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Welcome to the

ciRcle 3-5 visuals

bleak skies, baked earth, ghost towns, billowing
smokestacks, lonely roads, choking dust, badlands,
burned-out neighbourhoods, looming factories,
skeletal trees, rust, half-buried buildings,
abandoned vehicles, weathered windmills, barren
fields, sullen stormclouds, railway lines, cracked
brick, shantytowns, campfires, tents & tarps, grimy
snow, broken windows, empty streets, wilted crops.


hope, community, warmth, shelter, work, clean
water, safety, fair wages, love, full bellies, stability,
freedom, dignity, health care, self-determination,
faith, purpose, respite, certainty, kindness, mercy.

ciRcle 2-3 the fates desiRe

murder, revenge, betrayal, irony, self-destruction,
judgement, cruelty, dashed hopes, grief, regret,
quarrels, resentment, temptation, shame.

some thiNgs yoU might dRaW

somewhere people meet, factories and industrial
buildings, roads or railway lines, an arrow to
wherever "out" is, where people live, whatever
borders keep folks here. scRaWl NOtes as yoU Need.
dRaW a MaP above.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK
stunning smile, fiery smile, swift smile, lovely smile,
• Give your heart freely, but rarely your trust.

aPhRoditE tense smile, rueful smile, beautiful smile.

soft hands, restless hands, stubborn hands,

• Explore themes of desperation and
• Steer your character towards tragedy.

QueeN of beauty clumsy hands, lovely hands, blistered hands.

QueeN of boNds hard face, beautiful face, drawn face, flawless face,
yearning face, arresting face, youthful face.
Whenever someone falls in love with you or breaks
a promise to you, they gain 1 Coin.

While my lover sings their song choose 3 biRthRights failiNg

Everything I've saved is gone love, friendship, promises, heartbreak, hardship, Whenever you deny your trust to someone who
Nothing left upon the shelf loyalty, decisions, sex. loves you, or fall in love unwisely, you gain 1 Coin.
Fire ain't gonna light itself
choose 3 WaRdRobe styles duties you staRt With 0 coIN
Aphrodite is a guarded individual. warm jackets, woolen sweatens, gloves, knit caps, •
Their troubles are relational, cyclical, and muted colours, simple make-up, crop tops, flowing •
disappointing. skirts, earrings & bracelets, tanktop, old finery. •

choose 3 PROmises made to you
• Never to lie to you. Who made it? moves cOst 1 coIN
• Never to leave you. Who made it? • Steal someone's heart or attention
• Never to let you go hungry. Who made it? • Offer someone your trust, kindness, or love
• Never to let harm come to you. Who made it? • Make a hard choice that's best for you
• Never to make decisions for you. Who made it? • Ask someone to make you a promise
• Never to make you cry. Who made it? • Forgive someone who wronged you
• Never to let you see them weak. Who made it?
asK oNe left aNd oNe Right Whenever someone does something related to
• How did I steal your heart today? your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
PLAY TO FINd OUT • What promise to me did you break today? award them 1 Coin.
Can you find stability in a world falling apart? • Why did you break up with me today?
Can you find someone who'll treat you like an equal? • What promise did you make to me today? You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
What is more important: passion or trust? the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK
weathered face, striking face, pinched face,
• Use your gifts to bring people together and get

PERSEPHONE warm face, suntanned face, beautiful face.

strained smile, open smile, wistful smile,

your way, sometimes at the same time.
• Put your freedom ahead of others' feelings.
• Steer your character towards tragedy.
QueeN of gARdENS secret smile, sunny smile, sudden smile.
QueeN of gRieF laughing eyes, tired eyes, rueful eyes, loving eyes,
resentful eyes, caring eyes, faraway eyes.
Whenever someone accepts a gift from you, they
gain 1 Coin.
Flowers! I remember fields of-
Flowers! Soft beneath my heel choose 3 biRthRights failiNg
Walking in the sun, I remember someone regret, weather, luxury, weddings, abundance, Whenever you hurt someone in order to escape
Someone by my side, turned their face to mine recklessness, compromises. from or go back to your patron, you gain 1 Coin.

