample, resulting in sequence data on the order
that can be sequenced (read) on an NGS instrument. of gigabytes. The first step of RNA-seq data analysis

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Basic Research Techniques in Anesthesiology

Figure 1. NGS overview. (1) Preparation of samples: Multiple different types of samples can be processed to obtain material for NGS. RNA is
extracted from bulk, LCM or FACS tissues. (2) Library construction: RNA is reverse transcribed to cDNA for stability and then fragmented and
tagged with specific sequences that allow for batch processing of samples. (3) NGS: Samples are loaded onto a specialized flow cell where
amplification and sequencing will take place. Cluster generation forms millions of “DNA colonies” and sequencing-by-synthesis begins to record
the sequence of base pairs in each fragment. (4) Bioinformatic analysis: Once sequences are generated, they are aligned to a reference genome,
normalized and process for quality control. A host of different analyses can then be applied depending on the outcome of interest. Readers are
encouraged to access publicly available NGS datasets and bioinformatics resources for further information. cDNA indicates complementary DNA;
CPM, counts per million reads mapped; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; FPKM: fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped
reads; LCM, laser-capture microdissected; NGS, next-generation sequencing; RPKM, reads per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads;
TPM, transcripts per million reads mapped.

should be the assessment of the raw sequences. FastQC page=trimmomatic) can be used for trimming and
is a quality control (QC) tool which provides an over- removal of library adapters that were placed for bind-
view of raw RNA-Seq data (Babraham Bioinformatics, ing to the flow cell.14 After QC, sequenced reads are
https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk). To fur - mapped, that is, aligned, to a reference genome or to
ther improve the RNA-seq data quality, tools (eg, a transcriptome database. The mapped reads are then
Trimmomatic, http://www.usadellab.org/cms/? counted and normalized for differential expression.

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EE Narrative Review Article

Fragments per kilobase of transcript per million sample preparation may trigger certain cellular path-
mapped reads (“FPKM”)/reads per kilobase of tran- ways (eg, stress responses) which may be falsely over-
script per million mapped reads (“RPKM”) or counts represented in the final dataset.24 Third, batch effects
per million reads mapped (“CPM”) are some of the may skew results and experiments need to be care-
units used to calculate the abundance of each gene fully designed to mitigate them. Finally, NGS requires
expressed in a sample using different algorithms.15 a large platform and supercomputer, which might not
Transcripts per million (“TPM”) is now becoming be easily accessible to all researchers. Importantly, sev-
popular, which makes it easier to compare the propor- eral NGS sequencing services have recently entered the
tion of reads that are mapped to a gene in each sample market at a reasonable cost and can be a good choice if
as it first normalizes for gene size followed by read internal core facility access is limited.
The most powerful use of RNA-seq is in finding dif- IMPLICATIONS FOR ANESTHESIOLOGISTS
ferentially expressed genes (DEGs) between ≥2 condi- In clinical anesthesiology, NGS can be used for the
tions. There are many tools that perform differential identification of biomarkers for intervention, treatment
expression calculations including DESeq, edgeR, and outcome prediction, and understanding disease sus-
Limma-Voom, all of which are available through R/ ceptibility, among other applications.25,26 For example,
Bioconductor.18 Most tools use regression or nonpara- Tsalik et al25 sequenced peripheral blood RNA of 129
