Andellion Warrior (3.5e Class) : Eden Dark Strength

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Andellion Warrior (3.

5e Class)
Andellion Warriors are devout followers of Eden, the Goddess of Numbers. They are a brutal
class of athletes and swordsmen. The so-called "Shock troopers of Eden" because of their
aggressive and violent nature. They can handle any weapon with ease thanks to the blessings of
Dark Strength from their Goddess. The Goddess Eden endows her proud warriors with divine
strength and ability in the form of magical blessings. These blessing's are often called gifts of
"Darkness" or gifts of "Numbers". These extraordinary abilities that sprout from their faith in
Eden make them formidable opponents in combat.
Eden strongly encourages her follows to spread her teachings through the missionary work of
conquest and warfare. It is here, in the fires of combat, that these warriors seek to purge
themselves of all evil and one day rejoin their Goddess in paradise. Most have fallen in ancient
times and few remain to carry the torch and teachings. Those that do linger seek only the will of
the Goddess and an honorable death in epic combat.
Andellion Warriors cannot easily be distinguished from their fellow peoples except by their
arrogant violence. Their massive strength is hidden beneath the sacred vows of their God,
making them appear no different from any other member of their native race. They are very
outgoing individuals seeking to spread the teachings of Eden throughout the world and beyond.
They may often withstand public ridicule only to challenge their assailant to personal combat at a
later time. They value qualities such as strength, beauty, honor, and courage in all its many
forms. Their Goddess demands such qualities of her followers and worshipers. As such,
Andellion Warriors are always dressed in their best attire and maintain high standards of conduct
and poise. They maintain a rigid and lawful outlook on life, shunning thievery and it's law-
breakers. For them, following the law of the land is only a temporary burden. One day they
believe they shall be the magistrates who govern law and reign with glory in Eden's power.
There alignment can be difficult to judge at times. If they perceive you to be worthy of Eden's
grace they shall treat you like a brother to their order. Helping and strengthening you at every
turn, even at great sacrifice. However, if they perceive you as anything less than worthy, you can
expect to be ignored or killed outright. Eden does not stand the weak-willed and filthy to live. If
they forgo murdering common civilians it is only because panic and chaos is an undesirable state
in the eyes of their God. Of course, for whatever reason they find to draw their swords, Andellion
Warriors always breath terrible destruction and leave death in their wake.
[edit] Making a Andellion Warrior
Andellion Warriors are paragons of Strength and physical fitness. The following is designed to
help you build a Andellion Warrior.
Abilities: Strength.
Races: Any.
Alignment: Lawful.
Starting Gold: 135gp.
Starting Age: Moderate
Table: The Hybrid Elite Warrior
Hit Die: d10
Level Base Saving Special
Attack Throws
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Faith, Eden's Grace
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Pressure
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Hold Still
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Eden's Blessing, Feather Armor
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Full Swing 19-20/x3
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Purity
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Force Spike
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Eden's Blessing, Acceleration
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Force Haste
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Resist, Full Swing 18-20/x3
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Shatter Point
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Eden's Blessing, Transfer
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 Blade of Eden
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Aerial Smash
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Full Swing 17-20/x3
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Eden's Blessing, Zealot's Healing
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Pulse Wave
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Eden's Freedom
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Eden's Judgement
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Eden's Blessing, Matriarch's Vanity
Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Choose 6 skills plus Craft to use as class skills.
[edit] Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Andellion Warrior.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Andellion Warrior's are proficient in the use of Simple and
Marital Weapons; as well as Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor. They are not proficient with
Shields of any kind.
Faith (Ex): Your faith in Eden strengthens you.
You trade your Dexterity modifier to armor class for your Strength modifier.
Eden's Grace (Ex): Gravity holds no sway over the servant's of Eden.
You can make a Jump check, DC10, to negate any and all Falling Damage as an immediate
Pressure (Ex): You are a master of leverage in combat.
You gain twice your Strength modifier to damage when using a two-handed weapon.
Hold Still (Ex): With a divine shout you hold your enemies fast.
