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CHapter 3: beyond the Wall

Creating Wildling Characters Rayder, the leader of the largest collection of free folk, only has a Status
of 4. The limits on Status due to a character’s tribe are more stringent
than in the South and no character of the free folk can have a Status
The following system is intended to be utilize to create wildling char- higher than 4.
acters from scratch. It is similar to the core character creation system in The leader of the tribe is assumed to have a Status of 3, with most of
the SIFRP core book, with differences noted below. the rest of the tribe having a Status of 1, with respected elders at a Sta-
tus 2. While there are positions of respect within a tribe aside from the
Step One: Tribe & Lands leader, such as the tribe’s best hunter or warrior, but these do not have
Instead of belonging to noble houses, the free folk belong to tribes. a pronounced effect in the same way that being a lord’s master of hunts
These tribes are created using the same process as creating houses. See or a knight do in the south. The free folk also do not select heirs in the
Tribe Creation, page 107. If your character is part of a different organi- same fashion as in Westeros, thus heirs have no special status within the
zation, such as a wildling in the service to a noble house, use the normal tribe except that which they earn.
rules for than organization.
Determine Role
Step Two: Character Concept The same five roles exist among the people of the Far North, though in
Creating the character concept for a free folk character is at its heart the vastly different proportion. Nearly all the free folk can be considered
same procedure as coming up with a character concept for characters fighters, leaders, or rogues; there are a few experts in the form of herbal-
from other regions, only the parts used in building that concept are dif- ists, trackers, or craftsmen, and schemers are those who learn to live by
ferent. Gone are concepts like exuberant squires, shifty seneschals, and their wits and silver tongues as traders, storytellers and the like. Rogues
haggard hedge knights, replaced with wise hunters, savage berserkers, or are uncommon due to the free folk lack of subtlety, but are known.
daring raiders. The intrinsically savage and violent nature of life in the Fighter is by far the most common role among the free folk due to the
Far North colors any character who comes from there. value they place on cunning and strength.

Determine Age Determine Background

Free folk have a shorter life expectancy that the people of Westeros, The process of determining your background remains the same, except
with almost none making it past fifty years of age. Very Old and Vener- use Table 3-2: Background Events, below, instead of the table of the
able characters are possible, but they are people who suffer the effects same name in the SIFRP core book on page 45. The other tables for
of their hard lives rather than the grip of old age. Among the people of determining goals, motivations, etc are equally suited to the people of
the Far North children are expected to contribute to the survival of their the Far North.
people early on and thus are put to work at an early age. By adolescence
most free folk are adequate hunters and can survive the harsh climate of
their homeland alone for some time if need be. Table 3-2: Background Events
If you wish to determine your character’s age randomly use the fol-
lowing table instead of Table 3-1: Random Age on page 42 of the SI- 2D6 Roll Results
FRP core book. You encountered the Others
and lived to tell the tale.
Set Status 3 You were involved in the stealing of a wife.
The free folk put precious little stock in the idea of social status and 4 You fought in a major battle between tribes.
rank, making Status a less important ability among them. Even Mance
You took part in a battle against the Night’s
Watch or the people of the south.
Table 3-1: Random Age You were kidnapped as a child
and raised in another tribe.
3d6 Roll Starting Age
You achieved a significant deed, such as saving
3 Youth 7
your tribal chief or helping Mance Rayder.
4 Adolescent 8 You kept the company of giants.
5-7 Young Adult 9 You climbed the Wall and traveled to Westeros.
8-13 Adult 10 You were involved in a treacherous plot.
14-15 Middle Age You were outcast from your tribe
16 Old 11 after being wrongly accused of cowardly
or wasteful behavior.
17 Very Old
You had dealings with merchants of the
18 Venerable 12
south at Hardhome or across the Wall.

CHapter 3: beyond the Wall

Step Three: Assign Abilities

All free folk begin with rank 2 in all their Abilities as normal with their
Language skill in either Old Tongue or Common. In order to better
represent the conditions of the Far North it is recommended they re-
duce their Knowledge to 1 and use the resulting 50 experience points to
raise their Athletics, Endurance, Fighting, Survival, or Language (this
last so they can speak both Old Tongue and Common). This alteration
represents the lack of formal education among the free folk and the
toughening effect their homeland has on them.
Free folk tend to be skilled in Agility, Animal Handling, Athletics,
Awareness, Deception, Endurance, Fighting, Marksmanship, Stealth,
and Survival. They are rarely highly skilled in Knowledge and Language
aside from Common and Old Tongue. Free folk may choose to speak
Old Tongue rather than Common as their free native language.

