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Unit Ill- gotten gains never prosper

Task:a-watch the videos and match each picture with its

correspondingdefinition. “




Mayor and


We’re going
problems !

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1- Bribery:under table payment for corrupt officials to win public contracts or favours.
2- Falseaccountinp:using all available procedures including deception to hide the true financial position of a
3- Embezzlement: getting money illegally from one’s employer, company or public office.
4- Moneylaundering:investing money coming from illegal origins(such us drugs and criminal organizations) in lawful
projects to make this money clean andlegal.
5- Counterfeiting:forging or copying anything (currency,mobile phones,clothes and 0shoes...)with the purpose ofcheating.
6- Smuggling: taking goods or people illegally or secretly into or out of aplace.
7- Nepotism: giving unfair advantages to your own family if yoti are in a position of power .
8- Tax evasion: illegal attempt to escape payment of tax.
 What do you think of the practices defined and illustrated above? Are they morally acceptable or unacceptable? What
do you think the topic of the unit is? Guess which of the above practices is going to be dealt with in the text

Read the text and do the activities.

Corruption is the use and abuse of power for private purposes. These purposes are generally private personal enrichment
or for the benefit of others. It is an illegal practice. It can affect anyone with a power; whether a politician, an official, an arbitrator or a
sportsman among other examples.
Bribery is to offer money or service to anyone who holds power in exchange for an undue advantage. The corruption is to accept
that money. A classic example is that of a politician who receives money in his personal capacity or his party on the part of a business and
public works contracts in return assigns a public market. This politician, who has received money, could be accused of passive
corruption, while the company can however be accused of bribery.
No country is entirely free of corruption. But when corruption takes such proportions that it could hinder economic growth and
undermine efforts to establish good governance, it leads to the general degeneration of the socialfabric. Obstacle to sustainable
development, corruption can potentially aggravate economic disparities and encourage organized crime. In fact, if corruption is growing
unrestricted, democracy can hardly flourish, freedom spread, justice prevail. In recent years, efforts at the international level to fight
corruption, encourage transparency and increase accountability are on the increase. As a result, important victories have been won.
Canada strongly supports the international fight against corruption because it is both an obstacle to good governance, a problem of
crime, and also represents an obstacle to economic, socialand political development.
1. Circle the letter that corresponds to the appropriate option.
The text is about : a- unethical practices. b- corruption and its consequences. c- bribery in theworld.
2. In which paragraph is it mentioned that:
a- Efforts to fight corruption have led to good results.
b- Corruption touches government officials and people in other fields.
3. Say if the following statements are true or false.
a- Corruption is recognized by the law.
b- Corruption can be found everywhere in the world.
c- Bribery is to take money from anyone who possesses power for interest. d- Corruption
can reduce organized crime.
4. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a- What are the main aims of corruption?
b-What are the drawbacks of corruption?
5. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?
These His It who
6. Find in the text wordr or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following
Strength (§1 / §2 ) = .. . ............................./ Paying off (§2) - .........................................
Deteriorate (§3) - ........................................... struggle(§3)..........................................
7. Complete the table.
verb noun adjective
To grow
To cost
8. Ask questions on the underlined words.
a- Bribery is to offer monev or service in exohanee for an undue advantage.
b- Comiption represents an obstacle to economic growth.
9. Complete sentence b so that it means the same assentence a.
a- Canada supports the international Fight against corruption.
b- The international fight against corruption ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . . .. . ,. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. ..
a- Corruption undermines efforts to establish good governance.
b- Efforts to establish good governance. .............. .. . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. ..
a- Corruption destroyed countries.
Reminder : when we want to emphasize an action baring no great attention to its doer, we use passive voice.
10. Stress the appropriate syllable in each of the following words.
Power Corrupt Enforce bribery Ethics Economics Politics
- Two and three syllable nouns usually take stress on their first syllable.
- Two syllable verbs usually take stress on their second syllable.
- Words ending in Ice usually take stress on their penultimate syllable.(the second from the end)

11. Fill in the gaps with one word from the list so that the passage makes sense.
Growth Usc Laundering Unlawful Bribery Privileges
Corruption in the ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .... .. ... ...of power to get illegitimate ... .. .. .. ... .. ... . ... ... .. . . -. ....................................It
includes ... .. ... -... .. .... .......... ... ..., nepotism, money ... ........,. ......................................... , counterfeiting and other
.. . ... ... .. .. . .... practices. All these types of corruption represent an obstacle to the economic .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . of any country.

