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Skor A+ PHYSICS : HEAT (28 Ogos 2021)

1. Diagram 1 shows a cup of hot coffee with a metal spoon.

Diagram 1
(a) Complete the sentence below by ticking (/) in the correct box.
When the hot coffee and the metal spoon are in contact with each other,

heat energy is transferred only from the hot coffee to the metal spoon

heat energy is transferred from the hot coffee to the metal spoon and also
from the metal spoon to the hot coffee

[1 mark]

(b) Predict the temperature of the metal spoon after a short while

[1 mark]
(c) What is the net heat flow between the hot coffee and the metal spoon
when both objects reach the same temperature?
[1 mark]
(d) What is the physics concept involved in (c) ?
[1 mark]
2. Diagram shows a large pot with noodles being cooked in lots of hot water.

(a) (i) What is the meaning of heat?

[1 mark]
(ii) Why is the noodle being cooked in a large amount of hot water?
[2 marks]
(b) The hawker added 2 kg of water at 30˚C to 9 kg of hot water at 95˚C.
What is the final temperature when the water mixture achieves thermal

[2 marks]
(c) A hawker plans to buy a new slow cooker pot for cooking porridge. After
the porridge is cooked, the porridge will be kept warm for a long period.
Table 2.1 shows the characteristics of two types of inner pot for a slow
cooker with mass 2 kg.


Inner pot Outer pot Outer pot

Inner pot (ceramic) Inner pot (glass)

Power 180 W 70 W
Temperature change
of inner pot 60oC 60oC

Time for temperature

change 10 min 15 min

Table 2

(i) Calculate the specific heat capacity of the inner pot for each slow cooker.

[3 marks]

(ii) Based on the answer in 2 (c) (i), which inner pot is the most suitable?


[2 marks]

3. Diagram 3.1 shows a steamer as instrument to steam food.

Diagram 3.1

(a) (i) State the meaning of latent heat of vaporization


[1 mark]

(ii) By using the concept of latent heat, explain how the steaming
method can cook food faster as compared to boiling method.




[3 marks]

(b) 800 g of water at temperature of 30⁰ C is filled in the steamer pot for
steaming food. The power of the steamer is 1000 W. The food is steamed
for 15 minutes.
(i) Calculate total amount of heat supplied for the steaming process.

[2 marks]

(ii) Calculate the mass of water that change to steam during the period
of heating.
[ Specific latent heat of vaporisation of water = 2.26 × 106 J kg-1
Spesific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg-1 ⁰C-1]

[2 marks]

(c) State one assumption made in b(ii)

[1 mark]

4. Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show trapped gas being heated in an enclosed

Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

(a) State the SI unit for temperature.

[1 mark]
(b) Based on Diagrams 4.1 and 4.2,
(i) Compare the volume of the trapped gas.

[1 mark]
(ii) Compare the temperature of the trapped gas.

[1 mark]
(iii) Compare the pressure exerted on the piston.

[1 mark]
(c) State the relationship between volume and temperature of the gas.

[1 mark]
(d) Name the Law associated with the relationship above.

[1 mark]
(e) A gas of volume 35 m at temperature 40 ⁰C is heated at a fixed pressure.

Calculate the volume of the gas when its temperature reaches 70 ⁰C.

[2 marks]
Essay (explanation)

1. Diagram 9.3 shows how a fish can be cooked by using a steamer.

Explain the process..

Diagram 9.3
[4 marks]
Essay (Conceptualising)

2. Diagram 1.1 shows two beakers, A and B containing identical liquid but of
different masses. Diagram 1.2 shows the temperature of the liquid in beaker A
and beaker B after 10 minutes being heated by 240 V, 50 W of immersion heater

Observe Diagram 1.1, compare the mass of liquid in the beaker, and the rise of
the temperature of water, specific heat capacity of the liquid and the total heat
supplied. State the relationship between the mass of the liquid and the rise of
the temperature in the beaker.
[5 marks]

Essay B (Making Decision)

3. Table 9 shows four models of frying pan A ,B,C and D

Model of frying pan Characteristics

Table 9
Based on the information in Table 9, state the suitable characteristics of the frying
pan used for cooking.Give reason for the suitability of the characteristics.
Hence chooce the most suitable model of frying pan that will absorb the heat
[10 marks]
Essay C (Problem Solving)

4. Diagram shows a thermometer used to measure temperature of a liquid.

You are required to modify the thermometer so that it will be more effective and
sensitive based on the aspects such as:

(i) the type of liquid used in the thermometer

(ii) type of material used for the body of the thermometer
(iii) diameter of the capillary tube
(iv) the cross sectional shape of the thermometer’s body viewed from the top

[10 marks]

Diagram 9.4 shows the cross-section of a pressure cooker.

You are required to give some suggestions to design a pressure cooker which can
cook food in a shorter time, easy to handle and safe.
Using the knowledge on heat, pressure and the properties of materials explain
your suggestions.

[10 marks]


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