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Time Travel Project

Part 1:

You work for a time travel company in the future, and are adding a new destination for time
travelers. You are to create a guide to help time travelers safely and successfully travel to the past.
Create an informative presentation (presentation, video, brochure, etc.) that touches on AT LEAST
the information below.

Be sure you research your time period using LEGITIMATE sources, and that you cite your sources in
MLA format with a works cited page at the end of your presentation.

1. Describe the time period. Years, location, etc.

2. Currency? Exchange rate?
3. What do you need to know about politics? Who is in charge? Who should you avoid?
4. What type of clothes do you need? Describe by social class.
5. What vocabulary do you need to know?
6. What modern beliefs or characteristics should you keep to yourself so that you blend in?
a. Political, social, physical (tattoos/piercings, hair, makeup, fillings, braces, etc)
7. What are the dangers you could face? Disease, witchcraft accusations, crime, etc.
8. What will you do for entertainment?
9. Meeting spot to travel back?
10. Prices (more expensive to be nobility vs commoner for clothing and accommodations; length
of stay)
11. What kind of food can you expect to eat?
12. Vaccinations required

Part 2:

Once your time travel guide is complete, now is the time to travel! Write 6 time travel journal entries
from the POV of your time traveler. Each entry should be at least ¾ of a page (MLA formatted).

Entry 1: pre-time traveling; discuss your preparations you made to travel

Entry 2: time travel journey + day 1
Entries 3 & 4: discuss your time spent in the past
Entry 5: describe your last day in the past, preparation for returning, and your journey back to home
Entry 6: reflect on the overall experience and how it felt adjusting back to your time period

Project timeline:
November 16: submit the time period on which you will focus (minor grade)
November 16-17: research your time period and keep track of the sources that you used.
November 18: submit works cited page (minor grade; MLA formatting; at least 3 sources)
November 19-20: work on Part 1
November 23: submit part 1
November 24-30: work on Part 2
December 1: submit part 2
Project Grading Guidelines and Rubrics

Time Period Submission: 0% or 100%

Works Cited Page Rubric

4-Exceeding 3-Meeting Standard 2-Approaching 1-Not at Standard

Standard Standard

Title of Page Works Cited title is Works Cited title is The page has no Citations are put on
centered at the not centered or title. the last page of the
top of the page. another title is paper or are
used. numbered.

Alphabetical Order All citations are in Most citations are Some citations are No appearance of
of Citations alphabetical order in alphabetical in alphabetical alphabetization.
by the first word of order by the first order by the first
the citation letter of the letter of the
(excluding a, an, citation (excluding citation (excluding
and the). a, an, and the). a, an, and the).

Indentation of Lines All citations begin Most citations Citation No indentation of

at the left margin begin at the left indentation is lines.
with the following margin with the reversed, with the
lines in a hanging following lines in a first line indented
indent. hanging indent. and the following
line at the margin.

Completeness of All citations have Most citations Some citations None of the
Citations all the required have all the have all the citations have all
elements. required elements. required elements. the required

Order of Elements of All the citations Most the citations Some citations None of the
the Citation have the required have the required have the required citations have the
elements in the elements in the elements in the required elements
proper order. proper order. proper order. in the proper order.

Punctuation All citations Most citations Some citations None of the

contain the proper contain the proper contain the proper citations contain
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. the proper

Part 1 Rubric

4-Exceeding 3-Meeting Standard 2-Approaching 1-Not at Standard

Standard Standard

Presentation Thoroughly covers Covers the main Has limited Information is not
time period in points of the time knowledge of accurate. Does not
presentation. period in subject. Can have enough
Presents information presentation. answer basic who, information.
confidently. Goes Attempts to go what, when, and
deeper than just deeper than the where of topic.
the who, what, who, what, when,
when, and where of and where of topic.

Design & The visual has The visual has The visual has well- The visuals
Organization exceptionally attractive organized formatting,
attractive formatting & well- information. appearance &/or
formatting & well- organized organization is
organized information. It is confusing to the
information. It is clear what the audience. Much
clear to the intended learning is information is
audience what the supposed to be. missing or is not in
intended learning is the correct area.
supposed to be.

Research Includes detailed Includes detailed Includes some Includes very little of
information information information on information
answering the given answering the given visual piece.
questions along questions with Answering basic
with created accurate research. questions.
questions of your
own with accurate

Graphics/Pictures/V Graphics Graphics go well Graphics go well Graphics do not go

isuals compliment the with the text, and with the text, but with the
text, and do not there are not so there are too accompanying text
distract from the many that they few/too many. or appear to be
text. Visual(s) distract from the randomly chosen,
supports the text. or are missing.
period or is a
realistic version of
the item.

Part 2 Rubric

4-Exceeding 3-Meeting Standard 2-Approaching 1-Not at Standard

Standard Standard

Purpose The focus is clear The focus is clearly The focus is The focus of the
and original. All stated. Ideas relate somewhat clear. diary/journal entries
ideas relate to the to the focus of the Most of the ideas in is unclear. Ideas do
focus in an insightful diary/journal. the diary/journal not relate to the
and unique way. relate to the focus. focus.

Organization The entries make There is use of The diary/journal The diary/journal
perfect sense to the transition words. The entries are not fully entries are not
reader and are diary/journal entries developed. Some developed.
organized in a make sense. of the thoughts are Thoughts are
creative way. There Thoughts are disorganized and completely
is a clear use of organized logically. unclear to the disorganized.
transitions in this reader.
piece. Thoughts are

Voice There is a unique There is a strong There needs to be a No voice is in the

and creative voice. voice. Excellent stronger voice. diary/journal entries.
Strong use of vocabulary is mostly Some strong Poor use of
sophisticated used. Sentence vocabulary is used. vocabulary.
vocabulary. structure is varied. Sentence structure Sentence structure
Sentence structure is not varied. is not varied and
is varied in an fragments are used.
original manner.

Detail There is use of show All details are clear. There is some These diary/journal
not tell and sensory There is some use of attempt at strong entries lack detail.
details that pertain show not tell and details. Not all No effort was put
to the topic. They sensory details. details pertain to into these
wow the reader. Details pertain to the topic. Not all pieces.No historical
Historically the topicand are details are accuracy.
accurate details. mostly historically historically
accurate. accurate.

Conventions The diary/journal The diary/journal The diary/journal There are a serious
entries show correct entries show correct entries have some amount of
punctuation, punctuation, serious errors in grammatical errors
capitalization,gram capitalization, punctuation, in the diary/journal
mar, and spelling. grammar, and capitalization, entries.
There are no errors. spelling. There are a grammar, and/or
few errors. spelling.

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