Think, pair share.
One Of 8 most widespread unethical practices in our country is bribery. Write a short composition about this plague, its
causes and consequences, and suggest some solution to get rid of it.
The following activity may help you in your writing.
A- Choose the rlght option esch time:

What is bribery ?

2-Receiving money to privilege 3-Giving or receiving something

somebody. of value to in0uencs official

2- Who’s guilty of bribery ?

l-The person who gives. 2-The person who receives. 3-Both the person who gives
and the one who receives.


Why is it illegal ?

1-A bribed official makes 3-A bribed official uses his

unfair decisions 2-Not all people have enough money
office for personal gain
to offer to officials.

what can we do to
fight briber?

1.-Shrug our shoulders and 4-Fioo ofEcials who take

say it’s not our business. bribee.

2-Denounce any corrupt 3-Remove corrupt officials

action involving bribery. and send them to jail.

B- Now use the information In the activity above to write a composition about bribery.
Bribery is an unethical practice. lt is the crime................................................................................

Reading and writing. 2
What should we do to fight corruption? Suggest some solutions.
To know more about how to get rid of corruption read the following passage and do the activities.

Radio host: This is TALK OF THE Nation. I’m Mohamed Berrachid welcoming you on the English service of your favourite radio.
And in the studio with us now is Karim Bishi, Head of the Right-To-Know Association. He is going to explain to us the purpose ofthis
Karim Bishi: Thanks for the invitation. Well, our association is basically an anti-corruption body. Its chief purpose is to make people
aware of their right to know how public funds are spent. lt all started with last year’s Transparency International Report. You know, the
report published annually about the level of corruption in most countries of the world. When friends of mine and I read that report, we
realized that the least corrupted countries are those which have associations like our own. So, I said to myself it’s high time we
organized ourselves into an association to fight corruption but only if we act swiftly and collectively. We will eradicate corruption
providing we act now. And I must add that the chances of eradicating this corruption will increase as long as all countries are committed
to fighting it. Corruption is not the affair of the government only. So, I think citizens had better stop shrugging their shoulders at
bureaucratic abuse. They had better not say that the fight against corruption is not their own business because it is.
Finally, I wish that our fellow citizens had heard our call for anti-corruption earlier than now. I wish the present anti-corruption laws
were tougher. And above all I wish our government would pass a law giving citizens the right to know how public funds are spent and
the sooner the better.
1. Read The passage above and choose the right answer:
a- The passage is: 1- a speech. 2-a lecture. 3-a radio talk.
b- The passage is about : l-Transparency international report. 2-The international Standards Organization. 3-The Right-To-
Know Association.
c- The aim of this body is: 1- to teach people how to make money honestly. 2-to make people aware of their right to know how
public funds are spent. 3-to make people aware of unethical practices.
2. Say if the following statements are true or false according to the passage:
a- Every year, Transparency International Report provides an estimation of the level of corruption in most countries.
b- Countries having anti-corruption associations are the most corrupted.
c- If people and government work together and immediately, they will eradicate corruption.
3. answer the following questions according to the text:
a- What is the goal of The Right —To-Know- Association?
b- According to Karim Bishi, what should be done to reduce corruption?
c- Is getting rid of corruption a governmental duty? Explain.
4. Match each word with its synonym.
words Synonym
1- Aim a- Money
2- Funds b- Get rid of
3- Eradicate t- Mistreatment
4- Abuse d- Purpose
5. Ask questions on the underlined words.
a- Citizens should be aware of their rights in order not to be mistreated by corrupt officials.
b- Karim Bishi organized an association because he was affected bv Tratisparencv International Report.
6. Complete sentence b so that it means the same as sentence a: Reminder: to express
condition, we use the
a- Providing that government passes stringent laws, the level of corruption will decrease. b- If and following link words
only if......... ............................................................................. within the following
a- As long as business complies with moral standards, it won’t endanger people’s lives. structures: But only
if, as long as , if and
b- If ... ... ....................... ................... ............... ......... ............... ... ............ only if, providing
a- If businessmen don’t respect regulations, the environment will be deteriorated. (thet) , provided
b- Providing... .................................................................................... (that).
a- Provided ze appoint honest officials, fraud and bribery will be banned from our society.
b- ......... ................. ................ ........... and only if ... ......... ...................
7. Link each pair of sentences using one of the connectors : providing , provided that , as long as. Put the verbs in
the right tense.( present simple/ future)
a- Citizens don’t shrug their shoulders at unethical practices. Corruption doesn’t spread.
b-Everyone denounces bribery. Corrupt officials change their immoral behavior.
c- Corruption diminishes. Citizens organize themselves into anti-corruption associations.
8. Rewrite sentence g keeping the same meaning. An example is given below.
a- I advise you to take special measures to fight unlawful practices.
Reminder : to give advice
b- You should .take special measures to fight unlawful practices.
or express a necessity, we
a- My advice to people is to keep away from doubtful office holders.
use the following words
b- People ... .............. ................
a- If I were you, I would not get involved in any suspicious political act. or expressions:
Should / had better(‘d
better) / ought to / if I
were you, I would
' a- The Prime Minister bad better take strict measures against fraud.
b- If ............................................................ ... . ... ..........................

