Agraramel Time Storer

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The Thief of Time

"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don't alter their
views to fit the facts; they alter the facts to fit their views."

The Agraramel is a brilliant person whose obsession with time leads them to learn how to store it,
steal it, and then use it to do impossible things. 

Ability Scores: Understanding and manipulating Time is incredibly complicated. So Intelligence is the

Agraramel's most important ability score (and the one that the saving throws of their abilities are
based off of). Depending on their chosen fighting style, Dexterity, Strength, and Constitution are likely
to be important as well.

Hit Dice: 1d6

Starting Gold: as Rogue

Starting Age: as Sorcerer
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, one Martial Weapon of choice,  Light Armour, and Bucklers
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Disable Device, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide,
Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device

Skill Points: 4+Int

LVL BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Potential, FlashStep, Temporal Anomaly, Skirmish +1d6/+1, Chrono-Trigger
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 There's Always Time, Temporal Reversal 1
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Time Warp, Ageless
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Temporal Anomaly, Visions From the Past, Temporal Reversal 2
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Age Manipulation, Skirmish +2d6/+2
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Visions From the Future, Temporal Reversal 3, Time Hole
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Temporal Anomaly, A Moment Forever , See it Coming
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Temporal Stasis, Temporal Reversal 4
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Time for Action, Skirmish +3d6/+3
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Temporal Anomaly, Advanced Time Compression, Temporal Reversal 5
11th +8 +3 +7 +7 Timeless Battlefield
12th +9 +4 +8 +8 Stasis Field, Temporal Reversal 6
13th +9 +4 +8 +8 Temporal Anomaly, Age of Dust, Skirmish +4d6/+4
14th +10 +4 +9 +9 Time Share, Temporal Reversal 7
15th +11 +5 +9 +9 Chrono-Cross
16th +12 +5 +10 +10 Temporal Anomaly, Temporal Reversal 8
17th +12 +5 +10 +10 Time Duplicate, Skirmish +5d6/+5
18th +13 +6 +11 +11 Causality Break, Temporal Reversal 9
19th +14 +6 +11 +11 Temporal Anomaly
20th +15 +6 +12 +12 Time Is On My Side, Temporal Reversal 10

Class Features:

Potential: By storing and releasing time, you can produce marvelous effects. You can designate an
object you possess as your potentiometer, the device you use to store potential time. Any non-living,
non-magical object can be made into a potentiometer, but most Agraramel choose objects that are
somehow connected to time, such as hourglasses and stopwatches. A potentiometer looks and
functions as a normal object of its type, except that it exudes a faint aura of Transmutation (CL 1st)
and may appear slightly unusual at times. For example, a pocket watch might appear to be stopped
when observed, but always shows the correct time, or a knife may appear to pass through things
moments before the cut appears.
   Potential time is measured in moments. Your potentiometer can only store a certain amount of time
at once, equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 0) plus twice your class level. Any excess
potential is lost. Whenever you have a spare moment, you can store it in your potentiometer, adding
one moment to the potential stored. This takes a swift action. You can also spend 1 full round action
gathering the wasted moments of others to completely fill your potentiometer to its capacity (you
cannot refill your potentiometer during any round in which you gained extra actions by any means).
   If you lose your potentiometer, you can still spend potential from it through the link backwards in
time to when you still possessed it, but you can't add more potential to it. You can only have a single
potentiometer at once, and creating a new potentiometer reverts any previous potentiometer into a
mundane item. Converting another item into a new potentiometer takes 1 hour of concentration and
immediately fills the new potentiometer's potential to its maximum capacity.
   Many abilities ask you to spend potential. You can never spend more moments on any one ability
than your class level. 

Flash Step (Su): The most basic use of Potential is the ability to move really quickly. By expending
Potential as an immediate action, a Agraramel may move 5' per Moment spent. This movement can be
via any mode for which they have a movement speed. For example, a Agraramel with a land speed
could expend 2 Moments to instantly move 10', moving himself out of the area of a Fireball. They can
exceed their normal movement speed with this ability, assuming they spend enough moments to do

Temporal Anomalies (Su): At first level and every three levels after that (4th, 7th, 10th, etc), the
Agraramel gains one ability chosen from the following list. Those powered by Potential do not draw
attacks of opportunity. Any prerequisites are listed in parenthesis after the name:
 (click to show/hide)

 Quintessence: You may create one ounce of Quintessence per Moment spent.

