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College of Business and Entrepreneurial Technology

Department of Human Resources Development Management

A case study analysis entitled

“Job evaluation for managerial positions”

Submitted by:
Bermejo, Rom Cris

Submitted to:
Mr. Jessie Sergote


Job evaluation for managerial positions

The chairman of the board of directors of Jonadel Corporation has proposed that all
managerial positions be included in the corporate job evaluation program. The idea came from
several friends in other companies of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries where he is a
member of the board of directors. The inclusion of the managerial positions in other company’s
job evaluation program has been found successful and helpful. There are differences in the pay
systems based on the job evaluation in these companies and the chairman is convinced that these
will work also with the company where the chairman is and has the greatest shares of stocks.

In one of the special meetings of the Board of Directors, he proposed the idea to the chief
operating officer. The chief operating officer said that the programs be held in abeyance until he
had consulted his line and operating managers who will be affected by the changes due to the job
evaluation system that will be implemented.

In the meeting called by the chief operating officer, most of the mangers opposed the idea. They
argued that their positions cannot be rated with other positions due to the complexity of their
responsibilities. They pointed out further to the CEO that no job evaluators can possibly know
the extent of their jobs and compare the same with subordinate positions. The objections of the
managers were that the qualities for such positions were varied and salaries were differently
structured based on experience and length of service in the company.

The CEO while being neutral, feared that if the job evaluation would include the positions of his
line and operating managers, he would be losing his best people in the organization. He also
thought that developing new manager takes time and those operators might suffer due to changes
in the organizational system.

The Human Resource Manager in his talk with the chairman of the board was in favor of the
idea. He discussed the same with his staff and also supported the idea of including the
managerial positions.

The CEO called the president to prepare a memorandum for the Human Resource Department to
study the program and implement the Job Evaluation Program for managerial positions. The
program should give details of the advantages of the program and the process of what is to be
done and how it should be done.


Top Management


Jonadel Corporation proposed a job evaluation program that includes managerial position
in said assessment. In the meeting called by the chief operating officer, most of the mangers
opposed the idea. They argued that their positions cannot be rated with other positions due to the
complexity of their responsibilities. They pointed out further to the CEO that no job evaluators
can possibly know the extent of their jobs and compare the same with subordinate positions. The
objections of the managers were that the qualities for such positions were varied and salaries
were differently structured based on experience and length of service in the company.


1. To successfully implement the proposed job evaluation for Rank and File Positions.
2. To conduct a study regarding the development of Job Evaluation for Managerial
3. To develop a Job Evaluation specified for Managerial Positions




1. Flexibility of the Company

2. Systematic comparison between jobs.
3. Strong Management

1. Demotivate managerial employees.

2. Can made the managerial employees feel as if the company is being biased.
3. Tension between Levels of Employees.


1. Establish a rational pay structure by assessing their relative worth

2. Transparency of Employee Evaluation
3. To identify further areas for training


1. Resignation of Managerial Employees.

2. Losing professional competence
3. Issues in Disciplinary Action


1. Organize a meeting with Managerial Employees
This able both parties to communicate with their concerns and make their points
Meeting can be ineffective and adds more tension in organization.

2. Propose an Employee Evaluation exclusively for Managerial Employee

Helps to evaluate the Managerial Employee in most specific standards.
This oppose the idea of the Managerial Employee to not to include them in
3. Conduct a counselling for employees and employers
Counselling will help the employees both in Associate Position and Managerial
Employee to ease the tension between the relationships.
Many Counselling Challenges may occur such as Anger Management, Stress, and
Behavioural Changes.


After studying the SWOT Analysis and presented Alternative Courses of Action, the
researchers highly suggest the Alternative Course of Action 2, the Proposal of Employee
Evaluation that is exclusive for Managerial Employee. The situation in the organization struggles
in two parties agreeing and disagreeing with the employee evaluation in managerial sector. The
chairman who is in charge of the issue aims to be fair and consider both parties point of view.
With the suggested Proposal of Employee Evaluation for Managerial Sectors, this would set
standards and most likely to clearly define the description of jobs in Managerial Positions. The
researchers believe that this formulation would be much effective in the company and their
situation in specific.

Activity Objectives Person Involved Timeframe and Feedback

To successfully - Chairman of the

implement the Board of Directors
Implementing a Job 1-2 month/s
proposed job - Human Resource
evaluation for Rank Department
and File Positions.

To conduct a study - Research and

regarding the Development
Propose an Employee 2-4 month/s
development of Job Employees
Evaluation exclusively
Evaluation for - Human Resource
for Managerial
Managerial Positions. Department

To develop a Job - Chairman of the

Evaluation specified Board of Directors
Creating of Managerial 2-3 month/s
for Managerial - Chief Executive
Positions Officer
- Human Resource


After conducting the study regarding the situation above and after implementing the
suggested Alternative Course of Action, the Proposal and Implementation of Managerial
Performance Evaluation, the researchers expected the situation to be at ease; to solve the main
background which is the Managerial Employees disagreeing about the proposed evaluation in
Managerial Sector. With the minor presented throughout the study, the researchers expected the
company to adapt any of the Alternative Course of Action and Action Plan depends on what the
situation demands. Lastly, the researchers encourage other researchers to further conduct a study
in line with this topic to fill the gaps and other factors that can be affected by this case.

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