Method Statement Sikadur - 42: Epoxy Resin Based Grout Corporate Construction

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N°: 850 42 01

Author: Marco Poltéra

Date: 11/2007

Method Statement
Epoxy Resin based Grout
Corporate Construction

Storage Place: ICC BU Contractors

Key Words: Sikadur®-42, Grouting, Epoxy Resin Grout, Reactive Resin Grout


Method statement for the application of:

Sikadur®-42, a range of 3-part, Epoxy Resin based Grouts

The information contained herein and any other advice are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of
the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika's recommendations. The
information only applies to the application(s) and product(s) expressly referred to herein. In case of changes in the parameters of the
application, such as changes in substrates etc., or in case of a different application, consult Sika's Technical Service prior to using
Sika products. The information contained herein does not relieve the user of the products from testing them for the intended
application and purpose. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the
most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Table of Contents:
1. System Description ..............................................................................3
1.1. References......................................................................................................3
1.2. Limitations .......................................................................................................4

2. Products ................................................................................................5
2.1. Pre-Project Preparation ...................................................................................6

3. Safety Measures on Site ......................................................................7


3.1. Surface Preparation.......................................................................................10

3.2. Formwork ......................................................................................................14
3.3. Mixing............................................................................................................17

4. Application / Installation ....................................................................21

4.1. Application Method........................................................................................28
4.2 Additional works ............................................................................................37

5. Inspection, Sampling, Quality Control..............................................38

6. Equipment – Tools..............................................................................41

7. Disclaimer and address of Sika Company .......................................43

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

1. System Description

Sikadur®-42 Epoxy Grouts are used for:

High strength grouting and fixing of:

• Starter bars
• Anchors

• Fasteners
• Tie rods
• Crash barrier posts
• Fence and railing posts

Under grouting and bedding of:

• Precision seating of base plates
• Machine bases, base-plates for light and heavy machinery including heavy
impact and vibrating machinery, static engines, compressors, pumps, presses,
• Bridge bearings
• Mechanical joints (i.e. road/bridge/deck types, etc.)

Sleeper less, direct rail fixing:

• Crane tracks
• Light rail and permanent way in tunnels
• Light rail and permanent way over bridges

Sikadur-42 PT:
• To protect the anchorages of post-tensioning tendons or bars on segmental
bridge projects
• Precision seating of base plates
• Grouting under equipment where access is available

1.1. References

To ensure the correct application of Sikadur®-42, please refer to the following


• PDS (Product Data Sheet)

• MSDS (Material and Safety Data Sheet)
• API 686 Chapter 5*

* “Recommended Practices for Machinery Installation and Installation Design” issued

by the American Petroleum Institute

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

1.2. Limitations
According to the Product Data Sheet, certain limitations are given:

• Layer Thickness (minimum and maximum)

• Substrate temperature
• Ambient temperature
• Material temperature


Substrate moisture content

• Dew point conditions
• Sikadur®-42 is a vapour barrier when cured
• The last lift/layer must be kept at <50mm
• Component C must be kept dry

Please refer to the PDS (Product Data Sheet) to confirm the details of these

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

2. Products

Sikadur®-42 HE
Sikadur®-42 HE is a three-component, high performance, high precision, solvent-free,
moisture tolerant, epoxy resin based grouting system. For use at ambient and
substrate temperatures between +5°C and +30ºC.

Sikadur-42 LE
Sikadur®-42 LE is a three-component, high performance, high precision, low
exothermic, solvent-free, moisture tolerant, epoxy resin based grouting system. For
use at ambient temperatures between +20°C to +45ºC and on substrates from +15°C
to +45ºC.

Sikadur-42 MP Normal and Slow

Sikadur®-42 MP Normal is a three-component, multi purpose, solvent-free, moisture
tolerant, epoxy resin based grouting system. For use at substrate and ambient
temperatures between +10°C and +30ºC.

Sikadur®-42 MP Slow is a three-component, multi purpose, solvent-free, moisture

tolerant, epoxy resin based grouting system. For use at substrate and ambient
temperatures between +20°C and +40ºC.

Sikadur-42 PT
Sikadur®-42 PT is a three-component, solvent-free, moisture tolerant, epoxy resin
based, post tensioning anchorage protection system. For use at substrate and ambient
temperatures between +5°C and +30ºC.

12 kg Packaging of Component A + B + C Packaging A + B

Larger volume packaging is available and this varies from country to country. Please
contact your local Sika Company for sizes and packaging availability.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

2.1. Pre-Project Preparation

The most important preparation steps for installation of Sikadur®-42 Epoxy Grout are::

