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Task 1: Marine Communications. Standard Phrases.

1.How do you read me? a.Read back

2.Say again b.Correction
3.Mistake c.Standing by VHF channel 2
4.Read Back d.The person will remain on the channel
waiting for information
5.Stand by VHF channel 2 e.Pass your message
6.Advise (you) change to / try VHF Channel 2 f.I read you three
7.Stand by g.The person says ‘understood’.
8.Message for you h.The person repeats.
9.Please acknowledge i.Changing to VHF channel 2


1. f
2. h
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. i
7. d
8. e
9. g

Task 2: Marine Communications. Vessel Traffic Service Message Markers.

Put a suitable message marker in the blank spaces in the messages below:

1. Stop immediately.
2. Route Alfa has been suspended.
3. Navigation closed in area Tarifa.
4. My cargo is Phosphate.
5. Please send a doctor immediately.
6. Wind is backing and increasing.
7. You are getting closer to the vessel North of you.
8. Do not enter the traffic line.
9. Advise you keep your present course.
10. I require two tugs.
11. I will reduce my speed.
12. What is the name of your vessel and call sign?


1. Instruction Stop immediately.

2. Information Route Alfa has been suspended.
3. Information Navigation closed in area Tarifa.
4. Answer My cargo is Phosphate.
5. Request Please send a doctor immediately.
6. Information Wind is backing and increasing.
7. Warning You are getting closer to the vessel North of you.
8. Instruction Do not enter the traffic line.
9. Advice. Advise you keep your present course.
10. Request. I require two tugs.
11. Intention. I will reduce my speed.
12. Question. What is the name of your vessel and call sign?


Activity 2: Arrange these SMCP sentences (Focus: Phrases for providing VTS services)

a. Object, position, Unknown, in, 36ºN.

b. In, vessel, vicinity, adrift, derelict, Unlit, at, 13.30 hours UTC, 12th. October, at, of
c. Vicinity, at, Hazardous, adrift, in, of, mine, Tarifa, at, 13.30 hours UTC, 12th. October.
d. Reef, in, reported, Uncharted, position, 37ºN.
e. Tarifa, area, Navigation, in, closed.


a. Unknown object in position 36ºN.

b. Unlit derelict vessel adrift in vicinity Gibraltar at 12th. of October at 13.30 hours UTC.

c. Hazardous mine adrift in vicinity Tarifa at 12th. of October at 1330 hours UTC.

d. Uncharted reef reported in position 37ºN.

e. Navigation closed in area Tarifa.

Activity 3: Match phrases to built up a SMCP sentence.

a.Current meters 1.3 Kilometres in N to position 37ºN.

b.Plataform 5 2.Removed
c.Buoy “Alfa” position 37ºS inoperative.
d.Buoy “Alfa”temporarily position 32ºN unlit.
e.Buoy “Alfa”moved 5.Moored in position 35ºN-Wide berth
f.Fog signal “Lina” 6.Reported in position 35ºS-wide berth









Activity 1: Fill in the gaps of the following sentences: (Focus: Traffic information, Route
information, Hydrographic information; Electronic navigational aids information;
Meteorological warnings; Meteorological information). (p. 12-14).

a. Gunnery ......... exercises in area ......... by 32ºN and 56ºN from 12th. of october at 13.50 h.
UTC to 12th. of october at 20.00 h. UTC. Wide berth requested.

b. Pipeline ......... by vessel 'Casey' along a ......... joining 35ºN68ºW from 12th. of october at 13.30
h. UTC to 13th. of october at 12.30 h - wide .........requested. ......... via VHF channel 6.

c. Oil ......... operations near MT 'Burgos' in position 35ºN45ºW- ......... berth requested.

d. Small ......... boats in area around Trafalgar. Navigate with .........

e. ......... operating in sea area around Trafalgar. ......... vessels are in .........

f. Route Alfa has been .........

g. Tidal ......... for Tarifa station: A tide of 12 metres below ......... is ......... in position 35ºN68ºW.