 Snatch: You can attempt to grab spell components, arrows, or similar small objects within
your reach as a free action. If the item is attended, the target may make a reflex save
against your melee attack roll to resist; if they fail, you end up holding the item, and their
action fails if it was employing that item. You must have a free hand to use this ability.
Additionally, you may pick up an unattended item within your reach as a free action, or
draw or stow an item in your possession as a free action. Each usage of this ability costs
one Moment. This ability counts as Quick Draw for prerequisites.
 Draw Fire: You attempt to distract enemies, safely provoking attacks of opportunity from them
in hopes of catching them off-balance. By expending one Moment as a free action, you may
provoke an attack of opportunity from every enemy that threatens you, all of which
automatically miss. Any who take this Attack of Opportunity are considered Flat-Footed
towards you for your first attack on them in the following round, as if you'd successfully
Bluffed them.
 Contrail: You may choose to use this trick by expending one Moment any time you move. This
ability is considered part of the action you used to move, and does not take up any other
action. Any square you pass through immediately becomes filled with condensation clouds
formed by the shock of your passage. These squares behave as if filled with Obscuring Mist.
These clouds disperse after one round per Agraramel level.
 Defensive Awareness: When taking a full defense action, you may additionally concentrate on
responding more efficiently to threats nearby. By expending one Moment as a free action,
you may move up to your full movement rate, even if it isn't your turn.
 Faster: All of your listed modes of movement improve by 15'. You may take this Anomaly
more than once, and its benefits stack.
 Air Dodge: You may rapidly move through the air as though you had a perfect fly speed,
changing directions as often as you want, by expending two Moments per 5' of movement.
If you end your movement in mid-air, you will fall and take falling damage normally. This
ability is a free action.
 Pop (5th level): Once per round as a free action, you may spend Potential to teleport 5 feet
per Moment spent, as Dimension Door (except that this effect does not end your turn).
 Delayed Reaction: Whenever you move out of a space, you threaten enemies as if you were
still in that space until the beginning of your next turn.
 Surf the Shockwave: If you are subjected to an area attack which allows a reflex saving throw
for half damage, you may spend a Moment to attempt to have the power of the effect carry
you to its edge without hurting you. Make a Balance check against the DC of the effect's
reflex save. If you succeed, you move to the nearest edge of the effect and you take no
damage. If you fail, nothing happens, and you automatically fail the reflex save to avoid
half damage.
 Deflect: If you are within 5' of the origin of a non-conical area of effect, you may expend
Potential to deflect the effect. For every Moment that you spend, you may move the origin
of the effect up to 10' in any direction. If you are within 5' of the origin of a conical area of
effect, you may expend Moments to change the direction of the cone by 45 degrees per
Moment expended.
 Block: If a line of effect passes within 5' of you, you may choose to block that line of effect
with yourself, causing it to hit you or your square instead of its original target. For example,
you could intercept an arrow, taking damage as if it had hit its original target, or you could
intercept a Fireball, causing it to detonate in your square. This costs one Moment.
 Standing Still: Your incredible speed and precision make you able to see through an
opponent's dodges and parries as if they didn't exist. You may spend one Moment as a free
action to make your target flat-footed against your next attack.
 Keyhole: You have all the time in the world to line up shots. You ignore any concealment less
than total, and you may fire into melee without penalty. This does not cost any Moments,
and counts as Precise Shot for prerequisites.
 After Image: You may expend 3 Moments as a swift action to create an illusion of yourself, as
the spell Mirror Image. This image lasts for one round, though you may expend an
additional 3 Moments at the beginning of your next turn to maintain a Mirror Image that
you created earlier using this Temporal Anomaly. You may maintain as many of these
images as you want. Images created using this ability interact with actual castings of Mirror
Image as if they were part of the spell.
 Friction: By rubbing your hands together really really fast, you can make fire. You
gain Produce Flame, as the spell, as a supernatural ability usable at will, using your
Agraramel class level as the caster level. Each usage costs 1 Moment.
 Sonic Boom: By moving really fast in a straight line, you can create a powerful blast of air.
Any time you move ten or more feet in a straight line, you may choose to generate a Gust
of Wind effect in roughly the direction of the movement (up to about 45 degrees of
deflection). This effect uses your Agraramel class level as its caster level and costs one
 Hide in Plain Speed: You literally move so fast that you can't be seen. By spending 7 Moments
as part of any movement of at least 10', you benefit from the effects of Greater
Invisibility until the end of your next turn. True Seeing and other such effects do not reveal
 Spelltrail: When you cast a spell (or activate a magic item) with an area of effect, you may
choose to trail it behind you as you move instead of using its normal area of effect. When
you do this, determine the number of 5' squares that its area fills. For the next ten minutes
or until you have moved that number of squares, whichever comes first, every square you
leave is immediately filled with that spell effect. This costs one Moment.
 Judo: Immediately following a successful Trip attempt, you may expend Potential to throw the
enemy. This is like the Violent Thrust ability of Telekinesis, except that it allows an opposed
reflex save instead of a will save and it has no weight limit. The target is thrown 10' per
Moment expended.
 Missed Me!: You may cause a single ranged attack to miss you by spending 1 Moment. For
example, a Agraramel could expend 3 Moments to cause three Scorching Rays to
automatically miss. If you spend an additional Moment you may cause that ranged attack to
instead target something else within 10', and the attack is treated as if it had been
originally aimed at the new target.
 Before Its Time: After a successful attack, you can spend 5 moments to accelerate all magical
effects on the target to the end of their duration. Make a dispel check as though using a
targeted greater dispel magic effect, except that the modifier is equal to your class level
instead of your caster level. Only non-permanent spells can be dispelled this way.

