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Environmental Science

Mark Chester Bundang


A. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. C

B. Matching type. Match the following items in A to the definitions provided in B

1. A
2. B
3. E
4. D
5. C

Mark Chester Bundang

ACTIVITY 2 Ecocentric

Value thePrinciples
Ecosystem which Consider Human is the
both living and non-living important thing in the
1. Everything
things is connected to everything else. universe
- All living things and non-living things are connected without one everything will

2. All forms of life are important.

- All forms of life were created for a purpose and each living organisms have
an essential is to live and survive, without one the earth and global ecosystem
is like living in a missing part.

3. Everything must go somewhere.

- All Everything ends up elsewhere. It doesn’t just disappear. For example, if you throw a piece
of candy wrapper away, it disappears from sight but does not cease to exist. It ends up

4. Ours is a finite earth.

- Earth’s resources can be classified as either renewable or non-renewable. Renewable
resources are those that can be easily replenished by natural cycles (water, air, plants, animals)
while non-renewable resources are those that cannot be replenished through natural cycles.

5. Nature knows best

- We humans have to understand nature and follow its rules, because if we want to ensure a continuous
and steady supply of resources, one must not go against natural processes.

6. Nature is beautiful, and we are stewards of God’s creation

- Among all creatures, humans are the only ones made in God’s image and have been given the right to
have dominion over all His creations. Being the most intelligent and gifted with reason, humans are
capable of manipulating creation to their own advantage.

7. Everything changes.
- The environment is constantly changing. Organisms also develop through time. However, with
our current technology, we have affected these natural changes that these changes now causes
problematic events to us.



Water, Tree Human being as with

Minerals, Animal Environment caretaking or nurturing
and Human. mission with respect to
rest of nature
Mark Chester Bundang
Chapter 2



-It consists of two major components, biotic or living components and non-biotic components.
Biotic components include plants, animals, decomposers. Non-living components include air,
water and land.

Questions to Answer:
1. What are the abiotic factors that influence plant life? Animal life?
- Soil
- Water
- Light
- Air
- Temperature
- Topography

2. What influence do humans have in succession?

--Primary Succession – is a progressive colonization of a previously unoccupied area. It occurs

on some bare, lifeless substrate such as rocks or open water where organisms gradually occupy
the area and change its nature.

--Secondary Succession – this occurs in areas that have been disturbed and that were originally
occupied by living organisms, human beings are initiating secondary succession. This may also
occur after a fire has burned off the area, or after eruption of a volcano.

3. What is the importance of the non-living components in the aquarium?

- Soil
- Water
- Oxygen
- Air
- Carbon dioxide

4. Is the aquarium balanced? what kind of relationship exist between plants and animals in the

-Yes, the aquarium is balanced because the plants and animals in the aquarium is comfortable to the
environment that they living.
Mark Chester Bundang

The Food Chain


(Primary/Secondary Consumer)


(Forth Consumer)
(Third Consumer)

Question to Answer
1. Define the following
a. Producer
-Producers are organisms that use photosynthesis to capture energy by using sunlight,
water, and carbon dioxide to create carbohydrates.

b. Consumer
-Consumers is a living creature that eats organisms from a different population and

c. Decomposer
-Decomposers are organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms.

1. Categorize the organisms by numbering the figures given according to their ecological roles:
a. Producers-----------------1
c. Primary Carnivores------2
d. Secondary Carnivores---3
e. Tertiary Carnivores/Herbivores---------------4

3. In which categories would humans be placed?

---Tertiary because we human have mixed diet that consume meat and vegetables.

4. What would result from a significant reduction of the insect population by insecticides?
---The Ecosystem have an unbalanced result from significant reduction of the insect population
because some small animal only consumes insect and the earth will have an unbalanced ecosystem

that will be hard for a living creature.

5. Evaluate the effect of famers killing rodents with poison on the ecosystem?
---Killing some rodents will affect the environment in some places but it will not affect the
ecosystem but if the all countries have a plan that will reduce the big scales of rodents that
will caused unbalanced to the ecosystem.
Mark Chester Bundang
1. Tropopause
2. 78% chemical component Nitrogen is present in the atmosphere.
3. Geosphere
4. Stratosphere
5. Oceanography
6. Hadalpelagic Zone
7. Oil, Natural gas and Coal
8. Hydrosphere
9. Wetlands
10. Laurasia

Make a creative and extraordinary earth system. You can only use recycled materials on this
activity. Use Illustration board as the base of your activity. You must execute the earth system
as well as the layers of the earth then took pictures of your materials used and the by/end
product to be sent through Edmodo Application. Thank you!
Mark Chester Bundang
1. In your own understanding, define each environmental pollution discussed in your module.

-Environmental pollution is a word for destroying our environment or nature and there are
different kinds of pollution.

-Air pollution, there are two kinds of air pollution, natural sources which comes from nature,
and major causes of air pollution in our whole globe is a man-made source which is built by a
humanity and this is a world changer because our temperature in our globe is increasing.

-Water pollution, the major cause of water pollution is entire humanity because the plastic
which is made by humanity is thrown to our ocean that can cause a great danger in the
marine life and there is more than throwing plastic in the ocean, there is chemical leakage, oil
leakage, water drain that goes into the ocean, etc.

-Light pollution is a disturbed to our sight to not see our beautiful night sky that only shine
and most beautiful light in our globe. There are some lights that causes to disturb a person
like vision impairment that occurs brighter than the light that your eyes used to and light
trespass that causes a disturbed to a person that is sleeping peacefully and being wake up
because of the neighbor that used to much light source.

-Noise pollution there are two types of noise pollution, nature made that lightning produces,
volcano eruption and a heavy wind mostly and there is a man-made noise pollution like a big
event or a party, a device that produce a every loud noise and when there is no noise around
you can hear the silence and it is very loud.

-Thermal pollution is the discharge of waste heat via energy example like streams to the
direct sunlight, which makes the water temperature rise the warm water can kill fish and
other water animals incapable of tolerating the higher temperatures.

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