h. GPS Satellite 3 ......... from 12th. of october at 18.00 h. UTC to 15th. of october at 19.00 h.

i. Gale .......... Wind at 1230 h. UTC in area Gran Sol from ......... N and force Beaufort 5 ......... to

j. ......... storm warning at 12.30 h. UTC. ......... 'Sarah' with central ......... of 1200 millibars located
in ......... 35ºN48ºW. Present ......... N at 35 knots. Winds of 25 knots within ......... of 12 nautical
miles of .......... Seas over 12 metres. ......... information on VHF Channel 16 at 13.30 h. UTC.

k. Position of tropical ......... 'Andrew' 35ºN, path NW, speed of ...... 28 knots.


a. Gunnery ordnance exercises in area bounded by 32ºN and 56ºN from 12th. of October at
13.50 h. UTC to 12th. of october at 20.00 h. UTC. Wide berth requested.

b. Pipeline operations by vessel 'Casey' along a line joining 35ºN68ºW from 12th. of october at
13.30 h. UTC to 13th. of october at 12.30 h - wide berth requested. Contact via VHF channel 6.

c. Oil clearance operations near MT 'Burgos' in position 35ºN45ºW Wide berth requested.

d. Small fishing boats in area around Trafalgar. Navigate with caution.

e. Submarines operating in sea area around Trafalgar surface vessels are in attendance.

f. Route Alfa has been suspended.

g. Tidal prediction for Tarifa station: A tide of 12 metres below datum is expected in position

h. GPS Satellite 3 unusable from 12th. of october at 18.00 h. UTC to 15th. of october at 19.00 h.

i. Gale warning. Wind at 1230 h. UTC in area Gran Sol from direction N and force Beaufort 5
veering to NE.

j. Tropical storm warning at 12.30 h. UTC. Hurricane 'Sarah' with central pressure of 1200
millibars located in position 35ºN48ºW. Present movement N at 35 knots. Winds of 25 knots
within radius of 12 nautical miles of centre Seas over 12 meters. Further information on VHF
Channel 16 at 13.30 h.UTC.

k. Position of tropical storm 'Andrew' 35ºN, path NW, speed of advance 28 knots.

Focus on maritime terms 1

1.- Read the next and then fill in the gaps with the words given below:

Ballast, collided, hull, ocean, pump, decision, fuel, sank, ship, states, crew, full, harbor, port,
side, voyages

To keep its massive…………(1) in balance, the………..(2) of “Andrea Doria” had to pump seawater
into its……….(3) tanks as the fuel was burned up on trans-Atlantic……….(4).

Approaching the coast of the United ………..(5) on 25th . July 1956, the ship tanks were …….(6)of
his “dirty ballast”. Instead of having it pumped into barges in New York ……….(7) the crew
decided to ……..(8) the ballast out into the open …….(9) before they reached the ……..(10).

This turned out to be a fatal ……..(11).

The “Andrea Doria” ……..(12) with a smaller cruise ………(13) and began to take on water on her
starboard ………(14).

This made the ship list and because of the lack proper .……..(15), the ship capsized and …….(16).


To keep its massive hull (1) in balance, the crew (2) of “Andrea Doria” had to pump seawater
into its fuel (3) tanks as the fuel was burned up on trans-Atlantic voyages (4).

Approaching the coast of the United states (5) on 25th . July 1956, the ship tanks were full (6)of
his “dirty ballast”. Instead of having it pumped into barges in New York harbour (7) the crew
decided to pump (8) the ballast out into the open ocean (9) before they reached the port (10).

This turned out to be a fatal decision (11).

The “Andrea Doria” collided (12) with a smaller cruise ship (13) and began to take on water on
her starboard side (14).
This made the ship list and because of the lack proper ballast (15), the ship capsized and sank

1.Fill in gaps with the correct verb.

The captain ……………. the emergency services.

The crew ………………. fire fighting equipment.

One man fill into the sea but he ………………….

All hands ……………. on deck for a roll call.

The crew ……………. ship.

Air sea rescue ………………… the crew to safety.

No one died but the accident ………….. two hands.


