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Bread Manufacturing

with Brewer’s Spent Grain

Date: 3-01-2017
Process and Food Technology
Fast track year 1 Group A
Dieni van der Werf (16060202)
Christian Vendy (16041909)
Gienah Antonietta Josiphine (16060334)
Nathaniel Gregory (16034686)
Xintong Xie (15134237)

Mentor: Claudia Germano and Aniel Koendjbiharie

BSG (Brewer's spent grain) is a waste from beer process which can be use to replace
wheat flour in bread making process. By replacing some of the wheat flour with BSG, it will
bring a good circular economic and also profitable for the company. Based on the books and
resources, dry BSG can be used to replace maximum 10% of wheat flour. The steps to make the
bread with BSG is almost the same as the normal one. However, there will be some steps added
to process the BSG. The steps are pre-treatment for the BSG and drying also milling the BSG.
Addition of BSG will make the bread healthier as it will contain higher percentage of fiber. The
bread with BSG will also become darker in colour. There are 4 steps of HACCP that is detected
during the process. For the first year, the company will have around one-million-euro profit. To
build a good circular economy, the company will reuse the heat from the oven to help the beer
process, use the spent grain for the breadmaking, and recycle the waste bread for brewery or
give the waste bread for anaerobic digestion. Storing the yeast in a proper condition, choose a
good quality of flour with optimal amount of gliadin and glutenin and lastly, select the proper
particle size distribution of the BSG as it affects the texture and the fibre content of the bread
are needed to improve the quality of BSG bread.

Chapter 1: Theory.......................................................................................................................................5
1.1 What is BSG?.....................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Difference between BSG and Wheat Flour.......................................................................................5
1.3 Effect on the Process.........................................................................................................................6
Chapter 2: Bread Composition and Processing...........................................................................................7
2.1 Ratio of the ingredients of whole wheat bread.................................................................................7
2.2 Ratio of the ingredients of BSG bread ..............................................................................................7
2.3 Function of the ingredients...............................................................................................................9
2.5 Process Flow Diagram......................................................................................................................12
2.6 Process of Breadmaking..................................................................................................................12
2.7 Processing Scale..............................................................................................................................13
Chapter 3: Economy..................................................................................................................................14
3.1 Equipment cost................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Capital Investment..........................................................................................................................16
3.3 Operational cost..............................................................................................................................16
3.4 Overall cost......................................................................................................................................18
3.5 Income and Profit............................................................................................................................18
Chapter 4: Food Safety..............................................................................................................................20
4.1 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).........................................................................20
4.2 Shelf Life..........................................................................................................................................22
Chapter 5: Risk and Quality Improvement................................................................................................23
5.1 Risk and Uncertainties.....................................................................................................................23
5.2 Quality Improvement......................................................................................................................24
Chapter 6: Circular Economy.....................................................................................................................26
6.1 Circular Economy.............................................................................................................................26
6.2 Heat Recovery.................................................................................................................................26
6.3 Spent Grain for Breadmaking..........................................................................................................26
6.4 Waste Bread for Brewery and Anaerobic Digestion........................................................................27
Chapter 7: Conclusion...............................................................................................................................28
7.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................28

