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RMIT International University Vietnam

BUSM 3311 – International Business


Subject Code:
BUSM-3311 / 4626

Subject Name: International Business

Location & Campus RMIT Vietnam , HCMC / Hanoi

BUSM3311 -4626 International Business

Class Group Number:

Student Name: Phan Thien Huy

Student Number: S3804599

Your Teacher: Ms Ngan Nguyen

Word Count:

International Business experience

What did I learn from the interview?

In the video, Mr Andrew H.F Tsang shared his real-life experience and advice to students about
managing an international business by sharing his experience in the past. Besides, Mr Andrew
recommended that before starting a business, young people should spend time (even a lot of time) on
self-reflection in order to understand the themself and understand the industry that they choose to
pursue to avoid making wrong decision.

Mr Andrew said every students are different, thus he cannot provide a specific advice. For him, spend
time for self-reflection is important to understand and make a right decision for yourself. It might took
many years to understand yourself and the industry you choose to pursue. Moreover, Mr Andrew gave
an advice for young students to talk openly with their professor or find the mentor who have experience
in the specific industry to gain more knowledge. Those people have experienced for doing that specific
job so they can provide an actual recommendation. Additionally, spend more time for experiencing by
take more jobs even though we are not gonna paid much but keep working as long as we are mature,
which means gain enough experience to make a right decision for yourself. During the time we work
for an organization, we could meet some good supervisor, make a good relationship with them and
learn from them.

How, this experience expands my understanding of doing international business?

Mr Andrew said that he has faced some particular difficulties of doing international business, such as
cultural differences, legal framework, and negotiation. Therefore, before opening a business in a certain
country, you need to learn and understand everything about that country. As Mr Andrew mentioned
that he took over the years to understand and learn “reading between the lines” in Vietnamese culture
to avoid some unsaid issues. Moreover,. At the begining stage of the business, you will definately face
short of labor and talent. Therefore, the second important thing to start an International business is you
need to get good people and keep them working for you for a long-term.

My opinion

In this meeting, by the experience of Mr Andrew, i can expands my knowledge and have a big picture
about doing international business. By that, we can foresee some particular difficulties in doing
international business. Moreover, i really agree with his idea about student should take more time for
self-reflection or to understand yourself, and make a right decision. This is the important that all people
should know to avoid risk, because i have seen many high ambitious young people start their business
without experience and a high expectaction, thus they have failed miserably. You can not do anything
without real experience. Knowledges from university are considered as a support tools to run a
business, but in real-life when working with variety of people there are so many things to handle.

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