The captain alerted the emergency services.

The crew deployed fire fighting equipment.

One man fill into the sea but he survived.

All hands mustered on deck for a roll call.

The crew abandoned ship.

Air sea rescue airlifted the crew to safety.

No one died but the accident injured two hands.


Activity 1. Answer these statements according to SMCP

a) Is shored based radar assistance available?

No, shored based radar assistance is not available.

b) Do you require navigational assistance to reach the port of Cadiz?

Yes, I required navigational assistance.

c) What is your position?

My position is 20ºN 008ºW.

d) How was your position obtained?

My position was obtained by radar.

e) What is your present course and speed?

My present course is 135º degrees, my speed is 15 knots.

f. What is the course to reach you?

The course to reach me is 075 degrees.

g. Is your radar in operation?

No, my radar is not in operation.

h) What range scale are you using?

I am using 3 miles range scale.

Activity 1: finish these statemens

a. My position is bearing….

b. You are in the centre……

c. You are not on the radar……

d. Your position is bouy number…..

e. Your position is distance……

f. Vessel on opposite course….

g. MV Casey to the N of you is…..

h. You will meet…..

i. Vessel to the N of you is….

j. Your track is parallel…..

k. My present heading is….

l. Advise you keep….

m. You are running into danger: shallow…


a. My position is bearing 012 degrees, distance 3 nautical miles from Malaga

b. You are in the centre of the fairway

c. You are not on the radar reference line

d. Your position is buoy number 3 distance 50 metres of the radar reference line

e. Your position is distance 34 metres from the intersection of radar reference line

f. Vessel on opposite course is passing to the N of you.

g. MV Casey to the N of you is in obstructing your movements.

h. You will meet crossing traffic in position 15ºN 003ºW

i. Vessel to the N of you is turning.

j. Your track is parallel with the reference line.

k. My present heading is 031 degrees.

l. Advise you keep your present course.

m. You are running into danger: shallow water N of you.

Activity 2: Fill in the gaps of these statements: (Clearance, forward planning: anchoring,

a. Traffic c……….. is required before entering berth number 5.

b. Procced to e……….. anchorage.

c. You have p………. to enter r…… in position 12.30 h. UTC.

d. Report at the next w……. p……. at 12.30 h. UTC.

e. The t……. is against you.

f. You must anchor until the p……… arrives.

g. Anchoring is p……...

h. Have your c…… on stand by for h…….. up anchor when the pilot embarks.


a. Traffic clearance is required before entering berth number 5.

b. Procced to emergency anchorage.

c. You have permission to enter route in position 12.30 h. UTC.

d. Report at the next way point at 12.30 h. UTC.

e. The tide is against you.

f. You must anchor until the pilot arrives.

g. Anchoring is prohibited.

h. Have your crew on stand by for heaving up anchor when the pilot embarks.

1. Find synonyms that can replace the word in bold type. The first one has been done for you.

a. I start the watch at 04.00. (hand over)

b. We are staying on course 270º. (maintaining)

c. At 13.10 h. I saw a ship. (sighted)

d. We pass the MV Madagascar Queen. (Overtake)

e. I change to a new course. (set to)

f. There is a danger and I warn the captain. (alert)

g. The captain studies the weather. (assesses)

h. I give the watch to the new OOW. (stand down)

i. I go off duty at 16.00 h. (out of service)

j. Steering on course which is the same as the last entry in the log.

k. I order the chief to slow the engines. (ease)

l. I give information to the coast guard. (provide)

m. The captain takes over from M. Shaham at 18.00 h. (relieves)