Skirmish (Ex): A Agraramel moves so fast that her enemies find it difficult to attack her and
effectively defend themselves from her attacks, and she learns how to exploit this. She deals an extra
1d6 points of damage on all attacks she makes during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet,
and a +1 dodge bonus to AC until the beginning of her next turn. This extra damage increases by 1d6
for every four levels gained above 1st (2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 9th, 4d6 at 13th, and 5d6 at 17th level) as
does the dodge bonus to AC (+1 at 1st, +2 at 5th, etc). 

The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernible anatomy. Undead,
constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical
hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. The Agraramel must be able to see the target well
enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Agraramel can apply this extra
damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet. This extra
damage counts as Sneak Attack for all purposes where it matters.

Chrono-Trigger (Ex):
The Agraramel may treat any of the following spells as being on his class list for the purpose of
activating spell-trigger items:

 (click to show/hide)
Animal Growth, Arcane Lock, Blink, Clone, Contingency, Cure (any) Wounds, Death Knell, Delay
Poison, Destruction, Dimensional Lock, Diminish Plants, Disintegrate, Erase, Expeditious Retreat, False
Life, Featherfall, Foresight, Gentle Repose, Harm, Haste, Heal, Inflict (any) Wounds, Knock, Legend
Lore, Make Whole, Mending, Moment of Prescience, Open/Close, Permanency, Plant Growth, Purify
Food and Drink, Raise Dead, Regenerate, Rusting Grasp, Simulacrum, Slay Living, Slow, Temporal
Stasis, Timestop, Undeath to Death

Stolen Time (Su): Whenever you make a successful Skirmish Attack, you can also steal your target's
moment of inattention for yourself. You gain a number of Moments equal to the Skirmish damage dice
you dealt.

Temporal Reversal (Su):

Starting at second level, the Agraramel learns how to speed up the natural healing processes of his
body. He gains Fast Healing 1, which increases by 1 for every two class levels.

There's Always Time (Su): The Agraramel's ability to slow time in order to react allows him to
never be caught flat-footed. In addition, he may always act during a surprise round. However, each
time he uses this ability to prevent himself from being caught flat-footed or to act in a surprise round
that he otherwise couldn't have, he must spend one Moment as a free action (usable even when it is
not his turn, or if he is flat-footed). This ability counts as Uncanny Dodge for the purposes of

As part of the free action used to activate this ability, the Agraramel may also give himself an insight
bonus to initiative checks for the rest of the encounter equal to the number of extra Moments he
chooses to spend on this ability.

Time Warp (Sp):

At third level, the Agraramel gains the ability to speed up or slow down Time for others. As a standard
action, he may target any number of creatures within Close range and affect them with either a Slow
or Haste effect. A Will save (DC 10 + half level + Int mod) allows them to resist this ability. This is a
third-level effect and requires the expenditure of one Moment per target.

Ageless (Ex):
At third level, the Agraramel becomes permanently "Adult", never growing older and suffering the
penalties for ageing. Bonuses are also not gained, and the character will never die of old age.

Visions From the past (Sp):

At level four the Agraramel gains the ability to view the past. By spending a Full Round action and one
Moment, he can see the everything that happened in the surrounding area (limited by his normal field
of vision) during the past day. Spending consecutive Full Round actions and Moments allows this
ability to be extended by one day per Moment and Full Round action spent. If anything was in place to
block Scrying and Divinations at the time, he is unable to see anything during that time. 

During the usage of this ability, the Agraramel's consciousness is so engrossed in analyzing the deluge
of information that he is considered Helpless, Blind, and Deaf. After he stops concentrating on this
ability, he is also Dazed for a number of rounds equal to the number he spent concentrating on it.

