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Publication 516
(Rev. April 2005) Contents
Cat. No. 15020M
Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
of the
U.S. Government Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Filing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Revenue When To File and Pay . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Civilian Foreign Bank Accounts . . . . . . . . . . .

Foreign Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Employees Allowances, Differentials, and

Other Special Pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Stationed Other Taxable Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Abroad Deductible Business Expenses

Travel Expenses . . . . . . . .
Transportation Expenses . . .
Other Employee Business
Expenses . . . . . . . . . . ....... 4
Recordkeeping Rules . . . . . ....... 5
How To Report Business
Expenses . . . . . . . . . . ....... 5

Other Deductible Expenses . . . . . . . . . . 6

Moving Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Other Itemized Deductions . . . . . . . . 6

Foreign Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

How To Get Tax Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Combat zone participants. If you were a ci-
vilian who served in a combat zone or qualified
hazardous duty area in support of the U.S.
Armed Forces, you can get certain extensions of
deadlines for filing tax returns, paying taxes,
filing claims for refund, and doing certain other
tax-related acts. For details, see Publication 3,
Armed Forces’ Tax Guide.

Death due to terrorist or military action.

U.S. income taxes are forgiven for a U.S. Gov-
ernment civilian employee who dies as a result
of wounds or injuries incurred while employed
by the U.S. Government. The wounds or injuries
must have been caused by terrorist or military
action directed against the United States or its
allies. The taxes are forgiven for the deceased
employee’s tax years beginning with the year
immediately before the year in which the
wounds or injury occurred and ending with the
year of death.
If the deceased government employee and
the employee’s spouse filed a joint return, only
the decedent’s part of the joint tax liability is
For additional details, see Publication 559,
Survivors, Executors, and Administrators.
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❏ 2106 Employee Business Expenses Additional extension. You can apply for an
Introduction ❏ 2106-EZ Unreimbursed Employee
additional extension of time to file your return by
filing Form 4868. You must file Form 4868 by the
If you are a U. S. citizen working for the U.S. Business Expenses
due date for your income tax return.
Government, including the foreign service, and ❏ 3903 Moving Expenses Generally, you must file it by April 15. How-
you are stationed abroad, your income tax filing ever, if you qualify for the automatic 2-month
requirements are generally the same as those ❏ 4868 Application for Automatic Extension
extension, you generally must file Form 4868 by
for citizens and residents living in the United of Time To File U.S. Individual
June 15. Write “Taxpayer Abroad” across the
States. You are taxed on your worldwide in- Income Tax Return
top of Form 4868.
come, even though you live and work abroad. ❏ TD F 90-22.1 Report of Foreign Bank and
However, you may receive certain al- Payment of tax. You should estimate and
Financial Accounts
lowances and have certain expenses that you pay any additional tax you owe when you file
generally do not have while living in the United See How To Get Tax Help, near the end of Form 4868 to avoid being charged a late-pay-
States. This publication explains: this publication, for information about getting ment penalty. The late-payment penalty applies
these publications and forms. if, through withholding, etc., you paid less than
• Many of the allowances, reimbursements, 90% of your actual tax liability by the original due
and property sales you are likely to have, date of your income tax return. Even if the
and whether or not you must report them late-payment penalty does not apply, you will be
as income on your tax return, and
Filing Information charged interest on any unpaid tax liability from
• Many of the expenses you are likely to the original due date of the return until the tax is
have, such as moving expenses and for- If you are a U.S. citizen or resident living or paid.
eign taxes, and whether or not you can traveling outside the United States, you are gen- Electronic filing. You can file for the addi-
deduct them on your tax return. erally required to file income tax returns in the tional extension by phone, using tax software, or
same way as those residing in the United States. through a tax professional. See Form 4868 for
However, the special rules explained in the fol- more information.
U.S. possessions. This publication does not
lowing discussions may apply to you.
cover the rules that apply if you are stationed in
Limit on additional extensions. You gener-
American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, When To File and Pay ally cannot get a total extension of more than 6
months. However, if you are outside the United
or Puerto Rico. That information is in Publication
Most individual tax returns cover a calendar States and meet certain tests, you may be able
570, Tax Guide for Individuals With Income
year, January through December. The regular to get a longer extension.
From U.S. Possessions.
due date for these tax returns is April 15 of the For more information, see Publication 54.
Comments and suggestions. We welcome following year. If April 15 falls on a Saturday,
your comments about this publication and your Sunday, or legal holiday, your tax return is con- Foreign Bank Accounts
suggestions for future editions. sidered timely filed if it is filed by the next busi-
You can write to us at the following address: ness day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal You must file Form TD F 90-22.1 if at any time
holiday. If you get an extension, you are allowed during the year you had an interest in, or signa-
Internal Revenue Service additional time to file and, in some circum- ture or other authority over, a bank account,
Individual Forms and Publications Branch stances, pay your tax. You must pay interest on securities account, or other financial account in
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:I any tax not paid by the regular due date. a foreign country. This applies if the combined
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6406 Your return is considered filed on time if it is assets in the account(s) were more than
Washington, DC 20224 postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service, or dated $10,000. Do not include accounts in a U.S. mili-
by a designated delivery service, on or before tary banking facility operated by a U.S. financial
the due date (including extensions). See your institution.
We respond to many letters by telephone. tax form instructions for a list of private delivery File the completed form, by June 30 of the
Therefore, it would be helpful if you would in- services that have been designated by the IRS following year, with the Department of the Trea-
clude your daytime phone number, including the to meet this “timely mailing as timely filing/pay- sury at the address shown on that form. Do not
area code, in your correspondence. ing” rule for tax returns and payments. attach it to Form 1040. If you are required to file
You can email us at * (The Form TD F 90-22 but do not do so, you may
If your return is filed late, the postmark or
asterisk must be included in the address.) have to pay a penalty of up to $10,000 (more if
delivery service date does not determine the
Please put “Publications Comment” on the sub- the failure to file is willful).
date of filing. In that case, your return is consid-
ject line. Although we cannot respond individu-
ered filed when it is received by the IRS.
ally to each email, we do appreciate your
feedback and will consider your comments as
we revise our tax products. Extensions Foreign Income
Useful Items You may be able to get an extension of time to If you are a U.S. citizen or resident with income
You may want to see: file your return and pay your tax. from sources outside the United States, you
must report all that income on your tax return
Publication Automatic 2-month extension. You can get unless it is exempt by U.S. law. This applies to
an automatic 2-month extension (to June 15, for earned income (such as wages) as well as
❏ 54 Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and
a calendar year return) to file your return and unearned income (such as interest, dividends,
Resident Aliens Abroad
pay your tax if you are a U.S. citizen or resident and capital gains).
❏ 463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car and, on the regular due date of your return, you
Expenses are living outside the United States and Puerto Foreign earned income exclusion and for-
Rico and your main place of business or post of eign housing exclusion and deduction.
❏ 514 Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals
duty is outside the United States and Puerto Certain taxpayers can exclude or deduct income
❏ 521 Moving Expenses Rico. To get this extension, you must attach a earned in foreign countries. However, the for-
statement to your return explaining how you eign earned income and housing exclusions and
❏ 523 Selling Your Home
qualified. the foreign housing deduction do not apply to the
income you receive as an employee of the U.S.
Form (and Instructions) Married taxpayers. If you file a joint return,
either you or your spouse can qualify for the
❏ Schedule A (Form 1040) Itemized
automatic extension. If you and your spouse file U.S. agency reimbursed by foreign coun-
separate returns, the extension applies only to try. If you are a U.S. Government employee
❏ 1116 Foreign Tax Credit the spouse who qualifies. paid by a U.S. agency to perform services in a