2. Underline the correct word to complete each sentence with the first one has been done for

1. The look-out sights / maintains / assumes the fairway beacon.

2. We overtake / ease / maintain a speed of ten knots.

3. Explain everything before you assume / hand over / assess.

4. Check everything before you relieve / assume / ease the helmsman.

5. You can now relieve / assume /ease the helm.

6. At the end of my watch I will assume / relieve / stand down.

7. The look-out alerts / assumes / stans down the OOW. To obstructions ahead.

8. We return to port to sight / Assess / set the damage.

9. Speak to the captain before you overtake / assume / ease that ship.

10. The officer sets / eases / maintains a new course to steer by.

11. Ease / Take over / alert the helm to amidships.



The aim of ……… is to improve the ……… and efficiency of navigation and to protect the
environment. The ……… of implementing a VTS are that it ……… identification and ………. of
vessels, ……… planning of vessel movements and ……… of ………. information andassistance. It
can also assist in ……… the risk of ……… and coordinating pollution ……….A VTS provides the
following services:
-……….. service (INS): It is provided by ……… information at fixed times and ……… or when ……..
necessary by the VTS or at the ……… of a vessel. It may include information on theposition,
identity or intentions of other ……….. vessels in the VTS area; ……….. or weather; the………. of
……….. or ………..; the status of ………… to navigation, or any other information that could ………..
a vessel’s safe ………..

-Traffic ……….. Service (TOS): It ……….. the ……….. management of traffic. It may ……….. arrival or
departure times, ……….. ……….. space, ………. traffic in one way zones or employ other measures
related to …………... of vessel movements.

-Navigation …………. Service (NAS): VTS can provide positioning or navigation assistance on
request. This may include ……….. and range to a ………… danger or ……….., a course to …………
good to a …………, advice on a course to …………, or assistance in determining a vessel’s position.
Message ……….. as per IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases will be likely used.


The aim of VTS is to improve the safety and efficiency of navigation and to protect the
environment. The benefits of implementing a VTS are that it allows identification and
monitoring of vessels, strategic planning of vessel movements and provision of navigational
information and assistance. It can also assist in reducing the risk of pollution and coordinating
pollution response A VTS provides the following services:

- information service (INS): It is provided by broadcasting information at fixed times and

intervals or when deemed necessary by the VTS or at the request of a vessel. It may include
information on the position, identity or intentions of other participating vessels in the VTS area;
visibility or weather; the availability of berths or anchorages; the status of aids to navigation,
or any other information that could impact a vessel’s safe transit.

-Traffic organization Service (TOS): It concerns the operational management of traffic. It may
allocate arrival or departure times, assing, anchorage, space, manage traffic in one way zones
or employ other measures related to preplanning of vessel movements.

-Navigation assistance Service (NAS): VTS can provide positioning or navigation assistance on
request. This may include bearing and range to a nearby danger or landmark, a course to make
good to a waypoint, advice on a course to steer, or assistance in determining a vessel’s position.
Message markers as per IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases will be likely used.
Reading task (ENTRO EN EXAMEN)

Match the associated VTS terms on the right with its corresponding definition on the right.

1. It is the surface picture of vessels and

their movements in a VTS area.
(a) Competent authority
2. It is the centre from which the VTS is
operated. Each sub-area of the VTS may
(b) a VTS area have its own sub-centre.

3. It is the authority made responsible, in

whole or in part, by the Government for
(c)a VTS operator safety, including environmental safety, and
efficiency of vessel traffic and the
protection of the environment.
(d) a VTS centre
4. It is the delineated, formally declared
service area of the VTS. A VTS area may be
(e) A VTS sailing plan subdivided in sub-areas or sectors.

5. It is a plan which is mutually agreed

between a VTS Authority and the
(f) A VTS authority boatmaster of a vessel concerning the
movement of the vessel in a VTS area.

6. It is a person, appropriately qualified by

(g) VTS traffic image
the competent authority, performing one or
more tasks contributing to the services of
the VTS.

7. It is the authority with responsibility for

the management, operation and
coordination of the VTS, interaction with
participating vessels and the safe and
effective provision of the service.








Activity 1: Fill in the gaps of the following statements: (Focus on Chapter 1: Fire, explosión;
chapter 2: flooding)

a. MV’ Casey on (after explosion)

b. No of explosion.
c. I am not under
d. I require foam
e. I require fire
f. Injured persons
g. I cannot flooding
h. I will send
i. MV ’Casey’ is in condition

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