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6/20/2021 Simple Bread Pudding Recipe - NYT Cooking

Simple Bread Pudding

By Mark Bittman
6 to 8 servings
TIME45 minutes

This recipe is proof-positive that leftover bread can easily be converted to dessert without
much work.

There’s room for customization here: consider adding fresh or dried fruit or a combination of
spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and cardamom.

It makes a great brunch dish, served with fresh fruit compote. Or add a handful of chocolate
chips before baking for a decidedly more decadent outcome.


2 cups milk Heat oven to 350 degrees. In a small saucepan over low heat, warm
milk, butter, vanilla, sugar and salt. Continue cooking just until butter
2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) melts; cool. Meanwhile, butter a 4-to-6-cup baking dish and fill it with
unsalted butter, more for cubed bread.
greasing pan

1 teaspoon vanilla extract Add eggs to cooled milk mixture and whisk; pour mixture over bread.
Bake for 30 to 45 minutes, or until custard is set but still a little wobbly
⅓ cup sugar and edges of bread have browned. Serve warm or at room
Pinch salt

½ loaf sweet egg bread like

challah or brioche, cut into 2-
inch cubes (about 5 to 6 cups)

2 eggs, beaten 1/1

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