Aeon, Pleroma Ba B Fort Refwill Feature

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Aeon, Pleroma

Level Fort RefWill Feature
1 +1 + 0 +0 +2 Pleroma body, Void Soul, Flux Power, Envisaging, Disrupting Touch
2 +2 + 0 +0 +3 Aeon, +1 Wis
3 +3 + 1 +1 +3 +1 Con
4 +4 + 1 +1 +4 Void Essence
5 +5 + 1 +1 +4 Extension of All
6 +6 + 2 +2 +5 Disregard the Earth
7 +7 + 2 +2 +5 +1 Cha
8 +8 + 2 +2 +6 Void Form
9 +9 + 3 +3 +6 +1 Wis
10 +3 +3 +7 Growth
11 +3 +3 +7 +1 Con, +1 Cha
12 +4 +4 +8 Void Sight, +1 Wis
13 +4 +4 +8 +1 Con, +1 Cha
14 +4 +4 +9 Sphere of creation, Sphere of Oblivion
15 +5 +5 +9 Opposition Mastery, +1 Wis
16 +5 +5 +10 Advanced Sphere of Creation, Advanced Sphere of Oblivion
17 +5 +5 +10 Creation from Destruction, +1 Con
18 +6 +6 +11 Greater Sphere of Creation, Greater Sphere of Oblivion
19 +1 +6 +6 +11 Balance the Scales, +1 Cha
20 +6 +6 +12 Eternal Cycle, +1 Wis, +1 Con +1 Cha

Skills:4+int modifier per level, quadruple at 1st level, class skills are Appraise, Bluff, Heal,
Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device.

Proficiencies: A Pleroma isn't proficient with any kind of weapon besides its disrupting touch.

Pleroma Body:The Pleroma loses all other racial bonus and gains outsider traits (basically
darkvision 60 foot). It is a medium sized outsider which floats just above ground at a speed of 30
feet per round. For now it cannot raise more than a couple of feet in the air. It cannot speak, but it
possesses a special kind of telepathy (see Envisaging ).

In addition it gains a bonus to nat armor equal to its Con modifier.

Void Soul: The Pleroma casts spells as if it was a cleric of the same Pleroma level, except that it
doesn't know any spells from the cleric spell list. Instead it gains three domains (instead of two)
and can use all its spell slots for domain spells, not only its domain slots. At least two of the
domains must be of opposite philosophies, like creation and destruction, good and evil, law and
chaos. It uses its Pleroma level for any domain special power. If the Pleroma multiclasses into
cleric or a prc that advances divine spellcasting, it may choose to keep increasing this
spellcasting instead of normal cleric spellcasting (doesn't gain any extra domains from cleric, but
does from prcs). Cleric/prc levels stack for domain abilities.

Flux Power:The Pleroma is a living embodiment of the balance between creation and
destruction, and this allows it several special powers besides its spellcasting. At the pointed
levels in the table he can use the respective spells as SLAs a certain number of times per day.
Some of those spells are always active and although they can be dispelled the Pleroma can
recreate them in its own turn as a free action. The Pleroma can also turn those abilities off out of
his own will and reactivate them as a free action when needed(only on its own turn).

Save DC against the SLAs and always active abilities is 10+1/2HD+Cha mod.
Lv 1-Mending, Daylight each 1/day per HD.
Lv 3-Deeper Darkness, Create Food and Water, each 1/day per HD.
Lv 5-Wood Shape, Plant Growth, each 1/day per 2 HD
Lv 7-Rusting Grasp, Freedom of Movement each 1/day per 2 HD
Lv 9-Break Enchantment, Scult Sound, each 1/day per 3 HD
Lv 11-Shout, Stone Shape each 1/day per 3 HD
Lv 13- Fabricate, 1/day per 4 HD, True Seeing (always active)
Lv 15- Major Creation, Disintegrate each 1/day per 6 HD.
Lv 17-Mage's Disjunction, Horrid Wilting each 1/day per 10 HD.
Lv 19- Wish*, 1/day per 20 HD.
*-The exp cost must be paid if used to create any permanent lasting effect like an item.

Envisaging: Aeons communicate wordlessly, almost incomprehensibly. Caring little for the
wants and desires of other creatures, they have no need to engage in exchanges of dialogue.
Instead, aeons mentally scan beings for their thoughts and intentions, and then retaliate with
flashes of psychic projections that emit a single concept in response to whatever the other being
was thinking. The flash is usually a combination of a visual and aural stimulation, which displays
how the aeon perceives future events might work out. For instance, an aeon seeking to raze a city
communicates this concept to non-aeons by sending them a vivid image of the city crumbling to
ash. An aeon’s envisaging functions as a non-verbal form of telepathy. Aeons cannot read the
thoughts of any creature immune to mind-affecting effects. This ability has a range of 40 feet
plus 5 feet per 2 HD.