Persephone is a conflicted individual. choose 3 WaRdRobe styles duties you staRt With 1 coIN
Their troubles are intermitent, restrictive, and floral patterns, embroidered cloth, riotous hues, • Return to your patron whenever they call.
desensitising. beautiful fabrics, labourer's clothes, flower crowns, •
a signature colour, flawless makeup, coarse fibres. •

choose 3 gifts you offeR
flowers, fresh berries, moonshine, cheap beer, moves cOst 1 coIN
opium, hearty food, clean water, cigarettes, incense, • Plant a seed of beauty or inspiration
silk & cushions, stone fruit, apples & pears, weed, • Offer your gifts to someone who needs them
a listening ear, touch, intimacy, comfort, sex. • Tell a hard truth that others don't want to hear
• Strike someone helpless with your beauty
asK oNe left aNd ONe Right • Call on your patron for resources or rescue
• Why are you in need of my gifts today?
• How have I overstepped your boundaries today? biRthRightS
• How did you offer me comfort today? Whenever someone does something related to
• Where do I find you today to ask for your help? your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
PLAY TO FINd OUT award them 1 Coin.
Is your gilded cage so bad after all?
Will you sacrifice others to keep your freedom? You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
Do you still believe there's hope, for you and others? the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK tiPs

trustworthy face, pretty face, wrinkled face, • When anyone is lost, decide if you'll guide them.
dusty face, somber face, punchable face. • Use trickery, reputation, and charisma to insert
yourself into the action.
wicked smile, sad smile, rueful grin, open smile, • Steer your character towards tragedy.
fRieNd of RambleRs crooked grin, more like a smirk, tight smile.
KINg of RoAds twinkling eyes, distant eyes, knowing eyes,
mournful eyes, unreadable eyes, wise old eyes.
Whenever someone comes to you for advice or
guidance, they gain 1 Coin.
Now on the road to Hell there was a railroad station
And a guide with feathers on their feet
choose 3 biRthRights failiNg
decisions, deception, advice, escape, trickery, Whenever you tell someone the lie they want to
Who would help you to your final destination
exchange. hear, or abandon them in trouble, you gain 1 Coin.
Mx. Hermes - that’s me!

Hermes is a mercurial individual.

choose 3 WaRdRobe styles duties you staRt With 1 coIN
jaunty cap, dusty jacket, pocket square, rolled-up • Guide the dead to their final rest.
Their troubles are existential, isolating, and
sleeves, suspenders, antique pocketwatch, beat-up •
boots, patched & darned, vintage silk suit. •

choose 3 sKills fRom the ROAd
gambling, cheating, disguise, grifting, drinking moves cOst 1 coIN
telling white lies, picking locks, picking pockets, • Share an old story about similar events
escaping cuffs, sneaking around, forgery, brawling, • Tell someone a comforting or pretty lie
keeping a straight face, patience, forgetting. • Reveal a path to where someone wants to go
• Deflect trouble or attention away from you
asK oNe left aNd ONe Right • Reach out to just the right friend or contact
• Where do you need me to guide you today?
• How did I cheat you today? biRthRightS
• What has you seeking me for advice today? Whenever someone does something related to
• Who that you care about is dying today? your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
PLAY TO FINd OUT award them 1 Coin.
Do you ever want to stop and settle down?
Can you still believe in happy endings?
You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
What is worth more: freedom, or community?
the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK tiPs

sweet voice, lilting voice, gentle voice, raw voice, • Dream of a better world, and act like it's real.
stirring voice, heavenly voice, soaring voice. • Explore the tensions between individual and
community, between art and survival.
naive smile, bashful smile, cocky smirk, tiny smile, • Steer your character towards tragedy.
PRINCE of LYRES proud smile, wondering smile, sweet smile.
PRINCE of LIghT innocent eyes, piercing eyes, bright eyes,
curious eyes, earnest eyes, sparkling eyes.
Whenever someone is moved to action by one of
your songs, they gain 1 Coin.
See, Apollo was a poor youth
But they had a gift to give:
choose 3 biRthRights failiNg
hope, dreams, honesty, summer, healing, empathy, Whenever you hurt someone through
They could make you see how the world could be,
art, new beginnings. impracticality or carelessness, you gain 1 Coin.
In spite of the way that it is

