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Research Article

Hearing Loss and Cognitive-Communication

Test Performance of Long-Term Care
Residents With Dementia:
Effects of Amplification
Tammy Hopper,a Susan E. Slaughter,b Bill Hodgetts,a,c
Amberley Ostevik,c and Carla Ickertb

Purpose: The study aims were (a) to explore the relationship of participants’ hearing were compared to audiological
between hearing loss and cognitive-communication assessment results.
performance of individuals with dementia, and (b) to determine Results: Participants’ speech intelligibility index scores
if hearing loss is accurately identified by long-term care (LTC) significantly improved with amplification; however, participants
staff. The research questions were (a) What is the effect of did not demonstrate significant improvement in cognitive-
amplification on cognitive-communication test performance communication test scores with amplification. A significant
of LTC residents with early- to middle-stage dementia correlation was found between participants’ average
and mild-to-moderate hearing loss? and (b) What is the pure-tone thresholds and RAI-MDS ratings of hearing,
relationship between measured hearing ability and hearing yet misclassification of hearing loss occurred for 44% of
ability recorded by staff using the Resident Assessment participants.
Instrument–Minimum Data Set 2.0 (RAI-MDS; Hirdes et al., Conclusions: Measuring short-term improvement of
1999)? performance-based cognitive communication may not
Method: Thirty-one residents from 5 long-term care be the most effective means of assessing amplification for
facilities participated in this quasiexperimental crossover individuals with dementia. Hearing screenings and staff
study. Residents participated in cognitive-communication education remain necessary to promote hearing health for
testing with and without amplification. RAI-MDS ratings LTC residents.

he prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive-communication abilities in individuals with demen-
dementias is increasing each year. In the absence tia remains unclear.
of a cure for most common forms of dementia, On the basis of several studies, researchers have
researchers continue to focus on strategies to minimize the concluded that individuals with dementia and hearing loss
adverse effects of related health conditions or environmental have poorer cognitive function than those with dementia
factors that may contribute to excess disability in dementia and normal hearing (Peters, Potter, & Scholer, 1988;
(Slaughter & Bankes, 2007). Hearing loss is one such con- Uhlmann, Larson, & Koepsell, 1986; Uhlmann, Teri, Rees,
dition that may exacerbate cognitive-communication dis- Mozlowski, & Larson, 1989; Weinstein & Amsel, 1986),
ability. However, the relationship between hearing loss and but the reason behind this reduced functioning, or excess
disability, is speculative. In some of the earliest work on
the topic, Weinstein and Amsel (1986) administered the
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Faculty of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE; Folstein, Folstein,
Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada & McHugh, 1975) to individuals with dementia and hearing
Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada loss under two conditions, with and without amplification,
Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine, Edmonton,
and reported an improvement in MMSE scores when ampli-
Alberta, Canada
fication was provided to participants. They concluded that
Correspondence to Tammy Hopper:
poorer cognitive test performance among individuals with
Editor: Nancy Tye-Murray dementia and hearing loss is likely an artifact of cognitive
Associate Editor: Mitchell Sommers
test administration: Individuals with dementia and hearing
Received April 10, 2015
Revision received October 22, 2015
Accepted April 25, 2016 Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time
DOI: 10.1044/2016_JSLHR-H-15-0135 of publication.