Age Manipulation (Sp):

Starting at level five, the Agraramel gains power over age: firstly he may alter his own appearance to
seem younger or older, granting up to a +5 Enhancement bonus on Disguise checks to simply not
appear as himself. This costs no Moments and lasts as long as he likes.

Secondly, he may temporarily modify the ages of targets within Short range as a Standard action by
spending 5 Moments per target. They must pass a Fortitude save or be subject to one of the following:
 Old: the target is rendered Blind, Deaf and Exhausted
 Young: the target is treated as one size category smaller and suffers a -10 penalty to Strength
and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and Constitution.

This second effect lasts for one round per level. Used on Immortal creatures without age, it has no
effect. Used on Dragons, Young temporarily reduces them by 1 Age Category (minimum Wyrmling),
and Old has no effect. This is a third-level effect.

Visions From the Future (Sp):

At level six the Agraramel gains the ability to view the most probable future. By spending a Full Round
action and one Moment, he can see all of the events most likely to occur in the surrounding area
(limited by his normal field of vision) during the next day, not including any actions taken by him (so
it could show "Cao Cao's forces will strike from the East at midnight, they are 10,000 strong" but
would not say who wins unless he had no intention of being there to change this). Spending
consecutive Full Round actions and Moments allows this ability to be extended by one day per Moment
and Full Round action spent. If anything will most likely be in place to block Scrying and Divinations at
a given time, he is unable to see anything. 

During the usage of this ability, the Agraramel's consciousness is so engrossed in analyzing the deluge
of information that he is considered Helpless, Blind, and Deaf. After he stops concentrating on this
ability, he is also Dazed for a number of rounds equal to the number he spent concentrating on it.

Time Hole (Sp):

At level six, the Agraramel learns how to drop people into small time holes, placing them outside of
time for a few seconds. As a Standard action, he may designate a target in Close range, and they
must make a Will save or be sucked into a time hole. This functions as theTime Hop power. This costs
3 Moments, and may also affect an additional target within 30' of the first for each 3 extra Moments

See it Coming (Ex):

At level seven, the Agraramel foresees most attacks before they arrive. He may add his Intelligence
modifier as a Resistance bonus on saving throws, and as an Insight bonus to Armor Class and to
Initiative (note that this bonus to initiative will not stack with any insight bonus from his There's
Always Time ability).

A Moment Forever (Su): Beginning at 7th level, you can spend 3 moments as a standard action to
stop time (as the time stop spell) for 1 round. For every 3 additional moments you spend, you can
stop time for 1 additional round.
   If you affect multiple creatures at once with this ability (such as through Time Share), you can all
perceive and interact with each other, although you still can't interact with unstopped creatures and

Temporal Stasis (Sp):

At level eight, the Agraramel can cast Temporal Stasis as a spell-like ability at will. This costs 8

Time for Action (Su): Starting at 9th level, you can spend 9 moments as a swift action to gain a
standard action (or a move action), or 15 moments to gain a full-round action (or a standard action
and a move action, or two move actions). By spending 5 additional moments, you can use this ability
as an immediate action instead of a swift action.

Advanced Time Compression (Sp):

At tenth level, the Agraramel learns how to speed up the healing process so that wounds that would
have taken weeks to recover only take a moment. He may cast Heal by spending 10 Moments.

Timeless Battleground (Su): Beginning at 11th level, whenever a creature within Long range is
removed from the normal flow of time (such as through a time hop power, a time stop spell, or a
similar effect) you can join them as an immediate action by spending one Moment. Additionally, you
can dismiss the effect (for yourself only) as a free action, even if the ability is not ordinarily

If the prevailing temporal conditions would normally prevent actions (such as with the time hop
power), you can spend the time you've brought with you in your Potentiometer instead, allowing you
to take your normal allotment of actions each round by spending one Moment. This also allows the
other creature to take a limited number of actions during each round that you act, as though it was
staggered. If the prevailing temporal conditions would normally prevent interaction with others (such
as with the time stop spell), you and the creature you join can interact with each other normally.

Stasis Field (Su):

Starting at level twelve, the Agraramel may generate an aura that places those nearby into stasis.
Using this ability requires spending 6 Moments and a standard action for each round that it is
maintained. The aura extends out to a 30' radius, and anyone caught in the aura must immediately
make a Fortitude save or be affected. Every round they are still in the effect, they must save again
(whether affected already or not - every round is a new chance to break free, or to be trapped).

A target who fails the save immediately ages one year (physically), and can perform no actions during
that round, however they can also not be affected by any creature or effect, except for the Agraramel
and the effects he generates. Those taken to the end of their life by this effect appear normal until the
aura leaves their occupied space, where they immediately drop dead (or turn to dust).

