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What It Means To Be Lasallian


St. John Baptist De La Salle

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The miracle of God’s providence takes place everyday - part of the founder’s address to
the first teachers about Providence, as quoted in Blain

St. John Baptist De La Salle

- Born - April 30, 1651

- Died - April 7, 1719
- Birthplace - Rheims, France
- Beatified - February 19,1888
- Canonized - May 24, 1900
- Proclaimed Patron Saint of Teachers of Children and Youth - May 15, 1950
- Feast Day - April 7, 1719 (This date was transferred by Pope Paul VI)
- Parents - Nicolle Moet de Brouillet (Mother) & Louis de La Salle (Father)
- Grandparents - Lancelot de La Salle, Grandma De La Salle), Barbara
Coquebert, Jean Moet de Brouillet
- Siblings - Marie (1654) , Rose Marie (1656), Jacques Joseph (1659), Jean Louis
(1664), Pierre (1666), Jean Remy (1670)
- Nephews and Nieces - Jean Maillefer, Francoise Henriette Bachelier, Madeleine
Bertin du Rochert


- French Priest
- Educational reformer
- Eldest child of 5 brothers and 2 sisters
- Noble and wealthy family in France
- Patron Saint of All Christian Teachers
- Founder of La Salle Schools and FSC (Fratres Scholarum Christianarum) or
Brothers of the Christian Schools
- Father of Modern Pedagogy


- When De La Salle was 20 years old, his mother died.

- His father died 1 year later.
- Became legal guardian of his 6 brothers and sisters.


- Ordained as subdeacon in 1672.

- Deacon in 1676.
- Priest on April 9 1678.
- Received licentiate in Theology in 1676.
- Doctorate in Theology in 1680.

Risk Taker

- Devoted his talents to open schools for the poor children.

- Abandoned his family, canonry, and wealth.
- Established a community of Brothers.

Significant Dates

1. April 30, 1651 - He was born in Rheims, France.

2. March 11, 1662 - He received the tonsure at the age of 11. Tonsure is the
practice of cutting or shaving some or all of the hair on the scalp as a sign of
religious devotion or humility.

3. Jan 7, 1667 - Installed as Canon of Rheims Cathedral whose predecessor was

his cousin Pierre Dozet at age 16

4. July 10, 1669 - He took the degree of Master of Arts at College Des Bons
Enfants (Summa Cum Laude). He began studying at the University of Rheims
and later transferred to the more prestigious University of Paris.
5. October 18, 1670 - He was sent to Paris to enter the Seminary of Saint Sulpice at
age nineteen

6. July 19, 1671 - The death of Nicolle Moet de Brouillet (Mother).

7. April 9, 1672 - The death of Louis de La Salle (Father).

8. April 9, 1672 - He left the seminary, he was 21 yrs old and he took the
responsibility to educate his 4 brothers and 2 sisters (2 Priests, 1 Nun, 1 Monk).

9. March 21, 1676 - He became a Deacon.

10. April 9, 1678 - He was ordained priest at the age of 26 after 2 yrs. He received a
Doctorate In Theology.

- The death of Fr. Nicolas Roland, he was the founder of the Sisters of the Child
- De La Salle took over his place as chaplain and confessor of the sisters.

11. March 15, 1679 - He met fellow maverick, Adrian Nyel at the door of the convent
of the Sister of the Child Jesus whom he helped and served as their chaplain and
confessor. He agreed to work with Adrien Nyel in establishing a school for the
poor. Adrian Nyel became involved with teachers, students, school and
conditions of poverty.

12. 1681 - He brought the teachers to his home to live with him.

13. 1682 - Near the end of this year, De La Salle became convinced God wanted
him to devote all his energy to the schools. He attempted to resign his canonry
met with a fierce position.

14. 1683 - He resigned his canonry and its stable outcome. Against custom, chose a
poor priest named Faubert to inherit the canonry over his brother Jean Louis.

15. January / February 1684 - During the harshest winter in a decade and in the
midst of famine. De La Salle liquidated his inheritance and sold most of his
possessions. He used the money to buy food which he distributed to orphans /
poor girls & boys, impoverished gentility, and destitute.

16. 1685 - De La Salle founded the first normal school whose purpose is to train
teachers in Rheims, France.
17. November 21, 1691 - He made the Heroic Vows together with Gabriel Drolin and
Nicolas Vuyart.