Step Four: Assign Specialties

Specialties are assigned as normal for the free folk. Even in the skills
the free folk favor there are some specialties they rarely pursue, such as
free folk skilled in Marksmanship rarely pursue the Crossbow or Siege
specialties or those trained in Fighting tend to stick to Axes, Bludgeons,
Brawling, and Spear specialties.
The following specialties are not recommended for free folk: Fenc-
ing, Long Blades, Pole-Arms, Crossbows, Siege, Breeding, Tourna-
ments, and Pick Locks.

Step Five:
Destiny Points & Benefits
Free folk begin with destiny points according to their age as normal
and can spend them in the same fashion as other characters. It is not
Step Seven: Equipment
required that all free folk characters have the Blood of the Wildlings While the average free folk is not substantially poorer than the average
benefit—it simply provides certain in-game mechanical benefits. Even peasant in Westeros, the richest free folk is far poorer than the richest
a character born in the Far North from generations of free folk may not lord. There is far little variation in wealth between the poorest and rich-
have the benefits that Blood of the Wildlings provides. est among the free folk. All free folk start with a set of winter clothes,
In addition, the free folk have a number of benefits and drawbacks a pair of boots, a poor quality stone knife, and a poor quality club. To
available to them that are not generally suitable for other characters, determine the starting money of a free folk character make a Status test and
although they may be selected with Narrator permission. These abilities multiply the result x100 to determine how many silver stags the character
can be gained by non-wildling characters who live among the free folk begins with. Only a quarter of this number may be converted to cash at
for a time, such as deserters from the Night’s Watch. For these Benefits, the start of play; the rest must be in the form of starting equipment or
see pages 104-106. trade goods.
Most types and weapons and armor are available in some fashion
Step Six: Flaws & Drawbacks north of the wall. The most common weapons are axes, clubs, maces,
quarterstaffs, spears, hunting bows, javelins, and slings. The most com-
Free folk characters select flaws and drawbacks as normal, though mon types of armor are padded, soft leather, hard leather, bone/wood, or
some drawbacks fit the free folk better than others. Flaws for Cunning, hide armor. The Thenn tribes also carry greatswords and bastard swords
Knowledge, Status, and Thievery are especially appropriate for the free and wear scale armor, all made of bronze.
folk, while characters with flaws in Athletics, Endurance, and Survival See the section Wildling Goods on page 106 for more information
are unlikely to survive to adulthood in the Far North. Flaws in Aware- on the goods wildlings carry and trade.
ness, Fighting, Marksmanship, or Thievery can also be used to simulate
body parts lost to frostbite.
The following Drawbacks are especially appropriate to the free folk:
Step Eight:
Disturbing Habit, Flaw (Cunning, Knowledge, Status, Thievery), Furi- Derived Stats (as normal)
ous, Ignoble, Lascivious, Marked, Outcast, Reviled, and Threatening. Your character’s Health, Composure, and other derived statistics are
The following Drawbacks are not appropriate to the free folk: Bas- calculated normally, as described on page 49 of the SIFRP core rules.
tard Born, Childhood Disease, Debt, Dwarf, Eunuch, Feeble, Naïve, Fill out the rest of the information on your character sheet, and your
Poor Health, and Sickly. character is ready to take his place among the free folk beyond the Wall.

CHapter 3: beyond the Wall

New & Revised Benefits Born of the Cannibal Clans of the Ice River Fate
You have spent most of your life among the
It should be noted here that all of the Born of the X benefits can only savage cannibals who live along the Ice River,
be taken at character creation. feasting on your enemies as is their custom.

Born of the Thenn Tribes Fate Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings

You demonstrate the stoic manner of Increase your Health by +2. If you consume the flesh of an opponent
Thenn peoples of the mountain valleys. you defeated in combat you may add your Will to your Combat De-
Requirements: Blood of the First Men fense and Intrigue Defense for one intrigue or combat within the next
week. You may only gain this effect once per enemy, and the flesh must
Increase your Intrigue Defense by +2. Whenever testing Will you may be ritually consumed within one day of the opponent’s death.
add your Endurance rank to the result. Additionally, add an additional Those who take this Benefit are good candidates for the Disturbing
number of silver stags equal to a Status test × 200 at Step Seven of Habit and Reviled Drawbacks with folk outside of the clans.
character creation. These must be used to purchase metal weapons and
armor. These items can be of any quality. Born of the Walrus Men Fate
The Frozen Shore has been your world for most of your life
and there you have learned whale hunting,
Relevant Qualities from SIFRP charioteering, and the other arts of the Walrus Men.
Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings
There are some benefits that are especially suitable or unsuit-
able for free folk. The following Benefits are especially appropri-
When testing Marksmanship (Thrown) or Animal Handling (Drive)
ate for the free folk:
you may reroll a number of 1s equal to your Will. When testing Athlet-
BB Ability Qualities: Beastfriend, Expertise (particularly ics (Swim) you may add your Endurance to the result.
for Survival), Furtive, Gifted Athlete, Great Hunter, Har-
dy, Keen Senses, Terrain Specialist Born of the Hornfoot Tribes Fate
BB Fate Qualities: Animal Cohort, Greensight, Night Eyes, From your oversized feet to your long-lived grudges,
Skinchanger, Warg, Warg Dreams you are of the Hornfoot tribes.
BB Heritage Qualities: Blood of the First Men, Blood of
Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings
the Wildlings, Massive
BB Martial Qualities: Accurate, Berserker, Bludgeon Fight- Increase your Composure by +2. When affected by extreme cold you
er, Brawler, Fast, Fury, Hail of Steel, Spear Fighter, Tough may add your Will to your passive Endurance result.
You may spend a Destiny Point to develop a grudge a character who
The following Benefits are generally not appropriate for the
has wronged you. You receive +1B in all future tests working against
free folk, running counter to the character and history of the
that character but suffer a -1D penalty on any test to aid that char-
free folk. They should not be available to free folk without Nar-
acter. Ending the grudge requires spending another destiny point. A
rator permission (and a really good story as to how the character
character can only have a number of grudges active equal to his Will.
gained such a benefit).
In intrigues, you may not start with a Disposition better than Dislike
BB Ability Qualities: Connections, Evaluation, Head for toward a character against whom you hold a grudge. If your Disposition
Numbers, Knowledge Focus, Trade is forced to improve during an intrigue it returns to Dislike as soon as
BB Fate Qualities: Anointed, Brother of the Night’s Watch, the intrigue is over.
Head of House, Heir, Heirloom, Landed, Maester, Man
of the Kingsguard, Master of Ravens, Sponsor, Ward, Born of the Cave Dweller Clans Fate
Wealthy Beneath the Frost Fangs your people live, among the caves and
BB Heritage Qualities: Blood of the Andals, Blood of the tunnels that burrow through the Far North. You have grown up in
Iron Men, Blood of the Rhoyne, Blood of Valyria, the dark places of the world, and know them well.
BB Martial Qualities: Braavosi Fighter, Tourney Knight, Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings
Water Dancer
You halve any penalties to tests due to darkness. When testing Survival
BB Social Qualities: Favored of Nobles, Favored of Small-
underground add your Awareness to the result. You gain a +2 bonus to
folk, Worldly
all passive results for resisting poison and to all tests involved in creat-
ing, identifying, or treating poisons.

CHapter 3: beyond the Wall

Table 3-3: New Benefits

Quality Requirement Effects
Born of the Thenn Tribes Blood of the First Men You were raised among the Thenn tribes.
Born of the Cannibal Clans Blood of the Wildlings You were raised among the Cannibal Clans of the Ice River
Born of the Walrus Men Blood of the Wildlings You were raised among the Walrus Men.
Born of the Hornfoot Tribes Blood of the Wildlings You were raised among the Hornfoot tribes.
Born of the Cave Dweller Clans Blood of the Wildlings You were raised among the cave dweller clans.
Born of the Nightrunners Blood of the Wildlings You were raised among the Nightrunner tribes.
Born of the Ice Wives Blood of the Wildlings You were raised among the Ice Wives.
Giant Friend Blood of the Wildlings, Language (Old Tongue) 1 +2B in all intrigue with giants.
No Kneeler Blood of the Wildlings You have suffered too much to scare easily.
Provider Blood of the Wildlings, membership in a wildling tribe You are a great hunter for your tribe.
Spearwife Blood of the Wildlings, female You throw those unused to warrior women off balance
Terrifying — Your demeanor alone scares others.
Well-Equipped Blood of the Wildlings You have access to the goods of the South.
Winter-Touched Blood of the Wildlings or Blood of the First Men Ice flows in your veins.

Finally you start with a number of doses of poison equal to your Sur- You gain +2B on any Deception or Persuasion tests involving giants.
vival. These can be selected from greycap, nightshade, wasting potion, Giants will also be at worst Indifferent to you on first meeting.
widow’s blood, and wolfsbane.
No Kneeler Social
Born of the Nightrunners Fate You kneel to no one.
You grew up near the Wall in the settlements
Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings
and tribes of the Nightrunners.
Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings When the target of Bargain, Charm, Convince, or Intimidate tech-
niques in an intrigue your Intrigue Defense increases by your Will.
When testing Deception or Persuasion against non-wildlings you may When defeated in combat you can always choose to die instead of ac-
add your Will to the results. Also when testing Status (Stewardship) cepting the victor’s consequences.
you may reroll a number of 1s equal to your Survival.
Provider Ability
Born of the Ice Wives Fate You are a skilled hunter or gatherer who provides for his people.
You were born and raised in the bear-riding Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings, membership in a
Ice Wives tribe of the Haunted Forest. wildling tribe

Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings, female When your tribe makes a tribal fortunes roll you may add your Survival
skill to the total. A single tribe may only gain this bonus from a number
When testing Animal Handling you may add your Will to the result. of people equal to the Coordinate specialty of the tribal leader with a
When testing Fighting while mounted you reroll a number of 1s equal minimum of one.
to your Animal Handling.
Finally if you gain the Animal Cohort benefit you can select a snow Spearwife Fate
bear as your animal cohort.
You are a warrior woman of the free folk,
causing those of other realms to underestimate you.
Giant Friend Social
You are known among the giants, having spent time Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings, female
among them or having done them some great service.
You receive a +1D bonus to Fighting against enemies from cultures
Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings, aside from the wildlings for the first five rounds of combat. Also your
Language (Old Tongue) 1 Intrigue Defense increases by +1 against such opponents.

CHapter 3: beyond the Wall

Terrifying Social
Your obvious strength, skill at arms, or bearing causes others to
Wildling Goods
quake with fear. Though the average kneeler below the Wall doesn’t know it, he lives in a
lap of luxury compared to the lives of the wildlings. As such, the major-
When using the Intimidate technique in an Intrigue you may add your ity of the goods available to most Westerosi are relatively rare or even
Athletics, Fighting, Marksmanship, Status, or Will to the result. The wholly unknown north of the Wall. Use the following tables for those
skill used is chosen when you select this benefit. You add the same skill goods in the lives of the Free Folk.
to your Intrigue Defense when targeted by the Intimidate technique. Note that though values are given in coin, the use of actual coinage
is almost wholly unknown north of the Wall. Trade is the order of the
Well-Equipped Fate day, and most peoples’ wealth is measured in the number of trade goods
they own and can bring to trade.
Through trade, combat, or deceit you have gained access to the
goods of Westeros. Weapon Quality
Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings Weapons in the Far North are usually constructed of wood, bone, and
stone, with bronze weapons common among the Thenn tribes. Steel
You begin play with weapons and armor worth a number of gold drag- weapons are the results of trading with foreign merchants in Hardhome,
ons equal to a Cunning, Deception, or Persuasion test. This money can plunder from raids over the Wall, or gained from the Night’s Watch.
only be spent on goods from Westeros of any quality. At the start of Mechanically most weapons that would normally be steel but are
each month you can make a Routine (6) Cunning, Deception, or Per- made with other materials are considered Poor quality weapons, though
suasion test to acquire southron goods valued at 100 silver stags per some of the better bronze weapons of the Thenns are considered Com-
degree of success. mon or even Superior weapons. Poor weapons cost half as much as
Common weapons, thus meaning many cash-strapped free folk char-
Winter-Touched Fate acters may be starting with poor weapons until they can acquire some-
Ice runs in your veins, making you extremely resistant to the thing better.
terrible cold of the Far North. See the Weapons section of Chapter 7: Equipment in the SIFRP
core book for more information on weapons and their quality.
Requirements: Blood of the Wildlings
or Blood of the First Men
Goods & Services
When wearing normal clothes you are considered to be wearing suf-
ficient clothes to protect you from extreme cold. You add +2 to Endur- Bone Chariot
ance tests to resist the effects of extreme cold.
These vehicles are built by the Walrus Men and are designed to carry
two passengers when pulled by eight sled dogs. These chariots are de-
Table 3-4: Trade Goods Values of the Far North signed for both travel and combat, having both storage space and racks
Goods Price for javelins. Bone chariots are built with interchangeable wheels and
Ambergris (per pound) 30ss
Bear Hide 15ss
Dog Sled
Deer Hide 1ss Used by many of the tribes of the Far North, dog sleds carry one or two
Mountain Goat 2ss passengers and are generally pulled by six to eight dogs. Dog sleds are
designed solely for travel and are not very effective in combat, but they
Preserved Meat (per pound) 4cp
do allow travel over the deepest snows quickly.
Shadowcat Hide 10ss
Whale Bone (per pound) 1ss
Sled Dogs
There are a number of longhaired dog breeds used by the free folk for
Table 3-5: Goods & Services guard, hunting, and sled dogs but they are very similar. They use the
Goods Cost stats for Hounds but have a +4 bonus to all Endurance tests to resist
extreme cold.
Bone Chariot 400ss
Dog Sled 50ss Snow Shoes
Sled Dog 15ss Developed by the tribes of the Haunted Forest, these wide-bottomed
Snow Shoes 20cp shoes allow the wearer to move across snow without suffering a move-
ment penalty.


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