metric statistics to calculate a false discovery rate (FDR) representative subjects with systemic inflammatory
for multiple hypotheses and identify DEGs by log fold response syndrome (SIRS) or sepsis. They found that
change and statistical significance. To obtain a higher- the expression of 338 genes differed between subjects
level biological understanding of a list of DEGs, genes with SIRS and those with sepsis and the expression
can be annotated using Gene Ontology (GO)19 or Kyoto of 1238 genes differed with sepsis outcome (survival
Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) terms,20 versus nonsurvival).25 They also discovered that the
which categorize genes based on the family they belong expression of a gene called VPS9D1, which may con-
to (eg, “inflammatory response” or “immune system trol cell signaling through endocytosis of intracellu-
process”). Downstream gene set enrichment analyses lar receptors, increased in sepsis survivors, who also
(GSEA) can then determine whether there are certain expressed a higher number of missense variants in
pathways or terms (eg, “circadian rhythms” or “plate- this gene.25 Another RNA-seq study relevant to our
let activation”) that are overrepresented in experimen- specialty examined ischemic changes, induced by cold
tal versus control samples.21 Notably, there are many blood cardioplegia on the left ventricular myocardium
useful web-based NGS analysis tools available for in 45 patients undergoing aortic valve replacement.26
analysis and visualization of large genomic data (see Through transcriptomic analysis, 1241 DEGs were
Figure 3). However, we recommend consultation with identified when comparing baseline samples to those
an experienced bioinformatician to ensure that appro- obtained 79 minutes after aortic cross-clamping.26
priate QC is performed, to reduce the risk of bias, and Further functional study of these candidate genes may
to increase the reproducibility of the results. provide greater insight into the pathophysiology of
ventricular ischemia that will guide the development
ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF NGS of cardioprotective strategies.26
NGS techniques, such as RNA-seq, have some clear FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF NGS
advantages over older approaches including higher Many different NGS variants (eg, single-cell RNA-
throughput, increased accuracy, ability to detect novel seq,27,28 spatial transcriptomics,29,30 and 16S rRNA
transcripts, higher sensitivity and specificity, and abil- sequencing for microbiome study)31 have been devel-
ity to detect low-abundance transcripts.22,23 NGS also oped. These novel NGS techniques allow researchers to
seems to be the most cost-efficient tool for genome/ look at the transcriptome heterogeneity and the spatial
transcriptome study nowadays. For example, sequenc- arrangement of cell types in a given tissue. Using NGS,
ing the entire human genome by NGS now costs no we are able to uncover new genes of interest but also to
more than $1000, compared to $100 million in 2001. cluster DEGs within key pathways that may be targeted
However, NGS has clear limitations that must be taken for improved therapeutic efficacy. Furthermore, as
into account when designing and interpreting experi- additional biomarkers are identified, there is power to
ments. First, transcription and translation occur at vari- monitor disease progression and treatment outcomes.
able rates as does degradation of mRNA and protein. NGS also provides a cost-efficient tool for personalized
As a result, RNA levels may not necessarily reflect medicine approaches by identifying whole transcrip-
the actual level or activity of proteins of interest. This tome signatures that may allow for mechanism-based
highlights the need for validation of DEGs at the pro- treatments. With the development of standardized
tein level after RNA-seq profiling. Second, methods of laboratory protocols and bioinformatics pipelines, NGS

