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Object Finding System Based on RFID Technology

Conference Paper  in  Lecture Notes in Computer Science · January 2006

DOI: 10.1007/11610496_51 · Source: DBLP


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5 authors, including:

Lun-Chi Chen Winston Lo

Tunghai University Tunghai University


Yen-Ping Chu
National Chung Hsing University


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Object Finding System Based on RFID Technology

Lun-Chi Chen1, Ruey-Kai Sheu2, Hui-Chieh Lu3, Win-Tsung Lo1, and Yen-Ping Chu3
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tunghai University,
Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Computer Science, National Chiao-Tung University,
Hsin-chu, Taiwan
Insititute of Computer Science, National Chung Hsing University,
Taichung, Taiwan,,

Abstract. Locations of moving or missing objects are getting important

information for context-aware applications which try to get the locality of an
object, and then provide services pertaining to the object. To position an object,
most systems use a predefined coordinate to compute object location while
sensing the appearance of the target object. Usually, it is troublesome and costs
much to define the base coordinate in advance for most object positioning
systems, especially when the target object is locating in an unknown
environment. To reduce the cost and complexity of object locating system and
improve the accuracy of location, this paper proposed an Object Finding System
based on RFID technology to identify the localities of target objects in buildings.
In this paper, we introduce the design concepts of the proposed system as well as
the algorithms used to calculate the object locations. In addition, the
experimental results show that it is a feasibility study.

Keywords: RFID, wireless networks, user location and tracking, location

estimation, indoor localization.

1 Introduction
With Locations of moving or missing objects, we obtain important information for
context-aware applications which can get the locality of an object, and then provide
services pertaining to the object. A well-known sample of object locating application is
the positioning system for locating patients of severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) [1][2]. To prevent from the proliferation of SARS, doctors suggest restricting
the motions of SARS patients. To make sure that no SARS patients violate the rule,
they are forced to wear a sensible tag, which will be detected once they go across
restriction area.
Currently, object locating solutions can be classified into two dimensions, which are
positioning techniques and sensing systems [3][4]. From the viewpoint of positioning
techniques, there are at least three methods can be used, alone or combined, such as:
Triangulation: Based on time of flight or angle of arrival of a signal against some
baseline, the difference in distance from each receiver and transmitter can be measured
using time difference of arrival or signal strength. Scene analysis: This method

H.T. Shen et al. (Eds.): APWeb 2006, LNCS 3842, pp. 383 – 396, 2005.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
384 L.-C. Chen et al.

measure the location by a particular vantage point of a viewed scene. Proximity: The
object can be measured by a set of points which is near known locations. Our approach
is similar to proximity and introduces the geometry to locate the object.
As for the dimension of sensing system, most positioning systems use off-the-shelf
solutions such as IEEE 802.11 series, Wireless Ethernet, Ultrasound, and Infrared
technologies. For example, R. Want designed an infrared sensor which can detect
objects carried with active infrared badges [5]. It is an early idea using active signal to
locate objects. But, the infrared device is limited to sunlight and fluorescent light. The
RADAR system measures the radio signal as a function of the user’s position at the
base stations and then triangulates the object’s coordinate within a building [6]. Users
do not need to build many base stations while locating objects. It must be in wireless
LAN while tracking objects. Therefore there are drawbacks of the solution which are
the power consumption and the size of carried adapter embedded in the target object.
Besides, the tracked object needs to wear a sensible device but the cost would increase
much. A.M. Ladd et al used wireless Ethernet adapters to locate the position of mobile
devices, such as laptops, PDA and the likes [7][8].
In general, users should deploy many sensors to be the pre-defined coordinates before
running the object positioning system. The target object will be found using positioning
technologies and the object location will be reported in absolute or relative coordinate
location value [3]. It is expensive to build the sensor infrastructure of these kinds of
systems, and the detected object location is lack of accuracy due to abated signals which
is affected by moisture or in-door obstacles [9]. To reduce the cost and deployment
complexity of object positioning systems, and improve the accuracy of the returned
object location, we try to use radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and readers to
build the infrastructure of the proposed Object Finding System (OFS). The proposed OFS
can find out target objects using only one moving reader using proximity algorithm.
In section2, this paper will introduce related object location systems. Section3
describes our design concepts and algorithms. Section4 describes the architecture of
positioning system. Finally, our designed OFS and experimental results are introduced.