- Accurate calculation of the amount of Epoxy Grout needed

- Check temperatures during the grouting procedure à Select the correct grade of
Sikadur®-42 type for this temperature and application
- Check the potlife of Sikadur®-42 at the temperatures and compare it with the

volume and geometry of the grouting area. à Is it possible to use this quantity
within this potlife? Also select the appropriate packaging sizes
- Check the geometry of the grouting area and confirm max. layer thickness of the
relevant Sikadur®-42 type in the Product Data Sheet (PDS). à Grouting in several
layers or lifts may be necessary. à Refer to chapter 4.1 in this method statement
- Make a programme for the whole procedure. Check the staff available and trained
to mix the material fast enough to maintain a continuous work and grout flow for
this work. The most critical bottleneck during grouting is frequently a lack of human
resources (for a continuous work flow which is essential for a successful grouting)
- Select mixing tools and equipment with sufficient capacity. Confirm power type and
availability for the mixing equipment
- Calculate the time required for preparing and mixing the epoxy grout and include
this in the programme. In many cases, at least two working teams are necessary to
supply the feed hopper and to maintain the work flow. Do not reduce the mixing
time, even when in a hurry à Refer to chapter 3.3. Important Notes: This is one of
the most common mistakes in grouting work
- Check the substrate in advance. Ensure that the substrate is in good condition and
that all cement laitance, oil, dust, dirt and any other foreign material is removed. It
must also be dry and free from any standing water
- Check the cleanliness and preparation of the base plate and any metal surfaces.
- Ensure that all necessary tools and equipment are available on site (mixers,
trowels etc.)
- Check the protective health and safety equipment is available (clothing, gloves,
goggles etc)
- Check the formwork requirements and design it according to chapter 3.2 of this
method statement. Prepare the formwork with release agent to prevent bonding
with the grout and all other areas where bonding with the grout is not necessary.
Any release agent, wax etc. is strictly forbidden from contact or spillage in all other
areas, this must also be checked
- Check there is adequate sealing (e.g. Sikaflex®-11 FC+) of the formwork to prevent
- Design and then ensure there are enough places for air release within the grouting
area (as outlined in Section 3.2 Page 15 of this Method Statement)
- Ensure adequate protection of adjacent equipment and finished floor areas etc
around the grouting area

Please also check the Installation Record & Checklist. This document helps to
ensure that all of the important steps for successful Grouting are complied with.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

3. Safety Measures on Site

Personal Protection:

The following symbols are typical of the internationally required labelling for epoxy
resins and hardeners. In accordance with these, the products should be stored and
applied according to the appropriate local regulations. Please also observe any other

relevant local regulations (Refer to local PDS and MSDS).

Corrosive Dangerous for Irritant

the environment

The following protective equipment is essential for anyone working with any epoxy
resin based products and these instructions must be strictly adhered to:

Wear protective overalls Wear safety goggles Wear protective gloves

In addition to protective clothing it is also recommended to use a barrier cream on the

skin. The use of a barrier cream is more useful and effective than often reputed, they
are inexpensive, convenient, and protect well if they are not frequently flushed with
solvents. However, barrier creams are only a supplement to and not a replacement for
protective gloves, so always wear gloves. Always ensure there is no contamination
inside gloves before reusing them.

Ensure sufficient ventilation during application in closed or confined spaces.

If any epoxy resin or hardener component gets on clothing, remove the garment at
once. The friction of resin-saturated fabric on the skin can cause serious chemical
burns. Wash your exposed skin occasionally during the workday and immediately if
any epoxy gets on it. Avoid using solvents since they can help epoxy material
penetrate in to the skin and solvents themselves are aggressive and harmful to the
skin. If water is no more available at any time or shorten, then clean the contamination
with sand instead, it works well. Certain hand cleaners also work without harmful
effects. Citrus skin cleaners, for example, are effective and mild. Soap and water takes
time, but also eventually works for small areas.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Avoiding skin contact by keeping tools and equipment clean is one of the best ways to
protect oneself. Remember, epoxies are very tacky which is partly why they work so
well in construction, so it is important to keep them from sticking to your people on site.

Despite safety precautions, with any instances of skin contact rinse immediately with
clean water and use warm water and soap to thoroughly clean the skin.

A good skin cleaner:


Skin cleaner
Sika Topclean T

No epoxy resin applications should ever proceed without sufficient water being
adjacent and available for eye washing. If adequate clean water is not provided then
the project should not commence, no matter what the urgency. Numerous workers and
observers have suffered injury due to resin entering their eyes when there was no
water available to clean them. If a professional eyewash kit is not available, then at the
very minimum one quart of clean water must be present. The water can be in a pail,
plastic jug or via a hosepipe, but it must always be directly adjacent to the grouting
operation ie a water source on the opposite side of the building or site is not good
enough. Safety glasses or other eye protection obviously help those doing the work
but they can also create a false sense of security. Do not take risks with health!

Professional eyewash kit available

In the event of any spillage or contact into the eyes, always seek medical advice
immediately after rinsing and cleaning the eyes with the clean water

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Dependent on local regulations respiratory masks may be required. Please observe all
relevant local regulations.

Breathing protection required

The following equipment is also generally recommended on construction sites:

Wear hard hats Wear safety shoes with Wear ear protection. For
steel toe caps use of mixing equipment
à please refer to the
manufacturers advice

Please refer to the local country regulations and the specific construction site


Brush away and remove any excess grout into appropriate containers for disposal
before it has hardened.

Hardened epoxy resin can be disposed of with other combustible waste in a waste
incineration plant.
In no circumstances, burn the epoxy in an open fire due to the potentially dangerous
gases which can be released.