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 59 • 1533–1542 • December 2016 • Copyright © 2016 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1533
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loss cannot hear test instructions and therefore perform performance of individuals with dementia and (b) to deter-
poorly. In a subsequent study addressing the issue raised mine if hearing loss is accurately identified by LTC staff
by Weinstein and Amsel (1986), Uhlmann et al. (1989) using the Resident Assessment Instrument–Minimum Data
administered the MMSE in its standard form and in a writ- Set 2.0 (RAI-MDS; Hirdes et al., 1999). Thus, the following
ten, hearing-free form (Gallacher, 2004) to two groups of research questions were posed: (a) What is the effect of
participants with dementia: those with hearing loss and those amplification on cognitive-communication test performance
with normal hearing. They found that participants with of participants with early- to middle-stage dementia and
dementia and hearing loss performed significantly lower mild-to-moderate hearing loss? and (b) What is the relation-
on both forms of the MMSE as compared to participants ship between measured hearing ability and hearing ability
with dementia and normal hearing. They concluded that as recorded by LTC staff using the RAI-MDS? Health care
the relationship between hearing loss and diminished cogni- aides’ perspectives on hearing loss among residents with
tive test performance in dementia is not simply a result of dementia and the relevance of hearing loss for day-to-day
participants being unable to hear test instructions. In both care were also explored using qualitative methods, with
studies, however, the outcome measures were limited to findings reported in a separate article (see Slaughter, Hopper,
the MMSE, restricting the degree to which findings can be Ickert, & Erin, 2014).
generalized to cognition and communication functioning
more broadly.
In the literature involving typically aging older adults, Method
the findings on this topic are likewise mixed, varying across Research Design and General Procedures
study samples and data collection methods. For example, Research Question 1
Mulrow et al. (1990) found an improvement in general A quasiexperimental repeated-measures crossover
cognitive function among older adults with hearing loss at research design was used. A single group of participants
6 months after hearing aid fitting. In contrast, Van Hooren, completed cognitive-communication tasks in two conditions:
Anteunis, Valentijn, Bosma, and Ponds (2005) found that with amplification (intervention/aided) and without ampli-
when typically aging older adults with hearing loss were fication (control/unaided). The order of presentation of
provided with hearing aids, they did not exhibit improved the two conditions was counterbalanced across participants
performance on cognitive tests one year later, even in the (Portney & Watkins, 2000). A power analysis was conducted
presence of improved hearing acuity. MacDonald et al. to ensure an adequate sample size to detect a difference
(2012) recently conducted a randomized controlled trial on between treatment conditions, should one exist. Using the
the effects of amplification on cognitive screening test scores primary outcome variable, the total score on the Functional
(MMSE and the Abbreviated Mental Test; Jitapunkul, Linguistic Communication Inventory (FLCI; Bayles &
Pillay, & Ebrahim, 1991) for 192 older adult patients admit- Tomoeda, 1994), a sample size of 30 was estimated to be
ted to acute assessment units of hospitals in the United necessary to detect a moderate treatment effect size (0.65;
Kingdom. They found significant positive effects on MMSE Cohen, 1988) with 80% power and 95% confidence (Portney
scores when patients were provided with amplification and & Watkins, 2000).
tested on consecutive days. However, patients’ hearing loss
was not quantified objectively and was judged on the basis Research Question 2
of self-assessment. A retrospective health record review was conducted
Although a growing body of research has been for each participant to access hearing data from the most
devoted to the relationship among hearing loss, typical recent RAI-MDS assessment. Each participant’s hearing
aging and cognition (see Humes & Dubno, 2010; Lin, 2011), ability, as measured by an audiologist, was compared to
relatively less attention has been paid to hearing loss and RAI-MDS ratings completed by health care staff. These
its impact on cognition and communication in people living ratings were unknown to researchers until after audiologi-
with dementia. The prevalence of hearing loss is high among cal testing was completed.
individuals with dementia in long-term care (LTC) settings,
and it is often underidentified (Hopper, Bayles, Harris, &
Holland, 2001; Hopper & Hinton, 2012; Miller, Brunworth, Participants
Brunworth, Hagan, & Morley, 1995,) and undertreated Thirty-one individuals (18 women, 13 men) with
(Cohen-Mansfield & Taylor, 2004a; Hopper et al., 2001). dementia residing in five LTC facilities participated in
Because awareness of hearing loss is necessary for inter- the study. Residents were eligible to participate if they met
ventions and accommodations, identification of hearing the following inclusion criteria: (a) had a diagnosis by a
loss among LTC residents with dementia was also of inter- physician of Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, or
est in this study. mixed dementia; (b) were literate, fluent speakers of English;
(c) had visual function sufficient to read 24- to 28- point
font, as determined using the Vision and Literacy Screening
Purpose of the Study subtest of the Arizona Battery for Communication Dis-
The aims of this study were (a) to explore the relation- orders of Dementia (ABCD; Bayles & Tomoeda, 1993); and
ship between hearing loss and cognitive-communication test (d) presented with a mild-to-moderate hearing impairment

