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‘' Request for Civil Harassment °’°'* “°"’""'°'°""°"’°""’ “-

Liigsi Restraining Orders ;
Read Can a Civil Harassment Restramzng Order Help Me? (form CH-IOO- supem, Cm, ‚t „f Cafornia
INFO) beforc completing this form. Also ll out Condential CLETS County of Los Angeles
lnfommlion (mn CLETS-001) with as much information as you know.
JAN 1 7 Z020
Person Seeking Protection Sherri R. n, Exective icer/Clerk ofCourt
a. Your Full Name: By ‘ ‚ Deputy
Karine Philipon Age: 39 Mayra alazar
Your Lawyer (ifyou have anefor this case) 0 0 » v A 0 0 -
Name: Yury Galperin Stute Bar No.: 232305 F’: i" “i?” ’:’"°r‘:"”f‘c‘:’°:’;’l°’; 0 f0
. _“""— upe or ou o a oma, oun o
b. Your Address (Ifyau have a lawyer. give your Iawyer ‘s U1 N. Hill St.
informaiion. lfyou do not have a Iawyer and want to keep your L05 ARBCICS, CA 90012
home address private, you may give a dxerent mailing address
instead. You da nur have t0 give teleplione, fax, ar e-mail.) j j i
Address: 180l Century Park East, 24th Floor 00W? n C889 "umher _ _
City: Los Angeles State: CA Zip: 90067 Cm "Wim" j j 376 j
Tclephone: (424) 325-6388 Fax: (424) 339-7033 jj j j j j jj j 0 Si R Ü Ü j
E-Mail Address:

Person From Whom Protection Is Sought

0 Fuil Name: Osama "Sam" Lut Age: 45
Address (zfknowir): 12629 Cnswell Avc., Apt. P2
City: Los Angeles State: CA Zip: 90066

® Additional Protected Persons

a. Are you asking for protection for any other family or household members? D Yes D N0 lfyes, lisl them:
53g Ag; Lgs m; ggg, gm g; hgy late g ygg,
Elina Manscour F 7 E] Yes D No daughter
Tiana Manscour F 3 [E Yes D No daughter
Philippe Manscour M 45 E Yes D No husband
i: ______ÜY°5ÜN°________
ÄÄL; Ü Check here iftltere are more persons. .4nach a sheet ofpaper and write "zmaclxmeirl 3a—Addiliana1Protected
Persons "for a tille. You may useform M0025, Atlachment.
b. Why do these people need protection? (Explain below):
w Ü Check here zfthere is n01 enough spaceforyour answer. Put yaur complete answer an the attached sheet of
paper orform MC-025 and ivrite “A ttachmem 3b- Why Otliers Need Protectioiz "for a ritle.
X husband and children havc been sub'ected to Resondens hamssment. They reside with mc.

isnotla Court Order:

ß‚'‚°“‘°' Reqest fo Civil Harässment etraining Ordersi A 0400:3991 0W

Cm 0' W! Pmwm, 55 527-9 w 527-9 (Civil Harassment Prevention) ‘Ö
Relatlonship of Partles V
How do you know the person in ® 7 (Explain below):
D Check here iftlaere is n0! enaugh spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer an the attached sheet af
paper orform MC—025 and write "Attachmen! tl-Relationship afParIies "for a rirle.
Why are you ling in this county? (Check all that apply):
a. Et] The person in ® livcs in this county.
b. [E I was harassed by the person in® in (bis county.
c. D Other (speci/jr):

Other Court Gases

n. Havc you or any of the persons named in @been involved in another court casc with the pcrson in ®?
[XI Yes D No (Ifyes. check eaclz kind ofcase and indicate where and when each wasled.)
Fildi 0 /Sate
(1) [Z] Civil Harassmcnt Loc Angeles, CA 2019 l9STRO04223
(2) D Domcstic Violence
(3) D Divorce, Nullity, Legal Separation
(4) D Patemity, Parentage, Child Custody
(5) D Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse
(6) D Eviction
(7) D Guardianship
(8) D Workplace Violence
(9) D Small Claims
(10) D Criminal ‚
(l 1) D Othcr (specijil):

b. Are there now any protective or restmining orders in effect relating to you or any of the persons in @ nnd the
person in? N0 D Yes (Ifyes, attach a copy ifyau have one.)
Description of Harassment
F}: Harassment means violence or threats of violence against you, or a course of conduct that seriously alarmed,
E}; annoyed, or harassed you and caused you substantial emotional distress. A course of conduct is morc than onc act.
m a. Tell the court about the last time the person in harassed you.
(I) When did it happen? mrovide date or estimated dare): ongoing
(2) Who else was there?