Uncured epoxy must be disposed of as hazardous waste. It is forbidden to mix it with

conventional waste.

Always dispose of excess or waste materials in accordance with local regulations.

Cleaning of Tools:
Uncured material can be removed with Sika Colma Cleaner.

Cured material can only be removed mechanically (or with heat).

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

3.1. Surface Preparation

Requirements for the substrate:

• Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects such as blowholes and
voids must be fully exposed.
• Mortar and concrete must be older than 28 days (dependent on minimum

strength requirements).
• Confirm the substrate strength (concrete, masonry, natural stone etc). If in
doubt, make a test area first.
• The substrate surfaces must all be sound, clean and free from contaminants
such as dirt, oil, grease, rust, existing surface treatments and coatings etc.
• All loose particles must be removed.
• Substrate must be dry or mat damp and free from any standing water, ice etc.

If in doubt, make a test area first and confirm with

bond strength testing equipment, as shown on
the left.
(Proceq or similar)

Surface preparation:

Concrete, mortar, stone:

These substrates must be prepared by e.g. blastcleaning to be free from cement
laitance, ice, standing water, grease, oils, old surface treatments or coatings and all
loose or friable particles must be removed to achieve a contaminant free, open
textured surface.

Must be cleaned and prepared thoroughly to an acceptable quality standard equivalent
to SA 2.5 i.e. by blastcleaning and vacuum. Avoid dew point conditions.

All anchor pockets or sleeves must be free of water. Apply the grout as immediately as
possible after preparation and cleaning to prevent re-oxidizing / rust formation on the

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

For optimum results:

When grouting areas or equipment that is sensitive to vibration, it is recommended that
the contact surfaces are prepared according to the latest edition of the American
Petroleum Institute’s Recommended Practice 686 “Machinery Installation and
Installation Design”, Chapter 5.


The underside of the base plate must be clean and free from oil, grease, rust,
scale or other loosely adherent material
It is recommended that the underside and edges of the base plates are coated
with Sikagard®-63N to prevent rust formation and ensure a good bond to the


There are two main procedures for substrate preparation: blastcleaning and scabbling
with chisels.

1. Method:
Substrate preparation by blastcleaning:

Substrate preparation by

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

2. Method:
Substrate preparation by scabbling with a chisel:

With scabbling it is possible to obtain a larger specific surface area which is then in
contact and bonded to the epoxy grout, which also creates a higher mechanical bond
between the epoxy and the concrete. However, scabbling also requires blastcleaning
afterwards to remove any loose or friable particles such as fractured aggregates
remaining on the surface.

Substrate Preparation by scabbling

with a chisel

After scabbling, the substrate can

have a reduced bond strength
potential due to the impact cracks
and micro cracks in the concrete.
(see red circle)

All of the cracked, friable material

and any residual cement laitance
(see also in the red circle) must be
removed by blastcleaning or high
pressure water-jetting after

After scabbling:
Remove friable material etc. by
blastcleaning or…….

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

……….high pressure water-jetting


Protection of adjacent steel edges and surfaces:

Protect adjacent steel surfaces with



Remove dust, and any other loose

material after blastcleaning or water
Finally brush the substrate and
remove the residual dust with a
vacuum cleaner.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

3.2. Formwork
The flowable consistency of the Sikadur-42 epoxy grout material requires the use of
permanent or temporary forms to contain the material until it has hardened ie around
base plates, for example. In order to prevent leakage or seepage, all of these formers
must be sealed. Apply polyethylene film or wax / release agent to all forms to prevent
adhesion of the grout. Prepare the formwork to allow and maintain more than 100 mm
liquid head to facilitate placement. A grout box equipped with an inclined trough
attached to the form work will enhance the grout flow and minimize any air


Example of an excellent sealant for formwork: Sikaflex®-11 FC+

Pour the mixed grout into the prepared forms from one or two sides only to prevent air
entrapment. Maintain the liquid head to ensure intimate contact to the underside of the
base plate. The minimum void depth to be filled with Sikadur®-42 epoxy grout beneath
the base-plate, should be at least10-25 mm; refer to the specific Product Data Sheet
for more detailed information.
Where the void beneath the base plate is greater than the maximum allowable grout
thickness (please refer to the Product Data Sheet) place the epoxy grout in successive
layers or lifts once the preceding lift has hardened and cooled à see chapter 4.1

Pouring side: Erect formwork approx. 200 mm from the base plate edge
Opposite of the filling side: Erect the formwork at least 50 mm above the grouting level



Opposite the filling side Pouring side

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Air release:
Make some air release holes (tubes or holes etc) at every enclosed high point within
the machinery/equipment. (See sketches below)

Air release


First step: Release holes for enclosed air

Control: Fill levels must be even

Second step: Epoxy Grout flows due to hydrostatic pressure from the feed hopper
until the correct fill level is attained

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007


• Before fixing any formwork, ensure that the area to be grouted is clean.
• The formwork itself must be constructed to be leakproof and prevent any
possible grout loss. This can be achieved by using foam rubber strips or a
suitable sealant such as Sikaflex-11FC+, beneath the formwork, and in any
joints on the formwork.
• The formwork should also be constructed in such a way as to keep the final,
unrestrained surface area of the grout to a minimum, to avoid any possible

problems with unrestrained surface shrinkage cracking at a later stage.