Whenever an opponent provokes an Attack of Opportunity for leaving a square you threaten, you
can forgo your attack and cause the enemy to make a Reflex Saving Throw, DC 10 + ½ your
level + your Strength modifier. Should they fail they are held in place and cannot take another
move action that round.
Eden's Blessing (Ex): Eden blesses you with divine power.
Every time you gain this ability you gain a +1 to your Strength score.
Feather Armor (Ex): You regard armor and metal like a second skin.
You can move at your base speed in heavy armor.
Full Swing (Ex): Eden's opponents are your victims.
You gain automatically confirmed critical hits for the following attack roles. You must still
overcome your opponents Armor Class to gain this advantage.
5th level: 19-20.
10th level: 18-20.
15th level. 17-20.
Such a critical hit is always taken at a 3x multiplier regardless of the weapon used.
Purity (Ex): You perfect yourself in Eden's image.
You gain your Strength modifier to all saving throws. This replaces all other ability bonuses to
saving throws.
Force Spike (Ex): You gain a special attack skill which immediately deals double damage to
staggered foes.
As an immediate action, anytime you successfully deal damage to an opponent with less than
half of their total hit points remaining, you may use this ability to instantly gain a critical hit.
This critical hit is always taken at a x2 modifier regardless of the weapon used. This skill
requires a cool-down of 1d4 rounds before it can be used again.
Acceleration (Ex): You tend to run everywhere you go.
You can run at five times your base land speed and gain a +2 bonus against Attacks of
Opportunity while doing so.
Force Haste (Ex): You can summon ungodly speed to defeat your opponent.
As a swift action, you can summon the effects of the Haste spell upon yourself. This lasts for a
number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier. This ability can be used at-will but requires
10 minutes of rest between uses.
Resist (Ex): The spells of the wicked cannot break you.
You gain Spell Resistance equal to twelve plus your level.
Shatter Point (Ex): An enemies weakness is always to your advantage.
All of your attacks now deal either Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning, or Energy Damage to match
your opponents' weaknesses. For instance, your attacks are always considered to deal
Bludgeoning Damage against undead opponents and Fire Damage against opponents weak to
Fire. This skill does not bypass Damage Reduction.
Transfer (Ex): The Goddess teleports you to a previous location that her missionary work my
This skill instantly transports you to a previously visited destination anywhere on your current
plane. You can bring along your objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed your maximum
load. This skill may used a number of times per day equal to one plus your Constitution modifier.
Blade of Eden (Ex): As you swing your weapon you summon a brilliant wave of destructive
You gain a reach of 60 feet when using melee weapons. This effect is considered Force damage.
Your Shatter Point, Force Spike, and Ariel Smash abilities do not function in combination with
this ranged ability. However, your Hold Still ability is greatly magnified under these
circumstances, threatening all opponents within 60 feet.
Aerial Smash (Ex): You gain a special attack skill which knocks your opponent into the air and
deals Falling Damage when they return.
As an immediate action, anytime you successfully deal damage to your target you may use this
ability to knock your opponent into the air. This ability requires a cool-down of 1d4 rounds
between uses.
The height your opponent reaches is based on their Size modifier. All opponents are knocked
prone by this attack regardless of size. However, flying opponents are not affected by this attack.
This ability can be used in combination with Force Spike to create a devastating combo.
Table: Aerial Smash
Size Height Damage Special
Small- 40 feet 4d6 Prone
Medium 30 feet 3d6 Prone
Large+ 20 feet 2d6 Prone
Zealot's Healing (Ex): Your righteous zeal grants you a divine restoration.
As a full round action, you summon the power to instantly heal 25% of your total health and
remove any ability damage you may have suffered. This ability requires a cool-down of 1d4
rounds between uses.
Pulse Wave (Ex): Your critical attacks create a wave of destruction.
Whenever you deal a critical hit, all opponents within 15 feet of your target take half damage
from that attack. This bonus applies for all critical hits including those from Full Swing and
Force Spike.
Eden's Freedom (Ex): Your faith in Eden releases you from physical restraints.
You are permanently under the influence of the Freedom of Movement and Endure Elements
Eden's Judgement (Ex): Eden accepts your sacrifice and grants you a second chance.
