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Course Title APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS Course Type Regular

Course Code A5313 Credits 03 Class III Year I Semester

Contact Work Total Number of
TLP Credits Assessment in
Hours Load Classes
Theory 3 3 3 Per Semester
Structure Tutorial 1 1 1 Theory Practical CIE SEE

Total 4 4 4 42 0 30% 70%

Course Lead: Dr. Mukul Shrivastava

Course Theory Practice
A. Dr. Mukul Shrivastava
B. Mr. E. Manoj Kumar


This course is based on the fundamental concepts and analysis techniques of

thermodynamics course learnt in third semester. This course presents the thermodynamic
analysis of the Rankine cycle and the methods to improve its performance. It develops
theoretical knowledge related to steam nozzles and steam turbines. It also gives an
understanding of vapour compression refrigeration system and thus a very important
course for mechanical engineers.


The main objective of this course is to introduce the basic theoretical knowledge on Steam
and Refrigeration cycles and its application to problems of practical relevance.

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After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

CO# Course Outcomes POs PSOs

Understand the components and processes of Rankine cycle and
A53131 1,2 -
Vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
Solve numerical problems on Rankine cycle, Refrigeration cycle, 1, 2
A53132 -
Steam nozzles, and Turbines.
Analyze Steam and Refrigeration cycles and components by 1, 2, 3
A53133 -
applying thermodynamic concepts.
Compare and suggest modification in the Rankine cycle and its 1, 2, 3
A53134 -
components to improve performance.
Evaluate the specifications of the Rankine cycle, steam nozzles 1, 2, 3
and turbines.


Bloom’s Level
CO# Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
(L1) (L2) (L3) (L4) (L5) (L6)
A53131 ✔
A53132 ✔
A53133 ✔
A53134 ✔
A53135 ✔


















A53132 3 3 1
A53133 2 3 1

A53134 1 3 1
A53135 2 2 1

Note: 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High

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S Duration Total
Component Wise Weightage Marks
No in Hours Marks
1 Theory: Test-1 1.5 40
2 Internal Theory: Test-2 1.5 40
100 0.3 30
(CIE) Alternate
3 - 20
Assessment *

5 Semester End Exam (SEE) 3 100 100 0.7 70

Total Marks 100

* Assignment, Quiz, Class test, SWAYAM/NPTEL/MOOCs and etc.


STEAM POWER CYCLE: Rankine cycle - Schematic layout, Comparison between Rankine Cycle
and Carnot cycle. Thermodynamic Analysis, Concept of Mean Temperature of Heat addition,
Methods to improve cycle performance, Regeneration and reheating.
STEAM NOZZLES: Function of nozzle, applications, types, Flow through nozzles, velocity of
nozzle at Exit-Ideal and actual expansion in nozzle, velocity coefficient, and condition for
maximum discharge, criteria to decide nozzle shape.
IMPULSE TURBINES: Classification, Impulse turbine; Mechanical details, Velocity diagram, effect
of friction, power developed, axial thrust, blade or diagram efficiency, condition for maximum
efficiency. De-Laval Turbine - its features. Methods to reduce rotor Speed-Velocity compounding
and pressure compounding, Velocity and Pressure variation along the flow, combined velocity
diagram for a velocity compounded impulse turbine.
REACTION TURBINES: Mechanical details, principle of operation, thermodynamic analysis of a
stage, degree of reaction, velocity diagram, Parson’s reaction turbine, condition for maximum
REFRIGERATION: Units of refrigeration, Types of Refrigeration, Vapour compression
refrigeration system; description, analysis, refrigerating effect. Capacity, power requirement,
COP, Refrigerants and their desirable properties, alternative Refrigerants.

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Text Book:

1. R. K. Rajput (2015), Thermal Engineering, 10th edition, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi,
2. S Domkundwar, C P Kothandaraman, Domkundwar (2009), A course in Thermal Engineering,
6th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publication, New Delhi India.