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Basic Research Techniques in Anesthesiology

is now becoming more accessible for use in both basic editing. This is despite most double-stranded breaks
and clinical research. Finally, several publicly avail- being repaired using NHEJ rather than the desired
able, user-friendly NGS data repositories exist that can template-driven HDR.38 The ability to adaptably tar-
be interrogated for hypothesis development or used to get DNA breaks expanded the adoption of genome
cross-reference new datasets.32 Overall, NGS technolo- editing due to an increased rate of recombination
gies have already contributed new knowledge to our at desired loci. Targeted breaks were first produced
field, and with further adoption by anesthesiologist sci- using mega-nucleases, but poor flexibility in target
entists, there lies the huge potential for furthering our sequence selection of these large proteins caused
impact on a diverse set of disease-specific questions. them to be replaced by chimeric proteins fusing
DNA recognition domains with the DNA cleavage
CLUSTERED REGULARLY INTERSPACED SHORT domain of the endonuclease Fok I.41,42 This technique
PALINDROMIC REPEAT: A VERSATILE TOOLBOX requires engineering new chimeric proteins for each
FROM GENE EDITING TO EXPRESSION new sequence to be targeted. The technical hurdles
Precise genome editing has become an indispens- involved in engineering and cloning novel proteins
able tool for research programs incorporating animal limited the adoption of techniques using this strategy.
models and is increasingly finding use in translational
research. The clustered regularly interspaced short pal- ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF CRISPR
indromic repeat (CRISPR) toolset is a highly adaptable, CRISPRs major advantages over its gene-editing pre-
easily implemented approach for changing a genome decessors are its simplicity and flexibility, while it
at a precise, specified location (ie, directed recombina- largely matches the efficacy and efficiency of earlier
tion). Anesthesia research has incorporated gene edit- techniques. The crucial elements of the CRISPR tool-
ing using various techniques for decades,33–36 and as box are derived from an endogenous bacterial antivi-
CRISPR has become the predominant method of edit- ral process. In this bacterial system, 2 short CRISPR
ing, it has become central to many anesthesia research RNA sequences (crRNAs)—one of which includes
endeavors. Uses for this versatile toolset have already a 17–28 nucleotide portion homologous to bacterio-
extended to include gene regulation, single-base edit- phage sequences—form complexes with CRISPR-
ing, and inducible recombination. The future will associated proteins (Cas) to target the viral sequence
undoubtedly see a continued expansion of CRIPSR encoded by the crRNA.43 When such a complex incor-
technology with innovations such as conditional or porates a DNA-cleaving Cas element, such as Cas9,
inducible single-nucleotide editing on the horizon. the result is a targeted double-stranded DNA break
While genetic recombination in mammalian mod- (DSB) with the target specified by an RNA sequence.
els was pioneered nearly 35 years ago,37 the feasibil- For the CRISPR-Cas complex to attach and cleave the
ity and adoption of this approach have dramatically viral DNA, the targeted viral genomic sequence must
increased over the past decade. Early genetic editing include a short protospacer adjacent motif (PAM), a
relied on rare spontaneous recombination events to 3–7 nucleotide long sequence specific to a given Cas
incorporate introduced genetic material after untar- enzyme, 3' to the targeted sequence. Though these
geted double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) breaks at systems are native to bacteria and are intended to tar-
random locations. Eukaryotes use 2 separate pro- get viral DNA sequences, with modifications to Cas9
cesses to repair such breaks: homology-directed DNA to include a nuclear localization sequence, they are
repair (HDR) or nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). able to modify mammalian genomic DNA as well.44–
NHEJ is the faster and more common repair mecha- 46
Another early modification to the system was the
nism and involves directly ligating 2 broken ends of substitution of a single-guide RNA (sgRNA) for the 2
DNA together without the use of any DNA template. crRNAs, further reducing complexity.47 The modular
This type of repair, as it does not have a template to nature of the system, with interchangeable Cas pro-
error check, can result in insertions or deletions at the tein elements (for enzymatic activity) and sgRNAs
break site. HDR, in contrast, does use a DNA tem- (for target sequence selection) combined with the
plate to facilitate and error check the repair process comparative ease of nucleotide synthesis, makes this
(Figure  2A).38 By introducing template DNA with a system an extremely useful biotechnology tool, both
desired change rather than the native genome, which flexible in its application, and simple enough to imple-
would normally serve as a template, HDR can be used ment that it can be readily adopted without extensive
to specifically alter genomic DNA. technical prerequisites.
Relying on spontaneous recombination on non- CRISPR/Cas9 was the first widely adopted
targeted breaks is extremely inefficient with a high CRISPR toolset for gene editing. Despite its simplicity
chance of gene incorporation at off-target sites.39,40 and flexibility, this approach is not without its draw-
The ability to specifically target dsDNA cleavage backs. While RNA-mediated targeting for CRISPR/
increases both the reliability and specificity of genome Cas9 is flexible and easily changed, genomic locations

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EE Narrative Review Article

Figure 2. CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing and next-generation CRISPR technologies. A, sgRNA associated with Cas9 pairs with a complementary
genomic sequence that is 5′ to a PAM. Because of the genomic target sequence’s proximity to the PAM, the Cas9 cleaves the DNA, creating a
DSB. Repair of the DSB occurs through 1 of 2 endogenous processes, NHEJ or HDR. NHEJ can result in short insertions or deletions (indels)
of sequence at the break site. HDR uses template DNA; if exogenous template DNA is provided that is homologous to the target sequence with
a desired sequence inserted at the break site, this directed insertion can be incorporated into the genomic DNA. B, Potential next-generation
CRISPR technology that has yet to be implemented includes inducible (top) and conditional (bottom) single-base editing without DSB. The
example given is a method of inducible base pair editing using a tetracycline-dependent promoter governing Cas9 nickase fused with a deami-
nase and guide RNA. The bottom example of conditional single-base editing is the same nCas9–deaminase and sgRNA in reverse orientation
with flanking LoxP sites, requiring the presence of Cre recombinase to flip the orientation of the sequence and allow for transcription and trans-
lation. Cas9 indicates CRISPR-associated protein 9; CRISPR, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat; DSB, double-stranded
DNA break; HDR, homology-directed repair; LoxP, 34 bp sequence where Cre recombinase binds; nCas9, Cas9 nickase; NHEJ, nonhomologous
end joining; PAM, protospacer adjacent motif; rtTA, reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator; sgRNA, single-guide RNA; tet, tetracycline;
TRE, tetracycline-responsive element.