Age of Dust (Sp):

At level thirteen, the Agraramel gains the ability to age things not only to death, but to the point
where they have turned to dust. With a Standard action, he may make a melee touch attack against
an opponent. If successful, they must make a Fortitude save or be reduced to dust. This is not a
[Death] effect and works even on objects. If they save, they cannot be affected by this again for one
minute. The effective spell level is seven and requires 10 Moments to activate.

Time Share (Su): Starting at 14th level, you can share your powers with your allies. If you spend
additional moments while using an ability powered by moments which only affects yourself, you may
also grant one ally within 30 feet the benefits of that ability. For every ally affected, this costs an extra
number of moments equal to the cost to normally activate the ability plus two.

Time Regression (Sp):

At fifteenth level, the Agraramel can turn the clock back completely to avert disaster. He may spend a
standard action and 15 Moments turning the clock back, emulating the Time Regression psionic power.
He pays no experience point cost, but when he returns to the round in which he first used Time
Regression, his standard action and Potential are still spent. This is considered to be a ninth-level

Time Duplicate (Sp): While all other friends may abandon the Agraramel, he may rest assured that
he will always have an ally in himself. At 17th level, by spending a swift action and 17 Moments, you
call upon the services of another potential version of yourself from the near future. This ability
functions as the time duplicate epic spell, but in addition a high level Agraramel may extend the time
that his duplicate exists for. The cost to extend the effect is 17+1 per round the duplicate has been in
existence already and is paid at the beginning of the Agraramel's turn each round. When the duplicate
vanishes, the Agraramel himself also vanishes for one round for each round the duplicate was in
existence as if he'd been the subject of a Time Hop power (except he does not exist, anywhere, and
cannot be affected in any way, including using his own powers). However, he is able to store the
moments of his non-existence, and when he returns his Potentiometer is full. 

Causality Break (Su): At 18th level, an Agraramel can excise his foes from Time, permanently
destroying them and undoing their recent actions. You make a single attack as a standard action and
spend 18 Moments. If it hits, your target must make a Will save, DC 10+half your Agraramel level+
your Intelligence modifier, or be wiped from existence as the connection between its past and present
is severed. In addition, the resulting localized paradox erases a small portion of your target's influence
on the timeline. Any actions your target took on its last turn are undone, as per the time regression
power, except that only the effects of your target's actions are reversed. The effects of any abilities
triggered by, actions taken in response to, or actions taken as a result of these reversed actions
remain, and any resources used to activate them remain expended even if their trigger condition is
rendered impossible retroactively. Only your target's actions are wiped from the timeline; its life and
effects on the world are otherwise unchanged, and any equipment it carried falls to the ground where
it stood.

Time Is On My Side (Su): The Agraramel's awareness of time has expanded to the point where even
Death can't stop him. As long as he has at least one Moment stored in his Potentiometer, he can
escape even certain Death. If at any time the Agraramel would be killed or destroyed, one Moment is
automatically drawn from his Potentiometer (this requires no action on his part, and even happens if
he is incapacitated), and he instead disappears in a flash of paradox, and reappears in the same
location at a later time of his choice fully healed and restored, with all conditions removed (both
harmful and beneficial). He also no longer dies of natural causes, as he's learned to permanently hold
back the tides of time and reverse the effects of his own aging. 

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This class combines elements of the Time Mage, Speedened, and Agraramel classes, each of which
had elements that I liked, but overall wasn't totally pleased with (or they weren't finished). Of the
three, Garryl's Agraramel by far had the most interesting fluff, so I decided to use that for the name,
and flavor it accordingly. Do note that this class is balanced for my reboot of the Fall of Pun-Pun game
(which uses modified Tome rules), and so might be somewhat overpowered compared to standard
D&D classes.

How 'bout the power... to move you?

The Warper learns how to feel space and intuitively bend it to his will, allowing him to move he and his
allies in unexpected ways, and hinder the movement and attacks of his enemies.

Ability Scores: Wisdom is the primary ability score for a Warper, as it determines the saving throw
DCs of all of his abilities. Dexterity or Strength may also be important, depending on what kinds of
weapons the Warper decides to focus on using.