The goal of this project is to figure out if it is possible to manufacture bread with
Brewer's Spent Grain (BSG). BSG is a waste from the brewery and usually, it is used as cattle
feed. We are given the assignment to help the Binckhorst company to use the BSG left over
from the brewery for making bread. The BSG will be used for grains in bread manufacture. BSG
bread will contain more protein and also more fiber. In short, bread made with BSG will be
healthier than normal bread. (Process and Food Technology The Hague University, 2016)
Currently, the beer company has BSG left over from the brewery. The BSG is then used
as cattle feed. However, there is a desire for change. BSG can be used in making bread,
improving the bread nutrition due to its high fibers and protein. The desired situation is that the
bread made with BSG will have a higher nutritional value due to containing more protein and
fiber. The other situation is to make a circular economy in the Binckhorst industrial area. The
circular economy is a condition where the waste from one company is used as the input of the
other company. If every company does that, there will be a cycle of material and will ultimately
reduce the waste. By having a circular economy, the area will be more sustainable, as it reduces
the total waste, and more profitable since it cuts the cost of buying new ingredients. (Process
and Food Technology The Hague University, 2016)
This report contains seven chapters. The first chapter explains the theory of BSG, the
comparison between BSG flour and whole wheat flour and the differences in the manufacturing
at an industry level. In the second chapter, the bread process is being discussed completely.
With the help of a Process Flow Diagram, the process is being explained step by step. The
ingredients of the BSG bread are also discussed in this chapter. The third chapter covers all the
economic issues. It gives an overview of all the costs, the income and the profit of this bread
manufacturing company. The fourth chapter explains the food safety issues. The Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) are being discussed and the shelf life of the BSG
bread. The fifth chapter covers the risks and uncertainties of this company and the quality
improvement. The sixth chapter covers the environmental issues: how to maintain a circular
economy in the Binckhorst, heat recovery, using waste bread for the beer brewery again and
more. The seventh chapter gives a conclusion of this report and recommendations for the
Chapter 1: Theory
1.1 What is BSG?
Brewers Spent Grain (BSG) is a main by-product of the brewing industry, the amount of BSG
is 85% of all the by-products. Beer is in the top five most consumed beverages in the world.
Worldwide, 1.34 billion hectolitres (in 2002) of beer is being produced per year. This results in
3.4 million tons of BSG every year in Europe, of which 0,5 million tons of BSG is from the
breweries in the UK. We can conclude that BSG is available for a high volume and is a low-cost
by-product of the brewing industry. The last couple of years, academic and industrial
researchers are making up ways to reduce this amount of BSG per year by using BSG for other
sources. BSG is currently used as a source for animal feed, but it can have so many other
sources. If we look at the composition of BSG, we see that BSG has a very high value of protein
and dietary fiber, such as cellulose, lignin and hemicelluloses. It is also a good source of
monosaccharides (glucose, arabinose and xylose), minerals, amino acids and vitamins. The
amount of these components in the BSG depends on the grains used in the brewery to
manufacture the beer (Aliyu et al., 2011).
Because of the high nutritive value of BSG, BSG can also be used for human foods. If you
add BSG in for example bread, the bread will simply be more nutritious. It contains a lot of
dietary fibers which are, according to nutritionists, very important in our diet. It can help to
prevent diseases such as colon cancer, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins and appendicitis (Öztürk
et al., 2002).

1.2 Difference between BSG and Wheat Flour

Brewers' spent grain (BSG) is identified by containing a lot of dietary fiber fractions.
Therefore, it may be valuable with these nutrients in food (Makowska et al., 2013). Ainsworth
et al., 2007 studied that the addition of BSG in snacks increased the fiber content of the snacks
from 4.8% in the control sample (0% BSG) to 19.8% in samples containing 30% BSG.
To know the difference between the bread that contains BSG and not, we compared the
composition between main materials to make bread, which is wheat flour and the BSG. The
comparison between the BSG and wheat flour are shown on the next page.
Composition Wheat Flour Brewers’ spent grain

Moisture, % 12.1 5.7

Protein, % 13.3 18
Fiber, % 0.6 41.28
Starch,% 81.06 10.1
Sugar, % 0.22 16.11
Fat,% 0.59 6.61
Ash,% 1.7 3.82
Energy, cal/100g 335.43 228.6

Table 1. Comparison between the composition of wheat flour and brewer’s spent grain (Farcas
et al., 2014)
As the table above shows, there is indeed a huge difference in fiber composition between
the BSG and the wheat flour. Proteins and fat are also highly concentrated in the spent grain
because of the barley starch which has transformed into fermentable sugars during the brewing
process (Farcas et al., 2014). Additionally, BSG has a higher level of sugar and mineral
component than wheat flour.

1.3 Effect on the Process

When the bread contains BSG, water absorption and mixing time will be increased and the
volume for a loaf of bread will be decreased. The mixing time is increased due to the no
resistance that the BSG dough gives to the mixer. The color of the bread slices became darker
as the level of BSG increased. The darker color of the crumbs was caused by the increased of
the fiber content.
In conclusion, bread that contains BSG will be healthier since it contains a lot of fiber, fats
and also protein compared to the normal bread. Higher content of fiber in BSG will help people
to have a good digestive system. Although the energy in wheat flour is bigger than the BSG, but
the protein and fats can possibly cover the lack of energy. Visually, the bread with BSG will be
smaller and darker than the normal bread.
Chapter 2: Bread Composition and Processing
Bread is considered to be the first processed food, it has many forms and is consumed
all over the world. Most bread consists at least out of four ingredients, which are a leavening
agent (yeast), flour, water and a pinch of salt. They all have their own function inside the bread
to make the bread stable, nutritious and delicious (The Baking Industry Research Trust, 2017).
For this type bread, we add brewer's spent grain. This has an effect on the outcome of the
bread and it has an effect on the amount of flour we use in the bread. Structure builders are, in
general, the ingredients that strongly interact to build the continuous structure in a product
that keeps the product together and gives it its firmness. For example, flour.
Oven spring is the final burst of rising just after a loaf is put in the oven and before the
crust hardens. When the dough hits the hot oven, it can puff up to as much as a third of its size
in a matter of a few minutes. This oven spring is a good indicator of the crumb of the bread:
more oven spring means a light and airy interior and little oven spring indicates a dense,
compact crumb.