18. April 7, 1719 - At age 67; He died in Saint Yon, Rouen.

19. Feb 19, 1888 - He was beatified at St. Peter’s Basilica by Pope Leo XIII.

20. May 24, 1900 - He was canonized at St. Peter’s Basilica by Pope Leo XIII.

21. May 15, 1950 - He was proclaimed Patron Saint of All Christian teachers by
Pope Pius XII.

Significant Places

- Rheims - Where he was born & became a Canon, moments of Encounter

leading to leap of faith.
- Paris - Where he enter the Saint Sulpice Seminary
- Parmenie - Where he fled during the crisis moment of the school
- Rouen - Where he breathe his last breath
- Rue Neuve - The Brother’s first home away from home / Cradle of the Institute
Significant Names

- Br. Henri / Henry L’hereuix - He was trained to become priest in preparation as

successor of De La Salle yet he died prior to his ordination.
- Br. Barthelemy - The First Superior General who took over the place of De La
- Fr. Nicolas Roland - A spiritual director of De La Salle who advised to go back
to the seminary.
- Sister Louise - The mystic woman who advised De La Salle to go back to the
- Abbey Clement - The minor whose parents accused De La Salle of corrupting
- Adrian Nyel - He met at the door of the convent of the Sisters of the Child Jesus
whom he helped and served as their chaplain and confessor.
- Vaugirard - Novitiate.
- Bl. Nicolas Barré - The founder of the Congregation of the Holy Infant Jesus
who became De La Salle’s spiritual advisor after the death of Canon Roland.

- First School was at St. Maurice.

- His maternal grandmother told him stories about saints.
- Learned to recite the divine office from his maternal grandfather.

Causes of Poverty

- Insufficient Productivity
- Harsh Climate
- Epidemics
- Wars

Attitudes Towards the Poor

- Honorable Poor - Those who were victims of circumstance. Objects of the

“mysticism of poverty”.
- Abusive Poor - The “lazy poor” who lived off the generosity of others.
- Menacing Poor - Vagabonds, thieves, prostitutes. members of beggar
Poverty in the 17th Century

- Les Pauvres - The majority of the population was “poor” in the sense of living in
difficult economic circumstances. Many were “cyclically poor and unemployed”.
- Les Miserables - A smaller percentage were destitute and had no hope of
escaping their destitution. These were “statistically poor”.

Signs of the Times

- Human Distress - Poverty, ignorance, parental neglect, lack of employable

skills, criminality, violence, social marginalization, no access to relevant quality
- Spiritual Distress - Religious ignorance, alienation from God and the church,
vice and immorality, “spiritual death”.

Challenges in the 17th Century

- Routine Cruelty Towards Children - A pedagogy of “touching hearts” through

love, kindness and care.
- Abandonment of Children by Working Parents - Teachers acting in loco
parentis from morning till evening.
- Corruption Through Bad Companions and Peer Pressure - Accompaniment,
role modeling, character formation.

The Journey of the Founder and His Disciples

1. Becoming aware
2. Contemplating and reflecting on
3. Forming a brotherhood
4. Transforming the situation together
5. Opening themselves to the power of the Holy Spirit

Last Words

“Yes, I adore all things the guidance / will of God in my regard”

Additional Information

- St. La Salle learned from the Saints to live a life of Heroic Love from God.
- At the age of seven he decided he wanted to become a priest destined for
- Named Canon of Reims at the age of 16.
- Entered the Seminary of St. Sulpice Seminary, Paris at the age of 19.
- Studied in Sorbonne University.
- Brothers of Christian School is the institute De La Salle founded to provide for
- Latin Language was used as a medium of instruction during the time of de La
- Following innovations introduced by de La Salle : Use of French medium on
instruction, the use of simultaneous teaching, giving other courses especially
catechism (Except Adult Education).
- Br. Gabriel Drollin and Br. Nicholas Vuyart were the two trusted brothers who
made the Heroic vow to God to keep the society even if they are forced to beg for
alms and survive on bread alone.
- Faith, Service, Communion are the Lasallian core values.
- ”Live Jesus in our hearts… Forever” is the Lasallian greetings.
- De La Salle encountered God in the face of the poor, embraced the challenge
and made the leap of faith by leaving his comfort zone to give all of his life to

Five core Lasallian Principles

1. Faith in the Presence of God

2. Concern for the Poor and Social Justice
3. Respect for All Persons
4. Quality Education
5. Inclusive Community

Lessons from De La Salle

1. Born a billionaire, but lived simply so he can help others simply live.
2. As Lasallians, let us learn to be men and women for others.
3. Set your ideals high, choose your role models correctly.
4. When troubles come, rise up to the challenge. Prioritize not agonize.
5. When troubles come, rise up to the challenge. We shine under pressure.
6. When opportunity knocks, say YES to be of service to God and His people.
7. When you are doing good, believe that God will provide. And since God provides,
do not put it to waste.

Review - St. La Salle Parménie and Rouen

- Rue Neuve - The brothers first home away from home.

