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Task 2 :

Some scientist think it is very soon that computers will be more intelligent than human. Some
people think tit is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development.
Discuss both view and give your opinion.

It is true that many scientists assume expect/forecast that humans being intelligence will become
inferior and less creative to than computers’ intelligence in the future. While a number of people
believe that it to be an effective positive development, others oppose as they realize the negatively in
this trend., I believe that the advantages more than than outweigh the drawbacks.

On the one hand, positive influences can be seen if computers will soon more brilliant than people.
Firstly, people will be able to reduce the amount of manual works in working environment as labour-
saving appliances and automation computers can help them to save a great deal of idle time by labour-
saving appliances and apply to automatic process. Secondly, the standards of living are higher lead to
the average life expectancy can be raised as with intelligence of computers can also make our lives
much safer. As the development of drive less vehicles, computerized cars help people a lot in
transportation such as reduction of deaths and injuries on the roads by using sophisticated computers
which incorporate information about traffic congestion and traffic accidents., also Also, it will
eliminate human reckless behaviours like speeding and intoxicated driving while intoxicated.

On the other hand, there are a variety reasons why development of robotics technology brings exerts
negative effects on social life. One the reason is that people have may become over - reliant on
complicated computer systems, as the result in leading to passive thinking and reduce reducing work
productively. This can be explained by the fact that technological breakthrough can handle difficult
tasks requiring logical thinking and creativeness creativity. Another reason is that the level of
unemployment will become significantly higher. Since the labour force are is usually soon superseded
by new and more advances devices in factories and offices. It is therefore Therefore, businesses invest
in enterprise resources planning instead of recruiting staffs, which makes many people jobless.

In conclusion, I would argue that computer’s computers’ being more better than humans in the future
and this would be an outcome development in daily life as more benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

(314 words)
TASK 2 Grade Tiêu chí đánh giá cụ thể
Task Response 7 - Introduction:
Paraphrase ổn
Trả lời được câu hỏi rõ ràng
- Body:
Topic sentence cần bám chắc ý hơn.
Ideas hỗ trợ ổn, tuy nhiên cần diễn đạt rõ ràng main idea và phần explain cần
liên quan với main idea hơn
- Conclusion:
Paraphrase ổn.
Cần chú ý những lỗi sai có nói trong phần comment “T”.
Cohesion and 6 - Coherence:
Coherence Sắp xếp các ý tạm ổn, rõ ràng logic. Cần chú ý những lỗi sai có nói trong phần
comment “C”.
- Cohesion:
Các câu cần liên quan với nhau hơn. sử dụng tạm ổn các linkers
Vocabulary 6 Còn mắc một số lỗi chọn từ. Cần chú ý những lỗi sai có nói trong phần
comment “V”.
Cần sử dụng đa dạng từ vựng hơn
Grammar 6 Sử dụng ngữ pháp chưa ổn lắm, còn mắc một số lỗi ngữ pháp Cần chú ý những
lỗi sai có nói trong phần comment “G”.
Chưa sử dụng đa dạng cấu trúc ngữ pháp.
Overall 6.5
Task 2 :
Some people think that newspaper are the best way to learn news. However, others believe that they
can learn news better through media.
Discuss both views and give tour opinions.

It is true that many people believe that newspapers are the most important news sources, whereas
others believe that there is no longer the best. better way to get the news by than online platforms. In
my point of view, learning news by media is more beneficial rather than the traditional way.

On the one hand, the option to get the printed news is still important in modern society and this trend
is still beneficial in some ways. Firstly, since newspapers have existed long before the introduction of
the Internet, the elderly in particular often enjoy the leisure routine of reading the newspaper them
over breakfast or while in their living room in the morning and they do not want to change their habit.
Secondly, printed news are is considered a more reliable source of information compared to unofficial
yellow journalism unofficially. This is due to the editorial policy of newspaper by professional
journalists and the breaking news are is thoroughly checked censored/scrutinised in a responsible way
before publication.

On the other hand, the Internet has become an increasingly dominant news source these days due to
many advantages. The first thing is that news from all over the world can be up to the minute, often
attached with live videos have brought bring a greater reading experience to readers rely on advances
in technology. Furthermore, media attracts people to reading online news with easily easy access by to
the Internet, following news on such platforms is convenient. There is a wide range of smart devices
that support people in learning news so that they can access a huge storage of news in a just few clicks
in everywhere. For example, when we are waiting at bus station or airport, to pass the time with
getting the news by smartphone instead of finding a place where newspapers are purchased sold.

In conclusion, although the printed news are is very popular with certain groups of people like senior
citizens, I consider that online pflatforms is are the best way to receive the news with many its own

(322 words)
TASK 2 Grade Tiêu chí đánh giá cụ thể
Task Response 7 - Introduction:
Paraphrase ổn
Trả lời được câu hỏi rõ ràng
- Body:
Topic sentence cần bám chắc ý hơn.
Ideas hỗ trợ ổn, tuy nhiên cần diễn đạt rõ ràng main idea và phần explain cần
liên quan với main idea hơn
- Conclusion:
Paraphrase ổn.
Cần chú ý những lỗi sai có nói trong phần comment “T”.
Cohesion and 6 - Coherence:
Coherence Sắp xếp các ý tạm ổn, rõ ràng logic. Cần chú ý những lỗi sai có nói trong phần
comment “C”.
- Cohesion:
Các câu cần liên quan với nhau hơn. sử dụng tạm ổn các linkers
Vocabulary 6 Còn mắc một số lỗi chọn từ. Cần chú ý những lỗi sai có nói trong phần
comment “V”.
Cần sử dụng đa dạng từ vựng hơn
Grammar 6 Sử dụng ngữ pháp chưa ổn lắm, còn mắc một số lỗi ngữ pháp Cần chú ý những
lỗi sai có nói trong phần comment “G”.
Chưa sử dụng đa dạng cấu trúc ngữ pháp.
Overall 6.5

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