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Label the body parts.


hand knee head foot ear stornach':~

t"f;,'f. ~- '\ -.T

arm back leg tac~ fing_~Lp;-~~est ..,

1. \ e~ 7. - t QC.\:.

2. 'n:á 8.

3. f'"C,. V 9.

4. K 10.

5. 11.

6. 12.

Write the adjective in the correct box.

well terrible OK sick great



Write the name of the problem.

ug.,_h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1. My chest hurts. 1have a _ c_o~
\ \ .
2. My- head hurts. 1have a ----::_..._ " .....::~= - - - - - - - - - - -
. ~.::....:n= ,.__,__,
' -----,----------
, ----
3. 1feel very hot. 1have a_._ ~----"-
4. My stomach hu rts. 1have a _ ,s_~_;__.:,,M :....:,___ _ _ __

5. My back hurts. 1have a _ --=-~

l'}o " -.L.C. "'"'-
,._ """ r'--
r ....L 1:a' - - - - - - - - - -

Answer the questions.

1. How do you feel today? __,,.\_=-'_JC'.l~__,O~V\.: . .i. _______ __

2. How does your friend feel today? - ~---''---~:...._:_::~--
3. How does your teacher look today? ·;:i ~ dO \ao\.\ f) <t>:-~

4. Does your friend look ti red today? \j v\ e óOe') e: >.\.

Health 6~
Label the health problems.

cold backache toothache sore throat headache

Read the descriptions. Then write the health problems from exercise A.
1. John plays football. He doesn't feel good. His back hurts terribly.
He has o.. o o.,c Ac,~e
2. Elena doesn't feel good. She has a cough and a sore throat. She has a
fever, and she feels very tired ali day.
' \
She has _ , .:...:r,_::_.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

3. Marcus can't talk. He can eat ice cream and fruit, but he can't eat hot food
because it hurts a lot.
Hehas 'b Oce. \\<'n,o\
4. Annie is going to the dentist now. He)- tooth hurts a lot. She takes sorne
pain reliever, but it doesn't help.
\ \ ' .
She has • ~" n'"'"'b,t_

5. Lynn works on the computer all day. She has sore eyes and her head hurts.

She has ~ºM

~ead the conversation out loud. Underline the stressed syllables of the
1mportant words.
Doctor: How are you today?
Patient: 1 have a terrible stomachache.
Doctor: Where does it hurt?
Patient: Right here.
Doctor: 1 need to examine you.

Unit 10
Write the correct verb from the box. You can use sorne
verbs more than once.
see go li~;-5iill

1_ ~ t o b e d
_~ a d o c t o r
3. _ Y': P sorne pain reliever

4. ·e down

5. !O.~ P cough medicine

6. jee a dentist

Write advice for these problems. Use your own ideas with should ar shouldn't.
1. Your friend says, "I have a toothache."
Advice: _Yi_o u_ -==-....:....:.:..:.:.::..:....:..__:._:__ ___:_.:___:__ __!___:_:____:_:"':___ _ _ __

2. Your friend says, "I have a sore throat."

Advice: _ .....::c
\J-=-=::.,._--=-~_:;_:----- ---"--'-T_ _.::..,__ _ _ _ __

3. Your friend says, "My knee hurts."

4. Your friend says, "I have a backache."

5. Your friend says, "I feel very tired."

Unscramble the sentences in the conversation.

Young-Mi: 1 have a fever anda head~che. (should I do I what I I) - - - -
-1\~:s~'-'~cl.:,.\.V>LCól-,~rl~!'\µt,l,l\)_j'{':~"'~.. ""-~- \ - T:~ - ~ - - - ?
Susan: (go / you / home / should) __'<!J_!_~'-"'=~ ~ ~ - - ¡ - ~_=.;..:..:.c;,.....,-'-'--,-

. ¡ English / class) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Young-M1: (go / should / to 11 _
s oc , o
:± \
;e> r~r,.~~D-S~·~L---?
ni l
¡,.. C'\(p \ T \ ' .

Susan: (you /no/ shoul dn't) ~', ex ' "\ " ~-~ ·
< \,,,.1\ (1\ ~ -ff \
(you /to/ bed / go / should) ~ ó· 'i
Read the article.

What You
Should Know
About the Flu
Many people are very afraid of influenza, or flu, but there are
many different kinds of flu . They are different every year. Sorne
are terrible, and others are not very bad. Sorne kinds can go
from animals to people. And sorne kinds of influenza kill many
people-50 million people from 1918 to 1920!
There are sorne easy things you can do to prevent flu .
• You should always cover your mouth when you cough.
• You should wash your hands many times every day. You
shouldn't touch your tace.
• A cough is a symptom of the flu. People with a bad cough
shouldn't go to work orto school. They should stay home. They
should call a doctor if they feel very sick.
You should do these things to stay safe during a time of flu.

Circle T far true ar F for false.

1. There are two kinds of flu. T ¿
2. The flu is the same every year. T F
3. The flu was very bad in 1918. J.) F
4. Washing your hands can prevent the flu. T F
5. Touching your tace can prevent the flu. T FJ
6. People with the flu should stay home. (u F

66 Unit 10
Write tour things you can do to prevent a tooth
tim es
e - · YOJ óhould bru-::,h you r tee th t hree


Complete the paragraph with shoutd or shou
_ _ .._ _-" -"-- take pain
Here are sorne remedies far a headache. You
relieve r. Yo u -~"--"r----"---...·-'---'-'"'------"::_ 1iste n to mus
ic, an d yo u _ -\-=-.:...:..;--'---'~ "~ --

watc h TV. You ~ go to bed and sleep. lf the headache

the doctor.
doesn't stop, you --- --- '-" --- --- go to

Write about remedies far a different health

IA < o, ----~- --'- __ _.! .__ --= --- -=- --

-re o .
Review .
ammar from this unit.
acabulary an d gr
Salve the crossward puzzle w1·th v

Across Down .
1. a shart ward far
"influenza" 1. 1teel very hot. 1have a ----:..~-
2. Yau have ten - ..i,;:i, an your hands. 2. 1 • tired.
4. She has a ,11.! r.., throat. lt hurts a lot.
3. My stomach doesn't feel good. 1have ·
6. Doctors loak at their patients. They ~--: o: .-"~ a .. • s •
them. i 5. 1feel very, very good. 1feel _ __
7. You have a cough. You ,. ""' , take cough 6. You have two _ __,__ on your head.
7. a sign that you are sick
8. 1 have a headache. My head ' , , \ ~
9. What's the Y ·.. :1 with her?
10. You have a cald. You \ go to school.
5 !'Ój\d {'' t

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