• For free flowing grout application, it is essential to provide a hydrostatic head
of the grout. A feed hopper is recommended.
• Pouring side: Erect formwork approx. 200 mm from the base plate edge. (see
sketch above)
• The grout should be poured from the shortest distance across the base plate
• The formwork should be fixed in such a way as to allow easy stripping,
without causing damage or stress on the grout.
• All dust, dirt and any other foreign materials have to be removed from the
grout area before the last piece of formwork is fixed and sealed.
• Opposite the grout filling side: Erect the formwork at least 50 mm above and
beyond the base plate edge. (see sketch above)
• Make air release holes at the highest points within any enclosed areas of the

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

3.3. Mixing

Pre-batched units:

Add all of component B (hardener) to component A

Make sure the hardener container is fully emptied
into the resin component. (Use a spatula.)

Mix both components thoroughly with a low speed

electric mixer (300 - 400 rpm).
Mix for at least 3 minutes avoiding aeration whilst
mixing, until the material becomes uniformly
blended in colour and viscosity.

Place the mixed epoxy into an appropriate grout

mixing vessel which is big enough to then add
Component C (powdered aggregate filler) to
produce the whole finished volume of the product
(A+B+C Components).

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Slowly add the contents of the bag of component C

(to keep air entrapment at a minimum). Note: some
of Component C may be omitted to meet defined
higher flow characteristics. Please refer to the
correct mixing ratios written in the individual Product
Data Sheet)

Mix for approximately 5 minutes until uniform and

homogeneous so that the C-Component is
thoroughly mixed and blended with the resin and

Important Notes:
Always mix only that quantity of Sikadur®-42 grouts that can be used within its potlife.
Never reduce the mixing time.

Choose an adequate mixing paddle to mix the components. à Refer to “Mixing

Tools” in this chapter.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Bulk packaging (not pre-batched):

First, stir each component thoroughly. Add Components A and B together in the
correct proportions (measured by weight) into a suitable grout mixing vessel. Then
continue the procedure as described above for the pre-batched units

Important Notes:

Never mix Component A and B without adding component C !!!


(as the exothermic reaction between A and B alone generates excess

heat and smoke)


• Choose adequate mixing paddle for proper mixing and to avoid air
• Mix Components A and B in the pail of Component A for 3 min with a paddle
attached to a low speed drill (300-450 rpm)
• Do not thin with solvents. Solvents will prevent proper curing and change the
mechanical properties
• Place the mixed epoxy into an appropriately sized grout mixing vessel to
accommodate and mix the whole of Component C
• Do not change the mixing ratio! refer to the product data sheet for the
approved variations in the mixing ratio
• Slowly add the entire contents of component C and mix until the grout is
homogeneously blended (approx. 5 min) and a completely uniform colour
• Leave Sikadur-42 to stand and mature in the mixing vessel for several
minutes (approx. 2-3 minutes) until the majority of entrained air bubbles have
dispersed before the grouting procedure begins
• Avoid splitting pre-batched units to mix. Mix complete pre-batched units only
• Never reduce the stated mixing time. This can result in reduced flow
characteristics and inconsistent properties in the cured grout
• Component C must be kept dry

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Mixing Tools:

For optimum mixing results use a mixing paddle similar to the ones shown below:

With this design of mixing paddle, you can obtain the best results
to mix Resin and Hardener (A+B Component)

With this design of mixing paddle, you can obtain the best results
To mix (A+B) and C-Component (Fillers)

For additional information on high performance mixing tools and equipment:

See chapter 6.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

4. Application / Installation

First: Refer the following points to the Product Data Sheet

• Material Conditioning prior to the works

• Substrate and ambient temperature
• Minimum grout depth

• Maximum grout depth


• In every case, the last lift must be kept to a maximum 50 mm

• For specific bolt grouting applications please refer to Sika Technical Services
• For proper seating, allow the grout to rise above the bottom (approx. 3 mm) of
the base plate (refer to page 32 of this method statement)
• Colder and hotter ambient substrate or material temperatures will influence the
curing and flow characteristics of Sikadur®-42
• Do not subject epoxy grouts to sudden temperature changes especially during
early curing stages
• Contact Sika Technical Services for advice on control joint spacing for large
base plate grouting projects
• Do not vibrate the Epoxy Grout during placing
• Wherever possible unrestrained “shoulders” are to be avoided. These have a
tendency to crack and/or debond
• For optimum bond strength to the substrate, first apply a small amount of epoxy
grout to the bottom and the shoulder of the grouting area to ‘wet’ these parts.
Brush this well into the substrate if possible. Then apply the rest of the first
layer of the Sikadur®-42 epoxy grout as soon as possible e.g. application is
“wet on wet”
• When applied to mat damp concrete, brush the grout well into the substrate

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Working at high temperatures:

It is recommended when working with Sikadur®-42 at temperatures above 35°C, that

the following guidelines should be observed:

• Prior to use store the unmixed materials in a cool, preferably temperature

controlled environment, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight or other heat

• Refer to the data sheet of the specific product and closely follow the
instructions in the section “storage conditions”.
• Keep all equipment cool, arranging shade and protection where necessary. It is
especially important to keep cool all surfaces that will come into direct contact
with the material.
• Try to avoid application during the hottest times of the day.
• Provide sufficient material, plant and labour to ensure that the application is a
continuous process and that the grout does not stop moving during flow
application process.
Important Note: When both the materials and/or the substrates are too hot, the potlife
will decrease dramatically!

