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Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is a database?
2) What is SQL?
3) What is a table and field?
4) What is a Primary Key?
5) What is Unique Key?
6) What is a foreign Key?
7) What is a Join?
8) What are various types of Join?
9) What is normalization?
10) What is a View?
11) What is an index?
12) What is a Cursor?
13) What is a Query and Sub-Query?
14) What are the various types of Sub-Queries? Explain?
15) What is a Stored Procedure?
16) What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE?
17) What is a Trigger?
18) What is a Constraint? Mention some of them?
19) What is a Self-Join?
20) What is a Cross-Join?
21) How do you create an empty table from an existing table.
22) What is COMMIT and ROLLBCK?
23) What is a SAVEPOINT?
24) How to fetch common records from 2 tables?
25) How to fetch unique records from a table?
26) What is the command to fetch the first 5 characters in a
27) Is a NULL values same as zero or blank space? If not then
explain the difference.
28) How can you eliminate duplicate rows from a query
29) What is the purpose of the condition operators BETWEEN
and IN?
30) What is the default order of a result of ORDER BY clause?
31) What is a group function? Give an example.
32) How do you add a new row into a database?
33) What are multiple row comparison operators?
34) How do you insert null values into a column while
inserting rows?
35) How do you copy rows from one table to another?
36) Can we ROLLBACK a Drop table command?
37) What is a View? Why should we use them?
38) How to ADD,MODIFY or DROP columns in a table?
39) What is the difference between Varchar2 and char data
40) What is the purpose of a MERGE statement in SQL?

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