Apollo is a hopeful individual.

choose 3 WaRdRobe styles duties you staRt With 1 coIN
torn knees, worn-out jeans, no sleeves, all denim, • Provide a stable life for your loved ones.
Their troubles are practical, artistic, and dispiriting.
bandanas, soft cotton, hidden colour, bangles & •
bracelets, canvas of patches. •

choose 3 soNgs you KNoW
• A song of love, warm like glowing coals. moves cOst 1 coIN
• A song of aching loss, like hunger in winter. • See into the truth of someone's heart
• A song of love like lightning from a clear sky. • Win someone over despite themself
• A song of new beginnings like the spring. • Touch someone's heart with your singing
• A song of broken promises and broken hearts. • Show someone the world's beauty or goodness
• A song of slow endings you cry while singing. • Skate by on goodwill and good fortune
• A half-forgotten song from the good old days.
asK oNe left aNd ONe Right Whenever someone does something related to
• Where did you overhear me singing today? your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
PLAY TO FINd OUT • What did I borrow from you today? award them 1 Coin.
What is worth more: creativity, or stability?
• When I was broke today how did you help me?
Can you and your loved ones keep life and limb together?
• How did my naivete hurt you today? You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
How does your art affect the world?
the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK tiPs

gaunt body, powerful body, deceptive body, broad • Explore both your cruelty and your softness.
shoulders, stooped body, steely frame. • Find people in their lowest moments, and offer
them work.
calculating eyes, blank eyes, sharp eyes, deadly eyes, • Steer your character towards tragedy.
KiNg of silveR hollow eyes, distant eyes, weary eyes.
KiNg of steel gravelly voice, rasping voice, keening voice,
deep voice, discordant voice, booming voice.
Whenever someone makes a deal with you for
work, they gain 1 Coin.
You’re not from around here, son
If you were then you would know
choose 3 biRthRights failiNg
despair, greed, wealth, employment, deals, death, Whenever you try to control someone you care for,
That everything and everyone
control, industry. or hurt them to keep them safe, you gain 1 Coin.
In Hadestown I own

Hades is a stern individual.

choose 3 WaRdRobe styles duties you staRt With 3 coiN
pressed suits, oil stains, a pocketwatch, all black & • Give a job to everyone who asks.
Their troubles are entrenched, self-inflicted, and
white, vintage formal, shades of grey, a repurposed • Pay your workers for their labour.
uniform, silver & steel, dark glasses, severe hair • Keep the factory running, no matter what.

choose 3 factoRy PRoducts
weapons, clothing, heat, vehicles, electricity, moves cOst 1 coIN
alcohol, currency, cheap food, tobacco, hard drugs, • Make an extravagant show of wealth
fashion, machinery, textiles, bullets, luxury, • Beggar, starve, or dispossess someone
surveillance, morphine, raw materials, propaganda. • Quiet a murmur of doubt or defiance
• Hold someone to their word, just as they gave it
asK oNe left aNd ONe Right • Show a moment of vulnerability or kindness
• Why are you coming to me for work today?
• Why did I fire you today? biRthRightS
• What deal with me did you break today? Whenever someone does something related to
• How did I remind you today of our past love? your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
PLAY TO FINd OUT award them 1 Coin.
Is there anything your wealth cannot buy?
Are you cruel, cold, or just driven by fear?
You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
Can anything crack your stony heart?
the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK tiPs

imposing body, solid body, looming body, • Keep the comfort of your fellow players in
unassuming body, slender body, musclular body. mind, and check in frequently.
• Explore themes of justice, force, and guilt.
scarred hands, callused hands, strong hands, • Steer your character towards tragedy.
KNIghT of Judges grasping hands, bloodied hands, pristine hands.
KNight of Jails hard face, scowling face, impassive face, tough face,
shadowed face, empty face, haunted face.
Whenever someone comes to you for protection or
judgement, they gain 1 Coin.
Everybody gather around!
Everybody look and see!
choose 3 biRthRights failiNg
violence, fear, imprisonment, guilt, trauma, anger, Whenever you are overcome by your trauma, or
What becomes of trespassers
justice. respond to uncertainty with force, you gain 1 Coin.
With no respect for property!