Reference Books:

1. Ballaney, (2015) Thermal Engineering, 25th Edition Khanna Publishers, Delhi.

2. R. Yadav, (2012) Thermodynamics and Heat Engines, 6th Edition, Central Publishing
House, Allahabad.

1. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications – Journal – ASME

2. Applied Thermal Engineering – Journal – ELSEVIER


1. Course Name: Steam Power Engineering
2. Course Name: Refrigeration and air-conditioning

Self-Learning Exercises:

a) List out the major thermal power plants of our country and note their capacities in MW.
b) Obtain and compare the operating parameters of the thermal power plants in your state.
c) Visit a nearer thermal power plant and identify various components of the plant.
d) List out the applications of Refrigeration in industries/commercial outlets nearer to you.
e) Visit an industry that use refrigeration and note down the type and its processes.
f) Perform experiments on vapour compression refrigeration with alternative refrigerants.

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Lecture # Topics to be Covered
1. Introduction to Rankine Cycle
2. Efficiency of Rankine Cycle
3. Comparison of Rankine Cycle and Carnot Cycle
4. Effect of operating conditions on Rankine Cycle Efficiency
5. Analysis of Rankine Cycle
6. Methods of increasing efficiency of Rankine Cycle
7. Introduction to Regenerative Cycle
8. Analysis of Regenerative cycle
9. Introduction to Reheat Cycle
10. Analysis of Reheat cycle
11. Introduction to Steam Nozzles
12. Types and Applications of Steam Nozzles
13. Flow of Steam through Nozzle
14. Effect of Friction in a Nozzle
15. Efficiency of Nozzle
16. Velocity Coefficient
17. Velocity of Steam
18. Conditions for Maximum Discharge
19. Criteria to decide Nozzle Shape
20. Introduction and Classification of Steam Turbines
21. Description of Impulse Turbine, Mechanical Details
22. Methods to reduce Rotor Speed, Velocity Compounding
23. Pressure Compounding
24. Velocity Diagram for Moving Blade
25. Work done on the blade, Power Developed
26. Blade or Diagram Efficiency; Axial Force on the Wheel
27. Condition for Maximum Efficiency
28. Combined Velocity Diagram for a Velocity Compounded Impulse Turbine
29. Description of Reaction Turbine, Mechanical Details
30. Velocity Diagram of reaction turbine
31. Thermodynamic Analysis of a Stage; Degree of Reaction
32. Parson’s reaction turbine
33. Efficiency of Reaction Turbine
34. Condition for Maximum Efficiency
35. Introduction to Refrigeration
36. Description of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
37. Refrigeration Effect, COP, Units of Refrigeration,
38. Analysis of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
39. Desirable Properties of Refrigerants
40. Types of Refrigerants; Alternative Refrigerants
41. Description of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
42. Analysis of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System

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No. A] Questions on Steam Power Cycle (1-10)

1. Draw the layout, P-V & T-S diagrams of the Rankine cycle and explain its working in detail.

2. Define the Rankine cycle efficiency. What are the advantages of regenerative cycle?

3. Explain the concept of mean temperature of heat addition.

4. Why is the performance of steam power plant increases by reheating Rankine cycle?
5. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of reheating Rankine cycle.
6. List out the effect of operating conditions on Rankine cycle efficiency.
7. Draw the P-V and T-S diagrams of reheat cycle representing all the salient points.
8. State the methods of increasing the thermal efficiency of Rankine cycle.
9. How are the maximum temperature and maximum pressure in the Rankine cycle fixed?
Obtain the efficiency of the Rankine cycle with (a) Reheating (b) Regeneration
(c) Combined reheat and regeneration
In a steam turbine steam at 20 bar, 360° C is expanded to 0.08 bar. It then enters a
condenser, where it is condensed to saturated liquid water. The pump feeds back the
water into the boiler. Assume ideal processes; find the net work and the cycle efficiency
per kg of steam.
A steam power plant works between 40 bar and 0.05 bar. If the steam supplied is dry and
12. saturated and the cycle operation is Rankine, calculate i) Cycle efficiency ii) Specific steam
In a reheat Rankine cycle steam is supplied to a turbine at 6 MN/m 2 and a temperature of
450o C. It is expanded in the first stage to a pressure of 1 MN/m2. The steam is then passed
back to the boiler in which it is reheated at 1 MN/m2 to 3700C. It is then passed to the
turbine to be expanded in the second stage down to a pressure of 0.2 MN/m 2. The steam is
again reheated to 3200C at this pressure. It is sent to turbine for the last stage expansion to
13. a condenser pressure of 0.02 MN/m 2. Using enthalpy-entropy chart for stream, determine
the following:
a) The total theoretical power produced /kg of steam
b) The thermal efficiency of the cycle, considering pump work
c) The thermal efficiency of the cycle assuming single stage expansion with no reheat and
considering pump work.
Steam at a pressure of 15 bar and 250 0C is expanded through a turbine at first to a
pressure of 4 bar then it is reheated at constant pressure to initial temperature of 250 0C
and is finally expanded to 0.1 bar. Using Mollier chat estimate the work done per kg of
steam flowing through the turbine and amount of heat supplied during the process of
reheating. Analyze work output where expansion is direct from 15 bar to 0.1 bar without
any reheat. Assume all expansion process to be isentropic.
A steam power plant operates on a theoretical reheat cycle. Steam at boiler at 150 bar, 550
°C expands through the high pressure turbine. It is reheated at a constant pressure of 40
15. bar to 550 °C and expands through the low pressure turbine to a condenser at 0.1 bar.
Draw T-s and h-s diagrams. Find : (i) Quality of steam at turbine exhaust; (ii) Cycle
efficiency; (iii) Steam rate in kg/kW