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(see the following section, Audiological Assessment, for members (n = 68), and further assent to participate was
procedural details on the assessment). Nineteen partici- sought directly from LTC residents (Slaughter et al.,
pants had mild hearing loss, defined as a pure-tone thresh- 2007). A researcher reviewed the health records of all
old average (PTA = 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4 KHz) of 25.1 to 68 participants with a signed consent form to ensure that
44.9 dB in the better ear (M = 36.87, SD = 5.46) and 12 they met inclusion criteria; participants’ comorbidities, med-
had moderate hearing loss (PTA = 45.0 to 64.9 dB in the ications, date of birth, and date of admission were also
better ear; M = 52.74, SD = 5.43; see Table 1 for participant documented. All residents who met criteria for inclusion in
characteristics). Participants were excluded if they had a the study were then referred to the audiologist for assess-
diagnosis of frontotemporal or Lewy body dementia, as these ment (n = 65).
types of dementia often have variable presentation patterns
and tend to progress differently from Alzheimer’s disease. Audiological Assessment
Recruitment of residents with dementia involved inte- The audiologist first performed otoscopy on all partici-
gration of several ethical considerations (Slaughter, Cole, pants who met inclusion criteria for participation. Cerumen
Jennings, & Reimer, 2007; Canadian Institutes of Health (ear wax) removal was necessary for 16 participants before
Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research testing could be completed. The same audiologist then con-
Council of Canada, & Social Sciences and Humanities ducted a hearing assessment where thresholds at 0.25, 0.5,
Research Council of Canada [Tri-Council], 2010) and 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0 kHz were measured by air
was based on the successful strategy used in previous studies conduction for both ears using a calibrated AD226 diagnostic
conducted by Slaughter, Eliasziw, Morgan, and Drummond audiometer (Interacoustics, Assens, Denmark). Audiometric
(2010) and Slaughter et al. (2015). Informed consent was testing was conducted on site at the LTC facilities using
obtained from authorized representatives of all residents ER-3A insert earphones (Etymotic Research, Inc., Elk
(Tri-Council, 2010). With the necessary Human Research Grove, IL) in a quiet room with a measured ambient noise
Ethics Board approval from the University of Alberta level of no more than 45 dBA, using a Verifit fitting system
(Approval No. Pro00016876) and the support of senior (Audioscan, Dorchester, ON, Canada) as a sound level
administrators in the LTC facilities, nursing unit managers meter. Ambient noise was assessed at the beginning of the
or designates identified residents who met study inclusion testing session only and did not include assessment per octave
criteria. An LTC staff member then contacted residents’ band. The thresholds were entered into a Verifit (Audioscan)
authorized representatives/family members using a standard and an individual real-ear-to-coupler difference curve was
script to obtain permission for researchers to contact them measured to convert the hearing loss values to real-ear
to explain the study (n = 99; see Figure 1 for details on sound pressure level (SPL) and Desired Sensation Level
enrollment). The researchers obtained written informed (DSL; Scollie et al., 2005). Prescriptive targets for adults were
consent for participation from representatives/family automatically generated for each individual’s hearing
loss. These targets use the individual’s hearing thresholds
and their unique ear acoustics (as measured with a probe
Table 1. Resident characteristics (n = 31). microphone) to set the audibility goals for each participant.

