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Essay on My Garden� A Garden is the best place in the house according to me.

As it
is the only place where a person can get relief from a busy life. Moreover having a
garden in the house welcomes many health benefits. For instance, a garden has many
plants that give oxygen.
urthermore, the smell of the flowers can refresh a person�s mind in the morning.
However, in this era, people are not able to build a garden, because of the lack of
space. And also some think that it is a waste of space. So the gardens are no more
present in the house. On the other hand gardens in the houses are necessary. In
order to lead a peaceful life, a garden plays a major role.

My Garden
My garden contains different types of plants. For instance, it has different
flowers such as roses, sunflowers, Lilies, daisies. These flowers are the easiest
to grow and flourish the environment with their beautiful smells. Moreover, the
colors of these flowers make a garden look beautiful.

Further, my garden has different vegetables growing in them. For example vegetables
like tomato, carrots, sweet potato, cauliflower, bell pepper, etc. These are the
easiest to grow. Apart from this, they have various health benefits. Furthermore,
this ensures that the vegetables are fresh and free from any chemicals.

The garden has grass all over the area. As a result, this makes it the best place
for any exercise. Furthermore, it has a soft ground where children can play
different sports.

This ensures that they do not get hurt even if they fall down while playing.
Further, my garden has a swing too which is my favorite. Because I can spend hours
swinging on it and do not get bored. Sometimes I spend my entire day in the garden
completing all my tasks there. But this is only possible whenever I have a holiday.
The Gardener
As he loves taking care of the garden. Moreover, he is the only person who has set
up the entire. My father is a nature lover. Therefore he takes out time from his
busy schedule and takes care of the garden. He always tries new things in the
garden. For instance last week he brought some new varieties of flowers. Some of
them were climbers, bulbs, and perennials.

As a result, my garden is now full of flowers and is the brightest of all. Apart
from my father, there is another person whom my father has appointed to take care
of the garden. Because he has to stay away from the house so the gardener comes at
that time. Furthermore, the work of grooming and cutting the plants is the duty of
the gardener.

Birds in My Garden
Every day in the morning I can hear the chirping of many birds. Birds like sparrow,
pigeon and Indian myna come to wake us up in the morning. Moreover, the peacock
also comes occasionally in the garden. At that time the whole family gathers
together to have a look at the beautiful feathers. In conclusion, the time spent in
my garden is the most beautiful garden in the entire day.

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