for cleavage are limited by the necessity of a PAM zinc-finger nucleases and transcription activator-like
sequence 3′ to the cleavage site. PAM sequences are effector nucleases (TALENs), CRISPR/Cas9 sys-
short and occur frequently enough within the genome tems make use of endogenous DNA repair processes
that this restriction rarely presents a major impedi- after DSBs. The 2 separate events—the initial DSB
ment, but it is a limitation. Like their predecessors, and subsequent repair—are each possible sources of

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Basic Research Techniques in Anesthesiology

error. Though targeting is specified with PAMs and regulatory elements to dCas9 to enhance or inhibit tran-
the 17–20 nucleotide sequence in crRNA, careful scription,63,64 fluorescent tags to visualize gene locations
examinations of off-target effects show that CRISPR in the nuclei of live cells,65 and methyltransferase to
systems display some flexibility in their targeting alter local DNA methylation.66 Newer techniques have
of the sequence, causing DSBs at sites not predicted opened the door to gene editing without creating DSBs.
by sequence alone.48,49 These off-target cleavages can The fusion of Cas nickase with various deaminases
produce insertions and deletions at disparate sites allows the direct conversion of C·G > T·A or A·T > G·C
within the genome. Even when a DSB occurs in the and removal of the opposite paired base such that, by
correct location, NHEJ, with its associated insertions targeting the correct strand, any single genomic base
of random genetic material or deletions of proxi- pair can be converted to any other.67,68 This technology
mate sequence, occurs 8 times more frequently than is still in its early stages, however, and deaminases can
the more desirable HDR.50 Numerous improvements induce significant off-target mutations.69 The potential
have made to CRISPR/Cas genome-editing systems, for such “second-generation” CRISPR-based gene edit-
largely focused on increased targeting flexibility, ing nevertheless has yet to be fully realized. Specifically,
decreased off-target cutting, and increased rate of approaches that have been previously used in conjunc-
HDR over NHEJ after a cut. Increased targeting flex- tion with first-generation CRISPR gene-editing tech-
ibility through altering PAM sequences is a signifi- nology, inducible and conditional expression, could be
cant source of innovation. The most commonly used applied to second-generation systems to produce cell-
Cas9—derived from Streptococcus pyogenes—has 3 line-specific or inducible targeted single-base muta-
bp sequence with any nucleotide (N) followed by 2 tions (Figure 2B) Such limited targeted mutations could
guanines (GG) (NGG) as its PAM sequence, but Cas allow for a range of studies on critical genes that oth-
derived from other species have alternate sequences, erwise prove lethal when altered during development.
expanding potential targets within a genome. In addi-
tion to naturally occurring homologs, engineered Cas IMPLICATIONS FOR ANESTHESIOLOGISTS
variants can have altered, and even more flexible, The use of CRISPR technology for gene editing has
PAM requirements.51–53 Diverse strategies have been only become widely adopted over the past 5 years,
successful at decreasing the rate of off-target DSBs, and thus we are just beginning to see studies using
another goal for innovation. Cas variants specifically CRISPR-engineered mutants in the anesthesiol-
engineered to decrease the rate of off-target cutting,54 ogy literature.70 As CRISPR-based gene-editing and
altering sgRNA length, or delivering the complete advanced CRISPR techniques become the foundation
sgRNA–Cas ribonucleoprotein complex (rather than for a wide variety of investigations in the science and
a plasmid encoding both) have all succeeded at reduc- practice of anesthesiology, it will become ever more
ing off-target cutting.55,56 Using Cas nickases, which critical for anesthesiologists to understand many of
cut only 1 of the 2 DNA strands, and 2 sgRNAs inde- the previously mentioned hazards and potential limi-
pendently targeting sequences directly opposite tations of the technique, in addition to appreciating
each other, 2 cuts need to independently occur to the diverse applications. In interpreting these types of
create a DSB, significantly reducing the rate of off- studies, it is important that readers look for appropri-
target DSBs.57 Finally, temporal and spatial control ate controls accounting for potential off-target cutting
of enzymatic activity using light- or small-molecule- including insertions and deletions. Alternatively, the
activated Cas can also decrease off-target cutting.58,59 study authors may include measures to minimize the
Similarly, diverse approaches have been deployed impact of such events such as backcrossing animals
toward increasing the rate of template-driven HDR to a wild-type background or the use of enzymes or
and decreasing the incidence of NHEJ after producing adjuvants that minimize such off-target events.
a DSB. The rate of HDR can be increased using either
small molecule adjuvants or single-stranded DNA FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF CRISPR
templates.60,61 Certain Cas variants produce staggered CRISPR-based technologies have significantly low-
DSBs in DNA, leaving overhanging sticky ends. These ered the barrier to entry for gene-editing approaches,
staggered breaks have a higher rate of HDR, such that and new applications offer similar potential for gene
use of this class of Cas, including Cpf1, can increase regulation and epigenomic approaches. CRISPR has
the rate of successful recombination.62 already broadened the types of basic science ques-
Applications of CRISPR-based systems have tions that can be asked by opening the door to the use
expanded beyond simple facilitated recombination of new model organisms.71 Separately, second-gener-
using targeted DSBs. Fusing catalytically inactive Cas9 ation editing has the potential to bridge gene-editing
(dCas9) to other functional domains has emerged as a technologies into the clinical realm in the coming
flexible means of targeting specific loci in the genome years through precise and limited genomic altera-
for a variety of purposes. These include attaching gene tions. We have yet to see the full scope of the impact