Variable n (%) Amplification

The Sennheiser model A200 assistive listening device
Female 18 (58.1)
English as first language 27 (87.1)
(ALD; Sennheiser, Montreal, QC, Canada) was used to
Cognitive impairment (cognitive performance scale: 0–6) provide amplification to participants during cognitive-
Mild impairment (2) 7 (22.6) communication testing. This ALD is a stereo personal sound
Moderate impairment (3) 13 (41.9) amplifier with headphones and two integrated microphones.
Moderate/severe impairment (4) 2 (6.5)
The audiologist adjusted the volume control of the ALD
Severe impairment (5) 3 (9.7)
Missing 6 (19.4) to best approximate the output targets generated by the
Dementia diagnosis Verifit (Audioscan) while the participant wore the ALD.
Unspecified 15 (48.4) To make these adjustments, a real ear probe microphone
Alzheimer’s disease 8 (25.8) was placed into each user’s ear canal and the SPL of the
Vascular 5 (16.1)
Mixed 3 (9.7 ALD was measured. Although the ALD did not have spe-
Hearing impairment (Based on better ear PTA) cific frequency shaping options, it was possible to cover
Mild PTA (26–45 dB) 19 (61.3) a port with tape to alter the shape of the response broadly.
Moderate PTA (46–65 dB) 12 (38.7) This covering was done as needed in conjunction with
Hearing aid use
Mild impairment 6 (31.6) volume adjustments to best approximate targets. Speech
Moderate impairment 7 (58.3) signals were presented from the front, at approximately 1 m,
Age (all residents) 88.0 (4.37) at 55, 65, and 75 dB SPL (soft, average, and loud speech)
Residents with mild hearing impairment 86.9 (4.2) from the Verifit (Audioscan) to ensure that the ALD was
Residents with moderate hearing impairment 89.7 (4.3)
providing a reasonable output as close to prescriptive targets
Note. PTA = pure-tone threshold average. as possible, according to DSL m[i/o]. The audiologist also
ran a 90-dB pure-tone sweep to record the maximum

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Figure 1. Flow diagram of participant progress through trial phases. *Versions of the story retelling task were counterbalanced across pre–
post testing conditions and test sites.

power output of the ALD on each user. These data were different performance/intensity functions for different stim-
then used to generate speech intelligibility index (SII) ratings, uli materials (e.g., sentence vs. words). For words in isola-
allowing the researchers to calculate the percentage of speech tion, such as those used in the speech recognition test
sounds that were audible and usable with the ALD for each in this study, an SII value of 0.5 would be expected to
of the input conditions (55, 65, and 75 dB SPL). There is equate to approximately 70% word recognition. If the
a strong positive correlation between SII values and speech resident was able to participate in the assessment and results
intelligibility performance (ANSI S3.5-1997). There are showed the presence of a mild-to-moderate hearing loss,

1536 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 59 • 1533–1542 • December 2016