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foreign country, your pay is from the U.S. Gov- should not have included these allowances as Lodging furnished to a principal representa-
ernment and does not qualify for the exclusions wages on your Form W-2. tive of the United States. If you are a princi-
or the deduction. This is true even if the U.S. Tax-free foreign areas allowances are al- pal representative of the United States stationed
agency is reimbursed by the foreign govern- lowances (other than post differentials) received in a foreign country, you do not have to include
ment. under the following laws. in income the value of lodging (including utilities)
provided to you as an official residence. How-
Employees of post exchanges, etc. If you • Title I, chapter 9, of the Foreign Service ever, amounts paid by the U.S. government for
are an employee of an Armed Forces post ex- Act of 1980. your usual costs of operating and maintaining
change, officers’ and enlisted personnel club,
embassy commissary, or similar instrumentality • Section 4 of the Central Intelligence Act of your household are taxable. If amounts are with-
1949, as amended. held from your pay to cover these expenses, you
of the U.S. Government, the earnings you re- can not exclude or deduct those amounts from
ceive are paid by the U.S. Government. This is • Title II of the Overseas Differentials and your income.
true whether they are paid from appropriated or Allowances Act.
nonappropriated funds. These earnings are not Peace Corps. If you are a Peace Corps volun-
eligible for the foreign earned income and hous- • Subsection (e) or (f) of the first section of teer or volunteer leader, some allowances you
ing exclusions or the foreign housing deduction. the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, receive are taxable and others are not.
as amended, or section 22 of that Act.
Other employment. If you are a U.S. citizen Taxable allowances. The following al-
or resident employed abroad by the U.S. Gov- These allowances cover such expenses as: lowances must be included on your Form W-2
ernment and you also receive income from a • Certain repairs to a leased home, and reported on your return as wages.
private employer or self-employment, you may
• Education of dependents in special situa- • If you are a volunteer leader, allowances
qualify to claim the exclusions or the deduction paid to your spouse and minor children
based on this other income. To qualify, you must tions,
while you are training in the United States.
meet either the bona fide residence test or the • Motor vehicle shipment,
physical presence test. Your spouse who is a • The part of living allowances designated
U.S. citizen or resident alien may also qualify if
• Separate maintenance for dependents, by the Director of the Peace Corps as ba-
he or she earns income in a foreign country that • Temporary quarters, sic compensation. This is the part for per-
is paid by a private employer or is from self-em- sonal items such as domestic help,
ployment. If you are not a U.S. Government
• Transportation for medical treatment, and laundry and clothing maintenance, enter-
employee, amounts paid by the United States or • Travel, moving, and storage. tainment and recreation, transportation,
its agencies to you may also qualify for the and other miscellaneous expenses.
Allowances received by foreign service employ-
exclusions or the deduction.
ees for representation expenses are also tax • Leave allowances.
Additional information. For more informa- free under the above provisions. • Readjustment allowances or “termination
tion on the foreign earned income and housing payments.”
exclusions and foreign housing deduction, see Cost-of-living allowances. If you are sta-
Publication 54. tioned outside the continental United States or in Taxable allowances are considered received by
Alaska, your gross income does not include you when credited to your account.
cost-of-living allowances (other than amounts
received under Title II of the Overseas Differen- Example. Gary Carpenter, a Peace Corps
volunteer, gets $175 a month during his period
Allowances, tials and Allowances Act) granted by regulations
approved by the President of the United States. of service, to be paid to him in a lump sum at the
end of his tour of duty. Although the allowance is
Differentials, and Other Cost-of-living allowances are not included on
not available to him until the end of his service,
your Form W-2.
Special Pay Federal court employees. If you are a fed-
Gary must include it in his income on a monthly
basis as it is credited to his account.
eral court employee, the preceding paragraph
Most payments received by U.S. Government Nontaxable allowances. These generally
also applies to you. The cost-of-living allowance
civilian employees for working abroad, including include travel allowances and the part of living
must be granted by rules similar to regulations
pay differentials, are taxable. However, certain allowances for housing, utilities, food, clothing,
approved by the President.
foreign areas allowances, cost of living al- and household supplies. These allowances
lowances, and travel allowances are tax free. American Institute in Taiwan. If you are an should not be included on your Form W-2.
The following discussions explain the tax treat- employee of the American Institute in Taiwan, These allowances are tax free whether paid by
ment of allowances, differentials, and other spe- allowances you receive are exempt from U.S. the U.S. Government or the foreign country in
cial pay you receive for employment abroad. tax if they are equivalent to tax-exempt al- which you are stationed.
lowances received by civilian employees of the
Pay differentials. Pay differentials you re-
U.S. Government.
ceive as financial incentives for employment
abroad are taxable. Your employer should have Federal reemployment payments after serv- Other Taxable Income
included these differentials as wages on your ing with an international organization. If
Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. you are a federal employee who is reemployed Some other income items that may apply to U.S.
Generally, pay differentials are given for em- by a federal agency after serving with an interna- Government civilian employees stationed
ployment under adverse conditions (such as se- tional organization, you must include in income abroad are discussed in this section.
vere climate) or because the post of duty is any reemployment payments you receive. Republic of Panama. Income earned by any
located in a hazardous or isolated area that may These payments are equal to the difference be- citizen or resident of the United States is not
be outside the United States. The area does not tween the pay, allowances, post differential, and exempt from U.S. tax by any section of the
have to be a qualified hazardous duty area as other monetary benefits paid by the international Panama Canal Treaty. See Allowances, Differ-
discussed in Publication 3. Pay differentials in- organization and the pay and other benefits that entials, and Other Special Pay, earlier.
clude: would have been paid by the federal agency had
you been detailed to the international agency. Sale of personal property. If you have a gain
• Post differentials, from the sale of your personal property (such as
• Special incentive differentials, and Allowances or reimbursements for travel an automobile or a home appliance), whether
and transportation expenses. See How To directly or through a favorable exchange rate in
• Danger pay. Report Business Expenses, later, for a discus- converting the proceeds to U.S. dollars, the ex-
sion on whether a reimbursement or allowance cess of the amount received in U.S. dollars over
Foreign areas allowances. Certain foreign for travel or transportation is included in your the cost or other basis of the property is a capital
areas allowances are tax free. Your employer income. gain. Capital gains are reported on Schedule D