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A power generating plant uses steam as a working fluid and operates at a boiler pressure
of 50 bar, if the steam is superheated to 500 °C before supplying, to turbine calculate for
Rankine cycle, a) the cycle efficiency and b) the specific steam consumption. Neglect the
feed pump work.
A steam turbine operating on the Rankin cycle receives steam from the boiler at 3.5
MN/m2 and 350 0C and exhaust to the condenser at 10 kN/m2. The condensate is then
returned to the boiler by the feed pump. Determine the following considering pump work
17. also.
i. the energy supplied in the steam generator
ii. the dryness fraction of the steam entering the condenser,
iii. The Rankine cycle efficiency
A turbine is supplied with steam at a pressure of 32 bar and a temperature of 410 0C. The
steam then expands isentropic ally to a pressure of 0.08 bar. Find the dryness fraction at
18. the end of expansion and thermal efficiency of the cycle. If the steam is reheated at 5.5 bar
to a temp. of 400 0C and then expanded isentropic ally to a pressure of 0.08 bar, what will
be the dryness fraction and thermal efficiency of the cycle.
A steam power plant operates between a boiler saturation temperature of 180 oC and
19. condenser temperature of 45 oC. Dry saturated steam enters the turbine. Draw the T-s
diagram, calculate the Rankine cycle efficiency and specific steam consumption.
Consider a coal-fired steam power plant that produces 300 MW of electric power. The
power plant operates on a simple ideal Rankine cycle with turbine inlet conditions of 5
MPa and 450 oC and a condenser pressure of 25 kPa. The coal used has a heating value of
20. 29300 kJ/kg. Assuming that 75% of this energy is transferred to the steam in the boiler
and that the electric generator has an efficiency of 96%, determine:
a) The overall plant efficiency (the ratio of net electric power output to the energy input as
fuel) b) The required rate of coal supply.
B] Questions on Steam Nozzles (11-19)
Define steam nozzle. Explain the different types of nozzle. Derive the equation of exit
velocity of steam nozzle.
22. Draw the types of different nozzles used for thermal applications and name them?
23. Define nozzle efficiency with h-s diagram.
24. What is meant by critical pressure ratio of nozzle?
25. Derive an equation of exit velocity of steam when it flows through a convergent nozzle.
26. Derive the equation for condition of maximum discharge through a steam nozzle.
Define nozzle efficiency. Explain the effect of friction in nozzle and physical significance of
critical pressure ration in steam nozzle.
28. Explain the criteria to decide the shape of the nozzles.
Show that the maximum discharge of steam per unit area through a nozzle takes place
29. when the ratio of steam pressure at the throat to the inlet pressure is {2 / (n+1)} n/n-1
Where n is the index of adiabatic expression.
Define critical pressure ratio for steam nozzle of the steam turbine. Obtain analytically its
value in terms of the index of expansion.
Explain the supersaturated flow of steam through a nozzle and the significance of Wilson’s
line. State the effects of super saturation in a steam nozzle.
Steam at a pressure of 10 bar and 0.9 dry discharges through a nozzle having throat area
of 450 mm2. If the back pressure is 1 bar. Calculate

