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PRINCIPLE 1 – 1. Learnings is much effective if it is intentional process.

Nature of the 2. Learning process must enhance the skills of students by being active
learning process and goal-oriented.
3. Learning process may success if students share information based
from their experiences.
4. Teachers should make sure that students will be responsible on their
5. Teachers should use techniques that students enhance cognitive skills.
PRINCIPLE 2 – 1. Learning process should help the students pursue their goals.
Goals of the 2. Short- or long-term goals of student make sure that educators help
learning process them.
3. Learning strategies should create meaningful learning goals.
4. Educators should assist their personal interests and inspirations.
5. Educators should support each student to pursue their goals.
PRINCIPLE 3 – 1. Students must learn new knowledge or addition on their prior
Construct of knowledge.
knowledge 2. Students’ prior knowledge should link on new knowledge but remain
3. Educators should assist learners by using concept mapping.
4. Educators should assist learners by using thematic organization of
5. Educators should assist learners by acquiring and integrating them.
PRINCIPLE 4 – 1. Learners use thinking strategies.
Strategic 2. Reasoning, problem solving, and concept learning may help.
Learning 3. Educators should guide learners and give feedback to their answers.
4. Assist learners to develop and applying thinking strategies.
5. Immanuel Kant’s theory of reasoning may help students to practice in
PRINCIPLE 5 – 1. In this principle, students should exert extra effort on their studies to
Thinking about cope up in the class.
thinking 2. Students who are slow learners should give extra time on their studies
to be more prepared in class.
3. Educators should guide learners every time to help students if have
some question.
4. Educators should focus not only on those students who cooperates but
should focus to all students.
5. Success learning process in this principle if students can reflect on
how they think and learn.
PRINCIPLE 6 – 1. Things that surrounds the learners have an impact on their
Context of knowledge.
Learning 2. Environment, technologies, culture, or beliefs may influence their
3. The nature vs. nurture debate battles can help students to know their
learning capacity and enhance their self-confidence.
4. Educators should be creative because learner’s environment affects
their learning process.
5. Educators should help students in nurturing them because they are
the second parents of them.
PRINCIPLE 7 – 1. Motivation on students in different aspects is important.
Motivational and 2. Educators should pay attention on student’s characteristics either
emotional negative or positive.
influences on 3. Educators should ask students if have problems because it affects
learning their studies.
4. Educators should motivate students by facilitating them if they have
any questions during class.
5. Educators should treat students whole heartedly because they are the
second family for them.
PRINCIPLE 8 – 1. It is the curiosity of the learners that is a major indicator of intrinsic
Intrinsic motivation.
motivation to 2. Educators can encourage student for their natural curiosity.
learn 3. Educators can guide them about their intrinsic motivation and how to
handle this thing.
4. Educators should know their goals and interests so that they can
support them and motivate them.
5. Curiosity of learners must have the guide of educators who can help
them by supporting and motivating them.
PRINCIPLE 9 – 1. Educators should exert effort on learning strategies to motivate
Effects of learners.
motivation on 2. Effort is important in learning process of every students.
effort 3. If a learning strategy appreciates by the learners, it may lead to better
understanding to them.
4. Educators should facilitate motivation in class to catch the attention
of everyone.
5. Effort is a challenging work to do, but it is worth it if anyone
appreciates it.
PRINCIPLE 10 – 1. Educators should be aware on teaching method because it affects
Developmental learner’s development.
Influence on 2. Educators must ensure children’s difference form of development.
learning 3. Educators should understand their student’s development in order to
match it on students’ age, grade, or developmental level.
4. Applying Vygotsky’s theory can help teachers to know what to do
learning strategies on students.
5. Applying Piaget’s theory can help teachers to know how to discover
students’ interests and discovering-based learning.
PRINCIPLE 11- 1. Learners should interact with others by giving outside activities.
Social influences 2. Learners much enjoy studying if educators give them opportunities to
on learning collaborate to other people.
3. Social environment has a big impact on their studies.
4. Educators should consult also students’ situation and it might have
problems like family or financial problems.
5. Environment, people around them, and other social factors can
influence learners, thus, educators guide them.
PRINCIPLE 12 – 1. Learners has different learning capabilities; some are fast learners’
Individual others are not.
differences in 2. Educators must be sensitive regarding this matter and be more
learning understanding.
3. Not everyone can learn in the same manner, so that educators must
examine what students’ learning preferences.
4. Educator should consider those individual differences and it is
important to understand them first.
5. Students are not all equal. They grew indifferently, thus, it’s no one
fault to become what they are.
PRINCIPLE 13 – 1. Students has different ethnicity, beliefs, language, and socioeconomic
Learning and status so that educator must be careful regarding this matter.
Diversity 2. Make appropriate teaching strategies that cannot affect their beliefs
and other serious personalities.
3. Be careful in sharing ideas or examples when topics of the subjects
were about culture, beliefs, or religions.
4. Avoid starting topic that students misunderstand the topic and may
lead to improper discussion about the prior knowledge and their
5. It is better to share ideas and also listen to their ideas in a proper way
to avoid misunderstanding.
PRINCIPLE 14 – 1. Different types of assessment can help students for a clear learning
Standard and process.
assessment 2. Ongoing assessment for both teachers and students are valuable
towards their learning goals.
3. Learning progress can improve by self-assessments.
4. Using types of assessment for students will provide clearer
understanding on their learning process.
5. Sometimes, even though the teachers exert too much effort in learning
strategies, it doesn’t always learn them, thus assessment happens
during the learning period.

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