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(Form 1040), Capital Gains and Losses. How- deduct your travel expenses while there. An If your trip was mainly personal, you cannot
ever, losses from sales of your personal prop- assignment or job in a single location is consid- deduct your travel expenses to and from your
erty, whether directly or through an unfavorable ered indefinite if it is realistically expected to last destination. This applies even if you engage in
exchange rate, are not deductible. for more than one year, whether or not it actually business activities while there. However, you
lasts for more than one year. can deduct any expenses while at your destina-
Sale of your home. All or part of the gain on You must determine whether your assign- tion that are directly related to your business.
the sale of your main home, within or outside the ment is temporary or indefinite when you start
United States, may be taxable. (Losses are not Expenses paid for others. You generally
work. If you expect employment to last for one
deductible). cannot deduct travel expenses of your spouse,
year or less, it is temporary unless there are
You may be able to exclude from income any dependents, or other individuals who go with
facts and circumstances that indicate otherwise.
gain up to $250,000 ($500,000 on a joint return). you on a trip.
Employment that is initially temporary may be-
Generally, you must have owned and used the come indefinite due to changed circumstances. Home leave. The Foreign Service Act re-
home as your main residence for two of the five A series of assignments to the same location, all quires U.S. citizens who are members of the
years preceding the date of sale. for short periods but that together cover a long foreign service to take a leave of absence after
For detailed information on selling your period, may be considered an indefinite assign- completing 3 years of continuous service
home, see Publication 523. ment. abroad. This period is called “home leave” and
Exception for federal crime investigations can be used to take care of certain personal
or prosecutions. If you are a federal em- matters such as medical and dental checkups,
buying a new wardrobe, and visiting relatives.
Deductible Business ployee participating in a federal crime investiga-
tion or prosecution, you may be able to deduct The amounts paid for your travel, meals, and
lodging while on home leave are deductible as
Expenses travel expenses even if you are away from your
tax home for more than one year. This exception travel or business expenses subject to the rules
to the one-year rule applies if the Attorney Gen- and limits discussed earlier. You must be able to
Deductions that may be of special interest to you verify these amounts in order to claim them.
are discussed here. They include travel ex- eral certifies that you are traveling for the federal
government in a temporary duty status to prose- Amounts paid on behalf of your family while on
penses, transportation expenses, and other ex- home leave are personal living expenses and
penses connected to your employment. cute, or provide support services for the investi-
gation or prosecution of a federal crime. are not deductible.

Travel Expenses Limit on meals and entertainment. You can More information. See chapter 1 of Publica-
generally deduct only 50% of the cost of your tion 463 for more information on travel ex-
Subject to certain limits, you can deduct your unreimbursed business-related meals and en- penses.
unreimbursed ordinary and necessary ex- tertainment. However, the limit does not apply to
penses of traveling away from home in connec- expenses reimbursed under a U.S. Government Transportation Expenses
tion with the performance of your official duties. expense allowance arrangement.
These expenses include such items as travel You can deduct allowable transportation ex-
Individuals subject to hours of service penses that are directly related to your official
costs, meals, lodging, baggage charges, local
limits. You can deduct a higher percentage of duties. Transportation expenses include the
transportation costs (such as taxi fares), tips,
your unreimbursed business-related meal ex- cost of transportation by air, rail, bus, or taxi, and
and dry cleaning and laundry fees.
penses if the meals take place during or incident the cost of driving and maintaining your car.
Your home for tax purposes (tax home) to any period subject to the Department of They do not include expenses you have when
TIP is your regular post of duty regardless Transportation’s hours of service limits. The per- traveling away from home overnight. Those ex-
of where you maintain your family centage increases to 80% by the year 2008, as penses are deductible as travel expenses and
home. Your tax home is not limited to the Em- shown in the following table. are discussed earlier.
bassy, consulate, or duty station. It includes the
entire city or general area in which your principal Year Percentage Commuting. You cannot deduct your trans-
place of employment is located. 2004 – 2005 70 portation costs of going between your home and
2006 – 2007 75 your regular business location. These costs are
Traveling away from home. You are travel- 2008 and later 80 personal commuting expenses.
ing away from home if you meet both of the Individuals subject to the Department of If you have one or more regular business
following requirements. Transportation’s “hours of service” limits include locations but must work at a temporary location,
the following persons. you can deduct the costs of commuting to that
1. Your duties require you to be away from temporary place of work.
the general area of your tax home sub- • Certain air transportation workers (such as If you work at two or more places in the same
stantially longer than an ordinary day’s pilots, crew, dispatchers, mechanics, and day, you can deduct your expenses of getting
work. control tower operators) who are under from one place of work to the other.
Federal Aviation Administration regula-
2. You need to get sleep or rest to meet the tions. More information. For more information on
demands of your work while away from transportation expenses, see chapter 4 of Publi-
home. This requirement is not satisfied by • Interstate truck operators and bus drivers cation 463.
merely napping in your car. who are under Department of Transporta-
tion regulations.
You do not have to be away from your tax home Other Employee Business
for a whole day or from dusk to dawn as long as • Certain railroad employees (such as engi- Expenses
your relief from duty is long enough to get neces- neers, conductors, train crews, dispatch-
sary sleep or rest. ers, and control operations personnel) You may be able to deduct other unreimbursed
who are under Federal Railroad Adminis- expenses that are connected with your employ-
Temporary assignment. If your assignment tration regulations. ment.
or job away from your tax home is temporary,
your tax home does not change. You are consid- • Certain merchant mariners who are under Membership dues. Membership dues you
ered to be away from home for the whole period, Coast Guard regulations. pay to professional societies that relate to your
and your travel expenses are deductible. Gener- business or profession are deductible.
ally, a temporary assignment in a single location Primary purpose of trip must be for busi- Subscriptions. Subscriptions to professional
is one that is realistically expected to last (and ness. If your trip was entirely for business, publications that relate to your business or pro-
does in fact last) for one year or less. your unreimbursed travel expenses are gener- fession are deductible.
However, if your assignment or job is indefi- ally deductible. However, if you spend some of
nite, the location of the assignment or job be- your time on nonbusiness activities, part of your Educational expenses. Generally, educa-
comes your new tax home and you cannot expenses may not be deductible. tional expenses are considered to be personal