2.1 Ratio of the ingredients of whole wheat bread

The composition of whole wheat bread usually consisted of whole wheat flour, water,
salt and yeast. However, to make a good bread, people should know the ratio to make the
bread. Based on the baker’s percentage, the ratio to make a good bread is 5:3. It means 5 parts
of flour will need 3 parts of water (plus yeast and salt). To be exact, here is the percentage of
the bread dough:

Ingredients Percentage

Flour 100%
Water 60%
Salt 2%
Fresh Yeast 3%

Table 2. The percentage of each ingredient in whole wheat bread (Ruhlman, Michael, 2009)

2.2 Ratio of the ingredients of BSG bread

BSG bread consists out of yeast, whole wheat flour, water, salt and brewer's spent grain.
The amount of BSG should not be more than one-thirds of the total dry ingredients. The
amount of flour must be more than the amount of BSG. This is because of the BSG, BSG does
not have the ability to bond with others ingredients. Meanwhile, the flour helps to create the
gluten network because the flour easily sticks with other ingredients. Therefore, if the amount
of the BSG is more than one-thirds of the total ingredients, the bread will be crumbly or will fall
apart. The recipe that we use to make the BSG bread with the ratio of the ingredients is listed

Ingredients Percentage Grams

Whole wheat flour 90% 360

BSG 10% 40
Water 60% 240
Salt 2% 8
Fresh Yeast 3% 12

Table 3. The ratio and grams of all the ingredients to make the BSG bread
For the particle size distribution (PSD) for the BSG in the bread, we did an experiment. In
the figure below you see three different kinds of bread we made with the BSG.

Figure 1. The final results of the bread experiment

Colour Size of the BSG Toughness

Experiment 1 yellow ~ 2mm medium
Experiment 2 red ~ powder soft
Experiment 3 grey ~ 5mm Tough

Table 4. Results of experiments with different sizes of BSG

The bread of the first experiment was successful and the bread had a favorable texture
and taste. The bread of experiment two was relatively more soft and moisturized than the
previous experiment. But, more process was necessary for the second bread because of the
fine texture. The second bread had a soft texture but it tasted no better than the first bread
which was a joy to eat. The experiment with the largest size of BSG, experiment three, was
tackled by making a batter out of a rough mixture at the beginning. The bread resulted in being
too tough and hard to eat.
In this bread production, we use BSG and grind and mill it into a fine particle size. The
BSG particles are the same size as the particles of the whole-wheat flour in the bread. Based on
our experiment, we can conclude that a fine particle size gives the bread a good taste and the
bread will be more soft and moisturized than the bread with coarse and medium particle size of
BSG. Due to the limitation of the equipment at home for milling and grinding, we can expect
that the results with the equipment of the factory may be a bit different. Therefore, the size of
BSG in the industry can be made even smaller than experiment 2, which means the product
might be softer and darker.

2.3 Function of the ingredients

Each ingredient has a different function in the bread. These ingredients are influenced
by the fermentation, mixing, resting, baking and cooling processes.

Yeast plays a very important role in making bread. It develops best at a high
temperature (77-95 oF), this activation of the yeast is done by addition of warm water. The
addition of flour, the mixing of the ingredients and the kneading of the dough also have to be
done at a warm temperature to have the best results. Kneading the dough is needed to expose
the yeast to oxygen, which is needed for the yeast to metabolize nutrients and to grow. The
oxygen uptake requires usually a couple of minutes after the mixing. The flour in the dough
contains amylase enzymes which convert the starch in the flour to sugars. After and during
yeast growing, the yeast reacts with these sugars in the flour and produces carbon dioxide gas
and alcohol in return. This reaction is called alcoholic fermentation. This fermentation takes
place in an anaerobic environment (King Arthur Flour Company, 2017). The gas bubbles will
expand inside the dough and making the dough become larger, this process is called leavening
(D'Appolonia, B.L.1976).

Carbohydrate (starch)
Starch is an important source of energy in human nutrition. Starch in wheat flour helps
to develop an optimal bread crumb and crust texture. If there is a lack of starch in bread, the
bread will have a darker color and softer also wetter crust (Onyango, Calvin, 2016). Sugar is also
a part of the carbohydrates, it can be found in the wheat flour. The amount of sugars present in
the wheat flour is low. Sugars help the process of fermentation in bread making.