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EE Narrative Review Article

of these powerful and flexible approaches, but con- structures), which are build out of different cell types to
tinued refinement with reduction of off-target effects better reflect the “natural” original.
will be necessary before this technology can move To build organoids based on patients’ own cells has
from the bench to the bedside. been a long-term objective within the iPSC commu-
nity; however, the organoids should reflect “structure”
INDUCIBLE PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL and “cell composition” of their natural counter-
TECHNOLOGY: A ROAD TO PERSONALIZED parts. Nowadays, structure modifications have been
MEDICINE archived by applying different bioengineering meth-
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are derived ods83,84 and by modifying cell culture conditions.85,86
from the inner cell mass of fresh or frozen embryos Diversity of cell composition within the organoids
at the blastocyst stage of development.72 Embryonic has been realized in 2 different ways: human iPSC/
stem cells (ESCs) are self-renewable and able to give ESC have been differentiated by stepwise adding
rise to cells of all 3 germ layers (ectoderm, endoderm, small molecules and growth factors resulting in sub-
and mesoderm).73,74 Indefinite replication makes sequent development of various cell types reflecting
hESCs a valuable tool to study anesthetic mechanisms “naturally” formed organoids.87 Alternatively,  hiP-
in human tissue. However, ethical controversies and SCs have been differentiating into multiple cell types
limited supply of donor human embryos restricted separately and then in a subsequent step “assembled”
the use of this cell type and alternative approaches to the final organoid. While the first method allows
were warranted. to study “natural” progression of cell differentiation
In 2006, Takahashi and Yamanaka75 performed an during organogenesis, the second method allows to
experiment in which they selected 24 different tran- control for cell-type composition within the organoids
scription factors as candidates to induce pluripotency superior for description of cell–cell interactions.
in somatic cells, that is, reprogramming of already Compared to 2D cell layers, hiPSC growing as
differentiated cells into ESC-like cells. After exten- 3D organoids have less contact with culture plates,
sive screening, they identified 4 transcription  factors thus favoring interaction between cells and main-
essential to produce ESC-like colonies able to form taining histological and genetic complexity even
teratoma: octamer-binding transcription factor 2 and 4 after long-term culture.88 Importantly, cells grown
(Oct2/4), SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 (Sox2), in organoids have a distinct gene expression profile
Krüppel-like factor 4, (Klf4), and the oncogene cMYC compared to their 2D counterparts resulting in con-
(c-Myc) (also known as “OSKM”).75 These inducible trasting pharmacological profiles. Luca et al89 dem-
pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have become a valuable onstrated that tumor cells cultured in a 3D model
tool in basic science, and only 6 years after his origi- express significantly less epithelial growth factor
nal observation, Shinya Yamanaka (together with John receptors (EGFRs, a factor important for controlling
B. Gurdon) received the Nobel Prize in Physiology cell proliferation) compared to tumor cells cultured
or Medicine for their “discovery of reprogramming in 2D culture which made these cells less suscep-
mature cells into pluripotent stem cells.” tible to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. As EGFR
The great potential of this technique relies on its tyrosine kinase inhibitors are tested as chemothera-
ability to generate any somatic cell line out of an indefi- peutic agents, the therapeutic efficiency reported
nitely dividing stem cell pool, specific to a particular in different studies may deviate significantly and
patient and collectable without invasive procedures. impact drug development.
In other words, peripheral human blood cells can be
reprogrammed into stem cells which will be subse- HiPSC-DERIVED CARDIAC ORGANOIDS
quently differentiated into a somatic cell of any type.76–81 By aligning hiPSC-CM in parallel rather than ran-
With regard to morphology, surface marker expression, domly within an extracellular matrix,90 Zimmermann
global gene expression profile, DNA methylation sta- et al,91 and Eschenhagen et al92 developed engineered
tus, and other characteristics, human iPSC-derived cell heart tissue (EHT) models in which cardiomyocytes
(hiPSC) and hESC are considered to be similar.82 Herein increased in size and started to form a connected syn-
we will focus on hiPSC-derived somatic cells, which are cytium. EHT allows advanced functional assessment
of particular interest for anesthesiologists: cardiomyo- of human tissue in a dish,92 even in a high-throughput
cytes and neurons (Figure 3). Although hiPSC-derived screening format.93 The current end of these bioen-
somatic cells are frequently cultured in monolayers gineering developments constitutes a 3D electrome-
(2-dimensional [2D] culture) when used for drug and chanically coupled, fluid-ejecting miniature ventricle
phenotype testing, our description will concentrate on derived from hiPSC-CM,94 in which anesthetic agents
hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte (hiPSC-CM) and neuro- and other drugs might be tested under “physiologi-
nal cell (hiPSC-NC) tissues grown as organoids (ie, 3D cal” conditions “in vitro” in the future.