Ares is a scarred individual.

choose 3 WaRdRobe styles duties you staRt With 2 coIN
leather, military gear, armour, sharp buttons, • Follow the letter of the law, without mercy.
Their problems are traumatic, entrenched, and
conspicuous weapons, long duster, tailored suit, • Investigate any crime brought before you.
wrapped knuckles, blood stains, wide-brimmed hat. •

choose 2 tRaPPiNgS
pistols, a hunting rifle, knuckledusters, a truncheon, moves cOst 1 coIN
first aid gear, a collection of blades, a baseball bat. • Plant a bullet in someone
• Ignore the law and do what you think is right
choose 2 you caRRy With you • Put your body between someone and violence
flashbacks, shards of shrapnel, aching scars, blood • Open up to someone about your doubts or pain
on your hands, nightmares, past failures, screams. • Take something away from someone

asK oNe left aNd ONe Right biRthRightS

• What danger do you need my help with today? Whenever someone does something related to
• How did you coax my guard down today? your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
PLAY TO FINd OUT • Why did I come around uninvited today? award them 1 Coin.
Where does your militancy stem from?
• What justice are you seeking from me today?
What is more important: the law, or justice?
You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
What would it take for you to bend and show mercy?
the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK tiPs

cracked voice, gentle voice, merry voice, • When anyone is hurt or needy, decide if you will
soothing voice, husky voice, soft voice, firm voice. let them in or drive them out.
• Explore both your kindness and your hardness.
lined face, thoughtful face, laughing face, kind face, • Steer your character towards tragedy.
QueeN of cOoKfiRes worn face, honest face, tired face, friendly face.
QueeN of CamPs gnarled hands, dirt-stained hands, gentle hands,
coarse hands, skilled hands, shaky hands.
Whenever someone places themself under your
care, they gain 1 Coin.
I got the wind right here in a jar
I got the rain on tap at the bar
choose 3 biRthRights failiNg
kindness, shelter, patience, family, hunger, comfort. Whenever you collapse, or use access to your
I got sunshine up on the shelf
resources as a threat or bribe, you gain 1 Coin.
Allow me to introduce myself
choose 3 WaRdRobe styles
Hestia is a resourceful individual.
trilby hat, shoes worn thin, bonnet, overalls, duties you staRt With 3 coIN
gingham gown, cotton shirt, labourer's clothes, • Give a seat and a meal to all who deserve them.
Their troubles are practical, ethical, and constant.
unwashed apron, countless pockets, pastel colours. • Never give anything away for free.
• Decide who is family, and who is a stranger.
choose 3 useful SKills •
cooking, first aid, lighting fires, repairing things,
knitting, preserving food, scavenging, dowsing, moves cOst 1 coIN
recycling, efficient packing, making camp, sensing • Share food or intimacy with someone
danger, haggling, reading faces, peacemaking, • Call in a favour that someone owes you
• De-escalate a scene or violence or conflict
choose 2 desiRed cuRReNcies • Cast someone out of your community
whispered gossip, truths & secrets, specific favours, • Demand someone tell you the truth, right now
debts owed, protection, company, simple Coin,
barter, volunteer labour, news from the road. biRthRightS
Whenever someone does something related to
PLAY TO FINd OUT asK oNe left aNd ONe Right your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
• What debt you owe have I called in today? award them 1 Coin.
Who do you prioritize when times get scarce?
• What supplies did you gift to me today?
Are you a provider, a community leader, or a gatekeeper?
• Which of your secrets did I find out today? You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
How do you keep from burning yourself out?
• Why did you come stay with me today? the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK tiPs