Once per day when you are below zero hit points you are immediately returned to full health and
strength. This also heals and removes all negative status effects you may be suffering from,
returning you to full combat potential.
Matriarch's Vanity (Ex): You may summon the Grand Barrier of Eden.
As a Full Round Action you can summon a divine shield which absorbs 100% of all damage you
may suffer for the next 10 rounds. Also, for the duration of the barrier you automatically hit your
opponents when attacking and automatically roll maximum damage whenever you deal damage.
With Blade of Eden you still threaten all opponents within 60 feet, your Attacks of Opportunity
against retreating enemies always hit, Pulse Wave still deals splash damage on a crit, and you
may still use your Hold Still ability to keep your opponents close.
However you cannot move, shift, or teleport from your present location for the entire duration of
this effect and you cannot use Force Spike or Ariel Smash unless your opponent is adjacent to
you. This effect does last for 10 rounds and also requires a 10 minute rest between uses.
[edit] Ex-Andellion Warrior
Any Andellion Warrior who multiclasses trades the Faith ability for the Dodge feat. They retain
all other benefits of the class.
Any Andellion Warrior who ceases to be Lawful or ceases to follow the path of Eden suffers
"The Mark of Shame". The Mark of Shame reduces their Strength Score to 10 and cannot be
lifted without an Atonement Spell and a re-dedication to the ways of Eden.
Anyone who carries "The Mark of Shame" for exactly two years is struck down by Eden as if by
the spell Power Word Kill. Should they be strong enough to overcome this effect they simply
lose all Class Features and abilities of the Andellion Warrior.
[edit] Epic Andellion Warrior
Level Special
21st Wings of Seraph, Fiend Armor 10/-
22nd Epic Force Spike
23rd Epic Smash
24th Epic Blessing
25th Fiend Armor 20/-
26th Epic Shockwave
27th Epic Smash
28th Epic Blessing
29th Fiend Armor 30/-
30th WIngs of Eden, Epic Swing 17-20/x4
2 + Int modifier skill points per level.
Wings of Seraph (Ex): The Goddess grants you the Wings of a Seraph.
You can summon large transparent wings and gain a flight speed of 120 feet (good). These wings
can be summoned and dismissed at-will.
Fiend Armor (Ex): Your enemies regard you a Fiend and demon of combat.
You gain Damage Reduction 10/-. This increases by 10 every four levels thereafter.
Epic Force Spike (Ex): The Goddess reminds you of your full potential.
You may now use Force Spike with only a cool-down of 1 round.
Epic Smash (Ex):The Goddess magnifies your mighty assault.
Whenever you gain this bonus you can increase you Ariel Smash damage by 2d6 toward all size
Epic Blessing (Ex): Eden enhances your abilities with Dark power.
You gain an additional +4 bonus to all Strength and Constitution checks.
Epic Shockwave (Ex): The earth trembles under your mighty assault.
Whenever you deal a critical hit, all opponents within 60 feet of your target take half damage
from that attack. This ability replaces Pulse Wave.
Wings of Eden (Ex): Eden grants you the Wings of a Pure Disciple.
You can summon large golden wings and gain a flight speed of 240 feet (perfect). These wings
can be summoned and dismissed at-will.
Epic Swing (Ex): Your might is as insurmountable as the Goddess herself.
Whenever you deal an automatically confirmed critical-hit using the Full Swing ability, your
damage is now multiplied by x4 instead of x3. This multiplier is applied regardless of the
weapon used to administer the attack.
[edit] Human Andellion Warrior Starting Package
Armor: Scalemail (speed 20ft.)
Weapons: Greatsword (2d6. 19-20/x2)
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 2 + Int modifier.
Skill Ranks Ability Check
Climb 4 Str 4
Jump 4 Str 4
Feat: Weapon Focus
Bonus Feats: Power Attack.
Gear: Backpack w waterskin, bedroll, flint and steel, 3 torches, and 3 days trail rations.
Gold: 10g.

[edit] Campaign Information

[edit] Playing a Andellion Warrior
Andellion Religion:
Andellion Warriors are devout followers of Eden, the Goddess of Numbers. Eden rewards their
faith by blessing them with great power and strength. This power is often referred to by the
warriors as gifts of "Darkness" or gifts of "Numbers". Eden demands qualities such as Beauty,
Strength, Poise, Honor, Duty, and Pride from all of her followers. Their religion revolves around
the daily struggle to perfect themselves in the image of their Goddess.