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i) final velocity of steam
ii)cross-sectional area of the nozzle at exit for maximum discharge
33. List the functions and applications of steam nozzle?
In a steam nozzle, the steam expands from 4 bar to 1 bar. The initial velocity is 60 m/s and
initial temperature is 200 0C. Estimate the exit velocity, if the nozzle efficiency is 92%.
Dry saturated steam enters a frictionless adiabatic nozzle with negligible velocity at a
35. temperature of 300 0C. It is expanded to a pressure of 5000 kPa. The mass flow rate is
1kg/s. Calculate the exit velocity of steam.
Steam enters a group of nozzles of a steam turbine at 12 bar and 220 0C and leaves at 1.2
36. bar. The steam turbine develops 220 KW with a steam consumption of 13.5 Kg/KWhr if
the diameter of nozzle at throat is 7mm, calculate the number of nozzles.
Dry saturated steam enters a nozzle at a pressure of 10 bar and with an initial velocity of
90 m/s. the outlet pressure is 6 bar and the out let velocity is 435 m/s the heat loss from
the nozzle is 9 kJ/kg of steam flow. Calculate the dryness fraction and the area at the exit, if
the area at the inlet is 1256 mm2.
Steam with absolute velocity of 300 m/s is supplied through a nozzle to a simple impulse
turbine. The nozzle angle is 200. The mean diameter of the blade rotor is 1 m and it has a
speed of 2000 rpm. Find the suitable blade angle for zero axial thrust. If the blade velocity
coefficient is 0.9 and steam flow rate is 10 kg/s, calculate the power developed.
A convergent divergent nozzle at a pressure of 10 bar and a temperature of 300 °C. The
39. exit of nozzle is in a space where the pressure is 5.35 bar. Calculate the flow per m 2 of exit
area. When the fluid is superheated steam γ = 1.3, behaves gas throughout.
Dry saturated steam at a pressure of 11 bar enters a convergent divergent and leaves at a
pressure of 2 bar. If the flow is adiabatic and frictionless determine
40. a.) The exit velocity of the steam
b.) Ratio of cross section at exit and throat.
Assume the index of adiabatic expansion to be 1.13
C] Questions on Impulse Turbines (20-28)
Write the classification of steam turbine based on input energy supplied with examples?
Explain the principle of operation of steam turbine. Explain the velocity diagram of an
Impulse turbine.
43. Explain the principle, construction and working of an impulse turbine with a neat sketch.
Explain the pressure-velocity compounding of the turbine with neat sketch. Draw the
variation of velocity and pressure along the blades during compounding.
45. Show that maximum efficiency of impulse turbine is cos2α.
What do you mean by compounding of steam turbines? Discuss one method of
compounding of steam turbines with neat sketch.
Steam enters a De Laval steam turbine with an inlet velocity of 35 m/s and leaves with an
outlet velocity of 15 m/s. determine the work done by 1 kg of steam.
In an impulse turbine, the nozzle angle at the entrance is 25o. What will be the blade speed
ratio for maximum diagram efficiency?
49. Define diagram efficiency, stage efficiency and nozzle efficiency.
50. Derive the equation of condition for maximum efficiency of an Impulse turbine.
What is compounding of turbine? Explain the principle, construction and working of
Velocity compounding of an Impulse turbine with neat sketch.

