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Hello My name is Marcus V. Galias.

im 14 years old, I was born into this world on April 26, 2007
Now I will tell you about my hobbies, the 1 st hobby I will tell you is about gaming I really like
playing games online, the 2nd hobby Is playing sports like Basketball , Volleyball, and more.
The things I did since I was a child was playing outside with friends we had so much fun
We’d always play “tag your it” it was so fun we also play “hide n seek” my friends never find me
Because im always good at hiding.
Well that’s all I can share I don’t really remember all of my childhood memories
And now I reached high school from elementary school thanks to that, I have more friends now
but let’s move on to the next topic now that I reached high school I joined a school that has
specializations I had my mind set on acting so I joined a specialization for acting oh and there’s
more to that they have specializations for singing, dancing, sports, etc. and now Im a second
year on high school sad to say its not face to face because there’s a infectious disease spreading
and we have to be schooled online because of the virus spreading outside now because of that,
we always have to wear a facemask and face shield every time we go out to protect ourselves
from the virus and have to always carry around a sanitizer and we have to carefully watch our
hygiene. Well now its summer, well not technically summer because we cant go outside and
have fun with our friends or go on family trips or spend time outside so the only thing we can
use to have fun is phone’s or computer any gadjet in the house. Well that’s all I can share
because Im running out of ideas. Well nice talking to you bye :)

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