feral smile, dreamy smile, pointed smile, lazy grin, • When anyone is distraught, decide if you will
welcoming smile, drunken smile, bloody smile. offer them release.
• Pursue bold schemes, reckless plans, and chaos.
ragged voice, musical voice, smooth voice, • Steer your character towards tragedy.
QueeN of PleasuRe growling voice, relaxed drawl, rough voice.
KiNg of PaiN stained hands, broad hands, clever hands,
powerful hands, delicate hands, knotted hands.
Whenever someone comes to you to forget or
escape, they gain 1 Coin.
When the sun is high, sister, so am I
Drinking dandelion wine
choose 3 biRthRights failiNg
pleasure, pain, revelation, intoxication, temptation, Whenever you overindulge at a bad moment, or do
Brother, I’m as free as a honeybee
hopelessness. something dangerous and unwise, you gain 1 Coin.
In a summertime frame of mind

Dionysus is an untame individual.

choose 3 WaRdRobe styles duties you staRt With 0 coIN
last night's eyeliner, bare chest, silk vest, winestains, •
Their troubles are existential, self-inflicted, and
old finery, tattered suit, walking stick, tattoos, •
exposed skin, farmer's gear, straw hat, jewel tones. •

choose 3 RitUals you lead
Giving Absolution, Bacchanal, Telling Fortunes, moves cOst 1 coIN
Sharing Dreams, Losing Yourself, Purging Guilt, • Disarm or destroy someone with words alone
Mourning the Dead, Close Listening, Setting • Win a fight that you didn't start
Boundaries, Trading Kisses, Getting High, Sleeping • Get someone out of their head for a while
Together, Holding Hands, Swapping Stories. • Share one of your rituals with someone
• Defuse a tense situation with jokes or bribes
asK oNe left aNd ONe Right
• How have you tried to tame me today? biRthRightS
• What secret did you tell me today? Whenever someone does something related to
PLAY TO FINd OUT • Why did you break up with me today? your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
Will you overindulge in your temptations?
• What has you seeking me out for escape today? award them 1 Coin.
Are your rituals a force for healing and growth, or for
rampant chaos?
You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
Does your life have balance?
the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK
hunched body, wide shoulders, enduring body,
• Establish meaningful, personal relationships

unsteady body, defiant stance, weary body. with your possessions and other objects
• Bring your causes and activism into play
prosthetic foot, dragging limp, burn scars, chronic • Steer your character towards tragedy.

fRieNd of stRiKeRs cough, gnarled hands, missing fingers, crushed knee.

KiNg of smiths shy smile, crooked grin, slow smile, defiant smile,
broad smile, weary smile, proud smirk, bared teeth.
Whenever someone comes to you with something
important that needs fixing, they gain 1 Coin.

I believe in us together, more than anyone alone choose 3 biRthRights failiNg

I believe that together we are stronger than we know revolution, repairs, scarcity, dignity, fairness, work. Whenever you pick a fight you can't win, or break
I believe that we are many, I believe that they are few something trying to fix it, you gain 1 Coin.
And it isn’t for the few to tell the many what is true choose 3 WaRdRobe styles
greasy overalls, thick leather, scorched apron, belt duties you staRt With 1 coIN
Hephaestus is a driven individual. & suspenders, practical clothes, hobo bundle, flat • Help your fellow workers however you can.
Their troubles are material, ideological, and cap, hobnail boots, silver ring splints. sturdy cane. •
unrelenting. •
choose 3 causes •
Fair wages, job security, worker-owned industry,
free medicine, safe conditions, votes for all, an 8- moves cOst 1 coIN
hour work day, affordable housing, taxing the rich. • Repair something broken or damaged
• Dismantle, cannibalise, or destroy an object
choose 3 PossessioNs • Offer someone solidarity or purpose
A battered radio, clever fingers, a tireless back, a • Light a spark of rebellion, resolve, or wrath
hammer, a clunky electric torch, stubborn patience, • Trade your work for what it's worth
a little camp stove, a tarp that only leaks a little, a
portable gas heater, a sturdy backpack. biRthRightS
Whenever someone does something related to
asK oNe left aNd oNe Right your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
PLAY TO FINd OUT • What did you borrow from me today? award them 1 Coin.
What is the price of your activism? • What broken thing did you ask me to fix today?
Are you a firebrand, a community leader, or just a hothead? • Which of my causes caught your interest today? You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
Are there some things even you can't fix? • How did you offer me solidarity today? the setting concerning your Birthrights.
iNtRoduciNg choose a looK tiPs

clever hands, twitchy hands, steady hands, agile • Embrace both distrust and vulnerability
fingers, toughened hands, bruised knuckles. • Explore themes of alienation, distrust, and
skittish steps, silent steps, untiring pace, practiced • Steer your character towards tragedy.