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expenses and are not deductible. However, Representation expenses. These are ex- checks, in sufficient detail to establish the ele-
under some circumstances, educational ex- penses that further the interest of the United ments for these expenses. You do not need to
penses are deductible as business expenses. States abroad. They include certain entertain- duplicate information in an account book or diary
You can deduct educational expenses as ment, gifts, costs of official functions, and rental that is shown on a receipt as long as your rec-
business expenses if the education: of ceremonial dress. They generally do not in- ords and receipts complement each other in an
clude costs of passenger vehicles (such as cars orderly manner.
• Maintains or improves skills needed in or aircraft), printing or engraving, membership Each expense should be recorded sepa-
your present position, or fees, or amounts a principal representative must rately in your records. However, some items can
pay personally to cover the usual costs of oper- be totaled in reasonable categories. You can
• Meets the express requirements of your
ating and maintaining an official residence. make one daily entry for categories such as taxi
agency to keep your present position, sal-
Chapters 300 and 400 of the Standardized fares, telephone calls, meals while away from
ary, or status.
Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign home, gas and oil, and other incidental costs of
Area) provide more detail on what expenses are travel. You may record tips separately or with
You cannot deduct educational expenses as
allowable as representation expenses. These the cost of the service.
business expenses if the education:
regulations are available on the Internet at
Documentary evidence generally is re-
• Is needed to enable you to meet minimum Click on “Standardized
quired to support all lodging expenses
educational requirements for qualification Regulations (DSSR)”. Publication 463 and Pub- RECORDS
while traveling away from home. It is
in your present position, lication 529, Miscellaneous Deductions, provide
also required for any other expense of $75 or
more detail on what expenses are allowable as
• Is a part of a program of study that can ordinary and necessary business expenses.
more, except transportation charges if the evi-
qualify you for a new position, or dence is not readily available. Documentary evi-
Impairment-related work expenses. If you dence is a receipt, paid bill, or similar proof
• Is for travel as a form of education. are an employee with a physical or mental disa- sufficient to support an expense. It ordinarily will
These rules apply even if the education is re- bility, you can deduct attendant-care services at be considered adequate if it shows the amount,
quired by your agency or it maintains or im- your place of work and other expenses in con- date, place, and essential business character of
proves skills required in your work. nection with work that are necessary for you to the expense.
be able to work. Attendant care includes a
See Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Educa- A canceled check by itself does not
reader for a blind person and a helper for a
tion, for more information on educational ex-
person with a physical disability. These ex- ! prove a business cost. You must have
penses are reported on Form 2106 or 2106-EZ
other evidence to show that the check
and carried to Schedule A (Form 1040). They was used for a business purpose.
Educational expenses that are not
TIP work related, such as costs of sending are not subject to the 2%-of- adjusted-gross-in-
children to college, are personal ex- come limit on miscellaneous itemized deduc- Your records must be timely. Record the
penses that you cannot deduct. However, you tions. elements for the expense in your account book
may be eligible for other tax benefits such as the or other record at or near the time of the ex-
Loss on conversion of U.S. dollars into for- pense. A timely-kept record has more value than
Hope and lifetime learning credits, contributions
eign currency. The conversion of U.S. dollars statements prepared later when, generally,
to a Coverdell education savings account or
into foreign currency at an official rate of ex- there is a lack of accurate recall.
qualified tuition program, deduction for student
change that is not as favorable as the free mar-
loan interest, and exclusion from income of cer- Confidential information. You do not need to
ket rate does not result in a deductible loss.
tain savings bond interest. These benefits are put confidential information relating to an ele-
explained in Publication 970, Tax Benefits for ment of a deductible expense (such as the
Education. Recordkeeping Rules place, business purpose, or business relation-
ship) in your account book, diary, or other re-
If you claim a deduction for unreimbursed busi-
cord. However, you do have to record the
Foreign service representation expenses. ness expenses, you must keep timely and ade-
information elsewhere at or near the time of the
If you are an employee of the U.S. Foreign quate records of all your business expenses.
expense and have it available to fully prove that
Service and your position requires you to estab- For example, you must keep records and
element of the expense.
lish and maintain favorable relations in foreign supporting evidence to prove the following ele-
countries, you may receive a nontaxable allow- ments about deductions for travel expenses (in-
ance for representation expenses. If your ex- cluding meals and lodging while away from How To Report
penses are more than the allowance you home). Business Expenses
receive, you can deduct the excess expenses as • The amount of each separate expense for As a U.S. Government employee, your business
an itemized deduction on Schedule A (Form travel away from home, such as the cost expense reimbursements are generally paid
1040) if you meet one of the following condi- of your transportation, lodging, or meals. under an accountable plan and are not included
tions. You may total your incidental expenses if in your wages on your Form W-2. If your ex-
you list them in reasonable categories
• You have a certificate from the Secretary such as daily meals, gasoline and oil, and
penses are not more than the reimbursements,
of State attesting that the expenses were you do not need to show your expenses or
taxi fares. reimbursements on your return.
incurred for the benefit of the United
States, and would be reimbursable under • For each trip away from home, the dates However, if you do not account to your em-
appropriate legislation if the agency had you left and returned and the number of ployer for a travel advance or if you do not return
sufficient funds for these reimbursements. days spent on business. any excess advance within a reasonable period
of time, the advance (or excess) will be included
• The expenses, while specifically not reim- • The destination or area of your travel, de- in your wages on your Form W-2.
bursable under State Department regula- scribed by the name of the city, town, or
similar designation. If you are entitled to a reimbursement
tions, were ordinary and necessary
business expenses incurred in the per- • The business reason for your travel or the ! from your employer but you do not
claim it, you cannot deduct the ex-
formance of your official duties. business benefit gained or expected to be penses to which that unclaimed reimbursement
gained from your travel. applies.
To deduct any expenses for travel, en-
TIP tertainment, and gifts, including those How to record your expenses. Records for Form 2106 or Form 2106-EZ. You must com-
certified by the Secretary of State, you proof of your expenses should be kept in an plete Form 2106 or 2106-EZ to deduct your
must meet the rules for recordkeeping and ac- account book, diary, statement of expense, or expenses. Also, if your actual expenses are
counting to your employer. These rules are ex- similar record. They should be supported by more than your reimbursements, you can com-
plained in Publication 463. other records, such as receipts or canceled plete Form 2106 or 2106-EZ to deduct your