Working at low temperatures:

It is recommended when working with Sikadur®-42 at temperatures below 15°C, that

the following guidelines should be observed:

• Prior to use store unmixed materials in a warm environment, preferably

temperature controlled and avoiding exposure to frost or temperatures below
• Cold temperatures will decrease the flow properties of the grout.
• Refer to the data sheet of the specific product and closely follow the
instructions in the section “storage conditions”.
• Avoid condensation! Ambient temperature during application must be at least
3°C above dew point.
• Avoid water or ice formation on any surfaces.
• Grouting of Anchors: Heat up the steel (20-35°C) to activate the Epoxy grout.
Note: When both the materials and/or the substrates are too cold, the potlife will
increase, the flow will also be restricted and curing will be delayed!

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Dew Point:

It is important to pay close attention to avoiding dew point conditions. The application
temperature must exceed the dew point by at least 3°C.

Definition of the Dew Point:

To check the dew point the following methods can be used: digital electronic
instruments (see graphic) to measure the air temperature, the surface temperature of

the component, the base plate for example and the relative humidity, but you can also
use traditional analogue instruments.

Analogue instrument Electronic instrument Simple slide rule

With analogue instruments you will have to read the temperature and humidity from
these conventional instruments. The dew point is then found by reference to tables or
a simple slide rule guide (as supplied to customers by some Sika companies).

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

If no specific dew point instruments are available on the construction site you can still
use the following table to determine the dew point from the temperatures and humidity.

Measured ambient temperature in [°C]
Measured relative humidity [%]

The point of their intersection in the table below is the dew point surface temperature in [°C]
Example: Ambient temperature: 34°C, relative Humidity (rh): 60%
result the dew point surface temperature is: 25,1°C.

Dew Point Temperature [°C]

Ambient relative Air Humidity [%]


