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Drug trafficking is one of the major sources of revenue of organised crime and remains the most COUNTRIES COVERED:
dynamic among criminal markets posing multiple threats for source, transit and destination Pakistan, Georgia, Tanzania, Ukraine,
countries. The impact on economic and social development from drug abuse and the linked Kyrgyzstan, and countries along
money laundering can be devastating. the “Heroin Route” from and to
An inherent problem in enhancing cooperation in the fight against drugs is the lack of multi- DURATION:
layer cooperation that starts from the lack of inter-agency cooperation within a single country
and extends to a lack of partnership working between other countries and regions. This weak January 2017 – November 2021
collaborative chain can be exploited by organised crime groups that capitalise on the limited IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS:
trust amongst different key stakeholders. Moreover, given the dynamism and complexity of • FIIAPP, Spain
the organised crime phenomenon, a capacity for strategic analysis and threat assessment is
In collaboration with:
needed to ensure that responses designed by beneficiary countries are focused on the most
relevant areas of intervention. Therefore, a regional approach should encourage the gradual • Carabinieri, Italy
adoption by beneficiary authorities of compatible methods and indicators which in turn should • National Crime Agency and
facilitate information sharing and cooperation. Border Force, UK

Designed to promote the comprehensive and balanced EU approach on drugs and enhance
• Number of participants in
synergies with the EU policy cycle for organised and serious international crime, project activity activities of the three project
under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) is in line with the EU Drugs components: 4,560
Strategy (2013-2020) and the European Agenda on Security (2015) and contributes to the • Number of participants trained
implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG 16.a) and the 2016 or mentored: 3,081 - about 25%
UNGASS Outcome Document on the World Drug Problem and the 2012 Vienna Declaration. women.
• Number of workshops, working
groups and practical exercises
PURPOSE set up or run by the Project in a
priority country: 22.
This project builds on lessons learnt from the Heroin Route Programme and aims to reinforce the • Number of regional and trans-
regional events organised or
due process-compliant capacities of countries along the different variants of the so-called “Heroin supported: 44
Route”, to better address drug-related organised crime and build meaningful trust and networking • Number of regional and trans-
that will enable beneficiaries to cooperate regionally and transregionally while ensuring compliance regional meetings supporting
with human rights and the rule of law. improved co-operation: 31
• Number of national policy,
PROJECT COMPONENTS / EXPECTED RESULTS procedural and legislative changes
supported: 23.
• Number of assessments delivered
1. National Policy and Operational Responses: Strengthened due process-compliant capacities in support of national policy and
and operational skills of criminal justice authorities, especially in their ability to undertake operational responses: 17.
intelligence-led and evidence-based criminal investigations as well as strategic analysis and • Number of multi-country criminal
threat assessments in the fight against drug-related organised crime. investigations supported: 22.
• Black Sea Prosecutors Network
2. Demand-driven and short-term Technical Assistance Facility: Enhanced expertise of of specialised drug prosecutors
relevant authorities in the beneficiary countries on drug-supply and drug-demand reduction from Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova,
issues through the promotion and adoption of good practices, compliant with international Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia
human rights standards and coherent with EU strategies and policies. established.
• National database to support
3. Cooperation Initiatives: Promote cooperation at a (trans-) regional level in the fight against intelligence-led policing in
organised crime and drug trafficking by reinforcing trust and networking amongst relevant Kyrgyzstan.
authorities in the beneficiary countries, as well as with their EU counterparts.
ACTIVITIES European Commission Service for
Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI)
1. National, regional and inter-regional training modules and mentoring cycles. FPI 1 – Global Threats
2. Inter-agency and trans-national table-top exercises and mock operations.
3. Facilitation of joint operations, investigations and controlled deliveries. Funded by the European Union
4. Incorporation of Human Rights Safeguards, oversight and anti corruption modules.

Foreign Policy

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