- Cradle of the Institute.
- The first house of the brothers after they left the house of De La Salle.
- June 21, 1682 - De La Salle rented a building for himself and the brothers.
- It was here that De La Salle, first began to call themselves “Brothers”
- Community life became formalized.
- Most of the original men left but new candidates appeared, inspired by De La
Salle’s examples and leadership.

1. De La Salle - A Risk Taker

- Opportunity at the door.

- Met Adrian Nyel who invited De la Salle to establish schools for poor boys.
- Became involved with teachers, students, schools and condition of poverty

- In January - February 1684, during the harshest winter and in the midst of
famine. De La Salle liquidated his inheritance and sold most of his
possessions. And used the money to buy food which he distributed to the
Orphans poor girls and boys impoverished gentility destitute.

2. De La Salle - Decision Maker

- Formed a community who offered free education for all.

- Children, Delinquents, and Working young men.
- 1686 - De La Salle named their group" Brothers of the Christian Schools"
(Fratres Scholarum Christianarum ) in French.
- Took vows of Association and Obedience.
- At present the vows are: Poverty, Chastity, Obedience, Association and Stability.
- He chose distinctive robes to symbolize their identity.

Paris - De La Salle As Decision Maker

- Growth of community and schools in Paris.

- De la Salle's innovations to education.
- The use of vernacular from Latin to French.
- The use of simultaneous methods in teaching.
- Introduced innovative technical courses other than reading and writing.
- Catechesis - Christian Education
Heroic Vow - November 21.1691

- With Nicolas Vuvart and Gabriel Drylin.

- A sacred vow to God and one another to keep the society and the work even
if they were the last members left, forced to beg for alms and survive on bread

The Saint's Humbling Experience (Parmenie And Rouen)

- Experienced overwhelming defeat and was almost crushed by the challenge.

- Went into solitude at Parmenie in 1712 - 1714.
- In his retreat in parmenie he rested in God's plan and continued to trust God
even in the midst of an overwhelming defeat.
- Rouen - De La Salle accepted God’s will for him and continued to
surrender his life for the work of God even in his humble little way as a
retired member of the community.
- Met Sr. Louise who helped him in his discernment.
- Experienced serious attack of rheumatism.
- Period of self-effacement and doubt.

Legacy of st. john baptist de la salle

- Established a congregation of brothers offering Christian Education
- Lay-partners
- Students served
- Christian Education
- Core Values of: Faith, Service and Communion in Mission.

Final Days In Rouen

- For De La Salle, the great things that he was able to accomplish were not a
product of his own premeditated plans, instead those actions were
consciously chosen and done as a deliberate act of love for God.
- Inspired by this example from the founder, Lasallian today continues to pray,
"I will continue O my God to do all my actions for the love of you."
LESSON 3 : FIRST PRAYER: The Spirit of Faith

“Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God”

Value/Characteristics: Intimacy “I am the vine and you are the branches (John 15:5-8)

Jesus says, Make your home in Me. You will bear much fruit. My joy will be in you and your joy will
be complete.”

“Home is the dwelling place of love”

Prayer consists first in allowing God to love us as we are. Without this prior openness to God’s
tenderness, prayer becomes just another tiresome obligation.

The presence of God is ….

… a loving presence.
… a healing presence.
… a forgiving presence.
… a challenging presence.
… a saving presence.
… an empowering presence.
LESSON 4 : SECOND PRAYER: Zeal for Service

"I will continue, O My God, to do all my actions for the love of You."

Values/Characteristics: FRUITFULNESS

Productive = fruitful Productive = Quantitative Measurement


“It is the glory of my Father that you bear much fruit.” Jn 15:8

I know I am being fruitful when my life enriches someone else; when through my presence, words
and actions – others are free to be themselves and to love God and others.

- God touches our lives with His love and fills us with His grace so that you may lead others to

- We mediate the grace of God in our WORDS, ACTIONS and RELATIONSHIPS

- When we surrender ourselves to the God of love, our work bears FRUIT.

- In order to be fruitful, we need to undergo pruning. We need to let go of what keeps from living
where God is.

- the more FRUITFUL we are, the more we REALIZE that fruitfulness is God’s unmerited gift and
that we cannot claim our successes as being entirely our own. When we UNITE OUR WORK to
GOD’S WORK in the world, miracles can happen.
LESSON 5 : THIRD PRAYER: Communion in Mission

Value/Characteristics: Joy
“May Joy be in you and your joy will be complete. “

- Jesus invites us to share in His joy which is the JOY OF THE FATHER!
- God’s greatest Joy is the SALVATION of His children.
- To share in Christ JOY, we need to be TRANSFORMED IN CHRIST!
- TRUE JOY is knowing that Jesus Christ LIVES in and Loves ME.
- “It is no longer I who live, but Christ in ME.

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