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What is the need of compounding of turbine? Explain the principle, construction and
working of Pressure compounding of an Impulse turbine with neat sketch.
The steam leaves the nozzle of a single-stage impulse wheel turbine at 780 m/sec. The
53. nozzle angle is 18°, the blade angles are 25° at inlet and outlet, and friction factor is 0.8.
Determine the blade velocity and the relative velocity of steam at outlet in m/s.
The stage of an impulse turbine has a single row of wheel. The rotational speed and the
mean blade ring diameter are 3200 rpm and 70 cm respectively. The steam leaves the
54. nozzle at 250 m/s. The nozzle angle is 20° and the rotor blade is equiangular. Take values
of axial thrust on blades and friction factor as 120 N and 0.8 respectively. Determine the
mass flow rate of steam in kg/s.
A single stage impulse turbine with a diameter of 1.8 m runs at 4200 r.p.m. If the blade
speed ratio is 0.41, what will be the inlet velocity of steam?
In a De-level turbine steam issues from the nozzle with a velocity of 500 m/s. The nozzle
angle is 20o. The blade velocity is 100 m/s and exit angle of the blade is 250. Estimate the
inlet angle of moving blade, exit velocity of steam and its direction and work done per kg of
The data pertaining to impulse turbine is as follows. Steam velocity is 500 m/s, blade
speed is 200 m/s, exit angle of the moving blade is 25o, nozzle angle is 20o. Neglecting the
57. effect of the friction when passing through the blade passages, calculate (a) inlet angle of
moving blade (b) exit velocity (c) work done / kg of steam (d) axial thrust. Solve the
problem using combined velocity diagram of steam?
The steam leaves the nozzles at a single row impulse turbine at 900 m/s. The nozzle angle
is 20o and blade angle is 30o at inlet and outlet. Calculate the blade velocity and work done
per kg of steam. Assume flow over blade is frictionless. Solve the problem using combined
velocity diagram method.
A simple impulse turbine has one ring of moving blades running at 150 m/s. The absolute
velocity of steam at exit from the stage is 85 m/s at an angle 800 from the tangential
59. direction. Blade velocity co-efficient is 0.82 and the rate of steam flowing through the stage
is 2.5 kg/s. If the blades are equiangular, Estimate: i) Blade angles ii) Nozzle angle iii)
Absolute velocity of steam issuing from the nozzle.
A stage of an impulse turbine has two rows of moving blades separated by a row of fixed
guide blades. The moving blades have tip angles of 380 and the blade speed, nozzle and
fixed blade angles are designed on the assumption that the velocity of discharge from the
nozzle is 540 m/s. The relative velocity of steam drops by 10% during passage through
each ring of blades and the final discharge is axial. Determine the blade speed and the
blade efficiency.
D] Questions on Reaction Turbines (29-34)
Explain the principle, construction and working of reaction turbine. Explain the Degree of
Reaction with neat a sketch.
62. Distinguish between impulse turbine and reaction turbine.
State the different methods of compounding of steam turbine. Explain any one in detail
with neat sketch.
64. Draw the velocity triangle of a reaction turbine and show the notations.
65. What do you understand by the term ‘height of blades’ as applied to a reaction turbine?
66. Explain the different losses in steam turbine.
67. Derive the equation of condition of maximum efficiency of an reaction turbine.

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68. Show that maximum efficiency of reaction turbine is 2cos2α/(1+ cos2α).

Define the term degree of reaction as applied to a steam turbine. Show that for a Parson’s
turbine the degree of reaction is 50%.
The isentropic enthalpy drop in moving blades is one-third of the isentropic enthalpy drop
in fixed blades of a turbine. What will be the degree of reaction?
71. Explain the pass out turbine and back pressure turbine with neat sketch.
In a reaction turbine, the fixed and moving blades are of the same but reversed in
72. direction. The angles of the receiving tips are 38o and of the discharging tips 18o.
Determine the work done per pair per kg of steam kN-m/kg of steam.
A parson turbine is having blade outlet angle of 18o and the ring diameter of 1.30 m. The
73. axial velocity of flow of steam is 0.8 times the mean blade velocity. Take rotational speed
as 3500 rpm. Determine the maximum blade efficiency, % and the inlet angle of blades.
The following data refers to a particular type of parson’s reaction turbine. Speed of turbine
is 1500 rpm. Blade outlet angles of 50o and inlet angles of 300 C, blade diameter of 1 m. if
the turbine is supplied with steam rate of 20 kg/sec and stage efficiency is 80%. Determine
available isentropic drop in the stage and power output of the stage?
In one stage of reaction turbine ,both the fixed and moving blades have inlet and outlet
blade tip angles of 350 and 200 .The mean blade speed is 80 m/s and steam consumption is
30000 kg/hour. Determine power developed. If isentropic heat drop for a pair is 23.5 KJ
per kg also draw the velocity triangle and mention the angles.
The following data refers to a particular type of Parsons reaction turbine. Speed of turbine
is 1500 rpm. Blade outlet angle is 20o, mean diameter of rotor 1m, speed ratio is 0.7 and
stage efficiency is 80 %. Determine available isentropic drop in the stage.