Hit Dice: d8
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Knowledge
(any), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble,
Use Magic Device

Skills/Level: 6+Int

Weapon Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons

Armor Proficiencies: All armor and shields (except exotics).
Alignment: Any

Level Base Fort Ref Will Special

Attack Bonus Save Save Save
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Phasing Attacks, Hammer Space, Bend Blows, Spatial Sense, Treacherous Space
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Warp Rift, Far Filch
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Recall, Dispersal
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Reality Stutter, See the Paths
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Warp Sense, In All Places
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Greater Teleport, Phasing Attacks (Swift)
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 Xeno's Treadmill, Follow the Lead
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Warp Reach, Self-Flank
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 Crowd Dispersal
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Universal Teleport
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3 Warp Lock, Unlocked Space, Phasing Attacks (Free)
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Perfect Reality Stutter
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Seize the Heart
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 Co-location
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 Gate
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Implosion
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Planar Bubble
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 Planar Inversion
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 Genesis
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Dimensional Being

Any Warper ability that offers a save has a DC of 10 + 1/2 character level + Wisdom modifier.

Phasing Attacks (Su): The Warper learns how cause his weapons to bypass the space occupied by
his enemy's armor and natural armor, allowing him strike vital areas unhindered by much of their
defenses. As a move action, he may cause his next attack to be resolved as a touch attack (melee or
ranged). At 6th level, this becomes a swift action, and at 11th level, it becomes a free action. 

In addition, the Warper can use this ability to bypass other obstacles, both magical and mundane.
Attacks made using this ability ignore cover (including total cover, if the Warper can still accurately
target), can strike incorporeal creatures with no miss chance, and can bypass effects like Wind Wall,
Walls of Force, etc. The Warper's attacks can bypass up to one inch of material per class level in this
way (Force effects count as 6 inches thick for this purpose). These attacks may also pass into
Co-terminous planes (such as the Ethereal, or the inside of a Rope Trick), but materials and effects
which block teleportation and travel through the Astral plane can also block these attacks (but see
Unlocked Space).

Bend Blows (Su): The Warper bends the path of incoming attacks, granting her a deflection bonus to
armor class equal to half her level (rounded up).

Hammer Space (Su): At 1st level, a Warper gains access to a minor extradimensional space that she
can use to store items.  As a swift action she can store one unattended item which she is touching,
retrieve one item from the space, or exchange one item which she is touching with an item already
stored in the space. The space can store up to a maximum of her class level plus Wisdom modifier in
items, each of which must weigh no more than her heavy load.  A willing creature can also be stored
in place of an item, but there is no air in the extradimensional space and the creature must hold its
breath until retrieved.

When using this ability to exchange one item for another (such as replacing an original document with
a Forgery), anyone witnessing the exchange must make a Spot check (DC 10+ 1/2 the Warper's level
+ the Warper's wisdom modifier) or fail to notice the exchange. Do note that this initial check only
determines whether the action of exchanging the items is noticed, not whether the difference between
the items is identified.

At 3rd level, this becomes a free action but is still usable only once per round. 
At 6th level, the Warper may retrieve or stow up to her class level in items each round as a free
action, as long as they are each touched by her during the exchange (or already in the Hammer

Treacherous Space (Su): At 1st level, a Warper can make space around her bend in uncomfortable
ways, making movement difficult.  She can create an aura that causes enemies to treat all squares
near her as difficult terrain. Unlike normal difficult terrain, this also affects flying and incorporeal
creatures. The maximum radius of this ability is 5' per two class levels (rounded up), but the Warper
may reduce the size to as little as she likes when she first activates the aura, or as a swift action after
it is active. This aura is also activated or deactivated as a swift action, but requires no actions to

Spatial Sense (Su):  At 1st level, a Warper gains an intuitive sense for the surrounded space.  She is
always aware of all open spaces within 10' per class level, as well as any dimensional anomalies like
invisible portals (even inactive ones), dimensionally locked spaces, etc. This special sense does not
require Line of Effect, and extends into any coterminous planes of existence. 

This ability also allows the Warper to detect difficult traps within her Spatial Sense (as the
rogue's Trapfinding ability), but she still needs to make a normal Search check to notice them if they
do not include some kind of dimensional anomaly.

Warp Rift (Su): At 2nd level, a Warper can create invisible holes in space that unwary creatures may
fall through.  As an immediate action the Warper can create a Warp Rift which connects any two
squares within Short range. Any creature stepping into either one of those squares then must make a
Reflex save or be instantly teleported to the other one. Each Warp Rift lasts for 1 minute per Warper
level and then dissipates. A Warper may ignore the effects of Warp Rifts if he chooses, and his Spatial
Sense ability also allows him to see them. Neither end of the Warp Rift may be created inside of a
solid object, but they may be created in a square in which a creature is currently standing. If so, the
creature must make an immediate Reflex save or be instantly transported to the other end of the
Warp Rift. If at any time the space a creature is arriving at is occupied, then they are instead
transported into the nearest open space.