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excess expenses. You must generally include Deductible moving expenses. Moving ex- Additional information. For additional infor-
all of your expenses and reimbursements on penses that can be deducted include the rea- mation about moving expenses, see Publication
Form 2106 or 2106-EZ and carry your allowable sonable costs of: 521.
expense to Schedule A (Form 1040). Your al-
• Moving household goods and personal ef-
lowable expense is then generally subject to the
fects (including packing, crating, in-transit Other Itemized Deductions
2%-of-adjusted-gross-income limit.
storage, and insurance) of both you and
You may be able to claim other itemized deduc-
Form 2106-EZ. You may be able to use members of your household, and
tions not connected to your employment.
Form 2106-EZ instead of the more complex
Form 2106 for reporting unreimbursed em-
• Transportation and lodging for yourself
and members of your household for one Contributions. You can deduct contributions
ployee business expenses. You can use Form
trip from your former home to your new to qualified organizations created or organized
2106-EZ if you meet both of the following condi-
home (including costs of getting pass- in or under the laws of the United States or its
ports). possessions. You cannot deduct contributions
• You are not reimbursed by your employer you make directly to foreign organizations (ex-
for any expenses. (Amounts your em- The cost of your meals is not a deducti- cept for certain Canadian, Israeli, and Mexican
ployer included in your wages on your
Form W-2 are not considered reimburse- !
ble moving expense. charities), churches, and governments. For
more information, see Publication 526, Charita-
ments.) ble Contributions.
• If you claim car expenses, you use the The costs of moving household goods in-
standard mileage rate. clude the reasonable expenses of moving Real estate tax and home mortgage interest.
household goods and personal effects to and If you receive a tax-free housing allowance, your
from storage. For a foreign move, the costs also itemized deductions for real estate taxes and
include expenses of storing the goods and ef- home mortgage interest are limited. You must
fects for part or all of the period that your new job reduce the amount of each deduction that would
Other Deductible location abroad continues to be your main job otherwise be allowable by the amount of each
location. expense that is related to the tax-free allowance.
Expenses Expenses must be reasonable. You can
deduct only those expenses that are reasonable Example. Adam is an IRS employee work-
In addition to deductible business expenses, ing overseas who receives a $6,300 tax-free
for the circumstances of your move. For exam-
you may be entitled to deduct certain other ex- housing and utility allowance. During the year,
ple, the costs of traveling from your former home
penses. Adam used the allowance, with other funds, to
to your new one should be by the shortest, most
direct route available by conventional transpor- provide a home for himself. His expenses for this
Moving Expenses tation. home totaled $8,400 and consisted of mortgage
principal ($500), insurance ($400), real estate
If you changed job locations or started a new Members of your household. A member taxes ($1,400), mortgage interest ($4,000), and
job, you may be able to deduct the reasonable of your household includes anyone who has utility costs ($2,100). Adam did not have any
expenses of moving yourself, your family, and both your former home and new home as his or other expenses related to providing a home for
your household goods and personal effects to her home. It does not include a tenant or em- himself.
your new home. However, you cannot deduct ployee unless you can claim that person as a
Adam must reduce his deductions for home
any expenses for which you received a tax-free dependent.
mortgage interest and real estate taxes. He
allowance as a U.S. Government employee.
figures a reasonable way to reduce them is to
To deduct moving expenses, your move Retirees. You can deduct the costs of moving
multiply them by a fraction: its numerator is
must be closely related to the start of work and to the United States when you permanently re-
$6,300 (the total housing and utility allowance)
you must meet the distance test and the time tire if both your former main job location and
and its denominator is $8,400 (the total of all
test. former home were outside the United States and
payments to which the housing and utility allow-
its possessions. You do not have to meet the
ance applies). The result is 3/4. Adam reduces
Closely related to the start of work. The time test described earlier.
his otherwise allowable home mortgage interest
move must be closely related, both in time and in
Survivors. You can deduct moving expenses deduction by $3,000 (the $4,000 he paid × 3/4)
place, to the start of work at the new location. In and his otherwise allowable real estate tax de-
for a move to the United States if you are the
general, you must have incurred your moving
spouse or dependent of a person whose main duction by $1,050 (the $1,400 he paid × 3/4). He
expenses within one year from the time you first can deduct $1,000 of his mortgage interest
job location at the time of death was outside the
report to your new job or business.
United States and its possessions. The move ($4,000 − $3,000) and $350 of his real estate
A move generally is not considered closely
must begin within 6 months after the decedent’s taxes ($1,400 − $1,050) when he itemizes his
related in place to the start of work if the distance deductions.
death. It must be from the decedent’s former
from your new home to the new job location is
home outside the United States, and that home Exception to the reduction. If you receive
more than the distance from your former home
must also have been your home. You do not a tax-free housing allowance as a member of the
to the new job location. A move that does not
have to meet the time test described earlier. military or the clergy, you do not have to reduce
meet this requirement may qualify if you can
show that you must live at the new home as a your deductions for real estate tax and home
How to report moving expenses. Use Form mortgage interest expenses you are otherwise
condition of employment, or you will spend less
3903 to report your moving expenses and figure entitled to deduct.
time or money commuting from the new home to
your allowable deduction. Claim the deduction
the new job. Required statement. If you receive a
as an adjustment to income on Form 1040. (You
cannot deduct moving expenses on Form tax-free housing allowance and have real estate
Distance test. Your new main job location 1040A or Form 1040EZ.) tax or home mortgage interest expenses, attach
must be at least 50 miles farther from your for- a statement to your tax return. The statement
mer home than your old main job location was. If Reimbursements. Generally, you must in- must contain all of the following information.
you did not have an old job location, your new clude reimbursements of, or payments for, non-
job location must be at least 50 miles from your deductible moving expenses in gross income for
• The amount of each type of tax-free in-
former home. come you received, such as a tax-free
the year paid. You must also include in gross
housing allowance or tax-free representa-
income reimbursements paid to you under a
tion allowance.
Time test. If you are an employee, you must nonaccountable plan. However, there is an ex-
work full time for at least 39 weeks during the ception for the tax-free foreign areas allowances • The amount of otherwise deductible ex-
first 12 months after you arrive in the general described earlier under Allowances, Differen- penses attributable to each type of
area of your new job location. tials, and Other Special Pay. tax-free income.

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• The amount attributable to each type of come tax return, itemize the deduction on • Call 1-800-829-4059 if you are a
tax-free income that was not directly attrib- Schedule A (Form 1040). You cannot deduct TTY/TDD user.
utable to that type. foreign taxes paid on income you exclude under
the foreign earned income or housing exclu-
• Visit
• An explanation of how you determined the sions.
amounts not directly attributable to each For more information, see Publication 1546,
type of tax-free income. The Taxpayer Advocate Service of the IRS —
Example. Dennis and Christina are married
How To Get Help With Unresolved Tax
and live and work in Country X. Dennis works for
The statement must also indicate that none of Problems.
the U.S. Government and Christina is employed
the amounts deducted on your return are in any
by a private company. They pay income tax to Free tax services. To find out what services
way attributable to tax-free income.
Country X on Christina’s income only. are available, get Publication 910, IRS Guide to
Dennis and Christina file a joint tax return Free Tax Services. It contains a list of free tax
and exclude all of Christina’s income. They can- publications and an index of tax topics. It also
not claim a foreign tax credit or take a deduction
Foreign Taxes for the taxes paid to Country X.
describes other free tax information services,
including tax education and assistance pro-
Deduction for other foreign taxes. The grams and a list of TeleTax topics.
If you pay or accrue taxes to a foreign govern-
ment, you generally can choose to either claim deduction for foreign taxes other than foreign Internet. You can access the IRS web-
them as a credit against your U.S. income tax income taxes is not related to the foreign tax site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at
liability or deduct them as an itemized deduction credit. You can take deductions for these mis- to:
when figuring your taxable income. cellaneous foreign taxes and also claim the for-
eign tax credit for income taxes paid to a foreign • E-file your return. Find out about commer-
Do not include the foreign taxes paid or country. cial tax preparation and e-file services
! accrued as withheld income taxes in You can deduct real property taxes you pay available free to eligible taxpayers.
the Payments section of Form 1040. that are imposed on you by a foreign country. • Check the status of your refund. Click on
You take this deduction on Schedule A (Form Where’s My Refund. Be sure to wait at
Foreign tax credit. Your foreign tax credit is 1040). You cannot deduct other foreign taxes, least 6 weeks from the date you filed your
subject to a limit based on your taxable income such as personal property taxes, unless you return (3 weeks if you filed electronically).
from foreign sources. If you choose to figure a incurred the expenses in a trade or business or Have your tax return available because
credit against your U.S. tax liability for the for- in the production of income. you will need to know your filing status
eign taxes, you must generally complete Form More information. The foreign tax credit and and the exact whole dollar amount of your
1116 and attach it to your U.S. income tax re- deduction, their limits, and carryback and carry- refund.
turn. over provisions are discussed in detail in Publi- • Download forms, instructions, and publica-
You cannot claim a credit for foreign taxes cation 514. tions.
paid on amounts excluded from gross income
under the foreign earned income or housing • Order IRS products online.
exclusions. If all your foreign income is exempt
• Research your tax questions online.
from U.S. tax, you will not be able to claim a
foreign tax credit.
How To Get • Search publications online by topic or
If, because of the limit on the credit, you
cannot use the full amount of qualified foreign
Tax Help keyword.
• View Internal Revenue Bulletins (IRBs)
taxes paid or accrued in the tax year, you are You can get help with unresolved tax issues, published in the last few years.
allowed to carry the excess back 1 year and then order free publications and forms, ask tax ques-
forward 10 years. This rule applies to foreign tions, and get more information from the IRS in • Figure your withholding allowances using
taxes arising in years beginning after October our Form W-4 calculator.
several ways. By selecting the method that is
22, 2004. Foreign taxes arising before October best for you, you will have quick and easy ac- • Sign up to receive local and national tax
23, 2004, generally can be carried back 2 years cess to tax help. Access to most of these serv- news by email.
and then forward 5 years. However, any of those ices depends on whether you are inside or
taxes which can be carried forward to any tax outside the United States.
• Get information on starting and operating
year ending after October 22, 2004, can be a small business.
carried forward an additional 5 years.
Services Available
Exemption from limit. You can elect to not Fax. You can get over 100 of the most
be subject to the foreign tax limit if you meet all
Inside the requested forms and instructions 24
the following conditions. United States hours a day, 7 days a week, by fax.
Just call 703-368-9694 from the telephone con-
• Your only foreign income is passive in- Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate. If you nected to your fax machine. When you call, you
come, such as interest, dividends, and
have attempted to deal with an IRS problem will hear instructions on how to use the service.
unsuccessfully, you should contact your Tax- The items you request will be faxed to you.
• The total of all your foreign taxes is not payer Advocate. For help with transmission problems, call
more than $300 ($600 for joint tax re- The Taxpayer Advocate independently rep- 703-487-4608.
turns). resents your interests and concerns within the
IRS by protecting your rights and resolving Long-distance charges may apply.
• The foreign income and taxes are reported problems that have not been fixed through nor-
to you on a payee statement, such as
mal channels. While Taxpayer Advocates can- Phone. Many services are available by
Form 1099-DIV, Dividends and Distribu-
not change the tax law or make a technical tax phone.
tions, or 1099-INT, Interest Income.
decision, they can clear up problems that re-
If you make the election, you can claim a foreign sulted from previous contacts and ensure that
• Ordering forms, instructions, and publica-
tax credit without filing Form 1116. However, your case is given a complete and impartial
tions. Call 1-800-829-3676 to order
you cannot carry back or carry over any unused review.
current-year forms, instructions, and publi-
foreign tax to or from this year. See the instruc- To contact your Taxpayer Advocate:
cations and prior-year forms and instruc-
tions for the appropriate line in the Tax and
• Call the Taxpayer Advocate toll free at tions. You should receive your order within
Credits section of Form 1040.
1-877-777-4778. 10 days.
Foreign tax deduction. If you choose to de- • Call, write, or fax the Taxpayer Advocate • Asking tax questions. Call the IRS with
duct all foreign income taxes on your U.S. in- office in your area. your tax questions at 1-800-829-1040.

