Reflection Paper in Oral Communication Context

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Name: Palabay, Dion Carlo DG.

Grade & Section: 11 – STEM B Penelope

“Reflection paper”

Communication can be in any various functions, models, and even in ways. We need
to learn about communication’s processes, tips, strategies, and more, because if we do not
care about it, we may have trouble on communicating with others, especially if it is in a
formal way or even a simple casual way. Even though the topic is about communication,
there is still some strategies to avoid some mistakes like barriers to communication.

In the group 5 video presentation, you will learn about the Functions of
Communication, and Verbal and Non-verbal Communication. In the topic, there are five (5)
functions of communications which includes: Control and Regulation, Social Interaction,
Motivation, Information Dissemination, and Emotional Expression. Control and Regulation,
from the word itself, it regulates and control the behavior of a person or a group of people,
example of this is a sign with a text that shows, “Do not litter here”, this means that to all of
the people who is going to pass the sign must not litter in that specific site, another example
is a father telling his son to clean his room first, then they can go to the mall. Social
Interaction, from the word itself, to socialize or interact with each other, example of this is a
normal and casual conversation with a group of friends, talking about some stuffs that you
both know. Motivation, from the word itself and the specific meaning of it, it motivates or
inspire people to do or to be better, example of this is a friend motivating his or her friend to
finish his or her activities or duties. Information Dissemination, from the word information, it
is a way to share information or intel in order to educate, example of this is a student teacher
his/her class about communication-related. Lastly, Emotional Expression, from the words
itself, a person expressing his/her on emotional feeling to another person, example of this is
a father comforting his son who have shared some of his personal and private problems.
The next lesson is about Verbal and Non-verbal Communication. Verbal communication is
about how you use words to convey a message, this is the most successful and efficient only
if the receiver easily processes the message delivered by the sender. Inside the Verbal
communication, there are 5 aspects to consider, these are: Appropriateness, Brevity, Clarity,
Ethics, and Vividness. Under appropriateness, there are 2 types of communication, these
are: Formal and Informal communication. Appropriateness is the use of suitable language
form applicable to the context of the situation whether is formal or informal. Formal
communication is a type of communication that is used in a formal way, in this, the
communication is well-prepared, more reliable, and it has rules to use it properly, there are a
lot of types of formal communication, these are: Meetings, Interviews, Conferences, Formal
one-on-ones, Speeches, and Presentations. On the other hand, Informal communication is
the opposite of formal, this could be a casual conversation between two (2) persons, it is
also a type of communication that occurs in everyday life, there are a lot of types of informal
communication, these are: Casual conversations, Gossips, Tales, Inter-relational Activities,
Family Social Communication Culture, and Inter-relational activities outside of the formal.
Brevity is the use of simple and precise words in delivering the message and avoiding
beating around the bush. Clarity is almost the same as brevity but it directly expresses your
own thoughts and emotion. Ethics is about considering the audience’s background like their
age, gender, race, social status, and personal convictions. Vividness is to make the
audiences’ thoughts to grasp the message that was the sender is talking about, speakers
can also use situations that are within the audiences’ experiences to establish connection.
Non-verbal communication is about the collaboration of movements that does not requires
any spoken words, these are some used non-verbal means of communication: Bodily
kinesthetic, Attitude and/or Behavior to specific situations, Manner of Dressing, and Tone of
Voice. The importance of non-verbal communication is to make audiences more
enthusiastic, expresses the message without the use of words, connects the speaker to the
audience, and adds color to the speech.

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