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Physical Attractiveness and Personality in Advertising: More than Just a Pretty Face?

Anne M. Brumbaugh, Duke University^

ABSTRACT of purchase displays (CabaUero and Solomon 1984), for actual

Generally accepted in advertising is the adage that "what is communicators in one-on-one interactions (Chaiken 1979), and for
beautiful is good," and the use of attractive spokespeople and celebrity endorsements (Kamins 1990).
models is de rigueur. Various hypotheses have been put forth to However, for each piece of evidence in support of the effect of
explain how attractiveness affects various measures of advertising physical attractiveness on attitude towards the ad or other measures
effectivMiess. Widiin the literature, however, it appears that for of advotising effectiveness, there sean to exist several that fait to
every significant result supponing attractiveness as affecting atti- uphold the hypothesis. For example, Petroshius and Crocker
tude towards a brand or product, another study fails to show the (1989) show physical attractiveness to influence ratings of ad
effect. This paper suggests thatpeople's perceptionof an advertise- characteristics (interesting, appealing, impressive, attractive, eye-
ment is affected not only by the spokesmodel's physical appeia- catching), but not measures of product information (believable,
ance, but also by personality inferences made by the viewer about informative, clear) or product quality. B aker and Churchill ( 1977)
the mode!. show similar results.
While Kamins (1990) shows that the differential levels of
INTRODUCTION physical attractiveness offered by celebrities Tom Selleck and
AdvCTüsing featuring attractive spokespersons and models Telly Savalas affect advertiser and spokesperson believabilily and
fills television screens and print media, presumably because attrac- spokesperson credibility, the difference in physical attractiveness
tive people sell more products (Dion, Berscheid, and Walster does not affect arguably more important indicators of advertising
1972). Rarely is an unattractive person featured prominently in an effectiveness: attitude towards the brand, credibility of the adver-
ad, save the occasional "character" actor. However, empirical tisement, and purchase intention.
evidence is mixed in its support for the contention that physical Caballero and Solomon (1984) find that physical attractive-
attractiveness in a person pictured in an ad serves to increase ad ness of amodel pictured in apointof purchase display affects actual
effectiveness. Within the literature, it serans that for every signifi- purchase of facial tissues, but not beer. Interestingly, the effect was
cant result supporting physical attractiveness as affecting attitude not in the expected direction: the less attractive model yielded
towards a brand or product, another study fails to show the effect. higher facial tissue sales than did the more attractive model. Their
As people view an advertisement, and the person pictured in explanation for such seemingly incongruent results centered on the
it, they form inferences about that person andhis or her personality. fact that the unattractive model may have attracted more attention
Social psychology literature suggests that such inferences occur to the point of purchase display than did the attractive model.
spontaneously and frequently as we observe others. This paper While some studies fail to show main effects of physical
suggests that these personality inferences mediate the effect of attractiveness on advertising effectiveness measures, some do
physical attractiveness on ad effectiveness, that such personality show significant physical attractiveness by gender of subject inter-
inferences also influence directly how effective the ad will be, and action effects (CabaUero and Solomon 1984; Kahle and Homer
that the formation and application of these inferences are affected 1985). Other research specifically investigates gender differences
by the gender of the observer. in the impact of physical attractiveness on ad effectiveness (Debevec
The first section of this paper reviews some work on physical andKonan 1984). In addition to the negative correlation between
attractiveness in advertising. Sections two and three discuss the model attractiveness and facial tissue sales as fotind by Caballero
formation of personality inferences based on physical doppeaiance and Soloman(1984), Kahle and Homer (1985) fotmd that attractive
and how advertising might be affected by such inferences. Section sources were more effective with female subjects (but not male) in
four proposes five hypotheses about the effects of physical attrac- recognition scores for ads promoting disposable razor blades, and
tiveness and personality inferences on attitude towards a product. unattractive sources were related to lower recall scores for male
Methodology and results of a study follow in sections six andseven, subjects (but not female) for toothpaste ads.
concluding with a discussion of the findings in the final section. Debevec and Keman (1984) specifically try to assess the
impact of the gender of target by gender of speaker interaction as
PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS IN ADVERTISING well as model attractiveness on ihe effectiveness of a slide presen-
Advertisers have long accepted the idea that "beauty sells" and tation soliciting support for a levy raising funds for the Cincinnati
have utilized attractive celebri^ endorsers, spokespeople, and Zoo. Their results illustrate a number of gender differences in a
models in their advertisements. Empirical studies bear out this varietyof affective and behavioralmea5ures. For example, females
phenomenon, showing that physical attractiveness of a person reacted more positively to the slide presait^ion picturing an
shown in an ad increases advwtiser believability (Kamins 1990), attractive male model than to one showing an average male model,
willingness to purchase (Petroshius and Crocker 1989; Kahle and but were not more disposed to attending meetings or passing the
Homer 1985), direct mail response rate (Caballero and Pride 1984), levy, ConvCTsely, male subjects' were affected on these dimen-
attitude towards the product (Kahle and Homer 1985), and actual sioTïs when an attractive female model was pictured Other results
purchase (CabaUero and Solomon 1983). Furthermore, this effect show that attractiveness affected different measures to different
is found when both male and female models are used (Petroshius degrees, depending on the sex of the respondent and sex of the
and Crock«-1989), for print advertising (Kamins 1990), for point model featured (Debevec and Keman 1984).