2 Related Work
Highly cost-efficiency rate and accuracy are the main reasons why we choose RFID as
the infrastructure. There are also several features which are suitable to implement an
object finding system using RFID. These features include the RFID tags are affordable,
small size and light-weight, the RFID reader’s signal strength is altered which can
decide the distance between tag and reader.
The LANDMARC (LocAction iDentification based on dynamic Active Rfid
Calibration) mainly raises the accuracy of locating without placing lots of RFID readers
[9]. It is the first and most famous locating system based on RFID technology which
mainly contains deployment of reference tags and reader. Afterward it can be used to
calculate the position of tags with Euclidian distance. Fig.1 shows the object
positioning method used by LANDMARC. Users need to install many readers and
reference tags in advance and then readers can detect the locations of target objects by
scaling up the strength of signals. At least three readers are needed to calculate the
location of a target object and it is best to have the target object location if four readers
are used to calculate the responded signal information.
Object Finding System Based on RFID Technology 385

Fig. 1. The deployment of LANDMARC RFID tags and readers

The advantage of this approach is improving the accurate locating with cheaper
reference tags instead of the expensive RFID readers. However, the system needs to be
deployed RFID tags for each position of the pre-defined coordinate. And, it is
sometimes unacceptable to set up several RFID readers inside buildings in the real
world. Especially, it is not suitable for existent factories with unknown obstacles which
will affect the accuracy of RFID signals. The objective of this paper is to propose an
RFID based object finding system to be feasibility of LANDMARC-like systems and
reduce both the cost and deployment complexity of object positioning systems.

3 The Proposed OFS Method

We try to use RFID tags and readers to build the infrastructure of the proposed Object
Finding System (OFS). The proposed OFS can find out target objects using only one
movable reader using proximity algorithm. This paper attempt to classify the indoor
positioning system into two dimensions which are positioning the reader is like
RADAR system through wireless network and positioning the object through RFID.
That’s will decrease the cost which consists of detected objects and the deployment of
readers. The following will present the method of positioning the object. Beside this
paper also consider the path of the reader moving to achieve optimum.

3.1 Method of Locating Tag

Suppose the reader emits at a rate of one time per second and the radius of the read
range is r. The system would record reader’s location on the go. In Fig. 2.1, the
coordinate Pt+1 is the reader‘s position at time t+1 when the reader is detecting the tag
first. The reader in the Pt doesn’t detect the tag at time t. The average coordinate
Pavg1(x1,y1) is calculated between Pt+1 and Pt as shown in Fig. 2.2. In Similar, we can
also get the average coordinate Pavg2(x2,y2) between Pt’ and Pt’+1. It can get a linear
distance d between Pavg1 and Pavg2. By using these two coordinates the position of tag is
estimated via coordinate geometry (1). In fact, the system will obtain two coordinates
t1, t2 via above-mentioned step.
386 L.-C. Chen et al.

Fig. 2.1. The case of the reader detecting a tag

Fig. 2.2. Using coordinate geometry to compute the tag’s position

Fig. 3.1. Using shifting to detect the tag

Two of the unknown tag‘s coordinates (x,y) are obtained by:

⎧ ( x − x1 ) 2 + ( y − y1 ) 2 = r 2
( x, y ) = ⎨ (1)
⎩( x − x 2 ) + ( y − y 2 ) = r
2 2 2
Object Finding System Based on RFID Technology 387