The protein that has been hydrated during mixing process is organized into strands
called gluten. During the mixing process, a continuous network of protein is formed. It gives the
dough its strength and elasticity. The protein network will hold the gasses during fermentation
and allow the bread to rise and maintain its shape. Emulsifiers serve as a dough conditioner by
interacting with gluten to strengthen the protein network resulting in a desirable texture These
functions will help the bread to have a chewy texture. Gluten is elastic and very stretchy. It
contributes the ability to rise and maintain the dough's shape as it is baked. Gluten is divided
into two groups: glutenin and gliadin. Glutenin gives the elastic character to the dough and
gliadin gives the extensibility (Canadian Grain Commission, 2016).

Choosing fiber with the most appropriate properties is important. It is to prevent the
permanent protein disruption of avoiding excessive weakening. The criteria that are used to
selecting fiber are color, content, cost and water absorption capacity. It was found that fiber
decreased the volume of the bread beyond expectation. Bread tends to be browner if it has a
higher content of fiber. This happens due to an oxidation reaction and sugars participated in
caramelization during baking (Grossy, 2011). Fiber also plays a critical role in the shelf-life of the

Fat contributes to the tenderness, moistness, and a smooth mouthfeel of the bread.
Tenderness is the quality of easy to cutting or chewing. In bread making, fat is coated in the
gluten to make it hard to form gluten strain. Because of that, it is better to add fats after gluten
has been made so the texture of the dough can be softer. Fat also helps to ease the extension
of the dough and improves the dough handling during sheeting and molding. A small amount of
fat also helps the bread to have a proper slicing and minimize crumbs that produced during
slicing. Fat in bread can tenderize both crust and crumb and fat also improves the shelf life of
the bread by masking the stalling process. Stalling is a chemical and physical process where it
gives the bread a dry, leathery texture (Currie, 2010).

At the beginning of mixing, salt is added. Salt has a couple of important functions. It
tightens the gluten web structure. When salt is left out the dough will have a texture that is
slack and weak and the volume of the bread will be much smaller. The salt in the mix also slows
down the fermentation and enzyme activity in the dough. This way, the pace of fermentation is
being controlled. Yeast needs water for the fermentation and the production of certain
enzymes. Salt is hygroscopic, it attracts moisture, and can draw away the water in the yeast by
osmosis. Because of this, the yeast in the dough reduces its fermentation and can no longer
produce the same amount of enzymes. An excess of salt in the dough gives because of this a
reduction in the volume of the bread. But if no salt is added to the bread, the fermentation will
go too fast. The salt will also help to keep the same color of the bread and flavor of the flower.
Carotenoid pigments are present in the whole-wheat flour in the bread. Carotenoid pigments
from the flower give the bread its color and aroma. The oxidation of carotenoid pigments helps
to make the bread more stable, but when the dough is overmixed or is kneaded too long it can
result in overoxidation. Salt contains out of two ions: Na + and Cl -. The salt can prevent
overoxidation because of its chloride ions which prevent the bonding of oxygen to the
hydrogen of the carotenoid (King Arthur Flour Company, 2016).
For making bread, water is also very important. Almost 40% of the bread consists out of
water. The main function water in bread is for the forming of gluten and contributes to the
consistency of the bread. It also plays a role as a solvent for other substances in the bread, for
example, the sugars and enzymes. Water will homogenize the substances while the bread is
being kneaded. During baking, the water also has a function as a distributor of heat through the
bread. By doing this, the bread will be baked completely. And at last, the water will create a
humid environment for fermentation (Rosada, 2017).

Gasses (carbon dioxide)

During fermentation, the bread will expand because of the formation of gas bubbles.
These gas bubbles consist out of carbon dioxide. The gas will be trapped into a gluten-web and
will stay in the dough. This will give the bread its texture and lightness. If these bubbles are not
formed, the bread will be very dense (Lawandi, 2015).
2.5 Process Flow Diagram
Figure 2. Process Flow Diagram

2.6 Process of Breadmaking

After receiving the BSG, it goes through a series of pre-treatment. The wet BSG is heat-
treated to remove microorganisms that may cause contamination. Then, it is filtered to remove
the water and also unwanted solids such as wood or metal. The wet BSG is then dried because
dry BSG has a longer shelf life (Farcas et al., 2014).
BSG, as the name says, is in the form of grains. For a suitable processing with bread, it is
ground and milled to form smaller solids (Farcas et al., 2014). After that, the mixing of flour,
processed BSG, yeast and water is carried out in a kneader. Mixing is to incorporate ingredients
and to form the dough. The flour contains 10% BSG. The dough is moved to kneading troughs to
allow fermentation.
Moving on, the dough is further mixed in a huge mixer for a short time. The dough is
then dropped into a dough divider. The dough will be cut into the same desirable size. Dough
rounder is used after to give the dough a round shape. This pre-shape is temporary. It is then
moved to proofing machine to rest for 20-30 minutes.
Further fermentation will be in a proofer machine for 50 minutes.
Moving on, the dough will be delivered to tunnel oven to bake for 20 minutes at 260C.
Baking is a very important factor that affects the flavor of the bread and the structure as well.
During baking, enzymes will be deactivated (Bakeinfo, 2017). The excessive heat also causes the
dry crust to form. Steam will be injected into the ovens and will increase the volume of the loaf.
Besides making the loaf bigger, it also softens the crust.
After baking, the bread has excess moisture and carbon dioxide content. Cooling is
needed to make the moisture and gas dissipate over time (Bakeinfo, 2017). It is then sliced into
desirable size and shape. Then, a metal detector is used to remove any contaminated products.
Lastly, it is packed before distributed.

