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CUL 1100 American Institution and Culture

Module 3 – Modern America: Demographics, Family, Language, Work

Final Project Milestone 1

Student name: Areesha Ilyas

Nexford University

Traci Sumner

November 24, 2021

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(Nadec) The National Agriculture Development Company

“Nadec is one of the huge agricultural and food-processing share stock company. It is a joint-stock

public companies owned by the government of Saudi Arabia, with the rest publicly traded on the Saudi

Stock Exchange. It is one of the very few and largest vertically integrated dairy businesses in the world.

It has a head office located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is owning 6 dairy farms with around 60,000 cows

and 2 modern dairy plants with a total capacity of 1.5 million liters of milk daily. Production of a total

volume of 350 million liters, 200 trucks for primary distribution to reach the 50 depots and distributors,

800 van sales trucks with a sales force of 2,000 people to reach 35,000 retail customers and 5,000

catering clients

Today, Nadec Foods is led by its MD and Chief Executives Officer, Eng. Abdulaziz M. Al Babtain

offers more than 200 product SKUs from fresh milk to laban from yogurt to cheese, and a wide range of

fruit juices”.

Nadec Benefits to Other Countries

As we have known Nadec is one of the biggest agricultural company, If Nadec starts manufacturing its

products in other countries that will benefit both countries because, Nadec produce dairy products, foods,

and juices, which every country need, it will also help the bounding of stock markets and a relationship

between the countries. As we view some amazing and healthy products of Nadec, Nadec milk and juices

come at the top of the list of the best milk and juices in Saudi Arabia, which has a luscious taste. “Nadec

strives to gain its consumers, satisfaction by diversifying its products and through its strategic plans and

series of procedures, research, and development starting from the manufacturing phase to the delivery of

its products to its consumers”. Nadec products are so clean and

healthy, it is extremely advantageous to the United States. If another country starts this company, it will

be very profitable for that country. Many Asians, Arabic in America enjoy eating nutritious foods such
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as yogurt with every meal, therefore if they see their country’s products, they will undoubtedly purchase

them. Then of course America deserves all of the credit.

American Historical and Cultural Analysis

In other countries, they are most likely to have strong customs and culture, that they cherished. There are

also important American ideals in the United States. The things that are most important to Americans are

their values. “American culture is different and distinct from cultures in other countries throughout the

world. Because the country was created more recently than the others, it provides as an example of

something unique that cannot be found elsewhere”.

American Values: One of the main American values is Independence. Independence is sometimes

referred to as an individual. Americans are quite proud of being self-sufficient or being able to care for

themselves, and they believe that others should be as well. When someone achieves a goal, it is usually

viewed as a product of his or her hard work. Americans value privacy and their own space. While in

some cultures wanting privacy may be seen as a bad thing, many Americans like to have alone time and

maybe be private about certain topics. Americans are often very direct. This implies they believe and

will be held in their desires. In America being aggressive of often regarded as a positive trait. Americans

feel very strongly about the idea of equality. Americans like to believe the idea that all should have equal

opportunities. American society is often informal and relaxed.

American Political Culture Values: The American political culture outlined by Tocqueville in the

1830s has evolved through time, but in many respects, it has stayed surprisingly consistent, even after

the continent was colonized from coast to coast. Several common aspects have marked the American

point of view.
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LIBERTY: Most people believe in the right to be free, as long as another’s rights aren’t abused.

EQUALITY: This generally translates as “equality of opportunity,” not absolute equality.

DEMOCRACY: Elected politicians must answer to the public. Citizens are responsible for carefully

and sensibly selecting their authorities.

INDIVIDUALISM: The individual’s rights are valued above those of the government, individual

initiative and responsibility are greatly promoted.

THE RULE OF LAW: Government is based on a body of law applied equally and fairly, rather than on

the whims of a ruler.

NATIONALISM: Americans are proud of their history and prefer to downplay difficulties like bigotry

or military losses. This value involves the conviction that we are stronger and more virtuous than other


CAPITALISM: American beliefs in the right to own private property in open markets with a little

government intercede as possible are at the heart of the American Dream.