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then the resident was eligible to participate in the cognitive- cognitive decline in five domains or axes of function,
communication testing under aided and unaided conditions. each scored on a scale of 1 to 7. The axes were
developed on the basis of other rating instruments
and clinical experience. The average performance
Aided and Unaided Cognitive-Communication across the five axes provides the individual’s Global
Assessment Conditions Deterioration Scale score (GDS; Reisberg, Ferris,
Participants were tested twice, with and without de Leon, & Crook, 1982). For this study, only Axis 3:
amplification, between 4 and 14 days apart (average days Past Memory, was used. It comprises eight questions
between testing = 6.28, SD = 2.0). For consistency of (e.g., Where were you born?), yielding eight total
amplification, all participants, regardless of hearing aid points, and is a measure of ability to respond to
use, were tested using the ALD. To control for voice conversational questions that does not place a heavy
loudness within sessions and across conditions, a sound load on recent episodic memory.
level meter was used to monitor the live-voice presentation
level of the stimuli at 65 dB SPL, ± 5 dB SPL. 3. Story-retelling task, immediate recall condition: Story
Upon providing assent to the researcher, participants retelling tests are used to evaluate verbal working
engaged in a videotaped cognitive-communication assess- and episodic memory abilities. The examiner tells the
ment, conducted in the same quiet room in which the audi- story to the participant, who then attempts to retell
ological assessment took place. The researcher ensured or recall the story immediately after hearing it and
that each resident had eyeglasses if needed, and if partici- again after a short (10–15 min) delay. In this study,
pants wore hearing aids, the researcher ensured they were we used only scores on the immediate recall task to
reduce demands on impaired episodic memory and
removed before testing (n = 13; see Table 1). Participants
avoid floor effects in the testing. Scores are calculated
were tested individually. If participants were completing
on the basis of the number of correct content units
their aided assessment, the researcher placed the ALD on
that participants identify in the retelling of the story
the participant and adjusted the ALD to the volume set-
to the examiner, out of a possible 17 units. Two
ting specified by the audiologist.
versions of the test were used to control for repeated
To characterize participants’ cognitive functioning,
testing effects with the aided and unaided conditions.
scores from the most recently administered MDS-Cognitive
One story was from the ABCD and one was from
Performance Scale (Hartmaier et al., 1995; Morris et al.,
Mahendra, Bayles, and Harris (2005). The stories
1994) were collected from residents’ health records. This
are equivalent in syntactic and semantic complexity,
measure, which is derived from five MDS items, provides
as well as vocabulary level (Mahendra et al., 2005)
a functional view of cognitive performance and corresponds and narrative structure. An even distribution of the
to other standardized measures of cognition, such as the four testing situations was ensured across participants
MMSE (Hartmaier et al., 1995). The scores on the MDS and sites (see Figure 1).
Cognitive Performance Scale are ordinal and range from
0 (intact) to 6 (very severe impairment). 4. Word recognition testing: The ability to recognize and
Several tests were administered to participants and repeat spoken words was tested using isophonemic
served as dependent measures of cognitive-communication word lists (Boothroyd, 1968). Each of 15 parallel
ability in the aided and unaided testing conditions. Assess- lists contains 10 words consisting of the same set of
ments were selected to represent different aspects of cognition 30 phonemes, 10 vowels, and 20 consonants. Two
and communication at the impairment and activity levels randomly selected lists were administered during
of functioning, according to the International Classification each of the aided and unaided conditions. To minimize
of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF; World Health response burden and frustration from repeated failure,
Organization, 2001). Further, test selection involved consid- word recognition testing was discontinued after the
eration of the degree to which participants would have to participant failed to repeat three words in each
rely on hearing to complete the tests. The final test battery list. Scoring was continuous for analysis purposes;
percentage correct was calculated on the basis of the
was administered twice, once in the aided and once in the
number of correct responses divided by the number
unaided conditions.
of words presented.
1. Four subtests of the FLCI: The FLCI is a standardized 5. Clock-drawing test: Executive functions, visuospatial
communication test battery designed for individuals abilities, and semantic memory were assessed using
with middle- to late-stage dementia and consists of the clock-drawing test. The instructions and scoring
10 subtests. For the purposes of the current study, we system from the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test
administered (a) Greeting and Naming, (b) Writing, (Helm-Estabrooks, 2001) were used (maximum
(c) Reminiscing, and (d) Conversation. The total possible score was 13). Test instructions were read
possible score for the four subtests was 36. aloud to the participant once and the person was
2. Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS), Axis 3: Past given 3 min to complete the task. Instructions were
Memory (Reisberg, Schneck, Ferris, Schwartz, & repeated once upon request and prompts listed in the
de Leon, 1983): The BCRS was developed to assess test manual were used to encourage the participant

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to continue. This test does not rely heavily on spoken Research Question 2
language for completion, relative to other tasks in the
RAI-MDS data were available for 25 of the 31 par-
ticipants because six residents resided in facilities that did
not gather RAI-MDS data. The cross-tabulation of the
Measurement Reliability RAI-MDS ratings with PTAs are described in Table 4. A
The researcher scored tasks throughout the assess- significant ICC was found between the PTA category and
ment. Another researcher, who had watched the test session the RAI-MDS rating (R = .286, p = .015). When exam-
videos, checked all data independently. Researchers were ined at the individual level, 11 of 25 participants (44%)
not blinded to study condition during scoring. Discrepan- had hearing loss that was either unidentified (n = 7) or
cies in scoring were noted on 1.7% of the scored task items underestimated (n = 4), on the basis of staff ratings on the
and were resolved by consensus. RAI-MDS.