2.7 Processing Scale

The brewers spent grain for the manufacturing of BSG bread comes from Kompaan in
Binckhorst industrial area. The processing of BSG bread is also situated in Binckhorst. Based on
the process above, it is estimated that about 3000 loaves can be produced each day as a
minimum loaf. If the income is consistent, a profit can be made at the end of the first year. The
process is reliable, high efficient and it is a continuous operation so it requires consistency.
Besides, the process has a relatively low operating cost and it saves energy and money from
recycling water. So, this production of BSG bread is intended for industrial scale.
Chapter 3: Economy
3.1 Equipment cost
In the figure below you can find all the equipment that is needed for the factory to
produce BSG bread on an industrial level:

Figure 3. Equipment needed for the bread factory

The costs for each type of equipment can be found in the table below. The ratio of the
material is based on the lab scale.

Name Details Price Quantity

Water container 10000L €10,000 1

pressure pump 2200rpm (250kw) €1870 1

flow rate 500m3/h
filtration equipment D =1.9m ( 1.5kw) €2300 1

Food dehydrator capacity 2500kg/h €7500 1

machine 5.5kW

Table 5. Costs of equipment (continued on next page) (Alibaba, 2017)

Name Details Price Quantity
Grain grinding machine 1400 kg/h (37kw) €3300 1

Dough kneader Max loading 100L €1100 6

Dough divider 5kw €9400 1

Dough rounder Capacity 4000 pcs/h €107,500 1

Intermediate pocket 3kW €11,690 1
Moulder 3000 pcs/h €7500 1
Proofer machine 4kW €73,000 1

Tunnel oven 18m, 4.4kW €2,800 1

Slicing machine 3kW €450 1

Packaging machine 2.7kW €9350 1

Conveyor belt 1.5kW €750 3

Bowl lifter 1.5kW €4500 1

In total: €254,500 21

Table 5. Costs of equipment (continued) (Alibaba, 2017)

3.2 Capital Investment
The capital investment is the money needed to build a factory. It includes the
investments in the building, land and installation of equipment. According to the table below,
the purchased equipment has the greatest ratio of the capital investment and service facility is
followed in this case.

Components Assumed % of Estimated Cost Ratioed % of

total (€) total
Purchased equipment PE 45 €255,000 32
Purchased-equipment 7 €40,000 5.0
Instrumentation (installed) 8 €45,000 5.6
Piping (installed) 7 €40,000 5.0
Electrical (installed) 5 €28,000 3.5
Buildings (including services) 12 €68,000 8.6
Yard improvements 3 €17,000 2.1
Service facilities (installed) 13 €73,000 9.2
Land 2 €11,000 1.4
Engineering and supervision 8 €45,000 5.6
Construction expense 10 €56,000 7.1
Contractor’s fee 4 €22,000 2.8
Contingency 8 €45,000 5.7
Start-up Expense 9 €51,000 6.4
TOTAL (141) €795,000 100

Table 6. Estimation of the capital investment costs

3.3 Operational cost

The variable costs spent on daily operation is called operational costs which mainly
consists out of the costs of the energy, labor, maintenance and the raw materials. In this
operation, the cost for staffing and energy is nearly 95% of the total operational cost per day.
(Roberts, et al., 2008)
3.3.1 Raw Materials
Production of bread requires some raw materials/ingredients. The costs are calculated
in the table below and depend on the amount needed for a daily basis for the production of
1000 loaves of bread.

Materials Price (€) Percentag To make a loaf of Quantit Total price (€) per
e bread y day
1000 loaf
Water 1.61 / 25% 150g 150 kg 0,24
Flour 320 / 40% 250g 250 kg 80,00
Salt 300 / 0.7 % 4g 4kg 1,20
BSG free 33% 136g 136kg Free
Fresh 858 / 1.3   % 5g 5kg 4,30
yeast 1000KG
Total 85,70

Table 7. Estimation of the costs for the raw materials (Anchor Yeast,2012)

3.3.2 Staff

We estimate that the bread making plant needs 10 staff members. If every staff member
earns about €10, per hour, works per days per week and 8 hours per day the costs for staffing
are: 10 x 8 x 10 = € 800. This is 35% of the total operational costs per month.

