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Panini, 27 de febrero de 2014 Estimado sefier Baerth: En alencidn a su solicitud, tenemos cl gusto de adjunlarle a la presente tos siguientes documentos relavionades con la sociedad de Ta tetere lL Acta de Junta Directiva autorizande Ja cancelavion y emision de nuevas accienes 2 Certificade de Aceciones No. 10. SieiGHFO aieticuldl’ Por cl MOMCHG, me dePido dE WEA, Atentanente. KMAN, CORDERO, GALINDO & LEE TRUST (BV) LIMITED Raul A ina Ici R7ABieg RESOLUTION OF ITE DIRECTORS OF Alma Minerals Limited The undersigned, being the Directors of Alma Minerals Limited, a BV) Businuss Company existing and operating under the laws of the British Virgin Islands (the “Compeny”), DO HEREBY ADOPT the following resolutions: RESOLVED, to annul the following share certificate: Cextificate No. Holder Number of Shares % UIM INTERNATIONAL [NVESIMENTS LLC 25,000 FURTHER RESOLVED, fo authorize the Directors of the Company to issue, under the seal of the Company, the following share certificate: Cortiticate No. Holder Number of Shares 10 Carlos Miguel Neuenschwander Sahu 25000 Adopted and signed this 26" day of February, 2014. Carlos Miguel Neucnschwander Sahurie Juan Carlos Len Alvarce Director Director Carlos Miguel Neuensch wander BV1 BUSINESS COMPANY SHARE CERTIFICATE Certificate Number BRO 2am Number of Shares 25X00 Alma Minerals Limited INCORPORATED UNDER THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 ‘OF THR BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS The Company is authorised to issue a maximum of 50,000 shares of US#0.25 par value each of a single class. THIS JS TO CERTIFY THAT Carlos Miguel Neuenschwander Sahurie is the owner of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND (25,000) sharés)in thesabove named) Company, subjectto the Memorandunyand Articies of Associatién of the said Company, Given under the Common Seal of the Company this 26" day of February, 2014 Director Director 26",2014 I 25,000 L PTT rm TF ETT mm rm % eT — NAME OF SHAREHOLDER CERTIFICATE N* DATEOFISSUE | N° OF SHARFS —____|__ February NAME OF SHAREHOLDER ; DATE OF ISSUE PROVIDENTIAL GROUP INC. April 9°, 2009 BVI BUSINESS COMPANY SHARE CERTIFICATE Certificate Number z Number of Shares ~ :25;000!°. Alma Minerals Limited INCORPORATED UNDER THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 OF THE BRIITSH VIRGIN ISLANDS The Company is authorised t9 issue 50,000 shares of USSO.25 par value each of a single class. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT PROVIDENTIAL GROUP INC. is the ownerof TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND (25,000) sharesin 4 che above named Company, subject to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the said Company. NAME OF SHAREHOLDER ICATE N° DATE OF ULM INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS LLC April 9*, 2009 Certificace {INCORPORATED UNDER THE BYI BUSIKESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 (OF THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS The Company is authorised to issue 50,000 shares of US$0.25 par value each of a single class THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ULM INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS LLG) is the owner of PWENTY FIVE THOUSAND (25,000) shares in the above named Company, subject to the Memorandum and Arricles of Association of che said Company. Given under che Commén Seabof the Compapa

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