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Tony Botella

Recipe Book

Sous Vide:
Fish and Seafood
Tony Botella


Stuffed sea bass

● 2500 gr wild sea bass
● 75 gr fresh natural spinach, sauteed
● 50 gr toasted pistachios
● Salt

● Clean and remove scales, head and fish bones, to get both fillets.
Wash again and dry.
● Remove the meat from the belly but not the skin.
● Trim the lateral sides with a knife. To even up the thickness of both
fillets, make a cut but without removing any flesh. Fold the flap over
like a book, so as to fill the hole where the belly was. Both fillets will
look alike.
● Stretch cling film onto the work surface. Arrange both fillets to form
a rectangle, putting the tail of one of the fillets alongside the belly of
the other one.
● Make a cut to guide the placement of the spinach and pistachios.
● Roll it up, ensuring that the whole length has the same diameter.
● Vacuum pack and place in the bain marie at 65ºC for 45 minutes.
Chill and preserve not more than 21 days at 3ºC.

Tony Botella


Cuttlefish stuffed with


● 1 piece (600 grs) of fresh, dirty cuttlefish, no guts

(with skin and fins)
● 30 grs mushroom stuffing
● Alioli

● Open the cuttlefish on one side, just under one of its
side fins.
● Stuff the cuttlefish over a piece of film, wrap without
pressing, in order to keep its original shape.
● Vacuum pack and cook for 2 hours at 80ºC
● Blast chill. Expiration 30 days at 3ºC.


● Open the bag, separate the juices and the cuttlefish.

● Arrange the cuttlefish on an oven tray with teflon and put some
● Regenerate in the oven on the tray with teflon until golden.
● Thicken the juice obtained and use it as sauce.

Tony Botella


Monkfish with fried

For the monkfish
● 180 gr of monkfish loin
● Garlic sauce for fish
● Salt

For the garlic sauce

● 400 gr virgin olive oil
● 40 gr sliced garlic
● 10 gr sliced fresh chilli
● 100 gr vinegar Pedro Ximénez

For the monkfish
● Vacuum pack the loin with the garlic sauce. Cook at 65 ºC for 20
● Blast chill and preserve for a maximum of 7 days. Open the bag,
separate the loin and sauce. Put the loin carefully on an oven tray.
● Bake in the oven for a few minutes. Once out of the oven, cover the
loin with the sauce.
● Serve

For the garlic sauce:

● Put all ingredients in a cold saucepan, except the vinegar.
● Once the garlic is golden, remove from heat and add vinegar

Tony Botella


Mackerel in Asian

For the mackerel

● 2 loins of fresh mackerel with no bones and transparent skin

For the Asian dressing

● 30 grs sweet soy
● 15 grs fresh sliced ginger
● 5 grs sesame oil
● 5 grs very spicy Valentina sauce
● 30 grs filtered orange juice
● Star anise, clove, cinnamon and cumin

● Mix all of the Asian dressing ingredients in a bowl. Season the
● Vacuum pack the mackerel loins and dressing and apply the
maximum vacuum.
● Cook for 12 minutes at 65ºC. Open the bag, separate loins
and juice. Reduce the juice.
● Cut the loins. Paint them with some reduced juice and
decorate with spices.

Tony Botella


Sailor´s clams

● 500 gr live fresh clams

● 100 grs classic stir fry
● 50 grs alioli
● 50 grs fish and seafood broth

● Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
● Vacuum pack for one minute.
● Cook for 30 minutes at 65ºC.
● Blast chill, expiration time 10 days

● Preheat the oven between 200 and 220°C
● Open the bag and transfer the contents to an iron pot
previously preheated in the oven.
● Put in the oven until the clams open up.
● Remove from the oven and shake the pan before serving.

Tony Botella


Mussels vinaigrette
For the mussels
● 600 grs of fresh live mussels
● 400 grs water, Sechuan pepper,
thyme, rosemary and fresh oregano
● 12 peppers

For the vinaigrette

● 400 grs virgin olive oil
● 30 grs mustard
● 100 grs vinegar
● 40 grs water
● Ground pepper and salt

● Clean the mussels and remove any broken parts.
● Arrange them in a vacuum bag without overlapping.
Introduce herbs and pepper.
● Finish up by adding water and apply vacuum for one minute.
● Cook for 45 minutes at 80ºC.

● Open the bag and drain the mussels.
● Open them and remove the inner part, reserving one of the
two shells for presentation.
● Arrange the mussels on their shells.
● Emulsify vinaigrette with a whisk or blender.
● Drizzle with vinaigrette and finish with some pico de gallo.

Tony Botella


Mexican Pico de Gallo


● 30 grs sweet onion

● 20 grs fresh coriander
● 5 grs Jalpeña chili
● 15 grs tomato
● 10 grs lime juice.
● Habanero sauce
● Salt

● Micro chop all solid ingredients into the smallest pieces possible.
● Mix with all liquid ingredients.
● Arrange the desired avocado mousse serving in a crystal bowl.
● Cover with the Mexican pico de gallo.
● Serve very cold.

Tony Botella


Shrimps for salads


● 6 tails of tiger shrimp

● Salt
● 15 grs of virgin olive oil

● Vacuum pack for one minute
● Cook at 80ºC for 5 minutes
● Blast chill


Tony Botella


Baked red prawn with

Sinaloan sauce
For the Sinaloan sauce:
● 400 grs sunflower oil
● 3 fresh eggs
● 40 grs very hot Valentina sauce
● 6 grs sugar
● Sal

Para carabinero:
● A big fresh red prawn
● 20 grs Sinaloan shrimp sauce
● 1 fresh lemon
● Salt

For the sauce
● Place all ingredients into a cooking bag.
● Apply maximum vacuum and cook for an hour at 65ºC.
● Cool and preserve at 3ºC for a maximum of 21 days.
● Open and whisk.

For the red prawn

● Open the red prawn through from tail to head, by the inner part
(butterfly cut).
● Separate the meat of the tail from the skin without removing it
● Season and micro grate the lemon peel on the red prawn´s tail.
● Cover with the sauce and arrange on an oven tray at 220ºC until
10 the sauce is golden (not too roasted).
Tony Botella


Loins of Red Mullet


● 2 loins of red mullet with no fish scales or bones

● 75 grs reduced orange juice
● 1 fresh orange
● 1 sprig of fresh mint

● Season the fish, and micro grate orange peel over the loins of
red mullet.
● Vacuum pack along with the reduction and the mint for one
● Cook for 10 minutes to 48ºC.
● Open the bag and serve.

Tony Botella


Tuna Tartare with


● 2 avocados, not ripe

● 1/2 onion
● 10 grs fresh coriander
● 1 jalapeño chilli
● 50 ml lime juice
● 30 grs ripe tomato diced
● Salt

● Chop avocado, tomato, onion, chilli and coriander
● Mix with all the other ingredients.

● Vacuum pack maximum for 1 minute. Cook for 1 hour.

● Allow to cool and preserve until its use at 3ºC for a maximum
of 15 days.

Tony Botella


Tuna tartare with


● 375 grs red tuna loin, extra quality, cut in micro-cubes

● 4 grs sashimi togarashi
● 5 grs natural wasabi grated
● 15 grs soy sauce
● 15 grs mayonnaise
● 10 grs sriracha sauce
● 25 grs virgin olive oil
● Salt

● Mix all ingredients in a metal bowl and stir with a spatula.

● Apply a boxvac until it stops boiling.

● Remove from the machine and put on a plate.

● Arrange the plate mixing avocado and tartare.


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