The first lesson Andellion Warrior's learn is how to receive revelations from their Goddess.
Through this divine communication they learn the qualities and history of Eden from talking
with Eden's representatives, The Avatars. The very first revelation an Andellion Warrior receives
is often called their "Conversion" or their "Curse". This phrase depends on whether or not they
decided to join the religion, of course.
The second lesson Andellion Warrior's learn is how to gain perfection through conflict. They
believe that purity, both physical and spiritual, can be found in combat. The strong survive and
the weak are destroyed. Fight for long enough, and eventually you will be worthy of joining
Eden in paradise. Through continuous revelations they are taught the proper way to fight and
how to conduct them-self's when outside of combat.
The last lesson Andellion Warrior's learn is how to bring new follower's into the fold. Warriors
are taught to seek out the powerful among all the races and teach them to communicate with
Eden so that they might receive their first "Conversion". Those that refuse or turn away from this
opportunity are still highly-respected, being that they still hold the desirable qualities of a worthy
warrior. "Perhaps they will join at a later time", is a common phrase heard during this teaching

Eden is the Goddess of the Andellion Warriors and is often called "The Goddess of Numbers".
She is depicted as being a beautiful elven princess wearing white armor and dwelling in a
paradise of her own creation. She speaks to her followers through her servants The Avatars. The
Avatars resemble Eden in every way, including wearing white armor and having elven features.
Eden conducts her missionary work through conflict and conquest. If her enemies do not possess
superior qualities to withstand her righteous onslaught, then they deserve their destruction and
enslavement. Those that do resist her deadly judgement are deemed "Just Opposition". They
become respected as an equal and rival power. They shall remain only as long as they possess the
power to refuse Eden and her legions. Eden teaches that eventually all opposition shall fail and
she are her followers will inherit existence and create paradise together.
The sad truth about Eden is that she is actually a fallen elven deity held within a divine prison of
her own making. In her vain attempt to consolidate more power she erected a grand barrier
which sealed her away from the world and it's planes. Trapped within her paradise she desires
only to amass a grand army with which to free herself and reclaim her power. Even thou her
power and dominion as a deity can extend beyond her barrier, she physically cannot pass beyond
it. She remains here, imprisoned by her own vanity for all eternity, calling out to the champions
of the world to come and rescue her.
Dark Strength
Eden herself possesses immense power and openly grants vast portions of it to her righteous
followers. But because she is a fallen god, she cannot gain any more power nor can she increase
in knowledge or grant absolution from sin. Her religion is ultimately, a lie. A falsehood
fabricated in her own mind and upheld by her already enormous power. It is for this reason that
she unknowingly proclaims her blessings as "Dark Strength". Dark because they stem from a
fallen being, and strength because it grants it's user unholy abilities.
Referred to as "Numbers" because it has actual weight, scale, and can accurately be measured.
Her power is real and carries with it dire consequences. However, it is not an exponential nor an
eternal power. It has limits and boundaries. Limits which Eden herself knows all too well. Still
she continues to share her power with her zealots in a vain hope they will be able to break free of
her limitations. Again, unknowingly she condemns them to a similar fate akin only to her's.
The term "Andellion" comes from the name of Eden's weapon which she used throughout her
mortal life. This immensely powerful weapon was said to resemble a giant white Greataxe which
could shadow Eden in the heat of the day. It is unknown at what time Eden choose to discard this
item as she no longer has a use for material weapons. However, the term is still applied to her
warrior-like followers as they continue to perfect themselves into brilliant weapons guided only
by her hands.
Other Classes:
They prefer to charge their enemies and stand toe-to-toe dealing deadly blows with their swords.
They find Empathy with all classes that aid their prowess in combat.
Melee Combatant. Damage output is your specialty. To maximize your crushing power it is
recommended you gain an exotic weapon proficiency, such as the Full-blade weapon.
Multi-classing can add breadth to your vertical progression.

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