Far Filch (Su):  At 2nd level, a Warper learns how to teleport items from her enemy's hands into
hers.  As a move action she can teleport an item within Close range to her hands.  If the item is
attended, the holder receives a Reflex save to negate. 

Dispersal (Su): At 3rd level, a Warper learns to teleport creatures short distances at will.  As an
attack action (which may take the place of a single attack within a full attack) she may teleport any
creature within Short range of her to any other location within short range.  The Warper must be able
to see the intended destination. The target receives a Will save to negate this effect.  Any attempt to
teleport a target inside a solid object immediately fails.

Recall (Su): At 3rd level, a Warper can attune herself to a safe location.  Doing so takes an hour of
meditation at the site.  Afterwards the Warper can teleport herself to the site with a standard action,
regardless of distance or even if the site is on a different plane.  A Warper may have a number of sites
attuned equal to her level at any given time, and may replace a previously attuned location with a
new one as part of the hour of meditation to attune the new site.

Reality Stutter (Su): At 4th level, a Warper can continually teleport in place, flckering in and out of
reality.  This provides the benefits of Blink.  The Warper can choose to suppress or restart this ability
as a swift action.  

See the Paths (Su): At 4th level, a Warper continually emanates an Anticipate Teleportation (SpC)
effect within 30'.  The Warper can choose to exclude any creature or object from the effects of this
ability, if she wishes (even if she is unsure whom or what the incoming target is).  In addition, the
Warper is immune to the effects of Anticipate Teleportation and Greater Anticipate Teleportation, and
neither warns the caster nor is delayed by the spell. 

Warp Sense (Ex): By 5th level, the Warper's sense of the space around him has become honed to
the point that he can sense the distortions in it caused by creatures and objects. He gains the effect of
a Burrowing Transdimensional Touchsight out to 10' per class level as a constant effect. He may use
his Warper level in place of ranks in Psicraft for the check for Burrowing.

In All Places (Ex): At 5th level, a Warper's location is so unstable from continual teleportation that
she becomes hard to locate with magic.  She continually benefits from the effects of Nondetection,
with a caster level equal to her character level.  

Greater Teleport (Su): At 6th level, a Warper can use Greater Teleport at will, though she can only
transport herself and her equipment with this ability.

Follow the Lead (Su): At 7th level, a Warper can follow foes across the cosmos.  If a creature within
Long range is affected by a teleportation spell or effect, the Warper may teleport to any open space
within Close range of the transported creature's new location as an immediate action.

Xeno's Treadmill (Su): At 7th level, the Warper may as a free action choose one creature or object
that he can see/sense. The creature/object is considered to be infinitely far from him for the purposes
of all attacks or spells they target him with until the beginning of his next turn. Any attacks it uses
against him seem to move progressively slower as they approach, stopping when they reach halfway.
This even applies to attacks that they make while adjacent to him or in his space. If the target tries to
approach the Warper bodily, they also get progressively slower but never reach him as well. 

Strangely, this has no affect at all on their capacity to attack or approach anyone else, including allies
who are adjacent to the Warper. Any abilities which allow the target to teleport, or bypass intervening
space with their attacks (such as a Sharn's hex portals), also allow them to also bypass this ability.
Only one target may be affected by this ability at a time.

Warp Reach (Su): By 8th level, due to transient distortions that the Warper causes in the space
around him, he is able to attack creatures farther away than he should be able to. His reach extends
by 5'.

Self-Flank (Su): At 8th level, by warping space, you are able to hit an enemy from all sides at the
same time. You no longer need an ally to be considered flanking any target you attack.

Crowd Dispersal (Su): At 9th level, a Warper can affect all creatures within Close range with
Dispersal as a Move action. 

Universal Teleport (Su): At 10th level, a Warper's teleportation can reach any corner of the
multiverse.  As a standard action she can teleport a touched creature anywhere on any plane.  An
unwilling target receives a Will save to negate this effect. If a group of creatures links hands with the
Warper, the Warper may instead teleport them all at once (up to one per Warper level).

Warp Lock (Su): At 11th level, a Warper has such control over the paths of teleportation that she
can twist her enemies escape plans to her advantage.  Whenever a creature within Long range uses a
teleportation spell or effect, the Warper may redirect the creature to any other open space in Long
range as a free action (even if it isn't the Warper's turn).  