Therefore the reader is commanded to turn right a distance of r to decide one

coordinate of both. The tag is placed at right side of the reader if the reader turns right and
detects the tag. Otherwise, the tag is placed in left as shown in Fig. 3.1. However, if the
Pavg1 is more than 2r apart from Pavg2, tag’s position maybe close to the beeline between
both Pavg1 and Pavg2. At this time the reader doesn’t need to turn right. Coordinate of the
tag is calculated directly and its coordinate is ( x, y )=( x 2 + x1 2, y 2 + y1 2) .
When the reader has decided the reader’s position, the reader will move back the
position where it just turned. And then move to detect next object. This method could
also use the other way is similar to Pioneer 2 robot [13] as shown in Fig. 3.2. The two
readers equipped with mobile robot can not only detect the object but know which side
of the mobile robot the object is placed.

Fig. 3.2. Attaching two readers to robot

3.2 Path of the Reader Moving

A path of the reader affects the computed position of the object and the cost of the
reader’s path. Therefore the system has to find the optimal path of the reader. First

Fig. 4.1. The case of no detecting the tag

388 L.-C. Chen et al.

this paper presents the situation that the reader doesn’t trigger the tag. If the tracking
tag appears in the read range within the reader non-triggered time, the reader doesn’t
detect the tracking tag as shown in Fig. 4.1. This figure shows that the reader triggers
to detect the tag in the coordinate Pt at time t, and then it triggers again in Pt+1 at time
t+1. But the tracking tag will not be detected. The reader would lose the tracking tag.
Therefore this paper proposes a method in order to solve above question. In this
method, read range of the reader is overlapped when the reader travels the building as
shown in Fig. 4.2. Our approach can find the optimum distance between Pt' and Pt'' .
The distance is 2 r 2 − (d ' 2)2 )
. The d’ is a constant movement distance of the reader
once. In this case, the Pt'' will detect it if the Pt' doesn’t detect the tracking tag with a
distance d’ per second.

Fig. 4.2. The case of two read ranges overlapping

We then discuss the reader’s path in two general areas as follows. In a square area
the reader moves parallel with the left wall with a distance r 2 − (d ' 2)2
. When the
reader moves to the front of wall, it moves according to the vector of g with a distance

( )
2 r 2 − (d ' 2)2
. The reader then moves the whole square area according to this
method as shown in Fig. 5. If the system sets up in the triangular area, the path will be
similar to that in the square area as shown in Figure 6.
v v
Let f , gv , and h denote the vectors which are parallel with the wall according to
v v v v v v
Fig. 6. We define the vector as f = ax + by and get the vector u = bx − ay which is
perpendicular to f . This paper proposes the travelling path algorithm is shown in
Object Finding System Based on RFID Technology 389

Fig. 5. The path of the reader travelling in the square area

Fig. 6. The path of the reader travelling in the triangular area

390 L.-C. Chen et al.

Table 1. Travelling Path Algorithm

Set Coordinate of the reader (0,0)

goVector = f // a vector the reader moves
move with goVector until reach the wall
if goVecotr = f then

turn right with g and distance 2 r 2 − (d ' 2)2

( ) ( gv ⋅ uv
12 v v
g ⋅u )
goVecotr = − f
move with goVector until reach the wall
else if goVector = − f then
turn left with h and distance 2 r 2 − (d ' 2)2 ( ) ( hv ⋅ uv
12 v v
h ⋅u )
goVecotr = f
move with goVector until reach the wall
end if
Until travelling all area

