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Bermejo, Rom Cris

Human Resource Planning

Activity 1-1: Case Study Directions: Read through the case that follows, and then answer
the questions at the end. (This case is entirely fictitious.)

John P. McQuillan, age 21, is a student majoring in business administration at a large

state university in a medium-sized city (population 100,110) about 200 miles from the nearest
metropolitan area. He is interested in a career in personnel management and, in particular, a
specialty in HRP. John has decided to talk to an HR planner as part of his research for a term
paper in his graduate seminar in Human Resources Planning. The first problem is finding one.
John has telephoned the personnel departments of large local employers but has had no luck so
far in locating an HR planning specialist. In fact, he has been unable to find a single organization
in which HRP has been made a distinct structural component of an organization. John is
confused. The assigned readings for the graduate seminar imply that HRP is common and that
state-of-the-art techniques in organizations are quite sophisticated. Yet John has found no
evidence of real-world operations like those described in textbooks and academic articles.


1. What accounts for John’s problem?

In John’s case, a series of problem arise. He happened to struggle in finding a

Human Resource Specialist for his term paper in his graduate seminar in Human
Resource Planning. Three major problems has arisen in this case and made John struggle
in completing his term paper. The first issue in this situation is on John himself, sticking
to what textbook has said and not critically examine the context of the book. Since the
term paper is demanding for an HRP specialist being its description listed in the textbook,
John should’ve not only focusing on finding the Human Resource Planning Specialist but
rather look after to people who is in charge of the job description, it is for the reason that,
not all company and businesses used the same term for certain job title. Company and
business can name their certain job to something they want. Meaning, the company that
he calls can possibly have Human Resource Planning Specialist but with different job
title. The second problem that has arisen in John situation is his small range of contact. In
the article, it was mentioned that John only contacts certain personnel of different
company within large local employees only and did not consider to contact further places.
If only John gives another places and company a shot, this can open an opportunity for
finding the fitted employees for interview. Making his contact and connection wider can
help him to get closer to find an HRP Specialist and the likes to help him accomplish his

2. How might John go about finding HRP by virtue of roles enacted by practitioners?
Where should he look for them in organizations that do not possess a formal HR
planning department? Why do you think so?

For John to be able to find someone that can help him to finish his term paper, he
should consider getting and calling more contacts to company and business to further
places. Having a wider range of connection can help him to make the possibility of
finding a Human Resource Planning Specialist bigger. Being mentioned in firs question
that the company can change job titles, it would be a good step for John to ask for
company’s Job Analysis. In there, he can search for the job title that has same job
description as Human Resource Planning Specialist. Human Resource Planning
Specialist’s job can also be a description of some company’s other job titles. With that,
resourcing for company’s Job Analysis, he can find exactly the job title that does the
responsibility of the HRP Specialist. It’s is effective and a massive help for his term
paper for the reason that he has all the job titles and description and unlimited to access to
all the information that has something to do with company’s employee position and

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