American Economic Values: The United States has a mixed economy. It operates according to an

economic system that incorporates features of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economic system

protects some private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital; however, it

also enables for government to participate in economic activities to gain social aims and for the public

good. The U.S government controls part of the economy with restrictions and licensing requirements,

including intervention in education, courts, highways, hospital care, and postal service.

The United Nations C conference on Trade and D development (UNC TAD) serves as the focal

point within the United Nations Secretariat for all matters related to foreign direct investment and

transnational corporations. In the past, the Programmed on Transnational C corporations was

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carried out by the United Nations Centre on Transnational C corporations (1975–1992) and the

Transnational corporations and Management D.

Demographic Evaluation

The United States Had 331 million people in 2020. Between 2019 and 2020, the population increased by

1.2 million, with immigration accounting for 41% of the increase. According to preliminary figures, the

mortality rate in 2020 will be the highest since 1943. The population is growing. People are living alone

in higher numbers. Since 2017, the actual number of non-Hispanic white individuals has been


The U.S is currently 60.4% white. “According to the Pew Research Center, by 2055, the country’s racial

profile will be changed dramatically”. Whites will remain the largest racial group in the U.S, but they

will no longer be the majority. Over the next 40 years, the Hispanic and Asian populations in the U.S are

predicted to almost triple. The split is estimated to be 48% whites, 24% Hispanic, 14% Asian, and 13%

Black by 2055.

In 2015, 14% of the U.S population was foreign-born, up from only 5% in 1965. Since 1965, nearly 39

million immigrants have come to the U.S with both the majority coming from Asia and Latin America.

A person born in the U.S has a life span of 78.9 years. Women in the U.S have a higher life span than

males, as is normal in most nations throughout the world; women live an average of 81.4 years, while

men live an average of 76.3 years.

Around 2060, the mean life span of the U.S population will be higher than it is today. Almost 0ne-fifth

of the population will be 65 or older. Simultaneously, the part of the population of working age (1864) is

predicted in 2060. This will have far-reaching consequences for society since younger people will be

required to support the pensions and healthcare of the elderly. Now, if we look back at the population

growth rate of America based on previous demographics, we can find a significant distinct: in the year
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1620, the growth rate was 557.71% and when we go down until the year 2020, the growth rate has come

to 7.74%. this entire study is based on Wikipedia research.

Potential Impact on Political Environment

The political struggle regarding the environment is framed within the American constitutional system of

government involving the 3 major institutions of the federal government. The United States is a federal

republic in North America made up of 50 states a federal district, five major identity territories, and

many island holdings. The federal government is divided into three distinct branches: legislative,

executive, and judiciary, whose powers are placed in the Congress, the president, and federal courts,

respectively under the United States Constitutions. Acts of Congress further clarify the powers and

duties of these branches, including the formation of executive departments and courts lower to the

Supreme Court. Suffrage, or the right to vote, has evolved dramatically over time. Voting was related to

the idea for state governments in the early years of the United States and was generally confined to white

males who owned land. Direct elections were generally held only in the United States. The electorate

elected the House of Representatives and state legislatures, albeit the particular entities elected by the

electorate varied each other state. Under the original system, each state’s senators in the United States

Senate were elected by a majority vote of the state legislature. Members of both chambers of Congress

have been directly elected since the Seventeenth Amendment was ratified in 1913. Today, United State

residents have nearly universal suffrage under equal legal protection beginning at the age of 18,

regardless of color, gender or money. The only important exception to this is the, as we as former

convicts in several jurisdictions.

The president and vice president are normally elected as running mates by the Electoral College

each state has several electoral votes equal to the size of its Congressional delegation (i.e. its number of

Representatives in the House plus its two Senators. The District of Columbia has several electoral votes
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"equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be

entitled if it were a State but in no event more than the least populous State".


Michael J. Boyle April 27, (2021)

Andersen, Deborah Lines (2004).

Biersteker, Thomas (1978).

Alesina A, Giuliano P. (2015).

Jonathan Crystal (2010).

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