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The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.

• Solving problems. You can get or look in the phone book under United Phone. You can also call your nearest
face-to-face help solving tax problems States Government, Internal Revenue U.S. Embassy, consulate, or IRS office
every business day in IRS Taxpayer As- Service. listed below to find out when and where
sistance Centers. An employee can ex- assistance will be available. These IRS tele-
plain IRS letters, request adjustments to phone numbers include the country and city
Mail. You can send your order for
your account, or help you set up a pay- codes required if you are outside the local dial-
forms, instructions, and publications to
ment plan. Call your local Taxpayer Assis- ing area.
the National Distribution Center at the
tance Center for an appointment. To find
following address and receive a response within
the number, go to
10 business days after your request is received. Berlin, Germany (49) (30) 8305 – 1136 or look in the
8305 – 1140
phone book under United States Govern- London, England (44) (20) 7408 – 8077
ment, Internal Revenue Service. National Distribution Center
Paris, France (33) (1) 4312 – 2555
P.O. Box 8903
• TTY/TDD equipment. If you have access Bloomington, IL 61702-8903 Overseas taxpayers can also call the IRS Phila-
to TTY/TDD equipment, call
delphia Service Center for help at (215)
1-800-829-4059 to ask tax questions or to CD-ROM for tax products. You can 516 – 2000 from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern Stan-
order forms and publications. order Publication 1796, IRS Federal dard Time.
• TeleTax topics. Call 1-800-829-4477 and Tax Products CD-ROM, and obtain: If you are in Guam, the Bahamas, U.S. Virgin
press 2 to listen to pre-recorded • Current-year forms, instructions, and pub- Islands, or Puerto Rico, you can call the IRS at
messages covering various tax topics. 1-800-829-1040.
• Refund information. If you would like to • Prior-year forms and instructions. Mail. For answers to technical or ac-
check the status of your refund, call count questions, you can write to:
1-800-829-4477 and press 1 for auto- • Frequently requested tax forms that may
mated refund information or call be filled in electronically, printed out for
1-800-829-1954. Be sure to wait at least 6 submission, or saved for recordkeeping. Internal Revenue Service
weeks from the date you filed your return
(3 weeks if you filed electronically). Have
• Internal Revenue Bulletins. International Section
P.O. Box 920
your tax return available because you will
Buy the CD-ROM from National Technical In- Bensalem, PA 19020-8518.
need to know your filing status and the
formation Service (NTIS) at
exact whole dollar amount of your refund.
cdorders for $22 (no handling fee) or call Internet. With your personal computer
1-877-233-6767 toll free to buy the CD-ROM for and modem, you can access the IRS
Evaluating the quality of our telephone serv- $22 (plus a $5 handling fee). The first release is on the Internet at For
ices. To ensure that IRS representatives give available in early January and the final release is more information on the website, see Internet
accurate, courteous, and professional answers, available in late February. under Services Available Inside the United
we use several methods to evaluate the quality States, earlier.
of our telephone services. One method is for a CD-ROM for small businesses. Pub-
second IRS representative to sometimes listen lication 3207, The Small Business Re-
in on or record telephone calls. Another is to ask Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate. If you
source Guide, CD-ROM, is a must for
some callers to complete a short survey at the have attempted to deal with an IRS problem
every small business owner or any taxpayer
end of the call. unsuccessfully, you should contact your Tax-
about to start a business. This handy, interactive
payer Advocate.
Walk-in. Many products and services CD contains all the business tax forms, instruc-
tions, and publications needed to successfully The Taxpayer Advocate represents your in-
are available on a walk-in basis.
manage a business. In addition, the CD pro- terests and concerns within the IRS by protect-
vides other helpful information, such as how to ing your rights and resolving problems that have
• Products. You can walk in to many post prepare a business plan, finding financing for not been fixed through normal channels. While
offices, libraries, and IRS offices to pick up Taxpayer Advocates cannot change the tax law
your business, and much more. The design of
certain forms, instructions, and publica- or make a technical tax decision, they can clear
the CD makes finding information easy and
tions. Some IRS offices, libraries, grocery up problems that resulted from previous con-
quick and incorporates file formats and brows-
stores, copy centers, city and county gov- tacts and ensure that your case is given a com-
ernment offices, credit unions, and office ers that can be run on virtually any desktop or
laptop computer. plete and impartial review.
supply stores have a collection of products
available to print from a CD-ROM or pho- It is available in early April. You can get a Mail. Persons living outside the United
tocopy from reproducible proofs. Also, free copy by calling 1-800-829-3676 or by visit- States may contact the Taxpayer Ad-
some IRS offices and libraries have the ing vocate at:
Internal Revenue Code, regulations, Inter-
nal Revenue Bulletins, and Cumulative Internal Revenue Service
Bulletins available for research purposes. Services Available Taxpayer Advocate