nöitÄiaV-"Couh Order.“

“m” "m" “m” Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders °"-1°°- P399 2 0' 6
(Civil Harassment Prevention) ‘Ö

® a. (3) l-Iow did the person in ®harass you? (Explain below):

Ü Check here {fthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complele answer an the attaclred
sheet afpaper orform MC-025 and write "A ttachment 7a(3)—Describe Harassment "for a tille.
Resondent laced a role on Whisncom with X information, causin me to et many unwanted
sexual! exlicit text messaes.

(4) Did the person in use or threnten to use a gun or any other weapon?
D Yes E N0 (Ifyes, explain below):
Ü Check here ifthere is not enough spacefcnr your answer. Put yaur complete answer on the attached
sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 und write "Attachment 7a(4)=-Use of Weapons "for a title.

(5) Were you harmed or injured because of the harassment?

g Yes D No (lfyes, explain below):
Ü Check here ifthere is not enough spaceforyonr answer. Pur your complete answer an the attached
sheel ofpaper orfonn MC-025 and write "Attachment 7a(5)==-Harm or 1njuty"for a title.
extreme emotional distress

(6) Did the police come? D Yes [E N0

If yes, did they give you or the person in @ an Emergency Protcctivc Order? D Yes D No
If yes, the order protccts (check all (hat apply):
D Mc D The person in® D The persons in
E (Altach a copy ofthe order ifyou have one.)
b. Has the person in ® harassed you at other times‘?
E] Yes D No (Ifyes, descbe prior incidents andpravide dales ofharassment below):
Ü Check here ifthere is not enough spacefar your answer. Put your complete answer an the attached shee: of
paper orform MC-025 und wrire “Attachment 7b—-Previous Harassment "for a title.

is _not ä Court Order.

H Q V V Request for Civil Harasmn straling Orders l CH-OO. Pageßofö

(clvll Harassment Preventlon) ->
u M E! Ce trde you wat. |3] l V l V E. l u v.
Personal Concluct Orders
1 ask the court to order the person in ® not to do any of the following things to me or to any person to be
protected listed in:
a. E] Hamss, intimidate, molest‚ attack, strikc, stalk, threatcn, assault (scxually or otherwisc), hit, abusc, dcstroy
personal property of, or disturb the peace of the person.
b. E] Contact the person, eithcr directly or indirectly, in any way, including, but not limitcd to, in person, by
telephone, in writing, by public or private mail, by interofce mail, by e-mail, by text messagc, by fax, or by
other clectronic means.
C. E Other (speciji):
Ü Check here {fthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer an the atlaclred
sltee! ofpaper orform MC-025 and wrüe "A ltachmen! 8c=-0!her Personal Conduct Orders. "for a

The person in ® will be ordered no! !o !ake any action !o ge! the addresses ar Iocations ofany protected persan
unless the caurlnds good cause n0! to make the Order.
(«D E] Stay-Away Orders
a. I ask the court to order the person in ® to stay a! least 100 yards away from (check all Ihn! apply):
(l) E Me. (8) E My vehicle‚
(2) E The other persons Iisted in _ (9) Other (speczfjr):
(3) E My home. Petitioner re uests that the sta -awa distance be reduced
(4) E M), Job m, workplace. to allow Resndent access to Resndem s resldence.

(5) E] My school.
(6) E My children's school.
(7) E My children's place of child care.
b. If‘ the court orders the person in @ to stay away om all the places listed above, will he or she still be able
to get (o his or her home, school‚ or job? Ü Yes Ü N0 (Ifn0. explain below):
Ü Check here ifthere Es no! enough spacearyour answer: Put your complete answer an the utlached slzee! of
paper orform MC-025 and write "Atlachmen! 9b—S!ay-Away Orders, "far a title.
ä Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunitlon
Does the person in ® own or possess any guns or other renrms‘? E Yes E No E I don't know
Iflltejudge gratus a protective order, the person in ® will be prohibiled-orpx owning, possessing, purchasing,
receiving. or attempling t0 purchase or receive a gun, otherrearm, and ammunition while the proteclive order
is in eect. The person in ® will also be ordered !o mm in !a law enforcement. or sell Ia or slore witl: a
licensed gut: dealer. any guns orreanns within his or her immediate possession or contral.