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Figure 3. Inducible pluripotent stem cells overview. Human cardiac and brain tissue is difficult to access and usually not available for drug
testing. After reprogramming mature, somatic cells via induction of 4 transcription factors (Yamanaka factors, Oct4, Sox2/4, Klf4, and Myc)
into iPSC can be differentiated by modifying cell culture conditions and adding cell-type specific differentiation factors or small molecules into
cardiovascular tissue (EC, CM, CFB) or neuronal tissue (Neuro, AstrC, OligoD, PeriC, MG). Complexity of development and testing increases
with the development of organoids or complex engineered tissues. Each tissue type can be subject to functional, morphological, or genetic
studies. AstrC indicates astrocytes; CFB, cardiac fibroblasts; CM, cardiomyocytes; EC, endothelial cell; iPSC, inducible pluripotent stem cells;
Klf4, Krüppel-like factor 4, transcription factor; MG, microglia cells; Myc, MYC proto-oncogene, transcription factor; Neuro, neurons; Oct4,
octamer-binding transcription factor 4; OligoD, oligodendroglia cells; PeriC, pia cells; scRNA-seq, single-cell RNA sequencing; Sox2/4, SRY (sex
determining region Y)-box 2 transcription factor.

HiPSC-DERIVED CEREBRAL ORGANOIDS their modes of action. Currently, the time to gener-
HiPSC-derived cerebral organoids offer great poten- ate self-organized 3D structures spans from 50 to 100
tial to study the neurotoxic effects of anesthetics and days.95,96 The construction of neuronal organoids97,98

