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Bermejo, Rom Cris

CBET 17-601E


Career planning is an individual’s lifelong process of establishing personal career
objectives and acting in a manner intended to bring them about. Career management is the
process of deciding what work opportunities to accept or reject, depending on their perceived
value in helping achieve career objectives. It includes not only decisions made by an individual
but also those made about the individual by managers and others who control what work
opportunities can be made available. Career development is the process of improving an
individual’s abilities in anticipation of future opportunities for achieving career objectives.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a career consists of the organized structure and sequence
of patterns in an individual’s work life. (Rothwell, Kazanas)
In Traditional Approach of Career planning and Management, it serves a several
purposes and it includes; One; improve morale by giving employees information about
opportunities available in the organization; Two; encourage employees to establish and work
toward achieving career objectives; Three: motivate employees to seek out career-development
opportunities, like training, education, and developmental job assignments; and Four, provide the
organization with a means to trace relationships between jobs, and then identify candidates for
recruitment to or advancement toward other jobs. There is actually a very close relationship
between organizational career management and HR planning. It is seen most clearly in the area
of forecasting needed talent. Career management helps assess available supplies of internal talent
and influences initiatives in other HR practice areas. The Organizational Career-management
Process is consisting of three of identical considerations and these are Identifying or describing
common, historical career patterns in the organization, identifying potential career patterns and
establishing formal and informal programs.
Career planning and Management is I think one of the most important considerations that
we should provide and not deprived of to our employees. Career planning open doors to more
potentials to all employees within the company that hidden for the very long time for not being
practiced for long. This open more opportunities to them to widen their competitiveness and
discover more probable talent that can be contributed in the company for a wide industry
competitiveness. I think, company should always have to prioritize such programs and
management like these to boost up their man power and be bigger than they was before.

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