This is not a Cou-rt

“°""°" “m” ‘- 2°“ Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100. Page 4 or6
(Clvll Harassment Preventlon) ->

Temporary Restraining Order

I request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) be issued against the person in ® to last until the hearing. I
am presenting form CH-l I0, Temporary Restraining Order, for the court’s signature together wilh this Requesl.
Has the person in®been told (hat you were going to go to court to seek a TRO against him/her?
E] Yes |3] No (lfyou answered no. explain why below):
Ü Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of
paper orform MC-025 and write “Attachment 11—Temporary Restraining Order ”for a title.
I am afraid that Respondenfs hamssment will escalate ncr he is served with my Requcst. I fear for my and my
amnys saety as a resut f esponents constant arassment.

EI Request to Give Less Than Five Days‘ Notlce of Hearing

You must have your paper: personally served an the person in ® at leastve days before the hearing. unless the
caurt orders a shorter timefor senlice. (Farm CH—200—INFO explains What ls “Proof of Personal Service"? Form
CH-200, Proof of Personal Service, may be used to show the cour! {hat the paper: have been served.)
Ifyou want there to be fewer than ve days between Service and the hearing, explnin why below:
Ü Check here ifthere is noi enough spaceforyour answer. Put your complele answer an the allached sheet of
paper orform MC-025 und write "Atlachment 12—Request 1o Give Less Than Five Days ' Notice "for a title.

EI N0 Fee for Filing or Service

a. There should be no ling fee because the person in @ has used or threatened to use violence against me,
has stalked me‚ or has acted or spoken in some other way (hat makes me reasonably fcar violence.
b. E The Sheriff or marshal should serve (notify) tbc person in ® about the orders for frce becnuse my rcqucst
for orders is based on unlawful violence, a credible thrcat of violence, or stalking.
c. E] There should be no ling fee and the Sheriff or marshal should serve the person in ®for free because I
am cntitled to a fee waiver. (You must camplete andleform FW-001. Application for Waivcr of Court
Fees und Cosls .)

5g E] Lawyer's Fees and Costs

l ask the court to order payment of my Ü Iawyer's fces E] Court costs.
Thc amounts requested are:
5?: 119m mm1 1mm 51mm
rctaincr S 31000.00 S
S_______ S________
8?: ________________ 5L
Ü Check here ifthere are more items. Put the items und amounts an the attached shee: ofpaper orform
MC-025 und wrile “Annehmen: ltf-Lawyer’: Fees und Costs "for a title.

Thiä is "hat a

‘-’°“’ Reques for Civil Harassment Retrainin Orders V A 0-0 e M6

(Civil Harassment Preventlon) “"9

E] Possession and Protection of Animals

l ask the court to otder the following:
a. Ü That I be givcn the sole possession, care, and control of the animals listed below, which I own, possess,
lease, keep, or hold, or which reside in my household.
(Identffjv animals by, e.g., type. breed, name, color‚ sex.

I requcst sole possession of the animals because (specir good causejbr granting order):
Ü Check here zftlzere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Put your complele amwer on the altached
sheet ofpaper orform M0025 und write "Attachment [Sa-Possession afAnimaIs "for a tille.

b. E] That the person in @must stay at least yards away from, and not take, sell, transfer, encumber,
conceal, molest, attack, slrike, threaten, harm, or otherwise dispose of, the animals listed above.

E] Additional Orders Requested

I ask the court to makc thc following additional Orders (specijjw):

D Check here ifzere is n0: enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer an the attached shee! of
paper arform MC-025 und write "Attachment I 6-14dditional Orders Requested, "for a title.

Number of pages attached to this form, if any:

Date: Jan | 2020

141W??? 'S "am? (Van?) a ' signature

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the information above and on all
g; attznchments is true und con-ect.