author wishes to thank Debra Stephens. Ron Hill, Morris The mixed results shown in studies of physical attractiveness
Holbrook, and Cindy Hanson for the use of their data. of a mode] on attitude towards the ad, source persuasiveness,
159 Advances in Consumer Research
Volume 20, © 1993
1601 Physical Attractiveness and Personality in Advertising: More than Just a Pretty Face?
attitude towards the product, purchase intent, coupled with the that seem to influence positively the scores of evaluative measures
evidence of gender differences when the effect is shown to exist, of advertisements (Ohanian 1990). Perhaps advertisers also need
suggest that something may be mediating the effect of physical to be mindful of the personality inferences people make spontane-
attractiveness of the model on evaluative meastires of the ad. Such ously, in addition to those personality inferences that advertisers
a mediauir might neutralize the persuasive effect of an otherwise want to induce. Presuming the existence of personality as a
attractive model, may enhance the effect of an average looking mediator of jiiysical attractivraiess might help explain why some
model, and might explain the effectiveness of less attractive models studies find no main effect for physical attractiveness or otherwise
in advertising (Kamins 1990). unexpected results, while others offer full sufqx>rt for its main
Physical attractiveness, or lack thereof, is a very salient, highly effects and interactions.
visible cue that observers use to form impressions of another person For example. Caballero and Solomon's (1984) finding that a
(Schneider, Hastorf, and Ellsworth 1979; Chaiken 1986). Based on less attractive model was more effective in selling facial tissues than
this outward ^»pearance, we make alt sorts of inferences about the a more attractive model might not be just because the less attractive
agents we observe. Among these inferences are judgments about model was more noticed. Perh^s the result might be explained in
the agent's personality (Oiaiken 1979; Funder and Colvin 1988; terms of personality. People viewing the less attractive model may
Winter, Ulanan, and Cunnif 1985; Winter and Uleman 1984; have perceived her to be less active, less outgoing, and conse-
Debevec and Keman 1984) and status (Kalick 1988). People quently less likely to be healthy, while they perceived the more
spontaneously and unintentionally make inferences about others' attractive model to be exlraverted and healthy. The less attractive
personalities even after only a brief period of exposure. Even when model's perceived greater experience with illness, then, made her
other data about the agent are available, for example occupation, a much better endorser for facial tissues than the attractive, healthy
role and trait information, observers continue to rely heavily on model.
physical appearance (Deaux and Lewis 1984). Furthermore, these Results of studies in which physical attractiveness was shown
inferences are surprisingly accurate. Funde: and Colvin (1988) to impact affective measures, but not cognitive or conadve mea-
found that strangers' assessments of each other, made after only sures (Petroshius and Crocker 1989; Baker and Churchill 1977;
five minutes of exposure to each other, agreed with judgments made Caballero, Lumpkin, and Madd^i 1989), might also be explained
by close acquaintances as well as with self-assessments. Readily by personality inferences as mediators of physical attractiveness.
observable personality traits like extraverted, sociable, talkative, Physical attractiveness may have elicited perceptions of extraver-
good-natured,ftmny,poised, status, interesting, sexually warm and sion and kindness, for example, which caused observers to like the
responsive, and kind (Joseph 1982; Albright, Kermy, and Malloy ad and the spokesperson. However, kindness may not have been an
1988; Funder and Colvin 1988; Maddux and Rogers 1980) seem to appropriate trait for an endorser of computers or luxury cars
be the most highly correlated with physical attractiveness. (Kamins 1990), thereby reducing any positive effect due to the