Unlocked Space (Ex): At 11th level, nothing stands in the way of a Warper's teleportation.  The
Warper's abilities ignore all affects that specifically prevent teleportation or dimensional travel.  This
includes affects such as Dimensional Anchor and the Monk's Grand Master Style that stops
teleportation, but not generic affects that prevent using spell-like/supernatural abilities (such as Anti-
magic Field) or prevent you from taking actions (such as being stunned). He or she is also
permanently under the effects of Freedom of Movement, as her teleportation abilities allow her to slip
any impediment or bonds.

Perfect Reality Stutter (Su): At 12th level, a Warper is perfectly in tune with her teleportation. 
When she uses Reality Stutter, she acts as if under the effect of Greater Blink (SpC) instead of Blink.

Seize the Heart (Su): At 13th level, a Warper gains incredibly fine control over their teleportations,
and may remove vital parts of a creature's anatomy. This works as the psi-power Decerebrate, except
as follows: 
1) at the Warper's option, he may instead render the target dead rather than catatonic by removing
its heart, entire brain, or another vital organ. This only kills or completely incapacitates creatures with
a definable anatomy which have vital organs or components that they cannot function without (usually
this means that they aren't immune to critical hits. in questionable cases, the DM may ask for an
appropriate Knowledge check). 

2) However, it may also be used to excise a portion of an inanimate object (up to 1 cubic foot per
Warper level), or of a creature which is immune to critical hits. In such cases, it does 1d6 damage per
Warper level, and may also produce one of the following effects:

Blind, Deaf, and Mute: You remove the creature's head. It can no longer see, hear or speak (unless it
doesn't need a head for that). 
Lame: You remove part or all of a creature's leg. It's movement speed is reduced to 1/4th normal,
and it loses its Dexterity bonus to AC.
Missing Arm: The creature loses the function of any natural weapons associated with one of its limbs
(which can be a tentacle or whatever). If it was holding a weapons or other object in that limb, it may
appear in the Warper's hand if desired.

Surgical removal of other body parts is possible, depending on the creature's anatomy (removing
specific eyestalks of a beholder, etc), but the specific penalties or other consequences will be up to the

Co-location (Su): At 14th level, the Warper gains the ability to exist in two locations at once. This
ability may be activated or deactivated as a free action (once per round), and may only be used for
one round per Warper level per day (minimum 1 round duration). This effectively creates a duplicate
of the Warper anywhere he wishes, even on another plane of existence. This duplicate has the full
range of all the Warper's capabilities, including those from magic items and special abilities, and its
own full set of actions each round. 

However, this is not really a "duplicate". Both copies are actually the same individual, so any effect
which affects one of them also affects the other automatically, including damage taken, charges used
from magic items (or items which are destroyed or disarmed), etc. They also share completely their
full sensory inputs (so they both see what the other sees, etc). When the Warper ends this effect (or
when one of the two versions are killed), he must choose which copy is the "real" version. The other

Gate (Su): At 15th level, the Warper's mastery of space has become complete. He may use the travel
of the Gate spell as a spell-like ability at will. 

Implosion (Su): At 16th level, the Warper learns to open a tiny tear in space which can suck in an
enemy, crushing them as they pass through it, and depositing their remains into the inter-planar void.
He can use Implosion at will as a spell-like ability. In addition, this ability may target an object of up
to 10 cubic feet per Warper level.

Planar Bubble (Su): At 17th level, the Warper may duplicate the effects of a Planar Bubble spell, at
will. However, the Warper can choose to emulate any plane he wishes (not simply his native plane),
and he and any allies he designates are treated as natives of whatever plane he chooses to emulate.

Planar Inversion (Su): At 18th level, the Warper may permanently swap out a piece of one plane
with a piece of another one. This affects 100' radius centered on the Warper, and is usable at will. So
yes, given enough time he could turn the entire Material Plane into the Plane of Fire, or whatever.
Hopefully someone stops him before his madness is finished if he tries that, though.   

Genesis (Su): At 19th level, the Warper may use Genesis as a SLA once per day. This costs him no
Dimensional Being (Ex): At 20th level, the Warper permanently transcends the limitations of space.
He may now use Greater Teleport as a free action, even if it is not his turn. He may even use this as a
reaction to avoid attacks, but only if he can perceive the attacker somehow and is not flat-footed. He
also counts as being in all places at once, or no place, at all times, whichever is most beneficial to
him. This basically lets him choose whether to be affected by any effects for which he is targeted with,
or choose to be within the area of area affects, or not. This includes mundane attacks as well as all
magical effects. 

 (click to show/hide)
Here is a link to the original, which I think is great in concept, but lacking in delivery. In particular,
some of the abilities are too powerful, others too weak, and I don't like the order they're attained in.
The below is an attempt to retool the class. It is still a work in progress (time to go to bed here...   

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