Date: Jan 2020

Karine Phili pon ä ä2

Type orprint your name Sign your name

fhas‘ isvhot;fäjii‘fe{c>yu
“M” ‘- 3°’ M l Q V Reuest fr Cil Hasmn esrining rde ll » kA r
(Civil Harassment Prevention)
' 2 Yuxy Galperin, CSB #232305
1801 Cenmry Park Bast, 24th Floor
3 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Telephone: (424) 325-6388
4 Facsimile: (424) 389-7082

6 Attomey for Petitioner, KARINE PHILIPPON





14 Petitioner, g
17 )
18 Respondent. )
19 )
20 )


m 22 I, KARINE PHILIPPON declare as follows:


24 I. I am the Petitioner in the instant matter.

35 2. The facts stated below are known by me to be true of my own personal knowledge

26 and if called upon to testify as to the truth ofthe matters set forth hereinaer, l could and would

27 competently testify thereto under oath. .



_ _l_

1 3. Respondent‚ OSAMA “SAM" LUTFI, (“Respondent”) is my neighbor.

l 2 4. I have served as president of the HOA board at our complex since 2013.

i 5. Since 2018, Respondent, angry about some decisions made by the HOA, began to

5 hamss me and my family as described in detail below.

8 6. Within the last 2 weeks, Respondent impersonated me on the interner by creating a

9 fraudulent prole on an app called Whisper which is an anonymous social media app apparently

1o utilized to arrange meetings for casual sex. A true and correct Screenshot of the fraudulent prole

11 is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by reference herein.

12 7. Respondenfs actions, as described above, have caused me to receive (continuing up

13 to and including the date of the instant ling) many explicit and disturbing text messages to my
14 personal phone at all hours of the night. This has caused me signicant emotional distress.

17 8. Since 2018, Respondent has undertaken a campaign of harassment

18 against me and my family, including my two small children, who are listed on my Request as

19 Additional Protected Parties.

20 9. When respondent sees us in or around our building, he constantly yells and curses at

W us, usually making sexually suggestive comments about me, and accusing my husband of

23 sleeping with other women

24 l0. When he believes no one is watching, Respondent regularly vandalizes our property

25 by throwing trash at our front door. We are in possession of security footage showing

25 this behavior. True and correct copies of photographs of trash thrown at our door by Respondent

27 are attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated by reference herein.

2e l1. Respondent has also been incessantly sending text messages to my husband, despite


1 repeated requests that he stop contacting us. The text messages are harassing and disgusting.

2 Tme and correct copies of selected text messages sent by Respondent are attached hereto as

Z Exhibit “C” and incorporated by reference herein.

s l2. Respondent has also threatened our safety via text message by texting Statements such

6 as “an eye for an eye” - I understand this to be a physical threat. A true and correct copy of the

7 threatening text message sent by Respondent is attached hereto as Exhibit “D” and incorporated

8 by reference herein. lt is clear that Respondent blames me for some of the HOA's actions and

9 wants revenge. ‚

1o 13. I previously led a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Order on er about

11 October l0, 2019 - case number I9STRO07 1 52. The TRO was denied in that matter because I

12 was unable to provide evidence that Respondent is responsible for the online harassment 1 have

13 experienced as described above. As part of that matter I was able, via subpoena, to obtain

14 infonnation regarding multiple IP addresses that had accessed and used the fake Whisper prole

15 used to harass me. I was able to trace those IP addresses to Los Angeles but was awaiting results

16 of further subpoenas in order to connect those IP addresses to Respondent. While those

17 subpoenas were pending, - case number l9STRO07l52 was dismissed by the Court because I

18 did not serve Respondent. ‘Therefore, I was unable t0 obtain documents in connection with the

19 second set of subpoenas. Those subpoenas will be reissued immediately upon obtaining a case

2o number for the instant ling. I was, and remain‚ afraid to serve him until I am able to obtain a

ü TRO against him - I believe that based on his prior actions, Respondent will escalate his

g; 23 harassment of me and my family. I am afraid for my safety, as well as the safety of my young

2 4 children.
m 25 l4. Respondent has a history of harassment and has been a Respondent in other

25 Restraining Order matters. Respondent had a Restraining Order issued against him in favor of

27 Britney Spears as a result of behavior that is substantially similar to his actions as described

2a herein. l am informed and believe, and thereupon allege that other neighbors have


successfully requested restraining orders against Respondent.
15. I am terried of Respondent and what he is capablc of. He has been
4 harassing my family, has threatened our safety, has vandalized our property, and has

5 impersonated me on the internct. Respondent’s harassment has escalated over time, and has left

6 mc afraid for my safety as well as the safety of my family. I respectfully request the Court’s

7 assistance in restraining Respondent from contacting me or being near me.