3.3.3 Electricity
With the estimation of 330 kWh for the machine to operate, and with the price of €0,25
per kWh, with the machine operates 10 hours a day, the estimation cost for electricity is

3.3.4 Water
We estimated that we need 400 L water per day and the water price is around €1.61/
1000L in Netherlands. So, the price estimation for water is €10 (Vewin, 2016).

3.3.5 Overall operation costs per day

The table below illustrate the materials and also the amount needed for daily
Item Estimated cost per day (€)
Staffing 800,00
Energy 820,00
Raw material 85,70
Water 10,00
Total 1.716,00
Total for one year 626.340,00

Table 8. Estimated operational costs per day and per year

3.4 Overall cost

The overall costs for the first year and five years are listed below in the table.

Item Total cost (€)

Equipment 254.500
Capital cost 795.300
Operating Cost 626.300
Total for first year 1.676.200
Total for five year 4.181.600

Table 9. Estimation of the costs for the first year and five years

3.5 Income and Profit

In the table below you can find the estimated income of the bread factory if we sell the
BSG bread for €3,- per loaf of bread. This estimation is based on selling a thousand loaves of
bread per day.

Total profit (€)

3000 loaves per day 9,000
One year 3,285,000
Five year 16,425,000

Table 10. Estimation of the profit per year and five years

The profit of the company.

Items First year In 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years

Overall Income 3,285,000 6,570,000 9,855,000 13,140,000 16,425,000
Overall Cost 1,676,200 2,302,500 2,928,800 3,555,100 4,181,400
profit 1,608,800 4,267,500 6,926,200 9,584,900 12,243,600

Table 11. Profit of the company

The profit is expected to increase every year as operating cost in each year is constant and cost
for a year after 2nd year is mostly only operational cost without capital investment, however,
the income in every year is constant. Thus, the growth of the income exceeds that of cost which
leads to more profit.Because it only take three hours to produce 1000 loaves bread per day and
it is impossible for company to produce 3 hours pre days base on the efficiency of the
equipment. Moreover, we have decided that this industry will produce  9 hours, which means
we will have 3000 loaves of bread every day. Therefore, the amount of the income should be
triple. Besides, if we think of 3000 loaves, we can get our profit back in the first year.
Chapter 4: Food Safety
4.1 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
This system is based on a couple of principles (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2014):

1. Analyze all the hazard in the production flow diagram.

2. Identify all the Critical Control Points (CCPs).
3. Determine all the critical limits for each CCP.
4. Determine the procedures for monitoring for each CCP.
5. Determine all the corrective actions when the critical limits are not met.
6. Determine the procedures for verification.
7. Determine the procedures for record keeping.

Possible hazards can be categorized as microbiological (M), chemical (C) or physical (P) (U.S.
Food and Drug Administration, 2014). By making use of a decision tree all the CCPs can be
established. The following table shows all the CCPs in this production:
Process Main Control Critical Parameter Monitoring +
steps hazard measures limits record keeping
Storage of M: bacteria Maximum of 5 35 days Temperature Reading the
BSG can grow days at a 10 C o
and time of temperature and
because of temperature of storage checking the
high water 0-10 C o
duration (done per
content (75- shift by the mixing
85%) operator)

Sifting the P: metal, Intact sifts External State of the Visual check for
ingredients glass, wood, matters in sifters quality and state
plastic BSG, flour (done every 4
hours by the
mixing operator)
Baking M: patho- 22 min 20 min Time and Reading the
gens 260 C
250 C o
temperature of temperature and
present in the baking checking the
the dough process duration (done
every 4 hours by
the baking
Metal P: metal Metal detector 100% Metal detector Reading the data
detector pieces effective from the metal
detector (done
every 4 hours by
the packing

Table 12. CCPs in the bread process (Dinu, M., 2005)

Other ways to store BSG

Brewer’s spent grain can also be stored in other ways:
- Silage: The wet BSG can be cooled, pressed and put into a silo (Boessinger et al., 2005).
It can be ensiled without addition of any raw material or additive and the nutritional
value also stays the same (Geron et al., 2008). This silo has to be stored in a cool place
and in the shadow. In this way, the silo can be stored for over 6 months (Boessinger et
al., 2005).
- Dehydration: The BSG can be dried until the BSG has a moisture content of 10%
(Boessinger et al., 2005). It can increase its nutritional value when mixed with brewer’s
spent yeast and spent hops (Göhl, 1982).

