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Graded Group Activity

11 Biology
Teacher: Miss Williams
Date: April 13, 2021

Group Members:
● Alyssia Clarke
● Breanna Murphy
● Chrissaine Gopie

A. Instructions: Watch the video below for assistance with answering the questions in this

1. Water passes over the gill rakers before passing over the filaments. Suggest the function
of the gill rakers.
● Gill rakers serve to protect the gill from large debris and to trap food

2. Identify ONE feature observed in Figure 5 that allows the filaments to function
● The Gill bar supports the filament.

3. State ONE OTHER characteristic of the filaments that helps in their function.
Graded Group Activity
11 Biology
Teacher: Miss Williams
Date: April 13, 2021

● The gill lamellae

4. Identify TWO structures in the breathing apparatus of humans that have similar functions
to the parts of the gills illustrated in Figure 5.

Gill structure Structure of the human breathing


Gill rakers

5. State THREE ways in which the lungs of a smoker may be affected by the smoking habit.
● It may lead to lung cancer
● It may lead to lung diseases
● It decreases the number of air spaces and blood vessels in the lungs, resulting in less
oxygen to critical parts of your body

B. Instructions: Watch the video below for assistance with answering the questions in this
Graded Group Activity
11 Biology
Teacher: Miss Williams
Date: April 13, 2021


1. Label the contents of flask A.

2. Use arrows on Figure 2 to show the direction of the flow of air when the student inhales.

3. What is the aim of this experiment?

● To determine the role of Carbon Dioxide in respiration of animals and humans.

4. State TWO precautions that the student should take in setting up this apparatus.
● Ensure that all connections are air tight
● Use freshly prepared lime water
5. What changes would be seen in Flask B after the student exhales for the first 2seconds?
● The bubbles of the air breathed out gave the lime water a milky appearance

6. Your teacher has asked you to describe to a student who was absent. how to use the
apparatus and materials shown in Figure 2 to carry out the investigation. Write down the
instructions you would give to her.
1. Pour freshly prepared lime water into two test tubes
Graded Group Activity
11 Biology
Teacher: Miss Williams
Date: April 13, 2021

2. Take a cork with two holes and fix it into the mouth of the test tubes.
3. Insert the glass tubes, let us name them A and B, into the test tubes through the
corks, ensure that the end of the glass tube A dips in the lime water.
4. Breathe out air with full force by putting your mouth at the end of tube A.
5. Continue doing this vigorously for at least 1 minute.

B. Instructions: Watch the video below for assistance with answering the questions in this

During intense exercise, there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to muscles for aerobic
i. Give TWO characteristics of aerobic respiration.
● Glucose breaks down into carbon dioxide and water.
● Aerobic respiration requires oxygen.
ii. In the absence of sufficient oxygen, anaerobic respiration occurs. Suggest ONE
disadvantage of anaerobic respiration.
● During anaerobic respiration, your muscle cells use sugar to make ATP, but they
don't use oxygen. This process produces lactate, which is quickly converted to
lactic acid, which makes your muscles burn and makes it difficult to exercise.

iii. Present the data shown in Table 4 as a pie chart.

Graded Group Activity
11 Biology
Teacher: Miss Williams
Date: April 13, 2021

v. Emphysema is a lung disease that frequently develops from smoking. With this disease,
the walls of some alveoli break down and become surrounded by harder fibrous tissue.
Explain why smokers with this disease will have a higher-than-normal breathing rate
after exercise.
● The damage to the alveoli and airways makes it harder to exchange carbon
dioxide and oxygen during each breath. Decreased levels of oxygen in the blood
and increased levels of carbon dioxide cause the smoker to easily respire
anaerobically when exercising ,during this process ATP and lactic acid is
produced,causing muscles to contract harder and faster.After exercise the lactic
acid continues to produce because he still doesn't have enough oxygen to
continue to respire anaerobically,subsequently he will have a higher -than
normal breathing rate until his/her body gets the oxygen needed.

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