[°C] 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95%

45 23,4 26,0 28,2 30,3 32,1 33,8 35,4 36,9 38,2 39,5 40,7 41,9 43,0 44,0

44 22,5 25,1 27,3 29,4 31,2 32,9 34,5 35,9 37,3 38,6 39,8 40,9 42,0 43,0

43 21,7 24,2 26,5 28,5 30,3 32,0 33,5 35,0 36,3 37,6 38,8 39,9 41,0 42,0

42 20,8 23,3 25,6 27,6 29,4 31,1 32,6 34,0 35,4 37,8 37,8 38,9 40,0 41,0

41 20,0 22,5 24,7 26,7 28,5 30,1 31,7 33,1 34,4 35,7 36,8 38,0 39,0 40,0

40 19,1 21,6 23,8 25,8 27,6 29,2 30,7 32,1 33,5 34,7 35,9 37,0 38,0 39,0

39 18,2 20,7 22,9 24,9 26,7 28,3 29,8 31,2 32,5 33,7 34,9 36,0 37,1 38,0

38 17,4 19,9 22,0 24,0 25,7 27,4 28,9 30,3 31,6 32,8 33,9 36,1 36,1 37,1

37 16,5 19,0 21,1 23,1 24,8 26,4 27,9 29,3 30,6 31,8 33,0 34,0 35,1 36,1

36 15,7 18,1 20,3 22,2 23,9 25,5 27,0 28,4 29,6 30,9 32,0 33,1 34,1 35,1

35 14,8 17,2 19,4 21,3 23,0 24,6 26,1 27,4 28,7 29,9 31,0 32,1 33,1 34,1

34 14,0 16,4 18,5 20,4 22,1 23,7 25,1 26,5 27,7 28,9 30,0 31,1 32,1 33,1

33 13,1 15,5 17,6 19,5 21,2 22,7 24,2 25,5 26,8 28,0 29,1 30,1 31,1 32,1

32 12,2 14,6 16,7 18,6 20,3 21,8 23,2 24,6 25,8 27,0 28,1 29,2 30,1 31,1

31 11,4 13,7 15,8 17,7 19,3 20,9 22,3 23,6 24,9 26,0 27,1 28,2 29,2 30,1

30 10,5 12,9 14,9 16,8 18,4 20,0 21,4 22,7 23,9 25,1 26,2 27,2 28,2 29,1

29 9,7 12,0 14,0 15,9 17,5 19,0 20,4 21,7 23,0 24,1 25,2 26,2 27,2 28,1

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

28 8,8 11,1 13,1 15,0 16,6 18,1 19,5 20,8 22,0 23,2 24,2 25,2 26,2 27,1

27 8,0 10,2 12,2 14,1 157 17,2 18,6 19,9 21,1 22,2 23,3 24,3 25,2 26,1

26 7,1 9,4 11,4 13,2 14,8 16,3 17,6 18,9 201 21,2 22,3 23,3 24,2 25,1

25 6,2 8,5 10,5 12,2 13,9 15,3 16,7 18,0 19,1 20,3 21,3 22,3 23,2 24,1

24 5,4 7,6 9,6 11,3 12,9 14,4 15,8 17,0 18,2 19,3 20,3 21,3 22,3 23,1

23 4,5 6,7 8,7 10,4 12,0 13,5 14,8 16,1 17,2 18,3 19,4 20,3 21,3 22,2

22 3,6 5,9 7,8 9,5 11,1 12,5 13,9 15,1 16,3 17,4 18,4 19,4 20,3 21,2

21 2,8 5,0 6,9 8,6 10,2 116 12,9 14,2 15,3 16,4 17,4 18,4 19,3 20,2

20 1,9 4,1 6,0 7,7 9,3 10,7 12,0 13,2 14,4 15,4 16,4 17,4 18,3 19,2

19 1,0 3,2 5,1 6,8 8,3 9,8 11,1 12,3 13,4 14,5 15,5 16,4 17,3 18,2

18 0,2 2,3 4,2 5,9 7,4 8,8 10,1 11,3 12,5 13,5 14,5 16,4 16,3 17,2

17 -0,6 1,4 3,3 5,0 6,5 7,9 9,2 10,4 11,5 12,5 13,5 15,5 15,3 16,2

16 -1,4 -0,5 2,4 4,1 5,6 7,0 8,2 9,4 10,5 11,6 12,6 14,5 14,4 15,2

15 -2,2 -0,3 1,5 3,2 4,7 6,1 7,3 8,5 9,6 10,6 11,6 13,5 13,4 14,2

14 -2,9 -1,0 0,6 2,3 3,7 5,1 6,4 7,5 8,6 9,6 10,6 12,5 12,4 13,2

13 -3,7 -1,9 0,1 1,3 2,8 4,2 5,5 6,6 7,7 8,7 9,6 10,5 11,4 12,2

12 -4,5 -2,6 1,0 0,4 1,9 3,2 4,5 5,7 6,7 7,7 8,7 9,6 10,4 11,2

11 -5,2 -3,4 1,8 -0,4 1,0 2,3 3,5 4,7 5,8 6,7 7,7 8,6 9,4 10,2

10 -6,0 -4,2 2,6 -1,2 0,1 1,4 2,6 3,7 4,8 5,8 6,7 7,6 8,4 9,2

9 -7,6 -5,6 -3,9 -2,3 -0,9 0,5 1,7 2,8 3,8 4,8 5,7 6,6 7,5 8,2

8 -8,5 -6,5 -4,8 -3,2 -1,8 -0,5 0,7 1,8 2,9 3,8 4,8 5,6 6,5 7,2

7 -9,4 -7,4 -5,7 -4,1 -2,7 -1,4 -0,2 0,9 1,9 2,9 3,8 4,7 5,5 6,3

6 -10,2 -8,3 -6,6 -5,0 -3,6 -2,7 -1,4 -0,2 1,0 1,9 2,8 3,7 4,5 5,3

5 -11,1 -9,2 -7,5 -5,9 -4,5 -3,3 -2,1 -1 0,0 1,0 1,9 2,7 3,5 4,3

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007



6 6


1. Formwork
2. Feed Hopper Chute
3. Substrate (e.g. Concrete)
4. Anchor Bolt
5. Equipment Base Plate (e.g. steel)
6. Air Release Hole (if necessary)
7. Sikadur®-42 Epoxy Grout

= Grout flow direction

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007


6 6

1. Formwork
2. Feed Hopper Chute
3. Substrate (e.g. Concrete)
4. Anchor Bolt
5. Equipment Base Plate (e.g. steel)
6. Air Release Hole (if necessary)
7. Sikadur®-42 Epoxy Grout

= Grout flow direction

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

4.1. Application Method

Grouting of Bolts:

A common application with epoxy resin grouts is heavy duty

bolt anchoring on stanchion bases for example.

For this application the following issues are important:


• Bolt holes or fixing pockets must be blown clean of any dirt or debris.
• All anchor pockets or sleeves must be dry and free of standing water.
• Ensure that any enclosed air pockets are released using preformed holes or
by inserting a wire and move it to lance the air pockets.

Anchor Bolts for Machinery and Equipment:

Anchor bolts for machinery and equipment need a special


Anchor bolt ‘box outs’ or ‘sleeves’ should be thoroughly cleaned of all debris and can
be filled with a self leveling, flowable Sealant (e.g. Sikaflex®-228, Sikaflex 2CSL or
similar). The anchor bolts should be wrapped with a flexible insulation tape/material
about 6 mm in thickness to prevent bonding of the grout to the anchor bolt. This
insulating material should extend from the top of the concrete to the underside of the
base plate.

