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Hajj Outline – A Guideline for those proceeding for Umrah & Hajj

By Shaykh Yusuf Badat, Mathabah Foundation -

(Based on Quran & Sunnah as explained in the famous Hanafi text Nur Al Idah. For
evidence and proofs, please see references in the original text)

Before Proceeding:
• Mental & Material Preparation, Educate Yourself (Donot Overdo), Value Time
• Do Not Complain, Avoid Sin
• A journey that inspires change of life for Allah

Departure & Ihraam:

• Salah & Leaving for Airport
• Miqaat (Boundaries) One must dawn the ihraam and make intention before the boundaries
with talbiyah. (at least 2 hours before landing if traveling to Jeddah)
• Prohibitions During Ihraam (obscenity, sex, sin, argumentation, kill or hunt, to cover head or face
[women must cover head not face], cut hair or nails, perfume or scents, stitched clothes [males],
shoes (upper portion of feet must be exposed for men)

• After making arrangements of luggage and stay in Macca, proceed to perform Umrah
• Fardh (Mandatory) Acts of Umrah: Ihraam (required dressing), Tawaaf (Circumbulation
around the kaabah, start from the black stone, go anti clock wise (7 circuits), perform 2
rakahs, drink Zam Zam and head towards Sa’ee.
• Wajib (Necessary) Acts of Umrah: Sa’ee (walking between mounts Safa & Marwa – men will
walk quickly under the green lights not women- complete 7 rounds start at Safa and
complete at Marwah), Halaq / Qasr (shaving / trimming)

Hajj (5 days):
8th of Dhul Hijjah
• Enter state of Ihram (intention of Hajj)
• Leave for Minaa after sunrise (complete all preparations by 7th)
• Remain in Minaa: perform: Duhr, Asr, Maghrib, Esha and Fajr of next day
• Nothing prescribed (engage in all forms of Ibadah)

9th of Dhul Hijjah:

• Leave for Arafah after Sunrise
• Wuqoof (stay at Arafah) is Fardh (anytime 9th from midday to dawn next day)
• Offer Dhuhr, Asr
• After Sunset, leave for Muzdalifa without praying Maghrib
• Perform Maghrib & Esha together in Muzdalifa (in Esha time)
• Collect pebbles in Muzdalifa - 70 pebbles to be used as follows:
◦ 10th - 7 pebbles, ◦ 11th – 21 pebbles, ◦ 12th – 21 pebbles, ◦ 13th – 21 pebbles

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10th of Dhul Hijjah:
• Perform Fajr in Muzdalifa
• Stay in Muzdalifa any time from dawn to sunrise (donot leave before dawn)
• Just before sunrise leave for Mina
• Upon reaching Mina, do the following:
o ramee (pelting only large jamarah / shaytaan)
o animal sacrifice
o halaq / qasr (shaving/ trimming)
o tawaf Ziyarah in Macca
(order is necessary in first 3) – P-AS-S
• Pelting timing: 10th: from early dawn to early dawn of 11th (midday to sunset is mustahab)
• While pelting say ‘bismillah Allahu Akbar’ (do not throw together or counted as one)
• After halaq, all prohibitions lifted except marital relations (intercourse)
• Tawaf Ziyarah is Fardh. Timing for Tawaf Ziyarah is from 10th early dawn to 12th sunset
• Now return and stay in Minaa

11th of Dhul Hijjah:

• Only action is ramee / pelting. Small, middle and large (order)
• Timing for pelting on 11th and 12th is from midday to early dawn next morning
• Dua is only in between (No dua if you are not pelting a next jamarah)
• Spend the night in Mina

12th & 13th Dhul Hijjah:

• Do same as 11th
• If one stays in Mina till the dawn of 13th then the pelting/ ramee of 13th is wajib

• Hajj is now complete

• Tawaaf Wadaa (farewell tawaf) to be performed any time after Tawaf Ziyarah

It is a sunnah to visit the Prophet’s (s) city, mosque and grave.

Women Issues:
• The women are, in all of [the above], the same as men, except that:
• She does not uncover her head (she uncovers her face).
• She does not raise her voice in talbiyah, she does not perform Raml & Idhtibaa in tawaf.
• She does not run between the two green posts in Saee.
• She does not shave her head, but she shortens [her hair].
• If a woman menstruates at the time of ihram, she performs ghusl and enters ihram. She
does as the [male] pilgrim does, except that she does not perform tawaf of the Baitullah
(Ka’abah) until she becomes pure.
• If she menstruates after the (wuqoof) and the Tawaf Ziyarah), she [can] depart from
Makkah, and there is no [penalty] upon her [in that case] for abandonment of the Tawaf

May Almighty Allah accept your Umrah & Hajj.

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