Kalick (1988) had subjects match pictures of males and sheer aesthetic vision offered t^ the source.
females of varying degrees of physical attractiveness with descrip- Baker and Churchill's (1977) seemingly inconsistent results
tions of different levels of ascribed (conferred through privileged might also be explained by personality as a mediating variable.
backgroimd) and achieved (eamed through hard work or applied Male subjects ' high purchase intent for perfume may have resulted
talent) status. Irrespective of the status martipulation used (indi- from their ascribing sociable and sexual warmth traits to the
vidual or family status, eamed or inherited, rich achieved or attractive female model pictured, traits they might look for in a
ascribed), high status descriptions were associated with pictures of romantic partner. Conversely, their high purchase intent for coffee
physically attractive people, and low st^us descriptions with less after viewing a less attractive model might result from their ascrib-
attractive photos. In assessing differences between achieved and ing to her traits like hard-working and intelligent, perceiving her to
ascribed status, he found the relationship between physical attrac- be a knowledgeable, expert coffee drinker.
tiveness and ascribed status to be stronger than that between Gender differences might also be explained by the different
attractiveness and achieved status. These assessments made solely ways men and women perceive others and utilize physical cues in
on the basis of {^ysical attractiveness are shown to exhibit gender making inferences. Both men and women toid to confer on men
differences as well. Albright et al (1988) showed that observers stereotypically male traits like ambitious and aggressive, while they
rated females as more conscientious when using only physical tend to attribute to women traits like caring and frivolous (Schneider
appearance as evidence of personality. Kalick (1988) found that et al 1979; Deaux and Lewis 1984). This natiiral tendency to resort
female subjects tended to match more physically attractive photos to a conventional stereotype in the absence of additional informa-
with all status descriptions than did male subjects, and that sex of tion might cause viewers to ascribe personality traits to a model
the stimulus person produced diffaent results. When analyzing pictured in an ad which, while consistent with the stereotype, are not
data of male stimulus persons, he found that achieved status was congruent with the {S'oduct. Furthermore, even if men and wom^i
associated with higher physical attractiveness ratings, while for perceive the same personality traits, they might subsequently into*-
female stimulus persons achieved status was associated with lower prêt them differentiy in the context of the advertisement. For
attractiveness scores. example, while both men and women rate a female model high on
sociability for an ad for exercise equipment, purchase intention for
EFFECT OF PERSONALITY ON AD the men is higher than for the women because they associate
sociability with health and health with exercise, while women's
intent is tower because competence, not sociability, is the trait that
That people can't help themselves from forming inferences would make them believe that exercise equipment is a smart
about others on the basis of íc>pearance seems unequivocal. Do investment for themselves.
these inferences, once formed while viewing a model in an adver-
tisement, affect the effectiveness of the advertisement? This paper provides an initial attempt at teasing apart the
AdvCTtisers frequentiy try to convey certain personality char- effects of personality inferences from the effects due to physical
acteristics through their choice of actors and the traits the actors attractiveness. One advantage of this paper is the structure of the
display. Trustworthiness, credibility, and expertness are all traits data. Most studies on appearance in advertising manipulate physi-
Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 20) 1161