9. Complete the conversation below.

A : .. . .. ... . . . .. . ,. ........................................................................................................................................... ?
B : There are many types of corruption today; bribery, embezzlement money launderying, tax evasion..etc

8 : A bribe is the illegal payment made -most ofthe time- by o citizen to a civil servant in or Jet to persuade her/him to do a favour.

A: ... .... ... .. . .. ...i. ...................................................................................................................... ?

B : People, today, call it a backhander, a kickback ora sweetener.

A : ...................................................................................................................................................... ?
B : Embezzlement is a type of fraud where someone illegally gets money from their employer.

A ......................................................................................................................................................... †
B : For example, an accountant who sends false invoices to the company he works for, and pays money from his company into
bank accounts of false companies he has created’.

A ........................................................................................................................................................... ?
B : This practice consists in hiding the illegal origin of money. For instance, criminal organizations may buy property with
money from drugs in order to disguise its origin from tax inspectors. When they sell the property, the money becomes 'legal'
10. Classify the following words in the table according to the pronunciation of their final ‘ s".
Advises measures words fights countries wishes helps
Reminder : final ‘s’ is pronounced :
/ s / after
/ z / after
/ iz / after

Think, pair, share.
l- Examine the following speech and do the following tasks.
a-What is the orator’s aim?
b-Fill in the table:
Anti-corruption programme
1-Tax evasion 2- 3- 4-

-Pass tougher laws.

Dear fellow citizens,

Let me talk about a very important subject in our life; corruption. If you elected me as president, I promise 1 would definitely
change your life for the better.
l have a program to follow. First, I would stop tax evasion by passing tougher laws and appointing honest people to inspect whether
businessmen are paying their taxes.
Secondly, we all must fight nepotism. So; I would create committees to investigate officials’ behavior and relationships.
in addition to this, bribery isa plague spreading in our society, that’s why we must liquidate it. This can be done by increasing
workers’ especially civil servants’ wages.
Moreover, I think that work, being the most valuable richness of our country, should be rehabilitated. lf I were elected president
of state, I would do my best to revalue all jobs and workers in all sectors.
Finally, it’s high time people combated corruption effectively. I would use all my powers, all means to do it before it is too late rind
the sooner the better.

1- Fill in the following table with your own strategies of your own anti-corruption program:
Anti corruption program
1- 3- 4-

3- using the speech above as a model , write your own statement to be elected president of state:

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