Data Analysis
LTC residents with early- to middle-stage dementia
Research Question 1 and mild-to-moderate hearing loss did not exhibit improved
To determine differences between cognitive- cognitive-communication test scores when provided with
communication test performance as a function of ampli- amplification from an ALD. This finding is likely related
fication condition (with or without), repeated measures to methodological limitations of the current study and the
t tests were conducted. The SII, or percentage of speech interaction of sensory and cognitive declines experienced by
sounds that were audible to the participants when using the the participants with dementia.
ALD, was determined during audiological testing. SIIs with A prominent consideration in interpretation of the
amplification with and without the ALD, at the input inten- results is the condition under which cognitive-communication
sities of 55, 65, and 75 dB SPL, were also compared using testing occurred. Conditions were highly controlled and
t tests. might be considered “ideal” for listening. The outcome
measures were carefully selected to be standardized in their
administration, the testing environment was quiet, the in-
Research Question 2 structions were presented face-to-face in a well-lit room, and
A comparison was made between RAI-MDS rat- voice loudness levels were monitored throughout cognitive-
ings on Item 1 (hearing) in Section C (0 = hears adequately, communication testing. Presenting the stimuli face to face
1 = minimal difficulty, 2 = hears in special situation only, may have attenuated potential differences between the test-
and 3 = highly impaired/absence of useful hearing) and ing conditions as participants had access to supplemental
PTA thresholds for all participants (unaided), according to visual speech information, which would not have occurred
mild (25.0 to 44.9 dB HL) and moderate (45.0 to 64.9 dB if the examiner’s face could not be seen during testing. It is
HL) impairment classifications. An intraclass correlation perhaps unsurprising, then, that individuals with mild hear-
coefficient (ICC) was calculated. ing loss (n = 19) did not experience significant benefits of
amplification under these supportive conditions, yet it would
be erroneous to conclude that mild hearing loss does not
Results affect cognition or communication in individuals with
dementia under usual circumstances.
Research Question 1 It is well known that even mild sensorineural hearing
The results of the analyses are found in Table 2. loss can have a significant negative effect on spoken lan-
With the use of an adjusted alpha level to control for guage comprehension in everyday life conditions in which
multiple comparisons (Bonferroni correction), no statisti- settings are often noisy, many people are talking, people
cally significant differences were found in the cognitive- have accents or speak quickly, and topics are unfamiliar
communication test scores between the aided and unaided (Pichora-Fuller, 2014). In addition to reduced information
conditions. coming in through the perceptual channel, an added prob-
SII scores (in percentages) were statistically signifi- lem in such environments is the superimposition of effort-
cantly higher when the participants were fitted with the ful listening that consumes cognitive resources that could
ALD at all input intensities (see Table 3). It should be instead be allocated to language processing and memory
noted that whereas the SII scores were significantly higher functions (Pichora-Fuller, Schneider, & Daneman, 1995).
with the ALD, not all speech sounds were audible for these Older adults who are typically aging and have mild hear-
listeners even with a loud input of 75 dB. This situation ing loss have difficulty communicating in such contexts; it
reflects the inability of the audiologist to alter the frequency is reasonable to assume that individuals with dementia and
response/compression parameters of the ALD to adequately hearing loss are disadvantaged to a similar or greater ex-
meet DSL targets. DSL targets, if matched, would have tent. Nevertheless, this conclusion remains to be tested
yielded higher SII values. empirically.

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Table 2. Mean differences of primary outcomes by aided and unaided testing conditions (n = 31).

Variable Unaided mean (SD) Aided mean (SD) p value

Story retell, immediate recall 4.06 (4.54) 4.29 (4.56) .575

Global Deterioration Scale (Conversation only) 5.63 (2.14) 5.80 (2.07) .502
FLCI Greeting and Naming 10.50 (2.61) 10.73 (2.92) .394
FLCI Conversation 2.68 (1.11) 2.94 (1.03) .199
FLCI Reminiscing 4.10 (1.64) 3.71 (1.81) .056
FLCI Writing 5.00 (3.24) 5.87 (3.42) .011*
FLCI total 22.52 (6.85) 23.45 (7.46) .168
Clock drawing 5.52 (3.97) 5.58 (3.72) .895
Boothroyd word recognition 0.57 (0.27) 0.68 (0.23) .014*

Note. FLCI = Functional Linguistic Communication Inventory.

