Inglês - Be Healthy, Be Happy: Etec Carapicuíba

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Aluno: Luis Gustavo Mamédio Rodriguês Número:

Curso: Desenvolvimento
Turma: 1°A
de Sistemas
Disciplina: Inglês Nota
Teacher: Renata de Souza Período: Tarde
ATIVIDADE English Activity Data: 13 / 09 / 2021


Nós iremos refletir a respeito de hábitos saudáveis, compreender e usar o modo

Imperativo/ Imperative.
Exercise 1

A- 4
B- 6
C- 1
D- 4
E- 2
F- 3

Exercise 2
a) Which of those habits are considered good?
Take a walk, drink water, sleep eight hours a day, streatch and have a balance diet.

b) Which of them is considered bad?

Skip meals.

c) How many of those habits do you have?

One, three, four and six.

d) Is time to change some of your habits?


Exercise 3
• Having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body is very important.
Above, write down the activities you consider good for the mind.
Then compare your answers with a classmate.

Read books. - Worry a lot. - Work. - Relax. - Have negative thoughts. -

Read books, work, relax, chat with friends, watch a movie, listen to music, eat healthy.
Chat with friends. - Watch a movie. - Listen to music. - Eat healthy.

More food for thought !

Do you recognize the man in the photo? Gandhi's full name was Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi, but he was popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi. Read this quote from
him. Then answer the questions about it.
Exercise 4

a) Retire do texto acima as palavras chaves, as que ajudam você a entender o texto.

Keep, toughts, words, behaivor, becomes/because, values, destiny and habits.

b) Do you agree with Gandhi´s words? Why (not)?

I agree.

c) Do you think those tips are easy or difficult to follow? Justify your answer.

Difficulty Because the less we are aware of this process, the less intentional it becomes
and the more difficult it becomes, and it is not easy to maintain mindfulness of our

Regra do Imperativo:

Exercise 5
Read the sign below and do the activities that follow.
a) In which situation is it important to wash your hands?

Before and after going to the bathroom, to cook or to eat.

b) Where can we find a “Please wash your hands” sign?


Exercise 6

A- An order.
B- Does not have a healthy lifestyle.

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