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Roll No…………………..

Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar

B Tech (Instrumentation and Control Engineering)
ICPC–301, Microprocessors and Interfacing
End Semester Examination, Dec 2020
Duration: 02 Hours Max. Marks: 40 Date: Dec. 1, 2020

Marks Distribution & Mapping of Questions with Course Outcomes (COs)

Question Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Marks 8 6 5 3, 3 3 2 3 7
CO No. 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 3
Learning Level 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3

1. Attempt all the questions.
2. Write the answers in hard copy (on A4 sheet) using blue/black pen with
your signature on top left and page number on top right corner of each
page of the answer booklet.
3. The time allowed for writing examination is 02 hours. Extra 15 minutes
are allowed for preparing the PDF file of Answer Booklet and submitting
4. Follow the instructions regarding submission of answer booklet as issued
by the examination section.

1. Explain the difference between:

(i) Microprocessor and Microcomputer
(ii) Microprocessor and CPU
(iii) Machine language and Assembly language
(iv) Low-level and High-level language

2. (a) Explain the functions of ALE signal. What is the need to

demultiplex the bus AD7-AD0?
(b) Can an input and output port have the same address? If yes, how
can they be distinguished?
(c) Distinguish between data transfer with polling and data transfer
with interrupt.

3. Define Instruction cycle, Machine cycle and T-state. Identify the
machine cycles in the instruction OUT 03H and draw the timing
diagram for the same.

4. (a) What is pipelined architecture? How is it implemented in 8086?

(b) Explain the concept of memory segmentation. What are its

5. Define Interrupt. Distinguish between Software interrupts and

Hardware interrupts. Explain the triggering levels of RST 7.5, RST 6.5
and RST 5.5.

6. Explain the importance of GATE signal in 8254. How is it used to

control the operation of counters?

7. Explain the BSR mode of operation of 8255 and give the control word
format for the same. What will be the control word for setting bit PC3
and clearing PC1?

8. A set of 10 data bytes is available in memory starting at 3050H. Write

a program to identify the odd numbers. The odd numbers are to be
rejected and the even numbers are to converted to BCD. The codes
for displaying decimal digits using a seven segment display are
available in a look-up table in memory starting at 3080H. Use this
look-up table to display the BCD numbers obtained after converting
the even numbers to BCD. The digits are to be displayed on seven
segment displays connected to ports with addresses 01H, 02H and

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