*NS Not significant after Bonferroni correction (.05/9 = .005).

One might hypothesize that moderate levels of hearing have been similarly disadvantaged during the aided con-
loss would affect cognitive-communication test performance dition because they would not have been accustomed to
of individuals with dementia even in ideal listening condi- listening to amplified speech. It is unfortunate that the con-
tions. It is unfortunate that the sample size of the remaining tributions of hearing aid use to cognitive-communication
12 residents with moderate hearing loss was likely too small test performance in this study are unclear. We were unable
to allow detection of any statistically significant difference to collect detailed information on hearing aid use by the
in test performance between aided and unaided conditions. 13 participants who were described as hearing aid users.
In fact, the alpha level used in this study was conservative Because hearing aid use among LTC residents is affected
(.008) to control for Type I error rates associated with multi- by several institutional and individual variables (Cohen-
ple comparisons in the same study sample. Thus, despite an Mansfield & Taylor, 2004b), it cannot be assumed that the
a priori power analysis, the study may have lacked statistical participants in this study were using their hearing aids reg-
power to detect differences that existed between participant ularly at the time of study. Hearing aids of adults in LTC
performance in aided and unaided conditions. are often not in working order, are lost, or are unused even
The participant sample varied in degree of hearing when residents are described or classified as current hearing
loss and severity of dementia, both of which may have been aid users (Cohen-Mansfield & Taylor, 2004b; Thibodeau
effect modifiers influencing the ability to detect a difference & Schmitt, 1988). The situation is likely worse for residents
between conditions (Aschengrau & Seage, 2008). As has with dementia, although hearing aid research focused
been noted in research involving typically aging older adults, solely on residents with cognitive impairment is scarce.
future research designs should involve stratification of a With regard to Research Question 2, the finding that
larger sample of participants according to cognitive impair- RAI-MDS ratings were significantly related to residents’
ment (or dementia severity) to determine whether the benefit actual hearing ability as measured by pure-tone audiometry
of amplification differs as a function of cognitive status was positive. This finding suggests that health care staff
(Gatehouse, Naylor, & Elberling, 2003; Lunner, 2003). completing the RAI-MDS assessments were able to recog-
Another possible effect modifier is the participants’ nize hearing loss even among residents with early- to middle-
history of hearing aid use. Thirteen of the participants stage dementia, and that they were able to distinguish
were noted to have used hearing aids at the time of the between cognitive-communication limitations caused by
study or in the past. Because these participants did not dementia and those caused by hearing loss. However, vari-
wear their hearing aids during either test condition (with ance in the data was apparent at an individual level, with
or without the ALD), they may have been disadvantaged, almost half of the 25 residents misclassified as to the presence
as they would have been used to listening with their aids. or severity of their hearing loss. This finding underscores
Those participants who were not hearing aid users may the importance of hearing screenings for LTC residents to
ensure detection of hearing loss and referral for audiological
assessment as indicated. Further, education in hearing health
Table 3. Mean differences of Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) by for LTC residents with dementia remains an important and
aided and unaided conditions (n = 28). necessary endeavor for communication professionals.

Variable Unaided mean Aided mean

(dB SPL) (SD) (SD) p value Clinical Implications
The results of this study suggest that simply provid-
SII 55 23.5 (16.5) 45.4 (16.9) <.001 ing amplification to individuals with dementia and hearing
SII 65 43.9 (22.1) 62.8 (16.7) <.001
SII 75 66.54 (20.3) 74.7 (11.9) <.001 loss may not be sufficient to produce significant changes in
cognitive-communication test performance over a short time

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Table 4. Better ear pure-tone threshold average (PTA) compared to RAI-MDS hearing rating (n = 25).*

n (%)
ear PTA Hears adequately Minimal difficulty Hears in special situations Highly impaired Total

Mild 6 (24.0) 6 (24.0) 2 (8.0) 0 (0) 14 (56.0)

Moderate 1 (4.0) 4 (16.0) 4 (16.0) 2 (8.0) 11 (44.0)
Total 7 (28.0) 10 (40.0) 6 (24.0) 2 (8.0) 25 (100)

Note. RAI-MDS = Resident Assessment Instrument–Minimum Data Set 2.0.

