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America has reached event horizon with respect to election integrity.

Between the national elections of 2016 and 2020, public perception of election integrity has fallen to an
alarmingly low level of trust. Traditional balloting methods are consistently questioned, and the arena of
ideas abandoned in favor of partisan accusations of irregularities and fraud. Public officials are vilified,
inflamed factions inspired to violence, and in the eyes of the world America is no different than any
other agitated realm calling itself a republic.

It cannot be this way. Absolute integrity, as well as the incorruptible perception of integrity, must be the

Precision Voting Systems can provide this.

What is Precision Voting Systems?

Precision Voting Systems is the world’s first completely automated, completely auditable, and
incorruptible balloting system.

Precision Voting Systems provides a secure, online voting application that removes delays in tabulation,
allows for absentee ballots and military ballots to be cast in real time, detects and stops any
irregularities in real time, and is 100% auditable both forensically and in real time.

100% secure and protected voting can be done from a phone application or computer without fear of
the voter or system being compromised or any credible accusation of fraud or irregularity.

The system can be tailored to encompass any and all balloting activity from local to national elections
with a facility for state level Secretary of State offices to adjudicate provisional ballots in real time.

Precision Voting Systems can interface with a state’s voter registration records and refer any
irregularities to the Sec State office, while protecting the integrity and privacy of every individual’s vote.

No more accusations of electoral fraud. No more accusations of voter suppression. No more drawn-out
ballot counts or recounts (polls close at 7:00, results delivered to SecState at 7:05). The will of the
people is accurately and immediately reflected when the polls close. No more riots or protesting over
election results. No more property damage, no more carnage. Only transparent popular sovereignty and
completely peaceful transition of power.

Precision Voting Systems removes politics from the courtroom and incendiary street rage and returns
it to the arena of ideas.

What about hacking?

Hacking is a huge concern. The latest to make dramatic national news was the Russian government's
hack of SolarWinds's proprietary software, which destroyed the security of top American government
agencies and tech companies. Hackers managed to access a system that SolarWinds uses to put together
updates to its Orion product. From there, they inserted malicious code into an otherwise legitimate
software update. This is known as a supply-chain attack because it infects software as it is being
assembled. This was possible because SolarWinds took an “inner-source” approach (the use of open-
source software development best practices and an open-source-like culture) to make source code
viewable. When hackers, have access to proprietary code, the door is open for cyberattacks. Preparation
for the SolarWinds attack began in March of 2020. It took eight months for the hackers to successfully
leverage the malicious code into the devastating SolarWinds hack.

Precision Voting Systems does not use inner-source or open-source coding. Precision Voting Systems
coding is patented and proprietary, and the software platform itself is available only on election days.

The simplicity of the system also serves as a defense. The user interface is point and click, so the back-
end is not accessible outside of Stratum Zero. Because the code is not accessible, the business logic of
the system is protected.

No system is un-hackable, but Precision Voting Systems’s defense array exceeds any current human
hacking capability. Suppose a hacker successfully locates the needle in the haystack, accesses the
Precision Voting Systems code, and attempts to make changes in the business logic. The system
immediately detects the attempt and ghosts the entire program to a different internet protocol on an
entirely different and infinite cloud infrastructure. The software may be hosted in any of nearly 80 data
centers across the continental United States, each with 30,000 to 80,000 physical servers, and each of
those physical servers can generate up to 500 virtual servers. While theoretically possible, the chances
of even locating the haystack again are astronomical.

What about security?

The voting process is as secure as it is simple. Election day begins with an email and/or text message
sent out to every legal, registered voter in a state’s voter registration database. The email/text contains
a link to the voting website or to download the Precision Voting Systems application, which expires and
deletes on midnight of election day. The email/text link uses a token to present the slate of candidates
that correspond with the voter’s registration status and allows them to choose their candidate in each
race from those offered or, to write in their own candidate. Upon final submission, an encrypted return
email or text is automatically generated confirming the voter’s selections. The voter’s token is then
automatically destroyed and it is no longer possible for anyone to use that voter’s registration in that
election. Any vote that does not conform exactly with a state’s voter registration requirements is
automatically changed to provisional status and sent to the SecState’s office with an explanation of the
problem for real time adjudication. If people are more comfortable voting in person, all that is needed is
a computer terminal in the public library.

What about auditability?

Precision Voting Systems maintains a detailed activity log of every transaction, fully auditable in both
real time and forensically. Any attempt at election fraud immediately generates a report identifying the
location and device, actionable by law enforcement.

What about transparency?

Access to the audit trail can be given to whomever the state wishes. States are encouraged to engage
party representatives, accounting organizations, and law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and
national level to audit election results in real time, allowing for immediate and effective intervention in
any attempted election fraud.
What about privacy?
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data is more vulnerable today than ever before. Precision Voting
Systems protects both the integrity of PII and the privacy of each individual voter by securing data at
rest, in use, and in motion.

Data is at rest when it is stored on a hard drive. In this relatively secure state, information is primarily
protected by conventional perimeter-based defenses such as firewalls and anti-virus programs.
However, Stratum Zero understands that these barriers are not impenetrable. This is why we have
constructed additional layers of defense to protect sensitive data from intruders in the extraordinarily
unlikely event that the network is compromised, and any data at rest is containerized and deleted once
votes are recorded.

Data in use is more vulnerable than data at rest because, by definition, it must be accessible to those
who need it. Of course, the more people and devices that have access to the data, the greater the risk
that it will end up in the wrong hands at some point. Stratum Zero employs access control measures as
tightly as possible incorporate token authentication to ensure that users are not hiding behind stolen
identities. We also track and report any suspicious activity detected, diagnose potential threats, and
proactively improve security.

Data is at its most vulnerable when it is in motion. Stratum Zero ensures that votes remain confidential
by transmitting them through an encryption platform that fully integrates with Precision Voting Systems.

What about reliability?

At its core, Precision Voting Systems is a simple tabulation software. When security, auditability,
transparency, and privacy are fully protected, challenging the results of Precision Voting Systems is like
challenging the results of a calculator. As a fully automated software, carefully vetted prior to each
deployment, Precision Voting Systems neutralizes the potential for human error or malevolent acts by
immediate detection and legal consequence. A full recount takes less than a second.



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