Envisaging can also fulfill vocal components for spells, in which case they resonate inside the
mind of all within reach of the Pleroma.

Disrupting Touch: As a standard action or at the end of a charge, the Pleroma may make a touch
attack dealing 1d8 damage per HD from positive or negative energy, depending upon which type
of energy would harm the creature touched. A Pleroma’s touch never heals damage.

Aeon: at 2nd level the Pleroma's darkvision increases to 120 feet, and gains resistance to Cold
plus a bonus on saves against poison both equal to its HD, and then resistance to fire and
electricity equal to half its HD.

Ability Score Increase: The Pleroma gains +1 to

Wis at levels 2, 9, 12, 15, 20
Con at levels 3, 11, 13, 17, 20
Cha at levels 7, 11, 13, 19, 20

For a total of +5 Wis, +5 Con, +5 Cha at level 20

Void Essence: At 4th level the Pleroma gains Fast healing equal to half its HD and SR equal to
11+HD. it may rise or lower its SR at any time as a free action.

Extension of All: At 5th level, through an aeon’s connection to the multiverse, it gains access to
strange and abstruse knowledge that filters through all existence. Much of the knowledge is
timeless, comprised of events long past, present, and potentially even those yet to come. The
Pleroma gains a racial bonus equal to half their HD on all Knowledge skill checks. This same
connection also binds it to other aeons. As a result, it can communicate with other aeons freely,
over great distances as if using telepathy. This ability also works across planes, albeit less
effectively, allowing the communication of vague impressions or feelings, not specific details or
sights. Due to the vast scope of the aeon race’s multiplanar concerns, though, even the most dire
reports of a single aeon rarely inspire dramatic or immediate action. This is an extraordinary

Disregard the Earth:At 6th level the Pleroma's base speed is doubled, and can now rise as high
as it wants, counting as flight with perfect maneuverability.

Void Form: Though aeons aren’t incorporeal, their forms are only a semi-tangible manifestation
of something greater. At 8th level a Pleroma’s void form grants it a deflection bonus equal to 1/4
its Hit Dice, plus immunity to criticals.

Growth:At 10th level the Pleroma grows one size category.

Void Sight: At 12th level the Pleroma gains Blindsight with range 20 feet plus 5 feet per HD.

Sphere of Creation: At 14th level once per day per 2 HD, the Pleroma can manifest a 2-foot-
diameter sphere of white energy that hovers above its left hand as a standard action. By
concentrating as a swift action, the pleroma can control this sphere, causing it to fly slowly at a
speed of 10 feet per round. The sphere can travel in any direction, but must remain within 300
feet of the pleroma or it immediately dissipates. Wherever the sphere travels, it leaves behind a
5-foot-wide path of new non-valuable matter, creating new terrain (such as swamp, tundra,
desert, or forest) that counts as hard terrain and provides cover. It may even create terrain in mid-
air, in which case it floats naturally. Any creature that comes in a square trough which the sphere
passes must make a DC 10+1/2 HD+Con modifier Reflex save or be entangled and fixed in place
into the new terrain unless the Pleroma wishes otherwise. Trapped creatures may attempt to get
out as a fullround action by succeeding on a new Reflex save with the same DC. Creatures that
save are pushed to the nearest unoccupied location adjacent to the newly created terrain. The
sphere is highly unstable and only lasts 1d4 minutes before exploding with a blinding flash.

No more than one such sphere at a time (including the greater version).

Sphere of Oblivion: At 14th level once per day per 2 HD, the Pleroma the Pleroma can manifest a
2-foot-diameter sphere of complete and utter darkness that hovers above its right hand as a
standard action. The sphere is an empty void similar to a sphere of annihilation. Any creature
(living or nonliving) that is in the same square as the sphere automatically takes 1d6 damage per
HD, Fort save DC 10+1/2HD+Con mod for half damage. Larger objects (such as ships or
buildings) and area spells (like black tentacles and wall of force) are destroyed at a rate of one
10-foot cube per round of contact with the sphere. Magic objects are allowed a Fort save with the
same DC as before. Lasting spell effects are automatically dispelled. By concentrating as a swift
action, the Pleroma can control this sphere, causing it to fly slowly at a speed of 10 feet per
round. The sphere can travel in any direction, but must remain within 300 feet of the Pleroma or
it immediately dissipates. The sphere is highly unstable and only lasts 1d4 minutes before
harmlessly imploding upon itself. No creature or magic object can be affected by a Sphere of
Oblivion more than once per round.

No more than one such sphere at a time (including the greater version).

