Subsection 1 - Evaluation of The Evidence of Clinical Guidelines Using The

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Name ______________________________________ Group _____ Option _____

Protocol of practical training

Topic: Evaluation of the evidence of clinical guidelines using the AGREE tool.
Examination of the quality of medical care using unified clinical protocols.
Subsection  1  . Evaluation of the evidence of clinical guidelines using the
AGREE tool. 
After the self- study questionnaire and the AGREE Instrument (AGREE
- Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation)
content/uploads/2015/02/AGREE_II_Ukrainian.pdf ):
1.1.  Choose a clinical guideline or protocol from the ones presented
in addition1  or on one's own (for data for the first 3 tasks go to the  Online
platforms in the Ministry of Health with protocols on the basis of evidence-based
medicine at the link [ / protocols / online-platform-with-
protocols-on-the-basis-of-evidence-medicine ] and register). Then open the
relevant document on the Internet and conduct a written assessment of the quality
of the selected guidelines using the AGREE questionnaire for three domains /
sections (1,3,5).  
1.2. Enter the results of the evaluation in points ("+" in the appropriate column) for
each item in the table below. Provide comments if necessary.          
1. The general goal (s) is clearly defined .
1 Completely
2 3 4 5 6 Completely
2. The medical issues covered by the guidelines are well defined.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
3. The target audience (patients) to which the guidelines are to be applied is
well defined.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree


7. Systematized methods were used to search for evidence.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
8. The criteria for the selection of evidence were clearly defined.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
9. The advantages and limitations of totality evidence are clearly described.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree

10. Methods for formulating the guidelines are carefully described.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Completely Completely
disagree agree
11. Health benefits, side effects and risks were taken into account in making
the guidelines.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
12. The existence of an indisputable link between the guidelines and the
supporting evidence.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
13. The guideline was reviewed by external experts prior to its publication.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
14. The procedure for updating the guideline is presented.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
18. The guidelines describe favorable factors and barriers to the practical
application of the recommendations.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
19. The guideline provides advice and / or tools on how these
recommendations can be put into practice.
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
20. The potential resource implications of the practical application of the
guidelines were considered .
1 7
Completely 2 3 4 5 6 Completely
disagree agree
21. The guidelines present monitoring and / or audit criteria.
1 7
2 3 4 5 6
Strongly agree Completely agree
Evaluate the overall quality of this guideline
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Completely Completely
disagree agree
1.2. Evaluate the quality of the instruction in points and in% of the maximum
possible value
Domains and items Scor Domains and items Score
1. Scope and purpose   3. Clarity and presentation  
Item 1   Paragraph 15  
Item 2   Paragraph 16  
Item 3   Paragraph 17  
Total by section   Total by section  
2. Careful development   4. Possibilities of application  
Item 7   Paragraph 18  
Item 8   Paragraph 19  
Item 9   Paragraph 20  
Item 10   Paragraph 21  
Item 11   Total by section  
Item 12      
Paragraph 13      
Paragraph 14      
Total by section      
Total number of points      
1.3. Based on the results of the evaluation, formulate a conclusion on the
expediency of using a specific clinical guideline / clinical protocol in the doctor's
Is it advisable to recommend this guide for use
Recommendations Notes
Subsection  2. " Examination of the quality of care using standardized clinical
protocols "
On the basis of the received scan where the personalized medical history of the
inpatient to carry out an expert assessment of quality of the provided medical care
with use of the clinical protocol found on the Internet (the Ministry of Health
website) to carry out an assessment of quality of medical care.
Enter the results in the evaluation sheet:
Expert assessment of the patient's medical history
Medical history № _____________
Clinical diagnosis ________ _______________________________________ ____

Age of the patient ____________________________

Become ___________________________________
Name of clinical protocol, k and m and when approved _______________________________
Compliance of medical care with the clinical protocol by sections :
Section name In execution Note, indicating the
Done Not performed reasons for the
(name that) (name that) deviation
1. Clinical and diagnostic program      
2. The scope of      
implementation Dick Nye efficien
t innovation
infrastructure program
3. Rehabilitation program      
4.Recommendations for further      
medical care
5. Prevention programs      
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________

Tasks for the section " Evaluation of the evidence of clinical guidelines using
the tool AGREE II ( Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation ) "
Perform the practical training according to the protocol. 
Based on the analysis of the guidelines / protocol (from the list of suggested
links or selected independently ), evaluate its quality.
Assess according to the list of questions presented in the protocol.
You have the opportunity on one's own find clinical guidelines for their
Guidelines (protocols) for evaluation
1. Guideline 00075. Secondary hypertension
2. Guideline 01078.Acute appendicitis
3. Guidelines 00006. infections of the respiratory tract as in adults
4. Arterial hypertension
5. Unified clinical protocol of primary, secondary (specialized) and tertiary
(highly specialized) medical care for abnormal uterine bleeding.
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine 13.04.2016 №
353 (as amended 23.09.2016 (994)
6. Unified clinical protocol for medical care: systemic thrombolysis in
ischemic stroke (emergency, secondary (specialized) medical care) .
Order of the Ministry of Health approved 08/03/2012 № 602
7. Unified clinical protocol of primary, secondary (specialized) and tertiary
(highly specialized) medical care for HIV-infected children.
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated February
24, 2015 № 92


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