In a reaction turbine the blade tips are inclined at 35 o and 20o in the direction of motion.
The guide blades are of same shape as the moving blades but reversed in direction. At a
certain place in the turbine, the drum diameter is 1m and the blades are 10 cm high. At this
place, the steam has a pressure of 1.75 bar and dryness 0.935. If the speed of the turbine is
250 rpm and steam passes through the blades without shock, find the mass of steam flow
and power developed in the ring of moving blades.
A 50% reaction turbine (with symmetrical velocity triangles) running at 400 RPM has the
exit angle of the blades as 20o and the velocity of the steam relative to the blades at the exit
is 1.35 times the mean blade speed. The steam flow rate is 8.33 kg/sec and at a particular
stage the specific volume is 1.381 m 3/kg. Calculate for this stage:
i) The suitable blade height, assuming the rotor mean diameter as 12 times the blade
height ii) The diagram work.
300 kg/min of steam at 2 bar, 0.98 dry flows through a given stage of a reaction turbine.
The exit angle of fixed blades as well as moving blades is 200 and 3.68 kW of power
developed. If the rotor speed is 360 rpm and tip leakage is 5%. Calculate the mean drum
diameter and blade height. The axial flow velocity is 0.8 times the blade velocity.
In a reaction turbine the fixed blades and moving blades are of the same shape but
reversed in direction the angles of the receiving tips are 35 o and of the discharging tips
80. 20o. Find the power developed per pair of blades for a steam consumption of 2.5 kg/s,
when the blade speed is 50 m/s. If the heat drop per pair is 10.04 kJ/kg. Find the efficiency
of the pair.
E] Questions on Refrigeration (35-42)
81. Define Refrigeration. State types of refrigeration systems.

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82. Explain units of refrigeration.

83. What is meant by COP of a refrigerator?
84. Derive the expression for COP of a refrigerator.
85. Explain standard vapour compression refrigeration cycle with T-S and P-H diagram.
Explain the working of Vapour compression refrigeration system with the help of a neat
87. Mention the advantages of vapour compression refrigeration system.
88. State the applications of Refrigeration.
89. Mention the limitations of Simple vapour compression refrigeration system.
90. What is Refrigerant? Name some important refrigerants.
91. State the desirable properties of refrigerants.
92. Explain how refrigerants are designated.
93. What are Alternative refrigerants? Give some examples.
94. Write a brief note on natural refrigerants.
95. What is the expansion devices used in refrigeration system? Mention their applications.
Carnot refrigeration cycle absorbs heat at 270 K and rejects heat at 300 K. (a) Calculate the
coefficient of performance of this refrigeration cycle. (b) If the cycle is absorbing 1130
kJ/min at 270 K, how many kJ of work is required per second. (c) If the Carnot heat pump
operates between the same temperatures as the above refrigeration cycle, what is the
coefficient of performance? (d) How many kJ/min will the heat pump deliver at 300 K if it
absorbs 1130 kJ/min at 270 K.
The capacity of a refrigerator is 200 TR when working between – 6 °C and 25 oC.
Determine the mass of ice produced per day from water at 25 °C. Also find the power
required to drive the unit. Assume that the cycle operates on reversed Carnot cycle and
latent heat of ice is 335 kJ/kg
500 kg of fruits are supplied to a cold storage at 20 oC. The cold storage is maintained at 5
°C and the fruits get cooled to the storage temperature in 10 hours. The latent heat of
freezing is 105 kJ/kg and specific heat of fruit is 1.256 kJ/kg K. Find the refrigeration
capacity of the plant.
A cold storage plant is required to store 20 tons of fish. The fish is supplied at a
temperature of 30°C. The specific heat of fish above freezing point is 2.93 kJ/kgK. The
specific heat offish below freezing point is 1.26 kJ/kgK. The fish is stored in cold storage
which is maintained at – 8 oC. The freezing point of fish is – 4 °C. The latent heat of fish is
235 kJ/kg. If the plant requires 75 kW to drive it, find
(a) The capacity of the plant, and
(b) Time taken to achieve cooling.
Assume actual C.O.P. of the plant as 0.3 of the Carnot C.O.P.
Find the capacity of vapor compression refrigeration system to be used for the bulk milk
cooler from the following data.
i. Capacity of the bulk cooler: 1000 liters
ii. Initial temperature of supply milk: 37 oC
iii. Temperature to which milk is to be cooled: 2 oC
iv. Time for cooling: 3.5 hour.

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