QueeN of baNdits steps, careful steps, more of a strut, quick steps.

fRieNd of beasts bitter laugh, threatening grin, rusty laugh, mocking
laugh, grim smile, small laugh, sincere smile.
Whenever someone gives you an opportunity to
prove yourself, they gain 1 Coin.

And there ain't no shelter from the storm choose 3 biRthRights failiNg
You've been looking since the day that you were born caution, theft, predation, theft, secrets, survival, Whenever you hurt someone by putting up walls,
You'll be looking since the day you go desperation. or take advantage of their trust, you gain 1 Coin.
Anyway the wind blows
choose 3 WaRdRobe styles duties you staRt With 1 coIN
Artemis is a wary individual. ragged overcoat, bare feet, calluses & bruises, tatty • Provide a stable life for your loved ones.
Their troubles are social, depriving, and defining. scarf, hand-me-downs, tangled hair, concealing •
clothes, falling apart, long sleeves, stolen clothing. •

choose 3 Rules you folloW
no killing, no lying, never ask for help, protect kids, moves cOst 1 coIN
never harm women, prey on the rich, look out for • Slip away, unchallenged and unnoticed
number one, keep every promise, don't fall in love, • Find the humour in a shitty situation
never help for free, never admit fault, no friends. • Startle someone with unexpected aggression
• Take something without it being missed
asK oNe left aNd oNe Right • Win a fight that you didn't start
• What did I get caught stealing from you today?
• What opportunity did you offer me today? biRthRightS
• How did my suspicion hurt you today? Whenever someone does something related to
• When you got lost today, how did I rescue you? your Birthrights that steers them towards tragedy,
PLAY TO FINd OUT award them 1 Coin.
Is there something here worth sticking around for?
Are you a guardian, a troublemaker, or a trainwreck? You have the final say on anything about NPCs or
Can you earn these people's trust, and do you want to? the setting concerning your Birthrights.
you also Play you also Play
the fates
maKeR of tRoublE
the fates
maKeR of tRoublE
fRameR of sceNes fRameR of sceNes
The Fates were something like the wind The Fates were something like the wind
That you can't see, but you can hear That you can't see, but you can hear
The Fates were always whispering The Fates were always whispering
In these poor gods' ears In these poor gods' ears

youR desIRes: PicK AN NPC youR desIRes: PicK AN NPC

• • an urchin living rough, curious • • an urchin living rough, curious
• and too trusting • and too trusting
• a tired old priest, selling hope • a tired old priest, selling hope
tiPs they no longer believe in tiPs they no longer believe in
• Steer the story towards tragedy • a parent to many orphans, tired • Steer the story towards tragedy • a parent to many orphans, tired
• Explore different character but oh-so-kind • Explore different character but oh-so-kind
dynamics: in twos, in threes, etc • a dying worker: burly strong, but dynamics: in twos, in threes, etc • a dying worker: burly strong, but
• Follow your curiosity and interest wasting away • Follow your curiosity and interest wasting away
• a man with clean new clothes • a man with clean new clothes
moves and a dirty past moves and a dirty past
• Have the worst possible person • a beloved sinner, charming and • Have the worst possible person • a beloved sinner, charming and
arrive. well-liked but weak to their vices arrive. well-liked but weak to their vices
• Give tempting but destructive • a railjack: generous, but always • Give tempting but destructive • a railjack: generous, but always
advice. leaving advice. leaving
• Escalate a problem that's been • a friend from better days, blown • Escalate a problem that's been • a friend from better days, blown
ignored back into town ignored back into town
• Foreshadow future trouble. • a retired grifter, too old for this • Foreshadow future trouble. • a retired grifter, too old for this
• Ask: "How does this turn from • a stern woman, faithful to an • Ask: "How does this turn from • a stern woman, faithful to an
triumph into tragedy for you?" absent husband triumph into tragedy for you?" absent husband
you also Play you also Play
the fates
maKeR of tRoublE
the fates
maKeR of tRoublE
fRameR of sceNes fRameR of sceNes
The Fates were something like the wind The Fates were something like the wind
That you can't see, but you can hear That you can't see, but you can hear
The Fates were always whispering The Fates were always whispering
In these poor gods' ears In these poor gods' ears