cal attractiveness by pretesting a number of photos or ads featuring provide a variety of physical characteristics (hair, face, complex-
models of different levels of attractiveness and picking as stimuli ion, physique). Pretests with students showed that students varied
the two photos rated most and least physically attractive (or three in their assessment of physical attractiveness and differed in ascrib-
photos including an average rating). While manipulation checks ing personality traits to the models based on the pictures. Tests of
verify that irfiysical attractiveness ratings within this type of study means on current data revealed that models differ significantly in
differ significantly in the expected direction, such a manipulation attractiveness, with means ranging from 2.356 (unattractive) to
doesn't allow for individual differences in preference. In this study, 4.596 (attractive).
each subject makes his or her own ratings of twenty models, which
are then used as measures of attractiveness in this repeated mea- Procedures
sures design. Evaluations of models' clothing, {^ysical attractiveness, and
personalities were obtained from 90 male and 88 female und»-
HYPOTHESES graduate subjects. Subjects were shown 20 pictures of 20 different
Basedontheideathatpersonalitymediates the effect of source models three times each. During the first exposure, subjects were
physical attractiveness on evaluative measures of the ad, a number shown each picture for approximately 20 seconds and were Úien
of hypotheses will be examined in the following sections. First, HI asked to rate each model's clothing. The second exposure also
establishes that physical attractiveness of the source enhances the lasted approximately 20 seconds, after which subjects were asked
attitude towards the ad or, in this experiment, the "product," to rate the models' physical attractiveness. The third and fmal
women's clothing. exposure to each slide of the models lasted approximately 30
seconds, after which subjects were asked to make judgments about
HI: The physical attractiveness of a model pictured in an ad the models' personalities.
positively influences the attitude towards the product.
Next, it is necessary to show that attractiveness of the source is acue
Models' clothing was rated using six ftve-position semantic
that obsCTvexs use to make inferences about the model's personal-
differential scales: unfavorable/favorable, neat/sloppy, like/dis-
ity, particularly in the absence of other information.
like, not stylish/stylish, bad/good, and tasteful/tasteless. A single
//2: The physical attractiveness of a model pictured in an ad meastire of clothing attractiveness was obtained by averaging the
influences the formation of perceptions about the model's five semantic differential scales. This score served as the dependent
personality. variable in the analyses.
Two sets of measurements were obtained to assess physical
Once it has been established that physical attractiveness indeed attractiveness of the model. Inthefirstmeasurement, subjects were
influences the attitude towards the model's clothii^ and the person- asked to rate the model's hair, face, complexion, and physique on
ality inferraices made about her, it may be hypothesized that gender a five-position scale anchored by the phrases "not at all attractive"
of the observer plays a role in the formation of the personality to "very attractive." A single composite attractiveness rating was
pnceptions as well. obtained by averaging these four ratings. In the second measure,
subjects completed the statement "This model is more physically
H3: Gender of the subject influences the formation of percep-
attractive than percentage of all females I've ever seen." This
tions about the model's personality.
measure served as a manipulation check for the mean attractiveness
It is further hypothesized that, not only does physical attractiveness rating, showing it to be a reliable reflection of the model's attrac-
affect observers' attitude towards the model's clothing, but that the tiveness.
personality inferences also have their impact. Subjects recorded their personality inferences on twenty-two
five-point semantic differential scales anchored by the following
H4: Perceptions about the model's personality affect the atti- pairs: active/passive, not intelligent^intelligent, hard-working/
tude towards the product. lazy,snobbish/down-to-earth, withdrawn/outgoing, hqjpy/unh^jpy,
feminine/unfeminine, urqMjÄilar/popular, unsuccessful/successful,
FinaUy, it is hypothesized that there will be gender differences in
healthy/unhealthy, trustworthy/not trustworthy, self-conscious/self-
how personality inferences affect aUitude towards the product.
confident, independent/dependent, niceAnean, not sophisticated/
H5\ Gender of the subject modnates the influence of per- sophisticated, weak-willed/disciplined, free spiritedAraditiona],
sonality inferences on the attitude towards the product. fearful/brave, neat/sloppy, not likeable/likeable, boringAnterest-
ing, exciting/dull. This list of personality traits was based on
METHODOLOGY inventories found in previous studies (Brenner and Hinsdale 1978,
The data for this experiment were obtained from the first of Harris, Harris and Bochner 1982, Staffieri 1972), and was modified
two sessions to assess the impact of women's body satisfaction/ based on students' responses to pretests of the models. The
dissatisfaction on their evaluation of advertisements picturing adjectives were factor analyzed with a principal components analy-
female models differing in physical attractiveness. In the first sis with a varimax rotation to yield four factors. Factor one, labeled
session, subjects were shown slides of 20 models and were asked to "sociable," includes active, outgoing, hqipy, popular, healthy,
assess models* cloúüng, physical attractiveness, and personality. confident, intwesting, exciting, and free spirited. Factor two,
During the second session, two questionnaires measuring subjects ' labeled "capable," includes intelligent, hardworking, independent,
body dissatisfaction were administered. Only data from the first disciplined, and brave. Factor three, labeled "poised," includes
session are used in this p^)er. feminine, successful, ne^, and sophisticated. Finally, factor four,
labeled "friendly," includes down-to-earth, tmstworthy, nice, and
Stimuli likeable. Cronbach coefficient alphas equal .88, .76, .75, and .76,
Picbires of twenty models were obtained from a number of respectively.
American and European fashion magazines and were selected to
162 / Physical Attractiveness and Personality in Advertising: More than Just a Pretty Face?