Verification of the quality can be checked by the technical norms for breadmaking, hygienic
norms and the instructions for each product type (Dinu, M., 2005).

4.2 Shelf Life

Bread staling is a term used to refer the occurrence of crust staling and crumb staling on
the bread. Crust staling is caused by the transfer of moisture from crumb to the crust of bread
(Lin and Lineback 1990), making it soft and leathery. Meanwhile, crumb staling is when the
crumb becomes firm and dry.
Starch transformation, also called starch retrogradation is suspected to be the major
cause of bread staling. Starch retrogradation is a reaction in which the formation of starch
changes due to of temperature. Starch retrogradation also expels the water from inside of the
bread, thus making the bread dry and firm. Starch retrogradation happens due to the starch
molecules which realign themselves to a crystalline structure, making it harder. The water
migration happens due to starch retrogradation because as the starch molecules restructure
themselves, they push the water out from the crumb, making the inside firm while the outside,
the crust, is wet and soggy due to the water.
By the addition of sourdough and enzymes, the shelf life of BSG bread can be extended
because the crumb will be softer, thus delaying the staling process. The best combination of
enzymes is ME, LE, PE, and CL, LE. This combination resulted in the redistribution of water from
pentosan to the gluten phase and reduced rate of starch retrogradation (Preedy et. al. 2011).
Chapter 5: Risk and Quality Improvement
5.1 Risk and Uncertainties
There are a couple of risks and uncertainties when you invest in a bread making factory.
They can be divided into a couple of categories:

• Factory performance uncertainties

• Factory design uncertainties
• Economic risks and uncertainties:
o Price fluctuations
o Competition

5.1.1 Design of the factory

It is possible that there are parts missing in the design of the factory before building this
bread making factory. During building, the design may have to be changed due to unexpected
events. This may delay the building time and increases the costs.

5.1.2 Performance of the factory

This includes physical failures of the factory which can occur during the making of the
bread. The equipment can get damaged (or erosion happens) which enables the factory to
produce bread for a short period.

5.1.3 Price fluctuations and competition

The selling price of the bread has a huge effect on the income and profit of the bread
making factory. The selling price can change over the years due to the costs for buying raw
materials (flour, water, salt, yeast and BSG). These costs could change due to demand and
supply factors, which are showed in the figure on the next page (Perner, 2008).
Figure 4. Suppliers and demanders of raw materials and bread (Perner, 2008)
If the demand is high, the raw material prices tend to increase. And if the demand is
low, the raw material prices tend to decrease. The same applies to the supply factors. If the
supply of the farmers is high, but the demand of the manufacturer is not changed, the raw
material prices tend to decrease. And if the supply of the farmers is low, the raw materials
prices tend to increase. This has an effect on the selling price of the bread from the bread
manufacturer. If the costs for raw materials increase, the selling price of the bread will increase.
This selling price also depends on the demand of the customer/retailer/wholesaler and the
supply of the manufacturer. If the demand for bread is high, the bread will be more expensive.
And if the demand for bread is low, the bread will be cheaper (Perner, 2008).
Competition also has an influence on the selling price. If another huge company sells
their bread for a much cheaper price, the demand will be lower for the bread you are selling. A
decrease in demand results in an increase in the selling price of the bread (Perner, 2008).

5.2 Quality Improvement

The bread can be improved in many ways by improving the quality of the ingredients or
the way of handling the dough. Here are a couple of ways listed to improve the quality of the
BSG bread:

5.2.1 Storage of the yeast

If the yeast is not properly stored, the quality of the yeast will decrease. The yeast
contains glycogen which is an energy reserve for the yeast. If this energy reserve is used by the
yeast, the performance of the yeast will decrease and this results in a slower fermentation or
no fermentation at al. This can be avoided by limiting the growth of the yeast by storing at a
certain temperature and time. The yeast has to be stored at a temperature of 1℃ and has to be
used as soon as possible (3-4 days) and can be stored up to a maximum of 10 days. This is not a
critical control point for the HACCP system because improper storage of yeast contains no
hazards, it only affects the quality (Wyeast, 2016).

5.2.2 Quality of the flour

The flour contains gliadin and glutenin which form the gluten in the bread. A lack of
gliadin and glutenin in the flour gives the flour a low quality. If the flour contains less gliadin and
glutenin, the bread will simply contain less gluten and the gluten web structure will be less
strong. This results in a denser bread, less the gas bubbles will be trapped in the gluten web
structure. This is why a high quality of the flour gives a lighter and better bread. The storage of
the flour is also important. The longer the flour is stored, the more gluten it contains (Buhler
AG, 2012).
5.2.3 Way of mixing

Every kind of dough has another way of mixing and handling it. For yeast bread, the
dough has to be handled gently and relies on lengthy mixing and kneading. This produces a
gluten network which is strong (Muchet, 2008). When using mixing equipment, it is possible to
overmix the dough, which breaks the gluten molecule bonds. That is why It is important to keep
an eye on the mixing time and energy input. Overmixing the dough decreases the quality of the
bread, it results in a denser bread with a flat taste (Reinhart, 2016).

