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Regional Laboratory - Plot No.

526, Phase-5, Udyog

Vihar, Gurugram-122016
Ph:- 04061216123

Patient Name : Ms. POOJA VERMA Reg. No. : 00042111140006

Age and Sex : 32 Yrs / Female PCC Code : PCL-UP-045
Referring Doctor : ANKIT SINGH Sample Drawn Date : 13-Nov-2021 05:18 PM
Referring Customer : VISHNU PATH 9454379463 Registration Date : 14-Nov-2021 11:04 AM
Vial ID : L2147758 Report Date : 14-Nov-2021 12:44 PM
Sample Type : Serum Report Status : Final Report
Client Address : 394/71A/1A, Puradalel, Baghambari Road, Allapur, Allahabad

Test Name Obtained Value Units Bio. Ref. Intervals Method
(Age/Gender specific)

*IgE-Total - Serum 577.8 IU/mL <100 Immunoturbidimetric


Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is a trace protein in serum, and normally accounts for less than 0.001% of total serum immunoglobulins.

The level of serum IgE rises during childhood and reaches adult levels during the teens.IgE is a mediator of the allergic response, quantitative measurement of
IgE when integrated with other clinical indicators can prove useful information for the differential clinical diagnosis of atopic and non- atopic diseases

.​Limitations :

The Analytical Measuring Interval is 25 – 1000 IU/mL.

Sample containing IgE levels above the analytical measuring interval, reflex testing of the same sample in 1:10 dilutions is recommended, you can now order the
titre test by upgrading to the following test code BC344 - IgE-Total - Serum (Titre).

Results obtained may not be used interchangeably with values obtained from different labs reports / test methods.

Correlate Clinically. Result rechecked and verified for abnormal cases.

*** End Of Report ***

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Note: If the test results are alarming or unexpected,Client is advised to contact the laboratory immediately for possible remedial action.

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