4 The OFS Architecture

The implement of our approach has to have some equipments which are consists of
RFID devices, the mobile robot (machine or people), Position System, and wireless
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a system that assists in transmitting the
identity of the object, through a three-part of components consisting of a reader, a tag
and software application [10]. The reader is a bridge between the application and the
antenna. RFID reader emits a radio signal towards the tags, and then would read data
emitted from tags. The reader reads all the incoming tag data then sends this
information in real-time to a computer to inventory tracking object via wireless
network. RFID tags are classified into active and passive. RFID tags may be active or
passive depending on whether they have a battery or not. Read ranges of passive tags
are shorter than active tags because they don’t contain the battery [11]. Active tags
possess a battery and they can transmit data to far range. The useful life of a battery can
last generally from two to seven years [12]. Since active tags are very suitable for
Object Finding System Based on RFID Technology 391

regarding as the identification of objects in RFID positioning system. We attach the

active tag written usable information to the object to communicate with positioning
The mobile robot which our approach needs is similar to Pioneer 2 robot [13] in
order to let the reader move around in the building. But our mobile robot just needs
simple equipments are consist of a reader, the mobile device to connect wireless
network. The function of the mobile robot is equipping reader to move. The reader
would transmit the information which includes detected tag to positioning system. In
addition the main subject of Position System is to determine the object’s position
through that information gathered from the reader.
Beside, we have to construct the environment with wireless network. It can
communicate between the reader and Position System.
Object Finding System Framework. To position the object’s location, the
information received from the reader has to be transferred into positioning data. When
the Position System collects suitable data, it will estimate the probable object’s position
thorough a serious of model from Position System. All process is as shown in Fig. 7.
The reader equipped the mobile robot moves and detects the tracking object which
wears a sensible tag. When the reader is detecting the tag, it will transmit the
information to Position System through wireless network.

Fig. 7. OFS Framework

Position System uses a serious of model to transfer signal information into object’s
position. The main subjects of Position System is gathering the transmitted data,
providing the travelling path to the mobile robot, and positioning the tracking tag. The
Event Module is an event manager in the Position System to operate all processes as
shown in Fig. 8.
There are four major modules designed in the Position System to complete
above-mentioned subjects as below:
• Event Module: This module will analyses all the incoming data from the reader and
then communicates the other modules to operate.
392 L.-C. Chen et al.

• Map Module: This module contains the coordinating system. It can display the
position of the object in the e-map through the object’s coordinate obtained from
Position Module.
• Position Module: This module is implemented with our positioning method to
position the object. It would use the useful information gathered from the reader to
assist in positioning.
• Path Module: The path of the reader is decided according to this module. This
module is designed to divide the e-map into several blocks and decide the path
through our path algorithm. Its major function can provide the path information to

Fig. 8. Modules for object finding system

5 Experiment
We have presented my positioning method before, but there are more factors to affect
the accuracy of the positioning of the system. This paper will discuss these factors are
relative to the performance of the positioning are as follows. Afterward we will design
a virtual environment programmed by Java to simulate our positioning method just
focus on positioning the object. Moreover, the clocks on the reader and the Position
System are synchronized and the reader emits the information of the positioning at a
rate of one time per second.
In the experiment, we analyze the performance of the positioning using the error
distance, which is the linear distance between the physical location of the object and the
estimated location from the Position System. We suppose the physical coordinate of the
object (x,y) and the estimated coordinate (x’,y’), and so the function of the error distance is

e= (x − x')2 + ( y − y')2 (2)

We set one hundred coordinates as experimental samples, and group them into ten
types. They are P1, P2, …, P10.

5.1 Effect of the Movement Distance of the Reader

The movement distance of the reader has a greater effect. Therefore we want to find a
suited movement distance once. This movement distance can make both the error
Object Finding System Based on RFID Technology 393

distance and the time which the robot spends to move around the building are short. The
system defines the radius of the read range is 2 meter and the size of virtual
environment is 20m by 20m. We use this environment to complete our experiments.
We choose four movement distance as 50cm, 70cm, 90cm, and 110cm. Table 2 shows
that the reader spends approximately using the four kinds of different movement

Table 2. The mobile robot spends time with individual movement distance

Distance(cm) 50 70 90 110
Time(minute) ≅8 ≅6 ≅5 ≅4

Fig. 9 shows the results of using different movement distance. Obviously, the error
distances are lower as the movement distances are 50cm and 70cm. Among of two
values the error distance of 70cm is more stable than other. Besides, in Table1 the
mobile robot only spends approximately six minutes with the movement distance of
70cm. In fact, the movement distance of the reader is according with the acceptable
error distance.