Manova Results

Personality Index Model Attractiveness Gender X Model Attractivraiess


Sociable 2398.94 0.0001 6.04 0.0001

Capable 334.08 0.0001 4.80 0.0286

Poised 1902.44 0.0001 101 0.3154

Friendly 61.38 0.0001 8.89 0.0029

Overall Effect 867.40 0.0001 8.62 0.0001

(Wilks' Lambda)

RESULTS graider, and their interaction serving as independent variables. The

The impact of model attractiveness (MdlAttr), subject gender table provides data from the MANOVA analysis which shows that
(Gender), and personality inferences (Sociable, Capable, Poised, model attractiveness and the interaction between gender andmodel
Friendly) on subjects' attitude towards models' clothing ( Acioth) is attractiveness both contribute to the formation of three of the four
assessed by forming a series of Fadd calculations (Lutz 1977 p. personality indices. Gender alone does not impact the personality
203). TheFaddstatistic measiffes the additional contributionof one assessmCTits. The third factor, poised, is not significantly influ-
or more variables to a full regression model. To test main effects enced by the interaction between gender and model attractiveness.
of gender, attractiveness, and personality on attitude towards cloth- To test hypothesis 4, the effect of the four personality factors
ing, a full model shown in equation (1 ) is used, with variables being on attitude towards clothing, a series of Fg^^ statistics were calcu-
omitted in tum as appropriate to test the various hypotheses. lated as above. First, eliminating all four personality indices from
the full model in equation (1) showed significant effects of person-
Acioth = Gender Subj MdlAttr Sociable ality on attitude towards clothing (Fadd=154.25 (4,3548), p<=0.01).
Capable Poised Friendly (1) Separate Fadd calculations for reduced models which omitted each
personality index individually provided support for the personality
To demonstrate that the formation of personality inferences is
traits of capable (Fadd=3-70 (1, 3548), p<=.0562) and poised
affected by subject gender and model attractiveness, a MANOVA
(Fadd=35.62 (1, 3548), p<=.01). The effects of the personality
analysis is performed using the four personality indices as depen-
traits of sociable (Fadd=0-26) friendly (Fadd=O 06) were not statis-
dentvariables, and gender, model attractiveness, and the interaction
tically significant.
between the two as independent variables. For further analyses of
Suppon for hypothesis 5 comes from tests of the interactions
the gender main effect and interactions with personality indices,
between gender and the personality indices. Equation (2) shows the
series of Fadd statistics are calculated by omitting variables from
full model for the test of subject gender as a moderator of the
the full model shown in equation (2).
influence of personality on the attitude towards the models* cloth-
Acioth = Gender Subj Mdlattr MdlAttr*Gender ing. Significant interactions included capable (F=9.74 (1, 3547),
Sociable e n a b l e Poised Friendly p<=.0018) and friendly (F=4.32 (1,3547), p<=.0378). To investi-
Sociable*Gender Capable*Gender gate the nature of the two interactions, a regression was r\in on the
Poised*Gender Friendly*Gender (2) reduced model shown in equation (3) to obtain parameter estimates
of the interactions involving gender. The capable by gender
ûiteractions in a regression of equation (2) that were significant at interaction was significant only for female subjects (estimate=.14,
the p=0.05 level are explored further by analyzing parameter t=4.10, p<=.O(X)l), while the friendly by gender interaction was
estimates yielded by a regression of equation (3). significantonlyformalesubjects(estimate=O6,t=2.34,p<=.0192).

~ MdlAttr*Gender Sociable*Gender DISCUSSION

Capable*Gender Poised*Gender Support for all five hypotheses was obtained. From these
Friendly*Gender (3) results, it îçpears that people use bothphysica] appearance and their
spontaneous impression of the source's personality when making
To test hypothesis 1, physical títractiveness' influence on judgments relating to the source. Physical appearance was shown
attitude towards clothing, a regression of equation (1) yields a to influence attitude towards clothing directly (HI). Both physical
significant contribution of model atiractiveness on (he total vari- appearance and its interaction with gender of subject influenced the
ance explained (F=440.93 (1,3548 ),p<=0.0001). AnFadd statistic formation of personality inferences about the model (H2 and H3).
formed by omitting model attractiveness from the full model These inferences, in addition to the direct effect of physical q>pear-
confirms the effect of model attractiveness (Fgjj¿=ll.31 (1,3548), ance, affected the subjects' overall impression of the models'
p<=.01), providing further support for hypothesis 1. clothing (H4). Finally, gender differences were found in both the
Hypotheses 2 and 3 were tested by performing a MANOVA formation of personality infraences, as well as in their use in
analysis on the four personality indices, with model attractiveness. forming attitude towards clothing (H5). Specifically, for women.
Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 20) 1163

a model's apparent competence provided a positive influence on REFERENCES

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variable of interest in future research. 489.
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