Equipment Base Plate

Tape/foam Insulation Epoxy Grout

(Self Leveling) Stretching Length

Concrete Base

Anchor Bolt

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Preventing Grout Edge Curling:

Problem of Edge curling:


Crack Crack

Develops closes

The system at The system during The system during

thermal equilibrium the cooling cycle the warming cycle

= tensile or compressive stress, due to thermal expansion.

The Solution for Edge curling:

The Causation The Solution

Heat Flow Equipment Base


Epoxy Grout

Concrete Base

System warming up Design X less than Y


It is recommended that the exposed edge distance (X) of the epoxy grout from the
base plate to the formwork be kept less or equal to the thickness (Y) of the grout. This
will eliminate edge curling of the grout.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007


It is essential that the grout mixing capacity, material supply and labour availability is
sufficient to enable the grouting operation to be carried out smoothly and continuously.

Grouting from the shortest side:


Grouting from the shortest distance Do not grout from the long
across the base plate distance across the base plate

ü û
Grouting down / with any slope or decline:

Grouting down along the slope Do not grout against/up the slope

ü û
Grout from one side only:

Grouting from one side Do not grout from both sides

ü û
Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Stagnated Material:

Freshly applied grout which has temporarily stopped moving can be ‘reactivated’ and
kept moving by using a suitable steel chain. à see picture below.

Pull the chain slowly not abruptly!

Note: This is only for ‘reactivating’ the material to keep it moving, not for pulling/placing
the material, the material is designed to flow by itself. Do not “break” the front or the

‘tongue’ of the grout with the chain!

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Height of the Epoxy Grout

Place sufficient epoxy grout in the forms for it to rise slightly above the underside
(approx. 3 mm) of the base plate.
It is recommended that during placement of the epoxy grout, the level of the grout has
to be slightly above the level of the bottom of the base plate to ensure complete fill of
the base. The final height of the epoxy grout should be finished level with the bottom of
the base or only slightly higher.
This will eliminate any subsequent breaking off or edge ‘spalling’ of the grout should

the equipment be subjected to a rapid increase in temperature later on.


Fresh Epoxy Grout after placing

Equal with

Cured Epoxy Grout

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007


• Prior to placement, ensure that all surfaces are dry

• Any bolt pockets must themselves be grouted prior to grouting between the
substrate and the base plate.
• Grout across the shortest width of the equipment/base
• Place the grout down/along any slope, not against/up
• Continuous grout flow during the grouting operation is essential. Sufficient
grout must be available prior to starting, and the time taken to pour a mixed

batch must be regulated to the time taken to prepare the next one.
• The mixed grout must be poured from one side only to eliminate the
entrapment of air. A grouting head must be maintained at all times so that a
continuous grouting front is maintained.
• When the grout reaches the open side of the formwork and rises above the
underside of the base plate, pouring should continue slowly down the length
of the base plate until completed.
• Ensure, that the hydrostatic height of the grout does not decrease to the level
of the bottom of the base plate; keep it above this level. The material in the
feed hopper should be continuously fed and supplied.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Placing grout in several layers:

1. Chemically Bonded (without mechanical adhesion)

Epoxy on epoxy achieves a chemical bond with cross linking that is very strong. To
achieve this high bond strength between the layers, the following layer should be
applied as soon as possible, but the prior layer has to be allowed to cool down
completely first.
• Grouting of the first layer
• Applying the second layer as soon as possible after the first layer, but waiting
until the first layer has completely cooled down to the ambient temperature

• Applying the third layer, after the second layer has again cooled down. Etc.

1. Layer 2. Layer 3. Layer

Keep the surfaces absolutely clean (free from dust, water etc.) until the next layer of
grout is applied.
The last lift/layer must be kept to a maximum thickness of 50 mm.

2. Mechanically Bonded (with mechanical adhesion)

Mechanical adhesion is obtained by filling each layer with some additional coarse
aggregate to excess so that it is not completely immersed in the layer. If the second
layer has a thickness of 4cm, the exposed aggregate should be approx 1-2cm above
the level of the first layer (like an iceberg in the sea).
Additional note: This coarse aggregate also helps to reduce the heat from the
exothermic reaction, because some of the heat is absorbed by the aggregate
The aggregate must be complete dry. Place the aggregate within the potlife.

1. Layer Additional aggregate 2. Layer

broadcast in 1. Layer

Additional aggregate 3. Layer Additional aggregate

broadcast in 2. Layer broadcast in 3. Layer

Keep the surfaces absolutely clean (free from dust, water etc.) until the next layer of
grout is applied.
The last lift/layer must be kept to a maximum thickness of 50 mm.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

The Placing of large volumes:

The flow of the material should never stop and the hydrostatic pressure should always
be maintained. If the grouting area is too large for this in a single operation, the
following procedure could be a solution:


• Divide the area and make several lanes (e.g. approx 1m width) using wooden
slats with foam block (open celled) or a sealant tape (with enough thickness)
on the top and bottom of the slats (so they can be removed after grouting)
• Apply release agent on the wooden slats to remove the slats afterwards easily.
After the removing of the slats be aware, that no release agent is on the
shoulder of the epoxy grout before applying the second step.
• Divide the whole area into these sections as appropriate
• Fill the only the ‘odd’ and not the ‘even’ sections numbers first
• The ‘even’ numbers (the next sections between) can be grouted as soon as the
grout in the ‘odd’ sections has cured and the slats have been removed. (See
the diagrams on the next page also)