5.2.4 Temperature control

It is important to keep an eye on the temperature of the bread not only for killing the
microorganisms during baking but also for the quality of the bread. The temperature influences
consistency of the bread, the forming of the crust and crumb, helps to create the flavor and it
influences the shelf life (Cauvain, 2012).
5.2.5 Humidity

The humidity of the bread is very important for the quality of the crust. The humidity lowers the
temperature of the outside of the bread and the crust. This prevents the outside of the bread
to be even harder and tougher and decreases the quality of the bread (Cauvain, 2012).
Chapter 6: Circular Economy
6.1 Circular Economy
Circular economy is the newest economic system where waste is used as the material of
a production. Unlike the conventional economic system where resources-production-
consumption-waste work linearly. Circular economy is when the waste after the consumption is
used again as a resource.
Circular economy can be applied in the Binckhorst industrial area, especially from and
for the bakery. The bakery holds an important part in circulating the waste in the Binckhorst
industrial area. The bakery can use the spent grains of the brewery in order to produce a
Brewer's Spent Grain (BSG) bread which has a higher nutritional value than wheat-flour bread.
Other than that, the waste of bakery can also be used either for the brewery or it can produce
heat, compost, and biogas through anaerobic digestion (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce.

6.2 Heat Recovery

Heat energy travels through conduction to reach the interior of solids. As heat is given
to one end of the particles, it vibrates and the vibration spreads across the solids, thus
producing the heat energy for the other end. If the principle of heat is applied on a larger scale,
the heat can be transferred everywhere as long as there is something that connects them.
On average, 10% of the energy used in bread making is a wasted and it gets disposed
into the environment. However, this energy can be reused as heat energy for the heating
broiler. The wasted heat from the oven will go through the heat exchanger to bring the heat to
the broiler. There, the heat can be used to either heat the broiler or carried over for another
production such as the brewery. The steam produced by the broiler can be used for washing,
heating, or proofing the bread in proofing oven before it goes through the oven.
The heat recovery doesn't only apply for the bakery. The brewery can use this method
to bring or receive the heat from the bakery. Therefore, this recovery method can be applied to
the whole area of Binckhorst industrial area (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, 2016).

6.3 Spent Grain for Breadmaking

Spent grain is usually used as a feed for livestock. However, it is possible to make bread
with recycled spent grain. The spent grain can even replace the flour up 50%. This method
benefits both sides, the brewery and the bakery, as the brewery can cut their cost to for the
disposal of the spent grain while bakery can possibly gain cheaper rates for their material cost
(Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, 2016).
6.4 Waste Bread for Brewery and Anaerobic Digestion
Most of the baked goods are thrown away because it has past their expiry date. The
bread, however, can be recycled for the brewery or for an anaerobic digestion. For the
brewery, the bread is sliced, dried, and ground to make a bread flour. This flour is used as a
replacement for barley to make beer or ale in the brewery.
Anaerobic digestion includes the processes where biodegradable materials are digested
by micro-organism without the need of oxygen. So, the wasted bread will go through the
anaerobic digestion and produce heat, compost, and biogas. The bacterial activity, which
digests the bread, produces heat and this heat can be taken out. Then the heat will go into the
heat recovery process. The digestion will leave compost and this can be used to fertilize the soil
needed to grow wheat or it can be sold to another company. The residue of the digestion is a
biogas and can be used for heating or as a gas engine to transport the product (Glasgow
Chamber of Commerce, 2016).
Chapter 7: Conclusion
7.1 Conclusion
To summarize, producing 1000 loaves of BSG bread per day requires around 1.6 million
euros. These 1.6 million euros includes buying the equipment, construction, land and operating
costs. In a year, an income of about 1 million euros can be achieved. It is estimated that on the
third year, the profit is starting to grow as the income eclipses the capital investment and also
the operating costs. Besides the economic side, a process flow diagram with a brief description
of the process is used to analyze hazards and identify the critical control points to ensure food
safety. In addition, the circular economy is also implemented in the production of BSG bread
because BSG is the waste from brewing industry and it is used as a raw material for bread
production. To further improve the quality of BSG bread, we recommend to store the yeast in a
proper condition, pick a good quality of flour that contains an optimal amount of gliadin and
glutenin and lastly, select the proper particle size distribution of the BSG as it affects the texture
and the fiber content of the bread.
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