youR desIRes: PicK AN NPC youR desIRes: PicK AN NPC

• • an urchin living rough, curious • • an urchin living rough, curious
• and too trusting • and too trusting
• a tired old priest, selling hope • a tired old priest, selling hope
tiPs they no longer believe in tiPs they no longer believe in
• Steer the story towards tragedy • a parent to many orphans, tired • Steer the story towards tragedy • a parent to many orphans, tired
• Explore different character but oh-so-kind • Explore different character but oh-so-kind
dynamics: in twos, in threes, etc • a dying worker: burly strong, but dynamics: in twos, in threes, etc • a dying worker: burly strong, but
• Follow your curiosity and interest wasting away • Follow your curiosity and interest wasting away
• a man with clean new clothes • a man with clean new clothes
moves and a dirty past moves and a dirty past
• Have the worst possible person • a beloved sinner, charming and • Have the worst possible person • a beloved sinner, charming and
arrive. well-liked but weak to their vices arrive. well-liked but weak to their vices
• Give tempting but destructive • a railjack: generous, but always • Give tempting but destructive • a railjack: generous, but always
advice. leaving advice. leaving
• Escalate a problem that's been • a friend from better days, blown • Escalate a problem that's been • a friend from better days, blown
ignored back into town ignored back into town
• Foreshadow future trouble. • a retired grifter, too old for this • Foreshadow future trouble. • a retired grifter, too old for this
• Ask: "How does this turn from • a stern woman, faithful to an • Ask: "How does this turn from • a stern woman, faithful to an
triumph into tragedy for you?" absent husband triumph into tragedy for you?" absent husband
you also Play you also Play
the fates
maKeR of tRoublE
the fates
maKeR of tRoublE
fRameR of sceNes fRameR of sceNes
The Fates were something like the wind The Fates were something like the wind
That you can't see, but you can hear That you can't see, but you can hear
The Fates were always whispering The Fates were always whispering
In these poor gods' ears In these poor gods' ears

youR desIRes: PicK AN NPC youR desIRes: PicK AN NPC

• • an urchin living rough, curious • • an urchin living rough, curious
• and too trusting • and too trusting
• a tired old priest, selling hope • a tired old priest, selling hope
tiPs they no longer believe in tiPs they no longer believe in
• Steer the story towards tragedy • a parent to many orphans, tired • Steer the story towards tragedy • a parent to many orphans, tired
• Explore different character but oh-so-kind • Explore different character but oh-so-kind
dynamics: in twos, in threes, etc • a dying worker: burly strong, but dynamics: in twos, in threes, etc • a dying worker: burly strong, but
• Follow your curiosity and interest wasting away • Follow your curiosity and interest wasting away
• a man with clean new clothes • a man with clean new clothes
moves and a dirty past moves and a dirty past
• Have the worst possible person • a beloved sinner, charming and • Have the worst possible person • a beloved sinner, charming and
arrive. well-liked but weak to their vices arrive. well-liked but weak to their vices
• Give tempting but destructive • a railjack: generous, but always • Give tempting but destructive • a railjack: generous, but always
advice. leaving advice. leaving
• Escalate a problem that's been • a friend from better days, blown • Escalate a problem that's been • a friend from better days, blown
ignored back into town ignored back into town
• Foreshadow future trouble. • a retired grifter, too old for this • Foreshadow future trouble. • a retired grifter, too old for this
• Ask: "How does this turn from • a stern woman, faithful to an • Ask: "How does this turn from • a stern woman, faithful to an
triumph into tragedy for you?" absent husband triumph into tragedy for you?" absent husband

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