Epoxy Grout


Example of grouting in several alternate sections

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

The Procedure for Grouting in several lanes:

Plan view step 1 (below)


Plan view step 2 (above)

Cross section step 1 + 2 above

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

4.2 Additional works

Control Joints:
Control joints (expansion joints) can be installed using ¾ inch thick closed cell
polystyrene/Styrofoam. The control joint should extend from the inside of the form to a
short distance past the inside of the base frame.
It is not necessary for the control joint to extend across the entire base. Placing of the
expansion joints should be located at the cross members of the base.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

5. Inspection, Sampling, Quality Control

Quality Control:

For optimal quality control

grout some test specimens
using the same material as

used for the grouting work.

Test afterwards e.g. measure

the compressive strength, or
store these as retained
samples for any future
evaluation or requirements.

Retained samples according to
ASTM C 579 as shown in the
Specimen size: 2 inch or 5cm

Check from every side of the

grouted bearing plate (with a
large nail or similar tool), that
the grout level is full below the
plate and not just at the
shoulder before stopping the
grouting flow and procedure.
(See sketch below)

ü û
Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007


After a certain minutes after

the placing of the grout:

When there are a few air

bubbles on the surface air
entrainment, break the bubbles
with a fine brush (within the

open time, before final curing

of the material).
Note: Avoiding air entrainment
and allowing entrapped air to
escape is very important to
prevent any bubbles forming
and reducing the bond strength
under the base plate


On completion of the grouting operation, all of the exposed and unexposed areas of
grout should be protected from direct sunlight and heat gain by providing shade over
the whole area.

Also protect the grouted area from rain, dust etc.


If the formwork was well prepared with release agent as recommended earlier, it
should now be easy to remove.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Removal of cured / hardened material

Rotary abrasion with a variety of sanding and grinding discs is the most common
removal method. The more aggressive the method, the faster the removal rate will be
and the rougher the final surface achieved. Abrading is slow and generates a great
deal of dust unless a vacuum device is attached to the grinder - these attachments are
readily available now and are efficient enough to allow grinding where necessary, even
in the food processing and other clean environments. Incidentally, coarse abrasive
discs seem to generate less dust than finer discs, which actually tend to polish the


Flexible scrapers such as those used in mechanical chisels / chipping hammers also
can be used to remove the excess epoxy. They always work well, but they work best
on smooth floor and wall surfaces.

Another method is by heating the epoxy grout followed by scraping. On larger areas
this works well using two operatives, one slightly ahead warming the epoxy, the other
slicing the material from the surface with a clean sharp tool. Use a weed burning hot
air gun or similar. The initial efforts may be clumsy until the heating and scraping are
synchronized, but you can expect high production eventually, with a good finished
appearance if the underlying concrete is smooth.

If using large hot air burners or grinding with some dust is not acceptable, consider
using a small electric hot air gun such as a membrane hot air welding tool (Leister).
Production is slower, but disruption and odor are negligible.

No matter which procedure is used or what the operatives skill level is, the concrete
surface will probably be damaged in some way after removing the epoxy. Do not agree
to grouting specifications that prohibit any damage or blemishes on the surface.

Generally it is advisable to perform a trial first.

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

6. Equipment – Tools

Mixing Paddles:

twisted bar Collomix Type WK


Collomix CK Duo Collomix CK Collomix XM

(with exchangeable Mixers)
For more information:
The appropriate mixer should be selected according to the quantity of epoxy grout and
the filler content used.
For the higher filled epoxy grouts (such as Sikadur®-42 LE) and larger quantities
mixing equipment with more power is obviously necessary.

Vacuum Cleaner

Industrial Vaccum Cleaner

For more information:

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

Typical hand scabbling/chisels for substrate preparation:



For more information:


HM1242C HM1211B HM1100C

For more information:


PCE 3 Q Kango 900 Kango 500 S

For more information:

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /
N°: 850 42 01
Author: Marco Poltéra
Date: 11/2007

7. Disclaimer and address of Sika Company

This Method Statement is provided by Sika as a ‘standard proposal’ for the application
of Sikadur®-42 epoxy grout systems. Please also refer to the specific
recommendations in the relevant Product data sheet for each material (Sikadur®-42
HE, Sikadur®-42 LE, Sikadur®-42 MP and Sikadur®-42 PT)
It always remains the responsibility of the structural engineer to confirm the product

suitability and the correct method for any given application.

Where alternative methods or criteria to those outlined here are to be used, these
must first be submitted to Sika Technical Services for prior approval and agreement in
writing, before the commencement of any works. Sika can not accept responsibility or
liability due to any other variations or conditions.

For your local Sika contact details visit:

Sika Services AG / Speckstrasse 22 / CH-8330 Pfaeffikon / Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 403 13 73 / Fax: +41 44 403 13 77
E-Mail: /

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