• Services. You can walk in to your local

Outside the P.O. Box 193479
United States San Juan, PR 00919-3479.
Taxpayer Assistance Center every busi-
ness day to ask tax questions or get help
During the filing period (January to mid-June),
with a tax problem. An employee can ex- You can also contact one of the IRS offices
you can get the necessary federal tax forms and
plain IRS letters, request adjustments to located abroad, listed earlier.
your account, or help you set up a pay- publications from U.S. Embassies and consu-
ment plan. You can set up an appointment lates. You can request Package 1040-7 for Phone. You can call the Taxpayer Ad-
by calling your local Center and, at the Overseas Filers, which contains special forms vocate at 787-622-8930.
prompt, leaving a message requesting with instructions and Publication 54.
Everyday Tax Solutions help. A represen- Also during the filing season, the IRS con-
tative will call you back within 2 business ducts an overseas taxpayer assistance pro- Fax. You can fax the Taxpayer Advo-
days to schedule an in-person appoint- gram. To find out if IRS personnel will be in your cate at 787- 622-8933.
ment at your convenience. To find the area, you should contact the consular office at
number, go to the nearest U.S. Embassy.

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To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
Index See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.

A Entertainment expenses . . . . . . 4 Interest on home Reemployed by federal

Additional extension of time to Expenses, deductible . . . . . . . . 4 mortgage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
file return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Extension of time to file International organization, U.S. Reporting:
Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 reemployment after serving Business expenses . . . . . . . . . . 5
American Institute in with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Moving expenses . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Itemized deductions: Representation expenses . . . . 5
Away from home . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Republic of Panama,
Federal court employees . . . . . 3
Employee business income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Federal crime expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
B investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Home mortgage interest . . . . . 6
Business expenses . . . . . . . . . . 4 Filing information . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Real estate tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Business expenses, how to Foreign areas allowances . . . . 3 Sale of home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Foreign bank accounts . . . . . . . 2 Sale of personal property . . . . 3
L Subscriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Foreign earned income and
Lodging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
C housing exclusions . . . . . . . . 2 Suggestions for
Loss on currency publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Combat zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Foreign income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Comments on publication . . . . 2 Foreign service representation
Commuting expenses . . . . . . . . 4 expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 T
Foreign taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 M Taiwan, American Institute
Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Meal expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cost-of-living allowances . . . . 3 Forms: in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mortgage interest . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tax credit for foreign
Credit for foreign taxes . . . . . . . 7 Moving expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Currency conversion, loss 2106-EZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tax help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3903 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 P Taxpayer Advocate . . . . . . . . . 7, 8
4868 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Panama, Republic of . . . . . . . . . 3 Temporary assignment . . . . . . . 4
D TD F 90-22.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Pay differentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Terrorist action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Danger pay (See Pay Free tax services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Peace Corps volunteers . . . . . . 3 Transportation expenses . . . . . 4
Personal property, sale of . . . . 3 Travel expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Death due to terrorist H
action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Post differentials (See Pay
Home leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 differentials)
Deduction for foreign W
Home mortgage interest . . . . . . 6 Post exchanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 When to file return . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Home, sale of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Principal representative . . . . . . 3
Differential pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hours of service limits . . . . . . . 4 Proving expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ■
Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

E Impairment-related work
Educational expenses . . . . . . . . 4 Real estate tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Recordkeeping, business
Employee business
expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

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The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.

See How To Get Tax Help for a variety of ways to get publications, including
Tax Publications for Individual Taxpayers by computer, phone, and mail.

General Guides 531 Reporting Tip Income 907 Tax Highlights for Persons with
1 Your Rights as a Taxpayer 533 Self-Employment Tax Disabilities
17 Your Federal Income Tax (For 536 Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for 908 Bankruptcy Tax Guide
Individuals) Individuals, Estates, and Trusts 911 Direct Sellers
334 Tax Guide for Small Business (For 537 Installment Sales 915 Social Security and Equivalent
Individuals Who Use Schedule C or 541 Partnerships Railroad Retirement Benefits
C-EZ) 544 Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets 919 How Do I Adjust My Tax Withholding?
509 Tax Calendars for 2005 547 Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts 925 Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules
553 Highlights of 2004 Tax Changes 550 Investment Income and Expenses 926 Household Employer’s Tax Guide
910 IRS Guide to Free Tax Services 551 Basis of Assets 929 Tax Rules for Children and
552 Recordkeeping for Individuals Dependents
Specialized Publications 936 Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
554 Older Americans’ Tax Guide
3 Armed Forces’ Tax Guide 555 Community Property 946 How To Depreciate Property
54 Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and 556 Examination of Returns, Appeal Rights, 947 Practice Before the IRS and
Residents Aliens Abroad and Claims for Refund Power of Attorney
225 Farmer’s Tax Guide 559 Survivors, Executors, and 950 Introduction to Estate and Gift Taxes
378 Fuel Tax Credits and Refunds Administrators 967 The IRS Will Figure Your Tax
463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car 561 Determining the Value of Donated 968 Tax Benefits for Adoption
Expenses Property 969 Health Savings Accounts and Other
501 Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and 564 Mutual Fund Distributions Tax-Favored Health Plans
Filing Information 570 Tax Guide for Individuals With Income 970 Tax Benefits for Education
502 Medical and Dental Expenses (Including From U.S. Possessions 971 Innocent Spouse Relief
the Health Coverage Tax Credit) 571 Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b) 972 Child Tax Credit
503 Child and Dependent Care Expenses Plans) 1542 Per Diem Rates
504 Divorced or Separated Individuals 575 Pension and Annuity Income 1544 Reporting Cash Payments of Over
505 Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax 584 Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss $10,000 (Received in a Trade or
514 Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals Workbook (Personal-Use Property) Business)
516 U.S. Government Civilian Employees 587 Business Use of Your Home (Including 1546 The Taxpayer Advocate Service—How
Stationed Abroad Use by Daycare Providers) to Get Help With Unresolved Problems
517 Social Security and Other Information 590 Individual Retirement Arrangements
for Members of the Clergy and Spanish Language Publications
Religious Workers 593 Tax Highlights for U.S. Citizens and 1SP Derechos del Contribuyente
519 U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens Residents Going Abroad 579SP Cómo Preparar la Declaración de
521 Moving Expenses 594 What You Should Know About the IRS Impuesto Federal
523 Selling Your Home Collection Process 594SP Comprendiendo el Proceso de Cobro
524 Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled 595 Tax Highlights for Commercial 596SP Crédito por Ingreso del Trabajo
525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income Fishermen 850 English-Spanish Glossary of Words
526 Charitable Contributions 596 Earned Income Credit (EIC) and Phrases Used in Publications
527 Residential Rental Property 721 Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Issued by the Internal Revenue
Retirement Benefits Service
529 Miscellaneous Deductions
901 U.S. Tax Treaties 1544SP Informe de Pagos en Efectivo en
530 Tax Information for First-Time
Exceso de $10,000 (Recibidos en
Homeowners una Ocupación o Negocio)

See How To Get Tax Help for a variety of ways to get forms, including by computer, fax, phone,
Commonly Used Tax Forms and mail. For fax orders only, use the catalog number when ordering.