Opposition Mastery: At 15th level, if the Pleroma has both a Sphere of Oblivion and a Sphere of
Creation out at the same time, it may concentrate on both as a single swift action. This also
works for the greater version.
Advanced Sphere of Creation: At 16th level, when using its Minor Sphere of creation, the
Pleroma may choose for it to leave behind a 10-foot-square wall composed of a single natural
non-valuable substance (such as clay, wood, or stone) instead of creating new terrain. Plus now
when the sphere explodes all creatures other than the Pleroma within 30 feet of the flash must
make a DC 10+1/2 HD+ Con modifier Fortitude save or be permanently blinded.

Advanced Sphere of Oblivion: At 16th level, the Pleroma may hurl the sphere as a ranged touch
attack (with a 10-foot range increment) against a single creature. When thrown in this manner,
the creature hit must succeed on a Fort save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Con mod or be utterly
destroyed as touched by an actual sphere of annihilation. The sphere of oblivion implodes
immediately after the attack is resolved,

Creation from Destruction: At 17th level the Pleroma may summon a sphere of oblivion and a
sphere of creation as a full-round action. This also works for the greater versions. It must still
spend ability uses as normal.

Greater Sphere of Creation: At 18th level the Pleroma may choose to spend three uses of Sphere
of Creation to produce a much stronger version. Any existing matter, either living or nonliving
that is in the same square as the greater sphere must make a DC 10+1/2 HD+Con mod Fortitude
save or be absorbed and incorporated into the new substance (only freedom, miracle, or wish can
rescue creatures so trapped). Even if they save they must still succeed on the Reflex roll or be
left entangled and fixed into place of the normal version. No more than 1 check per round.

Greater Sphere of Oblivion: At 18th level the Pleroma may choose to spend three uses of Sphere
of Creation to produce a much stronger version. Any creature that is on the same square as the
sphere must succeed on a DC 10+12HD+Con mod Fortitude save or be sucked into the sphere
and destroyed, after which nothing short of pure direct divine intervention (miracle and wish
aren't enough) may restore them. Even if they suceed on this fortitude save they're still affected
by the base damaging ability of the Sphere of Oblivion. No more than 1 check per round.

Balance the Scales: At 19th level a number of times per day equal to their Cha mod, the Pleroma
may spontaneously cast any spell it knows by sacrificing a prepared spell of the same level or

Eternal Cycle:Everything that begins must come to an end, but also everything that falls may yet
rise again. At 20th level, 1/day if it has both greater Creation and greater Oblivion spheres
summoned, as a full-round action, the Pleroma may fuse them in any space adjacent to itself and
hope for the best. Roll a 1d100 and consult the following table.

1d100 Roll Result

1-20 Negation
21-40 Omni Sphere
41-60 Out of Control
61-80 Big Bang
81-95 Void Ascension
96-100 Aeon Gate

Negation-The spheres disapear in a quite epic scene above any possible words description, but
otherwise nothing pratical happens.

Omni Sphere-The spheres fuse themselves into the mighty Omni Sphere! Its radius is 20 feet and
can work as either or both a Greater Sphere of Oblivion and Greater Sphere of Creation,
Pleroma's choice and can be moved up to 300 feet per round instead of just 10 feet. It
creates/destroys 40 feet cubes of matter instead of 10 feet cubes, and the Pleroma adds either his
Wis or Cha mod to the DCs, whichever's higher. The omni sphere only lasts 1d4 rounds.

Out of Control-As Omni sphere, but the result is too powerful for the Pleroma to control! The
omni sphere acts on its own at the end of each of the Pleroma's rounds, as if it was Insane. Treat
a result of 1-10 as going after the Pleroma and a result of 11-20 as trying to pass over as many
creatures as it can in a single round. It moves at a speed of 300 feet and doesn't disapear if it
leaves the Pleroma's control range.

Big Bang-The spheres anihilate each other in a reality-shaking explosion. All within 30 feet of
the Pleroma takes 2d8 damage per HD that bypasses all regeneration, a reflex save DC
10+HD+Con mod Reflex save reduces this damage by half. A new plane of random
characteristics is started at the center of the explosion, but it immediatily separates itself from the
current plane.

The Pleroma itself has a 50% chance of being sucked to this new plane of existence, but if it fails
this chance, the explosive energy destroys it.

Void Ascension-The spheres fuse themselves with Pleroma, which grows to gargantuan size as
its power swells beyond all imagination. All damage is healed and all harmfull conditions
removed. The Pleroma can also instantly apply any known metamagics to its spells for free
whitout increased casting time, and the DCs and CLs of its spells and SLAs are all increased by
2. This state only lasts 1d4 rounds, after which the Pleroma returns to normal.

Aeon Gate-The fusion of the spheres opens a rift in reality that spwans 1d4 Pleromas adjacent to
you with level equal to your HD and elite array of stats. They follow your orders for 1 hour and
then leave.

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