Error distance

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
The position of the tracking tag
50 cm, Av e=24.89 cm
70 cm, Av e=25.11 cm
90 cm, Av e=39.04 cm
110 cm, Av e=53.1 cm

Fig. 9. Error distance with four movement distances

5.2 Effect of the Read Range of the Reader

This experiment is order to know whether or not the range of the reader influences the
performance of locating system. First the movement distance of the reader moves is
assigned 70cm. We choose four read ranges of the reader such as r = 1m, 2m, 3m, and
The results show that there is no significant difference from these choices except the
radius 1m. The result of this experiment is shown as fig. 10. The radius 1m is so short
394 L.-C. Chen et al.

140 1m, Av
120 e=47.22cm
Error distance

80 2m Av
60 e=25.2cm
20 uh 2.5m Av
0 e=27.58cm
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 3m Av
The position of the tracking e=28.27cm

Fig. 10. Error distance with four read range

that the estimated coordinate is wrong direction. Among ten error distances the error
distance of P1 and P9 are longer because two groups are marked in the corner of the

5.3 Comparison of Current Location Sensing Technologies

Many researches are deployment of static sensor in the room. Therefore, the cost would
increase much. They can position all objects which are both dynamic and static. The
accuracy of position depends on the deployment of sensors and the factors of
Active Badges [5] designs an infrared sensor which can detect objects carried with
active infrared badges. But, the infrared device is limited to sunlight and fluorescent
RADAR [6], based on the IEEE 802.11 requires only a few sensors and just uses the
infrastructure of Wireless LAN [4]. But, the tag attached the tracking object must be
small or power-constrained device. Besides, it necessary for predefined signal-strength
database as operating in different environment. The median error distance is 2 to 3
meters and it needs to set up 3 bases per floor.
LANDMARC [9], similar to our methodology uses RFID technology. It mainly
contains deployment of reference tags and reader. At least three readers are needed to
calculate the location of a target object. The advantage of this approach is improving
the accurate locating with cheaper reference tags instead of the expensive RFID
readers. However, the system needs to be deployed RFID tags for each position of the
pre-defined coordinate.
Our methodology OFS is to propose an RFID based object finding system. We use
the RFID tag to be attached the object to reduce the cost and use mobile reader to
reduce deployment of readers. At most two readers are needed to operate this system
and the median error distance is shorter according to section 5.1 and 5.2.
Object Finding System Based on RFID Technology 395

6 Conclusions and Future Work

We presented an Object Finding System based on RFID technology to identify the
localities of target objects in buildings and the concept of dividing indoor positioning
into two dimensions. The one is positioning the reader through wireless network and
the other is positioning the object through RFID. Our aim focuses on dimension of
positioning the object. Also, at most two movable readers are used to position the object
to reduce the system cost and improve the accuracy of position. The cost of positioning
object with RFID is greatly reduced since the tag attached to the object is cheaper than
other sensor devices. Although this system needs to be deployed with base sensors to
position reader, its cost is still cheaper than the positioning method of reader
deployment. Deploying the reference tag is more difficult in the building since the more
factors of the environment will be involved. These factors consist of the deployment
place and obstacles. Therefore we use the movable reader to position the object without
deploying with reference tag and readers.
In our experiment the system finds the suited movement distance of the reader and
reader range. In addition, the system also discovers the error distance will be unstable
when a read range is near or smaller than the movement distance. The experiment data
is according with the size of detected area, nevertheless, the difference of the size of
detected indoor areas in building is not big. In the future we will analyze dissimilar the
size of detected area and generalize from them.
Although our methodology is difficult in the dynamic environment, it provides
another way in the static environment for positioning system.
Presently, our approach use RADAR to position reader. In the future we will
propose a more suitable algorithm is similar to RADAR.

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