Catalog Catalog
Form Number and Title Number Form Number and Title Number
1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 11320 2106 Employee Business Expenses 11700
Sch A&B Itemized Deductions & Interest and 11330 2106-EZ Unreimbursed Employee Business 20604
Ordinary Dividends Expenses
Sch C Profit or Loss From Business 11334 2210 Underpayment of Estimated Tax by 11744
Sch C-EZ Net Profit From Business 14374 Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
Sch D Capital Gains and Losses 11338 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses 11862
Sch D-1 Continuation Sheet for Schedule D 10424 2848 Power of Attorney and Declaration of 11980
Sch E Supplemental Income and Loss 11344 Representative
Sch EIC Earned Income Credit 13339 3903 Moving Expenses 12490
Sch F Profit or Loss From Farming 4562 Depreciation and Amortization 12906
Sch H Household Employment Taxes 12187 4868 Application for Automatic Extension of Time 13141
Sch J Farm Income Averaging To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
4952 Investment Interest Expense Deduction 13177
Sch R Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled 11359
5329 Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including 13329
Sch SE Self-Employment Tax 11358
IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts
1040A U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 11327
6251 Alternative Minimum Tax—Individuals 13600
Sch 1 Interest and Ordinary Dividends for 12075
Form 1040A Filers 8283 Noncash Charitable Contributions 62299
Sch 2 Child and Dependent Care 10749 8582 Passive Activity Loss Limitations 63704
Expenses for Form 1040A Filers 8606 Nondeductible IRAs 63966
Sch 3 Credit for the Elderly or the 12064 8812 Additional Child Tax Credit 10644
Disabled for Form 1040A Filers 8822 Change of Address 12081
1040EZ Income Tax Return for Single and 11329 8829 Expenses for Business Use of Your Home 13232
Joint Filers With No Dependents 8863 Education Credits 25379
1040-ES Estimated Tax for Individuals 11340 9465 Installment Agreement Request 14842
1040X Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 11360

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See How To Get Tax Help for a variety of ways to get publications, including by
Tax Publications for Business Taxpayers computer, phone, and mail.

General Guides 510 Excise Taxes for 2005 598 Tax on Unrelated Business Income of
515 Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Exempt Organizations
1 Your Rights as a Taxpayer Aliens and Foreign Entities 686 Certification for Reduced Tax Rates in
17 Your Federal Income Tax (For 517 Social Security and Other Information Tax Treaty Countries
Individuals) for Members of the Clergy and 901 U.S. Tax Treaties
334 Tax Guide for Small Business (For Religious Workers 908 Bankruptcy Tax Guide
Individuals Who Use Schedule C or 527 Residential Rental Property 911 Direct Sellers
C-EZ) 533 Self-Employment Tax 925 Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules
509 Tax Calendars for 2005 534 Depreciating Property Placed in 946 How To Depreciate Property
553 Highlights of 2004 Tax Changes Service Before 1987 947 Practice Before the IRS and Power of
910 Guide to Free Tax Services 535 Business Expenses Attorney
536 Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for 954 Tax Incentives for Distressed
Employer’s Guides Individuals, Estates, and Trusts Communities
537 Installment Sales
15 (Circular E), Employer’s Tax Guide 1544 Reporting Cash Payments of Over
538 Accounting Periods and Methods $10,000
15-A Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide
541 Partnerships 1546 The Taxpayer Advocate Service of the
15-B Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe
542 Corporations IRS—How To Get Help With
51 (Circular A), Agricultural Employer’s 544 Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets Unresolved Tax Problems
Tax Guide 551 Basis of Assets
80 (Circular SS), Federal Tax Guide For 556 Examination of Returns, Appeal Rights, Spanish Language Publications
Employers in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Claims for Refund
Guam, American Samoa, and the 560 Retirement Plans for Small Business 1SP Derechos del Contribuyente
Commonwealth of the Northern (SEP, SIMPLE, and Qualified Plans) 179 Circular PR Guía Contributiva Federal
Mariana Islands 561 Determining the Value of Donated Para Patronos Puertorriqueños
926 Household Employer’s Tax Guide Property 579SP Cómo Preparar la Declaración de
583 Starting a Business and Keeping Impuesto Federal
Specialized Publications Records 594SP Comprendiendo el Proceso de Cobro
587 Business Use of Your Home (Including 850 English-Spanish Glossary of Words
225 Farmer’s Tax Guide Use by Daycare Providers) and Phrases Used in Publications
378 Fuel Tax Credits and Refunds 594 The IRS Collection Process Issued by the Internal Revenue
463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car 595 Tax Highlights for Commercial Service
Expenses Fishermen 1544SP Informe de Pagos en Efectivo en
505 Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax 597 Information on the United States- Exceso de $10,000 (Recibidos en
Canada Income Tax Treaty una Ocupación o Negocio)

Commonly Used Tax Forms See How To Get Tax Help for a variety of ways to get forms, including by computer, fax, phone,
and mail. Items with an asterisk are available by fax. For these orders only, use the catalog number
when ordering.

Catalog Catalog
Form Number and Title Number Form Number and Title Number
W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 10134 1120S U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation 11510
W-4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate* 10220 Sch D Capital Gains and Losses and Built-In Gains 11516
940 Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment 11234 Sch K-1 Shareholder’s Share of Income, 11520
(FUTA) Tax Return* Deductions, Credits, etc.
940-EZ Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment 10983 2106 Employee Business Expenses* 11700
(FUTA) Tax Return* 2106-EZ Unreimbursed Employee Business 20604
941 Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return* 17001 Expenses*
1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return* 11320 2210 Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, 11744
Sch A & B Itemized Deductions & Interest and 11330 Estates, and Trusts*
Ordinary Dividends* 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses* 11862
Sch C Profit or Loss From Business* 11334 2848 Power of Attorney and Declaration of 11980
Sch C-EZ Net Profit From Business* 14374
3800 General Business Credit* 12392
Sch D Capital Gains and Losses* 11338
3903 Moving Expenses* 12490
Sch D-1 Continuation Sheet for Schedule D* 10424
4562 Depreciation and Amortization* 12906
Sch E Supplemental Income and Loss* 11344
4797 Sales of Business Property* 13086
Sch F Profit or Loss From Farming* 11346
4868 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File 13141
Sch H Household Employment Taxes* 12187
U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*
Sch J Income Averaging for Farmers and Fishermen* 25513
5329 Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including 13329
Sch R Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled* 11359 IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts*
Sch SE Self-Employment Tax* 11358
6252 Installment Sale Income* 13601
1040-ES Estimated Tax for Individuals* 11340
8283 Noncash Charitable Contributions* 62299
1040X Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return* 11360
8300 Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received 62133
1065 U.S. Return of Partnership Income* 11390 in a Trade or Business*
Sch D Capital Gains and Losses* 11393 8582 Passive Activity Loss Limitations* 63704
Sch K-1 Partner’s Share of Income, 11394 8606 Nondeductible IRAs* 63966
Deductions, Credits, etc.* 8822 Change of Address* 12081
1120 U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return* 11450 8829 Expenses for Business Use of Your Home* 13232
1120-A U.S. Corporation Short-Form Income 11456
Tax Return*

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