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allows the prediction of anesthetic-induced neuro- With the development of hiPSC-CM, drug-induced
toxicity,99 and with advancements in single-cell tech- QTc prolongation can be successfully studied in
nology, we have the tools to obtain transcriptomes of human tissue “in a dish.” hiPSC-CM of patients
single cells and to cluster cells with identical transcrip- with inherited channelopathies can be easily gen-
tional activities.100 With the combination of hiPSC- erated from a 10-mL blood sample to study ion
NC and vascular cells, neuronal-vascular units have channel function or membrane potential changes
been developed101,102 to study brain development103 by different methods (ie, patch clamp, fluorescence
or function and neurotoxicity of anesthesia-inducing dyes, genetically introducing voltage, and/or cal-
drugs.104,105 Unfortunately, this technique is still unde- cium indicators117–120).
rutilized in our specialty and during anesthetic and Most recently, hiPSC-CM has been used to determine
analgesic drug development. the cardiac side profile of KSEB01-02, a new compound
with hypnotic properties.121 Using a high-throughput
ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF iPSC screening method, KSEB01-02 turned out to be less car-
TECHNOLOGY dio-depressant than propofol, elucidating the advan-
Although hiPSC have been discovered >10 years ago, tage of using hiPSC-CM to screen for cardiovascular
the technique is still evolving and some limitations side effects of a new drug in human heart tissue.
should be considered. Retrieving cells from patients Similar methods can be utilized to evaluate com-
appears to be relative easy and straightforward, how- munication within human neuronal networks.
ever, as the efficiency of reprogramming primary cells
HiPSC-NC becomes electrically active within a few
(skin fibroblast versus blood cells) depends on the cell
days of differentiation,122 and with new methods like
type,106 which should therefore be carefully chosen.
“patch-seq,” it is possible to study simultaneously
Another consideration for using hiPSC technology
functional (patch clamp) and genetic (ie, single-cell
in clinical practice may be the maturation status of
RNA-seq) characteristics of single cells of a human
hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes or neurons. Although
neuronal network in vitro.123,124
functional cardiomyocytes (ie, contracting cells,
Another advantage of hiPSC-CM and hiPSC-NC
hiPSC-CM) develop within 7–9 days,107 an additional
is the ability to measure cell toxicity of anesthetic
of 90–120 days may be required to generate cardiomy-
agents. Propofol infusion syndrome is a life-threat-
ocytes with a more mature phenotype (ie, expression
ening complication of long-term sedation with rather
of adult genes, normal morphology, and expres-
high doses of propofol.125 Nevertheless, the mecha-
sion of normal T-tubule and sarcomere structure).108
nism of cell toxicity was unclear on the cellular level.
Similarly, differentiation hiPSC toward neuronal tis-
sue requires between 2109–111 and 6 weeks.112–114 These By treating hiPSC-CM with propofol (0–50 µg/mL)
culture requirements may currently not be suitable for 48 hours, Kido et al126 revealed that high propofol
for “preoperative” bedside tests but may impact care concentrations cause mitochondrial dysfunction by
for patients undergoing long-term planned elective, downregulating of peroxisome proliferator-activated
high-risk procedures or for patients with repeated receptor-𝛾-coactivator 1-α (PGC-1α) in human tis-
anesthetic exposures (ie, pediatric patients after cor- sue. While the majority of neurotoxicity studies are
rection of congenital heart defects). based on nonhuman tissue, hiPSC-NC also offered an
Additional concerns about hiPSCs genetic stabil- opportunity to study the impact of prolonged isoflu-
ity during reprogramming as well as differentiation- rane exposure on neuronal survival and neurogenesis
dependent variability and heterogeneity exist.115,116 in human tissue.127 Interestingly, the anesthetic toxic-
These reservations may be justified; however, they ity seems to be strongly dependent on cytosolic Ca2+
reflect limitations of a relatively young technology concentration within the hiPSC-NC.127
which will be resolved within the coming years. The molecular mechanism of some anesthetic actions
are still unknown. Ketamine’s recent renaissance as anti-
IMPLICATIONS FOR ANESTHESIOLOGISTS depressant agent raised questions about the underlying
How do hiPSC-derived cells help anesthesiologists to mechanism of action: Collo et al128 differentiated hiPSCs
understand cellular function and where are the limi- into floor plate-derived midbrain dopaminergic neu-
tations? By using a few assays as an example, advan- rons and demonstrated that the structural plasticity and
tages and limitations of iPSC-based techniques will be expression of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole
outlined. propionate receptor (AMPAR) and their subunit GluR1
One of the advantages of hiPSC-CM and hiPSC- and GluR2 might be causative for positive, antidepres-
NC is the ability to perform functional assessments sant effects of the drug.
of patient-specific tissue in vitro. Cardiac arrhyth- While anesthetic mechanisms have been studied
mias and QTc interval prolongation are significant in nonhuman tissue samples or in large clinical tri-
milestones to overcome during drug development. als, these examples show that with the new hiPSC

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This manuscript was handled by: Jean-Francois Pittet, MD.
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