9 ldeclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of Califomia that the foregoing is true

1o and correct, and that this declaration was executed on January l0, 20g


' —» „h7

13 " ’ Q








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honesg Phil gour wi-Pe is ‘the ; ’

e clevil. we a" are disgusfed log e
% her„ all o-F us„ something verg
l verg wrong wifh her 10m AM
she enjogs being a nighfmare.
Or what? she's kissing sunngs
5 ass so much. Magbe she's ob-
sessecl wifh him, I'm over fhis
shif. neuer imagined a. neighbor
i would acf fhis wag, somefhing
severelg wrong wifh her head
3? 1o24AMf
anal it's not just me. it's fen
2 ofher owners und we are all
pianning ‘c0 vofe und sue her
ancl fhe resf. gou have +0
be sick in fhe head f0 enjog
harassing gour neighbors
g 1028AMh
G. ‘Sam Luf II K. 5

i 0k °xzo1 PM «x

and no one's ever menfionecl f

. ‘EWS 9:02 PM
gour wi-Fe just enjogs Pucking
wifk peopleT? what a Hacking
W90’? 90' 9:02 PH
I 439e! sorrg w°or gou. gou can clo
a hundred times beer than
"war 9:02 PM
w 900d f0 know gour ‘true colors.
IJOUI’ WIxFQ i5 G bifck 19:41 m») j

Sunng is fixe one ‘(hat liecl 4

wken he movecl in here. wkg
isn't gour wi-Fe an his case -Por
thatf’? magbe she's sucking
V his dick. I wouldn't puf H’ pasf
.5 ‚n0? 4n.I n „M

Sam Lu't-FI Q 5

3 gour wH‘e
your wi-Fe is aa

whore. dump
dumb whore.
dumb dump
‘tkcct bitch
that am] 90
bifck and 9o
gourseH’ aa
431ml yourselP
woman float
woman fkat isn't
isn't aa
psgchopatkic. cunt
psychopa'tkic cunf

$ you
gou guys
gugs GYQ going
are 90mg
f0 frg f0
to fry 1'0 termite
< am u’: | Q 5 {

going to
I'm going
I'm t0 sue
all $or
gou ail
you vr this
bullshif. gour wi-Fe
bullshit your wi-Fe
can eat
can eat skif
mg shit

have $un
have witk your
-Fun with gour
video. I have
I fwo
have two
cameras Phil.
cameras one
Phil. one
in the
in back window.
fhe back window.
skoulcl II send
should ‘tkat
sencl that
wkore ou're
whore ou're mar-
< Sam Ltd"?!
Luf-H Q 5

had nice
hat] aa. nice big

wow evergone
WOW everyone in

tkis building kates

this building kafes
gour wkore wFPe
UOUY whore wwe

99* a divorce
a divorce
lawger anal leave
IGW‘JQY and leave
her. she's
her. She's a -Fuc.k-
a $uck...
"‘9 psgckopafh.
UOU deserve
<< Sam Luh°|
SamLutfi Q 5
(f Q
our own lawyer.
our own lawger.
everyone is is wilüng

+0 ‘toll gou
to fell you directlg
they said. II lnave
flneg said. have
n0 idea wlng
no idea angone
wing anyone
would enjog being
enjoy being
an ‘tke board
on the when
board when
everg neighbor
ka'tes her
ka-tes her

E3 don't ge-t on
don"t ge't on tlne
3c1\2Giv\"R..jpeg (_JPEG Image, 707 >< 1215 pixels) - Scaled (79%) ‘

' €- . Savn L017“! H! '\_ E

17W 12238171’! 1
; gour wiFe Star-real i1 1238 ‚am
€99 ‘F01’ an 99€ 12:38 pM 1 ‚ '

0 n0 I know wko you are. gour a 1

900d gug. buf gour wi-Fe 1ms 0 0
gou 19g the 190115.. 514e needs ‘c0 4
wear ‘the panfs and ‘treu? gou n
like a ki0|.. I'm n0 dummg„I
0 know a psgcko cnick when I see n
9m 12:48 PM 1

1I'm n01 macl 0+ gou iknow 0

gou kave n0 confrol over 111e 1
sifuoution. gou should be 0n 111e
board buf she won't 1e’: gou
12:49:»: A
‘JANUARY 22,2010:

G) Thrä messäge was c/e/efec/

. i \/
10:27 PM 7’ 1
1 OfZ 10/11/2019, 7:16 AM

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