*RAI-MDS data unavailable for 6 participants.

period under ideal listening conditions. This finding is impor- (Allen et al., 2003; Lewis-Cullinan & Janken, 1990). These
tant in that it extends the current state of knowledge related researchers found that removal of cerumen resulted in a
to the relationship between hearing loss and cognitive test significant improvement in hearing. Conductive hearing
performance of individuals with dementia. From a clinical losses caused by cerumen are generally easily treated by
standpoint, the results also support the need for holistic, health care professionals and were well tolerated by the
systematic approaches to hearing intervention and outcome participants with dementia in the current study.
assessment for adults with hearing loss and dementia. As The hearing health of individuals with dementia in
noted by Sweetow and Sabes (2007), there is more to com- LTC settings is an interdisciplinary team issue. Speech-
munication than access to acoustic information. The inter- language pathologists and audiologists have crucial roles
vention used in this study was impairment-based, designed to play in educating other health care professionals about
to improve audibility and was effective in reducing hearing hearing loss and its treatment, including, but not limited to,
impairment. However, audiologists and speech-language amplification. The authors of the current study represent
pathologists have long recognized that approaches to aural multiple disciplines, including speech-language pathology,
rehabilitation must include consideration of activity and nursing, audiology, and sociology. In clinical contexts,
participation levels of functioning and environmental factors aural rehabilitation programs should involve all members
that hinder or facilitate hearing and communication (Hickson of the health care team, including individuals with dementia
& Scarinci, 2007). LTC residents often spend much of their and their family members, if these programs are to have a
time in shared or common spaces, such as dining rooms, that significant, lasting impact in LTC settings.
represent challenging listening environments. An important
direction for future research is to determine the types of
activity and participation hearing outcome measures that Conclusions
are most sensitive to change as a result of the treatment of
The important findings from this study extend beyond
hearing loss for people with dementia.
the statistical analysis of performance differences between
Another notable result is that all participants in this
cognitive-communication testing conditions as a function of
study tolerated the ALD during the cognitive testing. There
amplification. People with dementia are underrepresented
are few studies in which researchers have investigated the
in speech, language, and hearing research, despite the fact
use of hearing technologies for individuals with dementia
that the prevalence rates of dementia and of hearing loss
(Pichora-Fuller, Dupuis, Reed, & Lemke, 2013). Thus, the
are growing. The challenges of conducting applied research
current study results add to the literature in this area and
in hearing and communication for people with mild to
are consistent with positive reports from other studies in which
moderate dementia must be addressed and overcome if the
hearing aids were successfully used by individuals with de-
hearing health of this group of vulnerable individuals is to
mentia (Allen et al., 2003; Durrant, Palmer, & Lunner,
be a priority.
2005; Palmer, Adams, Durrant, Bourgeois, & Rossi, 1999).
Although none of these teams found significant improve-
ment in cognitive abilities of individuals with dementia,
Palmer et al. (1999) found that the use of hearing aids resulted Acknowledgment
in a reduction in responsive or problematic behaviors for This research was supported by a grant from the Canadian
an individual with dementia and hearing loss. Audiologists Institutes of Health Research (CIHR CIHR CGPPA 107858),
should therefore continue to explore options for amplifica- awarded to Tammy Hopper, Susan E. Slaughter, and Bill Hodgetts.
tion with clients who have dementia and hearing loss.
In terms of audiological assessment in LTC facilities,
the importance of otoscopy and cerumen management can- References
not be overstated. The current study findings are consistent Allen, N. H., Burns, A., Newton, V., Hickson, F., Ramsden, R.,
with those of other researchers who reported a high preva- Rogers, J., . . . Morris, J. (2003). The effects of improving
lence of impacted cerumen in geriatric hospital in-patients hearing in dementia. Age and Ageing, 32, 189–193.

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